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    Thursday, September 3, 2020

    VALORANT Valorant doesn’t ALWAYS have to be a tactical shooter...

    VALORANT Valorant doesn’t ALWAYS have to be a tactical shooter...

    Valorant doesn’t ALWAYS have to be a tactical shooter...

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    This VALORANT subreddit in a nutshell

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    This VALORANT subreddit in a nutshell

    This Valorant subreddit in a nutshell... Each time I check this subreddit there is always at least one of these at the top.


    submitted by /u/kinohappy
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    My Kill Joy Fan Art pls dont laugh i am learning to draw :)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    My Kill Joy Fan Art pls dont laugh i am learning to draw :)

    This is my Kill Joy fan art that I did in microsoft paint because i dont have any other progam to do it in. I am learning how to draw right now and I have been playing a lot of valorant and wanted to try drawing kill joy because she looks like she is sniperwolf. I am currently iron 2 so but really like the game. I hope you guys like my fan art it took me about an hour to do :)


    submitted by /u/A_Hobo_Sasquatch
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    Food and Crashies dropped from T1

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Analyzing This Game's Movement Visual Clarity Problems

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:52 AM PDT


    My name is Easylife, I decided today to analyze my duels in deathmatch and see frame by frame not only how to correct my aim because I'm definitely failing, but to see what is actually happening movement wise in these gun fights because I don't seem to get what is actually happening even after months playing. (Immortal 3 peak, currently Immortal 2)

    I have 5k hours in csgo (faceit level 10 2,400 elo) so I decided to boot csgo and go to a deathmatch aswell, clip the duels I lose and see on average what happens and compare it with Valorant clips, so I can understand the movement differences and what not, to be able to adapt my gameplay and see what bad habits I have to let go in order to become better and adapt to the game I'm currently playing. For this test to be reliable I joined a deathmatch server in cs:go with 42 ping and 128tickrate so It can closely match my ping in Valorant which is usually a little bit lower (30~). I also let people swing at me to understand what happens when I'm holding angles and someone peeks.

    Understand that the problems that I'm mentioning below are not only noticeable by players who come from cs:go since I myself have played tons of other's tactical shooters like sudden attack, crossfire, soldier front, special force 2, black squad and many more, this problems are noticeable from people who come from any of those games aswell and my opinion should not be as of someone who wants the game to look as CS:GO but as someone who wants the game to be a good tactical shooter.


    Getting peeked in Valorant

    Getting peeked in CS:GO

    Valorant Legs Agressive Pointing

    CS:GO Legs comparision

    Valorant vs CS:GO

    I came to the conclusion that both games are quite similiar and only have one or two tiny differences that make new players think they are getting shot while the enemy is still running. This differences also make high level players who come from csgo not be sure if it's better to hold or to peek and also make some think that the game has a huge peeker's advantage.

    • From what I Analyzed this opinions happen because in Valorant the leg animations are way more robotic when it comes to visually showing the enemy that you're coming into a full stop and they differ from the upper body.
    • The lower body agressively shows the direction where you're going, by this I mean, most of the time when you're strafing the enemy will see your legs crossing & agressively pointing to the direction where you're going.
    • Your legs only turn back to the direction you're looking (which is the direction your upper body is always pointing) when you stop, but the animation of that transition is really quick and robotic and only happens in the legs, also in Valorant the acceleration is pretty high, so you hit the top speed rather quick and you stop just as quick.
    • All this encourages hard readibility for cs:go players that are being peeked since cs:go players are more used to a slidy/glidy motion, where the enemy's legs are mostly pointing to the direction the enemy is looking, but also sometimes they are not crossing and the whole character model is just gliding softly to a direction with a nice smooth acceleration process, encouraging a possible soft tracking reaction, unlike Valorant (If you're trying to click heads).
    • Valorant encourages waiting and flicking because small steps to the side can create quite noticeable distances because of the acceleration difference and because small steps to the side can also fake out wide peeks. (because the legs agressively point to the direction he is strafing unlike cs:go, making it seem that the enemy is in it for a long run when he actually might not be).

    So we can conclude that me as a CS:GO player, I'm losing duels because I got used to track and clicking players who peek me with a smooth and slower motion and because I'm also getting faked by the enemy's legs.

    I feel like a good movement readibility is important since movement is something of value in tactical shooters and in the way these maps are designed the game is currently a peeking fest and shoulder/quick/wide peeking should be mindgames, faking a wide peek shouldn't be something possibly done unintentionally.

    Why do players think they are getting shot by a running player?

    In my opinion it is because of the not smooth/optimized animations, they are not always actually getting shot by enemies running. But since the legs agressively point to the direction where the player is moving and not looking, it creates this illusion where we think the player is still moving but his upperbody already stopped or is stopping. This happens because the legs go from "I'm fully running to that direction" to "I stopped" in a fast robotic manner . So players tend to remember more what the legs where doing the whole time which was "I'm fully running" instead of what is actually happening to the enemy's agent model upper body the whole time.

    In CS:GO the models lower body is pointing to where the enemy is looking and smoothly crossing the legs to where he is actually strafing, this creates a better optimized understanding of the model movement as a whole and therefore is easier to understand when the model is coming into a full stop or if it actually did stop before you died. I do believe many other games have this part nailed and CS also didn't nail this at the start.

    Let's look at this clip and I want you all to look one time at only the players head and another time only to the players legs.

    Valorant readability problem

    You'll notice that if you look at the clip looking at his legs, I died before his legs changed to a "I stopped" stance, but if you look at the clip looking at his head, before I died and after I died It barely changes position if it changes at all.

    This makes the game harder to read and creates a basketball effect where you should be only focused on a player's torso to not get faked out and understand the other player's pacing, because if you look at the ball (which in Valorant would translate to the enemy's legs) you'll see him cross you over and moving the ball from side to side even tho his torso is centered and barely moving. Do you guys think that was Riot's whole genial idea??

    I think the game is running how it is supposed to and is running well and the run&gun or peeker's advantage is balanced to the best of Riot's capability but the animations and visual clarity like the bullets problem are not optimized.

    or maybe I'm just crazy and none of this makes sense xD

    submitted by /u/easylifefps
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    So I drew a Valorant fanart onto a skateboard deck - some handmade stuff for you guys

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    So I drew a Valorant fanart onto a skateboard deck - some handmade stuff for you guys

    Hey guys. I drew some Jett fanart onto a skateboard deck and want to show it. Drew this with a bunch of different acrylic markers and some ink pens. This is the first deck out of a series that I planned. I will probably do a Killjoy deck after that.

    If anybody is interested in the deck, please feel free to send me a message.

    Jett Deck complete

    Jett Deck making

    Jett Deck Details

    submitted by /u/Prono_Zombro
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    Omen is gone - PSA

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    Title. Omen is currently not in the game. I am going to assume this is from all of the bugged teleporting glitches that are happening with Omen and going through spawn barriers. I'm just posting this to settle any confusion.

    I am not part of riot or anything, just an assumption from a player.

    submitted by /u/Wanderrrrrlust
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    This is what 1000 hours of watching flights looks like

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    T1’s Roster

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Does anyone want to explain why t1 dropped both food and crashies? Are Valorant organizations looking to spend more money on better people or was this for some other reason?

    submitted by /u/smitty0611
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    2 teammates left at round 6. 3v5 for the next 12 rounds. And our ratings still decreased considerably after we lost. Thanks.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    I know this is probably far from the only post addressing this, but just wanted to vent. I realize there's a remake option available as of 1.07, but only if it STARTS with a 4/3/2v5 and so on. As countless other posts have pointed out, a forfeit/surrender option would be nice.

    Just in case it's not conveyed clearly enough, we were the 3. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    Edit: As some of you pointed out, I completely forgot there IS a surrender option. I've only encountered probably no more than 3(out of 30-40 games in Act 2), none of which have ever passed if memory serves.

    submitted by /u/tinglemyjingles
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    Make PAUSE vote available

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    It would be nice to see that in the game to be kinda fair.

    Sometimes we players disconnect out of nowhere from the game by some random game issue and when we come back we find out that allies and the enemy team did also disconnect from the same reason.

    Not to mention that sometimes people really need to get away from the computer for 1 or 2 minutes for more important and urgent reasons and clearly don't like to fuck their team with 1 or 2 rounds because that 1 or 2 rounds can decide the game.

    submitted by /u/smzwow
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    This is why I play with my friends!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Patch notes 1.07 visualized - sorry I was late on this one, I gotta go back to school

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    best viper one way

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    since viper got bufft again i wanted to share a one way i use all the time and i never saw this used by anyone else


    submitted by /u/vKRaven
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    Valorant is more fun without sage.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    Played a few matches where us and the other team weren't using sage and for me it felt like the game has opened up a ton because now theres so many more different team comps that you can use in mm without sage, like with sage it feels like the game is so slow. (High gold-low plat elo btw)

    submitted by /u/deathybroxd
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    Patch 1.07 judge is a sniper rifle

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    I know this patch was supposed to nerf shotguns but there has to be some kind of bug with the judge bullets damage drop off because it is being used as a sniper rifle. Has anyone noticed the same thing?

    submitted by /u/Airball17
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    Insane Raze Ult Damage!!!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    The Horrors of Low Rank Valorant

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    With most people who are on this sub being high elo players in either plat/diamond, there is almost a running joke about silver players. You'll see it in almost every thread, but most people don't actually know what its like down there.

    Today, I'd like to take you on the low elo tour, and show to you how terrible low rank comp is.

    First off, most players do not even speak. They don't use pings or chat either. These players mostly bottom frag as a duelist, while being too scared to peek an angle before anyone else does it. That accounts for 2-3 players on the team.

    The next 2-3 players are decent at the game, but because the previously mentioned players instalocked duelists, they have to play a sentinel, and can't get as many kills. They might have mics, and if they do, they won't use them.

    So, when playing in low elo games, expect little to no comms, so basically strats are out the window. Most players can't support themselves 1v1, so getting picks without full on bum-rushing is impossible.

    So the strat is basically whoever has the most duelists. Smokes don't matter, flashes don't matter, picks don't matter, because everyone just picks a site and full rushes.

    Ok, now that you have the basics down, lets get more in the nitty gritty. In Valorant, once you have played 10 or so games you are stuck at the rank until the end of the act, unless you turn into a pro, and have literal aimbot. Even if you do get better at the game, with teammates like the ones mentioned earlier, you can't rank up, because you can't have an ace every single game.

    The moral of the story is that low elo is horrible, once you have gotten stuck there, you are there forever, even if you are an objectively better player than you once were.

    submitted by /u/star-trix
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    Hi, I made a VALORANT INVITATIONAL concept artwork ! check it out !

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Why do full grown adults feel the need to insult and harass younger players?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    I just played a match with a full grown adult that sounded like he was in his mid-late 20s and a kid that sounded like he was in his mid 10s

    The adult was top scoring and was acting like a dick "you guys suck, I only died literally 3 times" to which the kid responded to shut up and that he is new to the game

    The adult went completely bizzurg and started insulting the kid

    "I bet you that you are the fattest player on the team"

    "This kid has a Walmart mic lmao, your so broke that you can't even afford a decent mic"

    "Your poor as fuck while I'm out here be making bank"

    "Your such a fucking loser go play a different game"


    I get that this is a online game, but why do some adults just feel the need to harass the younger players? We are out here to play and have fun, not to be harrassed

    Edit: good ending though, the kid ended up top scoring the adult which made him shut up

    submitted by /u/HowToOpenPDF
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    Is it just me or is the ladder so much more enjoyable without sage?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Like I remember before doing 117 to someone and losing felt terrible.... because you knew sage would heal them to 100 and basically meant everything you did was worthless. Now 117 on someone means something and you can call it out. Just more satisfying.

    submitted by /u/AboSensei
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    Death match spawns don’t even make sense anymore?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Okay when death match first came out it was fine just like any other FFA mode where people spawn and can usually camp/use minimap or whatever, that's cool. I usually run around and just practice holding angles only looking at minimap when I can't find anyone and there was no issue. I'm not sure if it's the recent patch but 8/10 times someone spawns it's behind someone who is 10 m away or in someone's line of sight where you instantly get killed. I see at least 5 people in their blue crystallized state spawning in front of my eyes per match and that just takes the fun/practice out of it for everyone. Now I feel like the kids watching minimap and camping are getting rewarded. Its just not fun to play when I'm getting shot at from 3 angles every fight because people are spawning right on me every 5 sec. I've even asked the chat in many of my matches asking if anyone else has noticed spawns are whack now and everyone agrees that something changed. Anyone else on here notice this?

    submitted by /u/HentaiOMG
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    All the clips I've gotten grinding from gold to diamond

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Stinger OP

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:54 AM PDT

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