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    Monday, September 7, 2020

    VALORANT Monday Megathread - Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    VALORANT Monday Megathread - Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Monday Megathread - Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Welcome to the first Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

    Need help against a certain agent? Unsure how and where the best spots to peek from are? Looking to improve your rotations? This is the place to ask. This weekly thread is a place for new players to ask questions and get help/advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

    Looking to chat with people live? Come check out our discord channel here! We also have the channel #new-player-help if you want to ask questions there, or if you're looking to pick up some teammates, we have spots for Looking for Groups!

    If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    The Real Reason It May Be Impossible To Ever Rank Out of Bronze in Solo Queue

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    I started keeping track of a few key statistics in my solo queue, and the numbers have actually been quite surprising. I compare solo queue performance to my 5-stacks. But here's the main theory as to why I can't get out of bronze in solo queue:

    It's because I fucking suck.

    submitted by /u/jjdanek
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    Realise that you may not necessarily be “carrying”

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Imagine 4 of your teammates continue to plan/strategise/execute/whatever but it never works out and none of them get kills. Every single round you are the last teammate alive and are off on your own adventure/doing absolutely nothing and it's now a 1v5.

    Now the enemy team probably know this and will push you for a free kill because, it's a 1v5. You get 2 kills every time, you're incredible!!

    Wrong, usually because the enemy is just simply rushing and you can hold an average angle doesn't mean you're helping whatsoever, nor does it mean you're better than the opponents.

    In theory if this happens all game to 13-0. You doing this, and getting 2 kills a round by doing nothing, leads you to ends up on 26 kills. You could even end up with more if it's 3/4 kill rounds. It also could mean you'd get a high combat score as you're still getting the first opposing team kill.

    You're not carrying the team, carrying the team is winning rounds for the team. If you're playing entry and getting 3 kills a round, dying and then your teammates can't finish off the other 2 remaining, then you can define yourself as the carry. Simply being a KDA player and sitting till the rounds almost over does not define you as the carry.

    You're more than likely stuck in your rank because you're playing for your KDA and not for the rounds, you don't have to peek to frag out when the bomb is planted, you don't have to push on defence, get a single kill and get traded. If you plant the bomb and it goes off with 4 enemies alive, you still win the goddamn round?????? You're still closer to winning????

    You can play a whole game as smokes and smoke specific angles to grant your team the site/grant them kills and finish the game 3/20. But hey, you did your job and smoked the site angles off so your entry Agents could do their job.

    submitted by /u/Spazzy_
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    I Drew Valorant Agents as elemental benders in the Avatar Universe

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Can we have a competition to see who can put their tags in the most ridiculous places?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Weather it be high up or somewhere you wouldn't think to put it, put your tag in the most ridiculous and stupidest place


    Any map

    Any tag

    Not sure how we'd run a competition on it but I'd like to see it happen!

    submitted by /u/Warrenx_Wallerx
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    G2 m1xwell tweet about Solo Q

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Solo Q:
    1) Winner mentality
    - Voice-comms
    - Teamplay
    - No instalock
    - Act nicely and have fun
    - Give ideas to win the game
    2) Loser mentality
    - No one is talking
    - I get baited
    - Instalock Jett
    - I only hear trashtalk
    - I surrender

    Edit : Source – https://twitter.com/Mixwell/status/1302604623816032257?s=20

    submitted by /u/pauseitron_
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    Vigilant - Create, search, and favorite interactive map strategy

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    My first edit/highlight film I've made let me know what you think :)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Pls report trolls even if they topfrag

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    I had a game (plat/dia) where our topfragging jett (prob immortal or higher on his main or harddropped) smoked me off for the whole defense side rounds for no reason (i did NOT flame or talk at all to him whatsoever) i tried to explain my teammates i cant do anything cause of the jett and that they should pls report her. well turns out she was carrying the game by rushing at the enemies while having insanely good aim or aimbot (idk) so noone except me reported her as far as i think. they all just told me that i should stop trolling and stop crying over little things etc. So when i started to get flamed by our Raze for "crying and only dying the whole game" i stood beside her to show what was happening and then she understood what was happening the whole game. but still just told me to "gtfo of his sight" so jett wouldnt block his sight with smokes as well.

    I thought of sending in the proofclip but u know how u just get the usual bot messages nowadays. but luckily this time i got a notification that the player was penalized (idk with what, hopefully a ban) however there have to be many players who dont get enough banns even though they are trolling. So please help cleaning up this mess even though they may not be directly trolling you

    submitted by /u/DOODSNSFW
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    Valorant Anime Opening

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    My BS Nanoswarms spots for Killjoy.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Playing with chat banned players

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Just had a game where 3 of my teammates were chat banned and could not make a single call-out. Only one of them decided to utilize the pinging system to give any sort of information. The only work around for this was to party invite all players, but only 1 of the 3 decided to join the party chat. It was the least team-oriented game I've had, with everyone just going around and doing their own thing as if it was solos. Chat bans create a bad gaming experience for everyone on the team. I rather just force the mute option like csgo, rather than having to deal with no comms at all.

    Possible Solution: Automatically show a red mute icon next to a chat banned player's name. Give future teammates the option to unmute that chat banned player if they wish to. Otherwise, they can ignore to unmute and leave them 'chat banned' during the game.

    submitted by /u/Qums
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    Either matchmaking is broken or everyone is smurfing.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    I placed mid plat for my act one rank and was at plat one at the beginning of the season. My issue is that for the past two to three weeks, every game I play has a silver player top fragging and playing at a level that is much higher than their rank from my POV. I'm not saying that they are all cheating or that it's impossible for a silver to play good, but people cant have the best game of their life every game I'm in.

    I don't know what sort of recourse there is, I'm about even in W-L this season but I've de-ranked to gold two because many of my losses are 13-5 or worse, losing to one guy with 30+ kills that's two ranks below me. In my after action reports, I can see that I usually do pretty well against players at or above my rank, but it's always their best player with the lowest rank that I have issues with. So what's the issue? Are a ton of people smurfing this game to hell or are people being unintentionally placed at ranks way below their skill level?

    submitted by /u/solo_electronic
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    What agent should I play when I'm not mechanically skilled?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    I've started playing valorant for quite some time and I have been always updated on patches and watch a lot of pro play and streamers. I could say my game knowledge is decent. But my worst problem is... I cannot aim well. My hand-eye coordination are sooo terrible i can't even complete a speed shooting test at easy. I've been mostly playing at the shooting range more than playing actual games because i feel guilty and actually becoming a burden to my teammates. But whenever I play, I use sova so that i could provide intel to my team and help them win.

    submitted by /u/CPTNkiller100
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    Winrate with each agent would be cool.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    I feel like I win with some agents more than others, an overview of a winrate with the agent we play would be nice.

    submitted by /u/Aymanbb
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    The only Viper wall you'll ever need on Bind

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    What's your Sensitivity & DPI combination?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    I've been having a pretty lengthy debate with my friends about what their preferred combination of sensitivity and DPI is. My conclusion is that it basically all relies on the person at hand, obviously. I've had streamers call me "insane" for my DPI/Sensitivity, but for me it feels normal. It's odd because a lot of my friends play on some extremely low combos.

    What do you play with?


    Sensitivity = .99

    DPI = 2,000

    *edit DPI from 1000,2000

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/VamureZ
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    Ranked forces you to play for KDA rather than be a good teammate or play for rounds.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Win with good KDA? Awesome, you get a great boost to rating. Win with decent to bad KDA? Cool, small increase.

    Lose with good KDA? Awesome still! Only a low hit to your rating!

    The game is basically telling you that regardless if you win or lose, try to have the best KDA every single time. That means buy every round, skip objectives and go for kills because no matter if you win or lose the match having a good KDA is more important.

    submitted by /u/rmansd619
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    I don't think a more clutch defuse is physically possible

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    1 hp, 1 pixel left of the defuse timer:


    Proof that I actually got it:


    submitted by /u/crabbix
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    Agent Concept: Bumi

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    God has sent Bumi down from the high peaks of Kashmir upon a new battlefield, and with her a blessing upon her team. Bumi brings nature to the land once more, a wielder of powerful medicine and potent poison. She is a Sentinel, and a healer, her kit centred around giving her team the upper hand in defense.


    Signature (E) - Nectar [2 charges]

    Bumi spawns a Lotus on the ground, which takes 5 seconds to bloom before being able to be used. Players may drink from the Lotus to heal for 10HP/sec, and each Lotus has a maximum healing capacity of 150HP. Once placed, it cannot be picked up. It can be used by enemies, and is destructible with 100HP. Takes 2× dmg from melee. Spawn the round with both charges.

    Q - Creepers [2 charges]

    From the walls, Bumi grows Creepers in a 1×2 unit area (measured in radianite boxes) which can be climbed. Players retain 100% shooting accuracy on the Creepers, but climb it at 30% speed. It can be used by enemies and is destructible with 200HP. Takes 2× dmg from melee. ($200/charge)

    C - Ivy

    From the ground, Bumi sprouts Poison Ivy in a (old Sage slow orb) radius. Enemies take 1.5× damage when standing inside. The more time enemies spend inside the Ivy, the more the damage rate increases. It starts from 2HP/sec and increases by 1HP every second until a maximum of 15HP/sec. Bumi is invulnerable to the effects. The Ivy can be destroyed so a footpath can be cleared out through it. ($300)

    Ultimate (X) - Force of Nature

    As Bumi's veins fill and rush with petrichor, she regains all lost health and gains additonal abilities and buffs to ablities. She can detonate her Lotus to heal all players in a (old sage slow orb) vicinity for 15HP/sec until 75HP, including enemies. She can detonate her Creepers to fall and cover the ground, creating a field which slows enemies to 40% speed while making them take 1.5× incoming dmg. Her Ivy is buffed to deal an additional 2HP/sec dmg, increase incoming damage to 2×, and any destroyed Ivy can regrow when Bumi steps into its radius.

    submitted by /u/KhalCottonCandy
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    Pool Party Jett Fanart

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    Pool Party Jett Fanart

    A pool party skin concept for Jett. It's been so hot outside, it felt like the only logical thing to draw. :)


    submitted by /u/reecejnsn
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    My Valorant Squad drawing :3 Hope you like it!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    Sage after nerfs.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    I have played like 15 games since the Nerf and in 2 of those games, sage was picked once. I am really enjoying the no sage meta, Makes way more team comps possible. Is anyone else enjoying not vsing sage?

    submitted by /u/Mistehkitty2
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    Do you guys ever get a weird bug where you can see the reaver set when scrolling through the battle pass?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Do you guys ever get a weird bug where you can see the reaver set when scrolling through the battle pass?

    Sorry for the low quality i had to clip it and for some reason the play bar was still there.


    submitted by /u/manic_poop
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