• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    VALORANT The cuddle challenges from the Valorant Challenge Cup are too wild!

    VALORANT The cuddle challenges from the Valorant Challenge Cup are too wild!

    The cuddle challenges from the Valorant Challenge Cup are too wild!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I drew our One and Only Queen [Reyna fanart]

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    I drew our One and Only Queen [Reyna fanart]

    How sad...

    The most requested character so far, at least before Killjoy hype started. We are pretty close to finishing the entire cast, just 2 more to go. Now it's time for my favorite Old Dog and then we end with a new cool kid

    Thank you for the support, as always links to socials and high-res version in a comment below.
    I've also launched a Patreon account, if you are interested in supporting my work, please check it out

    submitted by /u/ExCharny
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    Accidentally found an invisible barrier in the range

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    Whatever convoluted ass way the map system works, it's broken. The chance of getting split 8 times in a row is 0.000015% yet here we are and its not the first time

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Correction 0,0015%, im a pepega

    This happens essentially once a week where ill play 4,5,6+ games with the same map in a row and it completely kills the fun of this game now that dodge penalties are a deterrent

    There needs to be a feature to unselect a map or chose 2-4 or something. Im so sick of repeating the same map for my entire play session

    submitted by /u/smichers
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    Sova & Omen Outplays in Diamond/Immortal Rank

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    I'm not the best player but I finally Aced! (no sound sorry)

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    How is it possible for a Iron 1 to solo que and get into a all gold lobby?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    How is it possible for a iron 1 to solo queue and get into a all gold game. There were no other irons or even bronzes in the enemy team. It's a complete disadvantage.


    submitted by /u/engageddread
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    Riot NEEDS to starting tying Valorant accounts to phone numbers

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    As a lower ranked player (yeah, git gud... I know) I am finding it more and more difficult to enjoy this game after getting stomped 1-13 several games a day partly because I'm garbage but also because smurfing is a huge problem in the lower ranks. I regularly get mid bronze games that have an iron 1 on the other team getting 35-40 kills in a single match. This is not fun.

    Other games like CSGO did this long ago. It really seems to help.

    Edit: Yikes, I meant "Riot NEEDS to *start ... "

    submitted by /u/Redemption_Unleashed
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    Nice abilities, Sova!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Nice abilities, Sova!

    So apparently my friend discovered this weird bug while we were playing lol, Sova's abilities just yoinked and he couldn't buy any other thing.

    probably one of the weirdest things i've ever encountered lol

    submitted by /u/garbagosaurus
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    The bronze experience, featuring toxic teammates, bad players, and more.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Fixing the Guardian

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    TL;DR: The biggest issue with the Guardian is its worst-in-class accuracy of rapid shooting, with only 3 good shots for combat before it goes completely insane. My suggested solution is to make the ADS mode almost pinpoint accurate regardless of how fast you shoot, and how many shots you fire.

    The Guardian is supposed to be a DMR, a long-range specialized rifle to be used by approximately one person at a time on a team. The weapon should be noticeably better than every other rifle at long ranges, but worse than the premium rifles at mid-close range. Because long range engagements are less common than close range, the Guardian should be slightly cheaper than the premium rifles, which it already is. Let me repeat. The Guardian, in a balanced scenario, will be bought by only one person per team on buy rounds, not by everyone.

    This is supposed to happen because the Guardian is supposed to be clearly the strongest long range rifle in the game, enough that people would almost always choose to buy it if they're expecting to anchor the longest angle on a given map. Clearly this isn't happening though, so the Guardian must be lacking in some way in the long range department.

    The Guardian has a lot of good stats for ranged combat. The first three shots are the most precise in the rifle category. Its recoil pattern is the gentlest and shallowest of the rifle category, making it easy to adjust to long ranges. It has the strongest ADS zoom at 1.5x. It can 1-tap to the head at every range, and it can make repeat attempts at that 1-tap even from significant range without having to slow down. Or can it?

    Here's where we get to the issue. While the Guardian's first three shots basically follow the promise of a gun that can take repetitive headshot attempts at foes even at 50 meters, the fourth shot and following are complete garbage. I have nightmares of being mugged in a dark stinking alley by demon clowns and being forced to fire the Guardian more than three times. In fact, the accuracy of the Guardian's spray is so bad that even if you aim at center mass, it will miss the entire body about as often as it hits at long ranges. The accuracy of the latter bullets is so trash that it subconsciously scares people into also tapping the Guardian's first few shots to try to preserve their accuracy as long as possible, which defeats the point of a gun which gives multiple attempts at headshots in the first place. You might as well buy a Sheriff if you want to take your time and show off how skilled you are. The Guardian is supposed to be dominant at long ranges, it's not supposed to be a 2500 credit Sheriff!

    So yeah, my suggestion is to hamfistedly fix the issue by taking the Guardian's spray from being worst-in-class to best-in-class, by making the ADS mode nearly pinpoint regardless of how frequently and long you shoot it. You'll still have that slight recoil, but that's barely an issue till the 7th shot when it starts bouncing horizontally, and you realistically shouldn't ever be firing 7 consecutive Guardian bullets. With this change, the Guardian would no longer be the timid tapper that everyone just mindlessly sprays down with a Phantom, but instead the chad head destroyer asserting dominance over your chokepoint with its constant instakill threat. That way, the weapon might be good enough that teams might consider buying one to contest long angles, earning it a real spot in the game.

    (Edit: It would also make the Guardian's high penetration more useful because you could actually spray through walls without the gun going wild there too.)

    submitted by /u/faceplant911
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    2 Aces 1 month apart | I posted the second clip here a month ago and a lot of people helped me out and gave advice since I'm new to FPS. Got Silver 2 and I'm really happy with how I progressed, thanks everyone!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Spectator mode while in lobby.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Spectator mode while in lobby would be nice. So i can watch my friends game till their game is over for an example.

    submitted by /u/PikaTaken
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    App to view the most useful lineups

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    A few months ago I wrote the Valorant Setups for iOS to give you quick access to some of the most useful Valorant lineups. I started with just Viper and Sova, since those were the two agent I played the most at the time. With the help of some community members, we were able to expand those to include a ton more agents and lineups.

    One of the most requested "features" when I first posted about it was getting a version for Android out. A few weeks later and I finally published an Android version to the Play store.

    Link to Android app

    Link to iOS app

    We also have a discord server for people to send in some feedback and discuss certain lineups. Feel free to join!

    Some of the things we'll be working on next will be adding more lineups as well as a possibility for users to submit their own lineups. If any developers out there would like to contribute, join our discord!

    submitted by /u/hotky
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    Creation of a life-size Jett turret on a 3D printer for cosplay by Valorant

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Creation of a life-size Jett turret on a 3D printer for cosplay by Valorant

    I'm not a big fan of the Valorant game. There is an engineering technical education. And all of a sudden, I wanted to make a life-size hacker Jett's turret. I have two household FDM 3D printers. First, I started developing a 3D model in a 3D editor.

    View of the turret model in the workspace of the 3D editor.

    The render of the 3D model turned out to be quite good.

    Render of turret model from different views.

    In terms of height, the turret roughly reaches the Jett to the waist, calculated the height of the future product in proportion and got about 0.77 meters.

    3D editor determined the height of the finished product.

    The legs of the tripod have movable joints, they are connected by steel bolts M5 of different lengths, with a cylindrical head for a hexagon. Printing will be done with HIPS (polystyrene) filament, heavily loaded parts will be printed with ABS filament.

    Although I have 2 printers with a 300 mm cube print area, the printing is still slow due to the large parts. To date, I have printed and assembled only the central leg of the tripod.

    Printed and assembled middle tripod leg.

    Printing is ongoing, progress will be posted regularly.

    submitted by /u/borshch3d
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    Sorry, I think I broke Deathmatch

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    When i first played deathmatch, it struck me as easily exploitable, you get a constant 500 xp per game regardless of your performance, no teammates to report you for idling and an overall commitment-free attitude. Pretty much all you need to get that sweet 500 xp is to move a little once in a while to not get considered idle. Now make it press the "Play again" button once in a while and you've got a free xp machine.

    I decided to give it a shot, and well, it worked, 18k xp just by leaving it on overnight. But it also worked in a pretty surprising way, I woke up to see a game where nine out of ten players were doing the same thing. It might have been that my dm mmr lowered to the level of other idlers, or, a more funny option would be that others followed my lead and set up the same system and already filled up the dm servers after only a couple of hours. Regardless, this is a problem.

    I think the best way to fix it would be to put some difficultly-afkable requirement for getting xp, but something that wouldn't be difficult for normal players. As has been said before, dm is mainly a place to warmup/practice, so awarding people purely based on their performance isn't quite right, but requiring something like 1 kill, or even assist, could be reasonable.

    A possible alternative would be to complicate the anti-afk system and make it recognize repetitive movements and stuff like that. I reckon it would get out of hand pretty quickly, causing a sort of arms race with people making movement randomizers etc.

    So, thank you for reading, I'm interested in what you think about this, also, did you notice idlers in your dm games?

    submitted by /u/Hamty_
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    Sage Fanart

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Sage Fanart

    Hello everyone!

    This is a fanart of Sage that I made a while ago. I hope you like it! And feel free to leave feedback or a comment :)

    I also made a Speedart of this on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-DOl4VRAlY&feature=youtu.be

    If you want to see more of my art:

    I'm on Instagram: Instagram.com/JenniJubilee

    And on Deviantart: deviantart.com/jennijubilee



    submitted by /u/JenniJubilee
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    Guess I should get comfy in iron 1 cus' i ain't going no where

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Shorty for life

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Why are too many people forfeit happy?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Is it just me, or is everyone else getting too many forfeits or attempted forfeits in games? Yesterday I had 6 games in a row that lasted 9 rounds or less. I've also had people forfeit at 12-12. Sometimes the winning team that is beating us bad forfeits. Why are too many people forfeit happy? I've only hit yes to two forfeit votes, and that was because 2-3 of my team mates left the game, and we were losing hard before they left.

    submitted by /u/Psyko_sissy23
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    5 Killjoy Nanoswarms for Bind "A Site"

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Might be an unpopular opinion, but I'd like to see the profile of everyone in game.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    Don't need names or game tags but if I am getting shit on by some guy dropping 30+ kills, I want to know if he is just having a really good game or if he is a smurf.

    submitted by /u/Eleven918
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    What is the most tilt-inducing thing in this game for you?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    For me, it definitely is dying after doing a 140 damage headshot with the Phantom. Close second is getting killed from a angle a teammate should've been watching.

    So, what about you?

    submitted by /u/MeatMakingMan
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