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    Friday, September 25, 2020

    VALORANT Extremely toxic breach gets ROLLED to Ave Maria at 2am

    VALORANT Extremely toxic breach gets ROLLED to Ave Maria at 2am

    Extremely toxic breach gets ROLLED to Ave Maria at 2am

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    As a new player, I did not expect the amount of AFKs to be this high

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    I really love this game, but so far, out of about 20 matches, I've had only TWO games with full teams on both sides. Honestly, it almost makes me not want to play, is this the same experience for other players?

    submitted by /u/MilkyManSacks
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    Immortal Ranked Phoenix 1v5 Ace - Vandal Feels So Good

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    5 Common Positioning Mistakes Found at ALL Ranks - How to Fix Them

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, Dragonmar here and writing today about some positioning mistakes that really start to get people in trouble, and that maybe aren't always super clear to the player doing them. I'll be going over 5 mistakes that I discussed in my most recent video, in a bit more depth here as well.

    My goal is to point out mistakes that plague all players. Often times without understanding that a mistake was even made by them, and that they may be misplacing their own frustration without realizing it. Hope you guys enjoy!

    Mistake #1 - Too Far From Entry Fragger

    • We've all been in situations where we feel like our entry fraggers aren't doing enough, or maybe they are playing too passive, not leading the charge, or even failing to use their utility properly when pushing into places. But, and bare with me here, what if it's actually your fault?
    • One of the most common things i have seen while doing VoD reviews is what appears to be a duelist like Phoenix or Reyna pushing into sites and dying alone. Bad right? Well, maybe not. One of the best ways to support a duelist is by trading their deaths. Remember, they are trying their best to clear site and get information, now that is almost useless if you do not follow them in. See what i'm getting at?
    • Instead of blaming the duelist for running in and dying. Why not follow them into areas, allowing them to take the fire while you support?
    • One of the best examples I have of this is on one of my favorite spots in the game, A-Short on Bind. Clearing out A-Short as a team feels great, and can be done really efficiently on attack. However, what you see the MOST are duelists running in, and 2 or 3 players just standing back watching and waiting. In no position to see U-Hall, or Site, or even Heaven. They quite literally could be AFK. The entry dies, the team rotates, loses, and gets mad that they ran in. But what if they had just followed in their entry? Used the death as an opportunity for a trade and taken site control.
    • It is extremely important to always keep a close enough distance to your entry fragger so that you can support their plays, regardless of how stupid. A team committing to a dumb play is better than not committing to anything at all.

    Mistake #2 - Not Holding True Crossfires

    • Crossfires are an extremely important aspect of any tactical FPS. A crossfire is when the line of sight of your teammate and the line of sight of yourself meet at a specific area but originate from very different directions. The goal of a crossfire is eliminate the ability for an enemy to quickly locate both players shooting them, and allow for easier and safer kills.
    • So what the heck is a TRUE crossfire, right? Simple. A true crossfire is when the enemy player becomes visible to both players in the crossfire at the same time.
    • Why is this so important? If the goal of the crossfire is to attack an enemy at the same time, eliminating their ability to take on two people at once. How the heck are you going to accomplish that if only one of you has vision of the enemy? Instead what happens in a 1v1, followed by a second 1v1 if your teammate dies first. We don't want that. We want a 2v1.
    • You'll see this a lot where a bad crossfire is set up, and as the first player is engaged, the teammate as to move around a corner/wall to engage with the same enemy. That can even be a form of baiting if we are being honest with ourselves. Instead of fighting 2v1, it's more of a 1v1 + trade.
    • Fixing this is simple, you need to focus on WHERE your teammate will first have vision of the enemy and make sure you have vision of that area as well.

    Mistake #3 - Not Clearing Out Angles With Back to Wall

    • We like walls. Walls = safety.
    • When you are clearing out angles it is incredibly important to reduce the amount of angles you can be seen from, eliminating your need to focus on the possibility of a player being in them.
    • One of the best ways to do this is by putting your back against a wall as you clear a corner. Think about B-Main on Split. Ever try to come out B-Main on Attack and die instantly? Were you in the middle of main, or toward a side? Left side of main facing out? You probably died to heaven/rafters. Right side of main facing out? Probably died to a player close left. The important thing is to remember WHERE you can be seen from, and focus on that.
    • Another great example is in Mid on Split. Walking up on the LEFT side toward B-Heaven will eliminate the ability for enemies in heaven or mail room to easily peek you. Instead, you now can focus solely on the players in ropes.
    • The BIG problem is that players walk in the MIDDLE of doors, hallways, sites, etc...without realizing that you just made it EASIER for enemies to see you from MORE angles.
    • Super easy fix! Walk against walls. Doesn't matter where you are. Entering a site? Wall. Pushing a flank? Wall.

    Mistake #4 - Improper Site-Entry Order

    • **HUGE CAVEAT...**This doesn't apply if your duelists are NOT entrying...Someone has to. Ugh. *looking at you Jett mains*
    • You know who enters sites the best? Duelists generally do. Why? Because their kits are designed for TAKING fights with flashes, movement abilities, and damage abilities. Do you know what is incredibly important to have after you've taken a site? Abilities. Smokes, Slows, Tripwires, Cages, Turrets, you name it, I want it.
    • The point i'm getting at here is that the VALUE of a agents comes from their abilities which is why having an Omen stay alive, and use smokes to defend a site after it's taken is far more valuable than having a Jett alive. Or why keeping a Cypher alive to use Camera to spot for a defuse is far more valuable than a Reyna. Equal skill of player assumed of course*
    • You should focus on what YOU bring to the table, and remember your role. You are useless if you die first, your team loses smokes and now they have to try to defend with duelists who have used all their utility taking the site.
    • Simple fix of course, look at your utility before you make an aggressive play. Can my team value more from me staying alive and using utility, or have I used my value in that sense and can I now be aggressive? Answer that, then proceed.

    Mistake #5 - Not Defaulting

    • You don't have to rush B. You don't have to rush A. You don't need to bunch up in mid. There is a far more eloquent way of going about positioning yourself at the start of a round and that is through defaulting.
    • Defaulting is when you have a player covering each lane or area of the map. Meaning that there is ZERO chance an enemy can get aggressive without it being seen or heard by a teammate.
    • Defaults are important to hold for many reasons, one being that it gives you time to come up with a solid plan for that round. Two, you can use defaults as a way to bait out utility as the enemy will generally have FAR less information about your plan of attack. Third, you punish aggression by holding more passive positions in defaults. People become antsy and push, punish that.
    • I get asked a lot how to do I do this if my team won't work together. I don't have a good answer for that unfortunately aside from just try asking them.
    • Don't oversimplify your strategies into, "just rush together" every round. There is a time and place for rushes, but more often than not during a default you gain the information you need to determine which site is better to attack.

    Hope this was helpful, if you have any questions just let me know! Love answering them for you guys.

    submitted by /u/MxChamp24
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    The way FPX play is the future of Competitive Valorant

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Spin and I'm a Valorant coach in the EU scene. Last week I did a review of how Team Liquid beat NiP without smokes in the Blast Twitch Invitational.

    In the next match Team Liquid lost a close game vs FPX on bind where they at one point had a 10-5 lead.

    I uploaded a video analysis of how I believe FPX turned the game around after a dominant start from Team Liquid but here's my summary who prefer it written down:

    • FPX fought hard for the ultimate orbs on every round both on attack and defence. They stacked ultimate charges on their brimstone this way and on their breach by having him plant the spike.
    • This led to them being able to use far more ultimates than Team Liquid. FPX used 20 ultimates on a total of 12 rounds compared to Liquid who only used 15 ultimates on 9 rounds. On those rounds where they used ultimates, FPX won 83% vs 33% for Team Liquid.
    • They used their ultimates in combination with one another far more effectively than Team Liquid allowing them a huge advantage in rounds that otherwise might not have been in their favour.

    I think Liquid also made a couple of mistakes:

    • They didn't fully strategise around their ultimate use often using them in situations where they got very little or no value.
    • They lost one crucial round when they were 5v2 against 2 sheriffs which impacted their morale and led to further mistakes in subsequent rounds. Notably in post plant positioning.

    I think ultimate usage and management of ultimates as a resource is the single biggest factor which will lead the game to diverge from CSGO competitively. I believe it will become a cornerstone of the meta as the competitive scene develops and I also think FPX are currently the best team in the world at this specific aspect of the game.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/coachspin
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    Finally got Immortal. Its pretty huge to me since I started in silver, and I only just started sweating in ranked like a month ago.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Omen player makes big plays for the Dub

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    My best 1v5 ever. [immortal 2]

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I'm trash at this game, but I managed to get some highlights to make me look good.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    Styled Knives

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    Fully utilizing OMEN's kit in high immortal to eco ace

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Since I have to have at least 100 characters in the caption, I'll just explain what I did in the video. In this video I am Immortal 2 with the lowest rank being diamond 3 and the highest rank being Radiant. We are currently on an eco and I decide to buy a stinger with full armor (stinger best gun :) ).

    For the first kill, I bait my teammate because she doesn't have a gun and I get information from her death. I see there is 1 cat and 1 close left. I predict that the cypher will push through smoke because he is kill greedy so I wait to kill him. I try to get his gun but it was outside the smoke, I reload just in case the Reyna pushed out. I grab gun, blind reyna and hear omen coming to cat. He smokes for me, idk why, but I tp in the smoke and kill both omen and sova. My teammates made a call-out that last guy was CT, I ult heaven and kill her for the final kill and go defuse.


    submitted by /u/mattchn
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    Killjoy chibi sticker I made!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Killjoy chibi sticker I made!

    Made these for my friends who I play valorant with and for my shop. Killjoy's design and colors work really well with the holographic glitter I think :)
    (3rd time posting this since it keeps getting automodded :/)


    submitted by /u/Clefufu
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    this sage is an angel (two aces thanks to sage)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Sage emotes I drew recently

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    Sage emotes I drew recently

    Hey everyone!

    Just wanted to share emotes of Sage that I've finished recently. I am a digital artist and I am drawing emotes from time to time ^w^

    Hope you like them!


    submitted by /u/umurinart
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    I'm silver(ish) rank, I found SIGNIFICANT improvement doing this (not small, SIGNIFICANT).

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    I went from always wondering why I keep hitting body (despite trying somewhat to put my crosshair at head level) to getting most of my kills with some kind of headshot from the vandal, in one day.

    So you go into deathmatch, whip out that knife, and go around shift-walking while trying to point the crosshair at head-level + most likely places for people to show up. Make sure you are aware of the HORIZONTAL DISTANCE from the wall's edge when you look at the crosshair. This is one of the most severe mistakes that I've made since the beginning (Valorant is my first fps), you don't need to ask other people how far from the wall or look at pro vids (those don't apply to you), just practice and adjust as you die (yes, you will die a lot, but who cares? it's deathmatch, 500xp regardless). Let the other people know that you'll be walking around with a knife and will be harmless, if you're lucky enough that people aren't killing you (most will kill you), then you can do some head-tracking practice while you're at it. Try everything related to the crosshair and focus only on that, don't care about dying, don't care about the minimap, just listen and point your crosshair at the wall where you hear sounds from. You can try different variations, you can walk around, you can camp a corner, but what you should see is that they should be walking straight into your crosshair with enough time to react, if they're not, then you need to change it up.

    After 3-4 rounds of this, do the same thing with a vandal (don't shoot) just to make it feel normal. After this (yes, just one hour of practice), I've gotten WAY more headshots, not even close to what I had before, just by being hyper-aware of where my crosshair is, and it has to be in the ideal position at ALL TIMES.

    Significant benefit: Being de-sensitized to deaths in DM lets you focus on what you want to improve on.

    Then you actually start shooting, and you should be noticing the difference, people are walking into your crosshairs, and all you have to do is click and they're dead (maybe with a bit of adjustment). Even now, you should NOT CARE ABOUT DYING, focus on the crosshair. People who top-frag in deathmatch are just performing and warming up, but you're improving, so you can see it as a win.

    tl;dr whip out that knife and make sure people are walking into your crosshair in DM, ignore deaths, ignore ranking, and make sure people's heads are magnetically attracted to your crosshair, not the other way around.

    EDIT: To add on, when you're not shooting, you can tell yourself "dead" (as in they're dead) when you have enough time to react and kill them, that way you know that they would've been dead or not and adjust accordingly.

    Hope this helps people :)

    submitted by /u/pokemon1188
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    Pistol Round Sage Ghost ACE

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    The whole enemy team shows up at B Ascent and get deleted.
    Sorry, B site is closed.

    I'm Back Baby

    submitted by /u/Colonel_Me
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    Give me oni phantom valorant gods

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    I have checked shop everyday for the past 4 weeks around 8 pm (when shop resets). I saw an oni phantom about a week before I purchased my currency and have yet to see another one. What I have seen though, TEN OF THE SAME SKINS TWICE. I haven't bought anything else other than both battle passes just give me this one thing. please pray to the valorant gods I get it tomorrow

    submitted by /u/lincolnpoopy
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    Valorant became really gitchy after 1.08 for me

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    After the latest patch my Valorant has been really glitchy and Idk if it's just me. some of the glitches are:

    > Guns/knife spam-scroll uncontrollably at the beginning of a round.

    > After exiting cam view as Cypher I'm locked in the 180* view range of the cam>

    > Random Lag Spikes

    > Vandal/Phantom only firing one shot when holding down M1

    and a few others. If anyone knows how to fix this or if its happening to you to please let me know

    submitted by /u/TheSeaManity
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    I might be wasting my boombot to do flashier jumps, but at least I kill them all...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Not doing anything is part of the problem

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I didn't feel like tryharding so I queued up in a non-ranked game. All was going well untill our Cypher started to perform a bit poorly. The guy acknowledged that he had a bad game and he apologized. I told him that it was fine and despite having a bad game, being Cypher, he was still useful with the info he was providing us. Thing is, our Raze had a completely different point of view. Raze was toxic toward the guy from the beginning, calling him bad and trash and any other possible insults that exist in the english alphabet. No matter what Cypher did, Raze always had to comment on it, literally everything he did. Cypher managed to kill 3 people in a 4v1 scenario but he died to the last guy, Raze called him trash again. I did my best to defend the guy, telling Raze that being toxic won't encourage him to be better, but will tilt him and cause him to make bad decisions, or possibly even intentionally throw the game.

    The thing that disgusted me even more than the flamer himself was the fact that the other members of our team were not defending poor Cypher. They literally allowed Raze to ''cypherbully'' him. They weren't even the kind of players who never use voicechat, they were actually talking, giving info and making ocasional jokes, charismatic people, etc, but they never said anything to take Cypher's side, anything at all. Cypher wasn't even bottom frag and yet he was Raze's main bullying target for some reason, IN AN UNRANKED GAME. In my opinion, not defending a flamed person makes you almost as bad as the flamer.

    Guys, if you see somebody being flamed or bullied in any way, I humbly ask you to be the better person and defend them. You'd be surprised how much you can raise a person's morale by taking their side in an argument.

    submitted by /u/YoBeaverBoy
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    High-resolution 6k Ace symbol

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    I don't even like the Spectre...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    I don't even like the Spectre...

    I don't usually buy skins anymore but I decided to check the store offers and it's all Spectres! What are the odds of this!?!? I genuinely can't remember the last time I've bought a Spectre in a match.


    submitted by /u/cdrfrostbite
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    Is Cypher necessary for competitive?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    He's kind of boring. Team comp is Omen, Jett, Raze, Sova and me. Who should play, if not?

    Side note, does the reload cancel work for phantom and vandal. I see pros do it, does it actually cut off animation time?

    submitted by /u/oopsitclogged1
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