• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 5, 2020

    VALORANT I found a cool spot on this subreddit and recorded some creative ways to use it

    VALORANT I found a cool spot on this subreddit and recorded some creative ways to use it

    I found a cool spot on this subreddit and recorded some creative ways to use it

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I am also a congenital amputee that plays Valorant!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    My teammates told me to do myself, so I pull off this 1v4 funny clutch.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    We always see immortal/radiant highlights... How about a bronze/silver montage for the boys

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Always wanted to make a compilation of Sova plays, and thought why not add some Jojo :)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    I got my brother to play Valorant. I think he may be regretting it...

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    All of a sudden i play like shit

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    So i started experiencing this in the last week. Ive been in plat 2 and was performing decent (2nd or 3rd on scoreboard) and almost got plat2 as act rank, im still missing 4 more winsfor it tho. It might be bcuz i started maining breach, and i used to main sage/reyna. My positioning has became trash, i cant spray for shit, in the last 2 games i cant remember getting a headshot, im losing duels even when i flash my enemies and when theyre not flashed it always feels like they one tap me. And when im playing with high golds and i bottom frag it doesnt help with my confidence when they say "how tf are you plat 2".

    Its hard to take a break cuz despite me always bottom fragging and holding the team back i still wanna play the game and hope to improve. Any fix?

    submitted by /u/exeos151
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    Since you guys liked my last Valorant Transitions Edit, I made a part 2! (ft. your suggestions...)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    An awesome sova lineup me and my friend found on Bind. Have fun with this!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Small tip for when buying the Shorty

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    If you would like the option to switch to Classic from the Shorty when rotating on eco rounds - just buy the Shorty and drop it on the ground where you're holding the angle during buy phase, buy a Classic (free) and switch it with the Shorty when the spawn barriers go down.

    This way you'll have a little bit of versatility on eco.

    submitted by /u/zipzapzooom
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    A Message To All Entry Fraggers

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Whether you're a duelist or not, I appreciate you as an entry fragger. One who's confident in his peaking, jiggling and pre-aiming skills. Skills which I am not very good at but am still working on. Don't let anyone tell you that you're just a K.D.A. player(unless you bait your teammates to frag out). Keep doin what you're doing and lead the attacking side. Good Night

    submitted by /u/dualswitch
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    Aggressive Raze Plays Montage - WITCH HUNT ( Feedback is welcome )

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Noticed FPS drop again after putting Omen back from fix

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Anyone experiencing fps drops or any unpleasant performance?

    I play on a potato laptop and currently running in a modified 800x600 resolution averaging in 90 fps. Honestly I was really proud when the devs did a performance update in 1.07. It was smooth as butter, and it was when Omen was disabled due to a bug. But after a small update it felt more jittery than it was before as my frames begin to drop to 40-60 during heavy gunfights.

    Also, my game also freezes during warmups in every deathmatch game I run into

    Any help or feedback will be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/marckeeezy
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    When the stars align just right (back to back rounds)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    When your cousin doesn't appreciate the ace clutch.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    Subconsciously Tilting if the team doesn't communicate

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    Hi I've been facing this problem recently where I tend to perform worse when playing in a solo queue lobby with either ppl with no mic or people that has it but just doesn't use it. I dont have great aim as I'm kinda new to FPS (currently plat3). I play more of a supporting role for the team but its just hard if no one does call outs and people just do their own thing. e.g there was this one game where I asked the team "where do you want my smokes?" no one replied. then our reyna and KJ decided to power thru the other side of the map without telling the rest of the team while we were playing default on A. Like what I'm saying is things would've turned out better if the reyna told us she was committing to the push and not just lurking.
    Any tips as someone who likes the supporting role? Or should I just start playing duelist and get better at entry fragging to get that info for the team.

    submitted by /u/Hacklust
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    Agent Concept (mostly gameplay wise)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:07 PM PDT


    As the outlaw with an unknown background, Looft likes to imitate others and beats them with their own weapons. He fools enemies with his disguises and does not care about the enemies advances, as he shuts them down by improvising on the spot with what he is given.


    Duelists are self-sufficient fraggers who their team expects, through abilites and skill, to get high frags and seek out engagements first.

    COPYCAT (E) (passive)

    INSTANTLY copy 1 charge of the enemies signature ability upon killing them, you can copy 3 abilities in 1 round.

    Copy Arsenal: When killing enemies with ALREADY having an ability copied, the abilities of the killed enemies are SAVED and 1 of these abilities can be chosen and equipped in the buy phase for the start of a round.


    EQUIP 1 of 2 decoy grenades. FIRE to throw a grenade, which blocks all footstep and ability sounds for enemies within close vicinity of that grenade.


    INSTANTLY disguise yourself as a random agent of your team. RE-USE the ability to lose the disguise again.


    EQUIP a teleport device. FIRE to deploy the device. Create the counter-part of the device in a random location and teleport to it simultaneously when INTERACTING with it. Both devices are stealthed to the enemy and can be used by all teammates indefinitely.

    please ask, if anything is unclear

    submitted by /u/rarepart2
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    The servers determining my performance is getting annoying.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    Some servers smooth, I can play normal. Other servers I get network problem in the right corner until I cap the fps to 60 and play with awful lag, and if I ignore it and play with network problem, it's very noticable there is ping issues where people see me before I see them.

    What is that???

    submitted by /u/Aymanbb
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    Unsatisfy weapons - Explain inside

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    Im playing fps games for like 10 years, used to play rainbow six siege, csgo, pubg and few more.

    In each game I found my goto weapon, in rainbow six siege it was Ash and Jager weapons, in pubg it was the m4, and in csgo it was the ak.

    Somehow, in valorant I cant find a goto weapon, the assults feels... weird..

    None is accurate enough, none feels comfort to me. I dont feel comfort enough to play the game with any weapon.

    Im not flaming, toxic or a bad player, im immortal 2 and player solo queue, I just wonder if you feel the same as I feel, and how do you think Riot can improve the game to make us feel more comfort?

    submitted by /u/Safe-Entrepreneur935
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    I feel like low elo players like to be very aggressive except when it counts.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    So I'm not going to judge because obviously I'm still learning the game, which is why I'm in low elo myself. But one thing that drives me nuts when solo-queueing, especially when we're on the attacking side, is that people in lower ranks refuse to actually RUSH even when someone calls out to rush a site.

    The thing that I have trouble wrapping my head around is that a lot of the players down here like to play, let's say "micro-aggressively", where they will challenge an angle at the beginning of a round over and over again even though they know an enemy will likely be there. Sometimes they get a frag, sometimes they get fragged but they seem to be more than willing to take those one-on-one engagements to get an early kill. Another common thing is people aggressively pushing into the enemy base on defense because no one is showing up at the site they're defending.

    So when it comes to those situations a lot of players seem perfectly fine to take risks and attempt plays.

    But then when it comes to actually pushing onto a site as an attacker and take control of it before the enemy team can rotate people just freeze up and don't do anything. We all know the enemy team is aware we're here and rotating over right this second but no one wants to be the first to take the risk and actually move in. Rather everyone aims at the site entrance and for some reason hopes that the enemy team is stupid enough to push out. And then of course we end up being slowly worn down because we're all couped up in front of a site.

    Now I know that the answer to this issue is "more entry fraggers" and that maybe I should play one myself then but I feel like even when someone initiates it barely helps to get people moving somehow.

    I remember a couple of cases just from yesterday where, for example, the Phoenix on my team activated his ultimate and pushed in on Ascent A which I took as an OBVIOUS initiation move for us to follow up on. Six seconds later his ultimate ends, I die on site because we couldn't take down everybody and the rest of my team is still holding B lobby for whatever reason? Literally no one else thought it would be a good idea to actually take the chance and get onto site. Even when I or someone else is making voice calls to rush rush rush it rarely seems to help.

    This makes attacking so frustrating to play for everyone involved.

    Again, I don't want to just blame my teammates because as someone who mostly plays defensive agents I'm probably not that big a help either but I think I'm at least willing to actually run in with an initiator, which a lot of people don't seem to be.

    Sorry if I'm rambling.

    The tl;dr: Low rank players like to take risks except when it comes to quickly executing onto sites, even when someone initiates, and it makes playing attack very painful.

    Do you guys have any advice on what can be done about this?

    submitted by /u/JazzyRed
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    Cheeky Lil Sova dart.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    It took me so god damn long to perfect this dart. I guess in the end it was worth the effort lmao. Feel free to copy this <3


    submitted by /u/Mizzleton
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    Valorant vs CS GO ranks

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Valorant vs CS GO ranks

    This image will tell how many percent of the players are equal or lower to your rank .

    The ranks are calculated based on the percentage tables on https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier and https://csgo-stats.com/ranks (5 september 2020).

    Disclaimer: Because of rounding in the used tables, the exact values couldn't be determined (it is very close though). For Valorant, Blitz has been used to collect the percentages, so the comparison is currently CS GO competitive players versus Valorant competitive players that use Blitz.


    submitted by /u/dragonitor
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