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    Monday, October 5, 2020

    VALORANT Act III Competitive Changes | Dev Diaries - VALORANT

    VALORANT Act III Competitive Changes | Dev Diaries - VALORANT

    Act III Competitive Changes | Dev Diaries - VALORANT

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Best play of my life (Enjoy)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    just started playing valorant and decided to record it and make a meme video out of it. i hope its entertaining. this game is so addicting

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    New teaser on twitter

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Unpopular opinon: This game isn't gonna get anywhere without community creation

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    I don't believe this game will get anywhere if the community isn't able to create maps and servers. We get 1 map every episode and so far all 4 maps in my opinion and in many of my high rank friends opinions are not very good (as well as shroud and many great players/content creators opinions).

    my favorite map Ascent is comparable to my least favorite cs maps. If players could get access to create maps that could potentially make it into the game it would help this game a lot. most of the greatest CS maps were made by the community and if it wasn't for the community cs would be no where. I fear this game will go down the wrong path and continue making maps the community just settles for instead of enjoying. (also another thing that would be nice is if we could queue for only certain maps)

    This is just my opinion on the matter as I hear players complain about the maps almost every match. In fact I should change the title from "unpopular opinion" to "popular opinion" as everyone i've ever played with has the same opinion lol.

    TLDR: Let the community help with creating maps and maybe even community servers

    submitted by /u/Somethingplace
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    Act III Competitive Changes

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    My 1ST ace with Viper in competitive play

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    youngest radiant out there

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    hi i am a 14 year old immortal 3 raze, i soloq alot and know a few young players but not as young as me , kind of curious to know who's the youngest radiant out there


    submitted by /u/SHINSE_IIIII
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    Raze - Till Infinity

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    Thorns - VALORANT - Original Character Design by D. Liberatori

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Dear Silvers and golds, you aren't pros.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    I tried solo queueing after about a month of 5 stacks and i got in with 4 stacks for my past games and they are the most toxic people i have ever seen. they were taking sheriffs and trying to knife like if your trying to derank please do it in a 5 stack. thanks for listening to my passive agressive ted talk

    submitted by /u/manic_poop
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    Wholesome Valorant Selfie

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    I was in a 4man playing unrated with u/ThatGuyStevel and the other team asked if we all wanted a screenie mid. We went for it and this is what happened! The rest of the game was hilarious and I am really happy to see wholesomeness in the community, especially in unrated.

    Shoutout to u/sabrinarocks3 and their team for a fun game!


    Edit: Thank you for the silver!

    submitted by /u/SenpaiPolish
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    Solo queue rank doesn’t feel fun anymore

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    I've come a long way in Valorant. I was Bronze 3 in the beta, Gold in Act 1 and finally reached my goal of Diamond 1 for Act 2. I pretty much just solo queue and while it felt good to tech my goal, I don't know where to go from here. I feel like I'm playing to win and not really having fun winning. I've been playing a lot of unrated but overall I guess I'm just burned out. Has anybody else felt this way about ranked?

    submitted by /u/judahthewoodah
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    Which skin collection is the best?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    I personally LOVE the prime and sovereign sets but I would love to hear all of your guys' opinions on which skins are the best, and remember this is a matter of opinions so please don't flame anyone for their opinions and this also isn't just one gun in a specific set it's the set as a whole so take that into account as well.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Electrified101
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    When are we getting comunity maps and servers?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Just like in csgo and Ow, its so fun, we could finally have a deathmatch without a stupid radar, better aim trainers like aimbotz new gamemodes like surf, Hide and seek and bhop from csgo. Like in Ow we could have parkour but this time with raze and jett. Its a different way of having fun!

    submitted by /u/danpemazwastaken
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    So what's the plan on leavers, inters, afk-ers

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Is this gonna get the league 2.0 treatment, where you get chat banned before you get actually banned for inting.

    Never had any feedback with leavers, inters and afk-ers. Too rampant in every game I play and I don't think this is going away with a slap on the wrist.

    I honestly wish for Riot to just adopt a zero tolerance leaver/inter system, where they ban their account for eternity for three instances of leaving. Wishful thinking.

    My rank's gone down the goddamn drain cause of this.

    submitted by /u/Wandering_Filipino
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    just started playing valorant and decided to record it and make a funny moments video out of it. i hope its entertaining. this game is so much fun

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    i'm bronze just got matched in an unfair lobby of golds

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    i'm bronze just got matched in an unfair lobby of golds

    so i just finished a game where the matchmaking put me in a lobby with Gold 2 and Gold 1, in a game where it seems very unfair tbh.
    i tried my best, tho it wasn't actually fun when you are dead all the time.

    Normally, in League of legends, a bronze could never play with Gold, but how is it possible in valorant?

    how does the matchmaking actually works?


    submitted by /u/MEMEtrikss
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    Turned myself into a valorant agent

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    So, I am a digital artist and I turned myself into a valorant agent. I've named him Jayris. I haven't thought about the cool abilities might equip. Would live to listen to your thoughts!!


    submitted by /u/aninath007
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    Ace In The Hole.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    Subtle toxicity

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Ok, so... I'm actually livid at the moment. Playing a silverish game as a gold player due to a loss from my previous match...

    I'm not annoyed that i couldn't carry. Cause I was carrying.. But I just had someone spam me so much with party requests that it was beyond ridiculous. I received hundreds of messages during a match. I just explored the options, unless I missed something, I can't autoblock party up messages from people..

    A friend that I genuinely want to party up with, can't resend an invitation, but a random person I don't know in my game, can send me HUNDREDS of invitation messages. This was particularly annoying because my team didn't use microphones (typical at this rank, I'm ok with it) but they WERE trying to communicate to me through text chat. To prevent me from getting info, a player literally was spamming me with these invite requests. I blocked him, I blocked auto friends, I set everything so only party members can see my name, but NOTHING to block requests from people in my game.

    This is definitely an oversight from Riot, but please, for the love of god, either fix their ability to spam me with hundreds of these messages or allow me to auto block party requests from non-friends. (Party up feature doesn't even need to exist. Just add them as a friend after for the love of god)

    I don't want anything to do with this guy, I don't want to party with him for him to potentially have ANOTHER avenue of chat abusing me (party vc) for someone I assume is chat banned, if I'm honest. And if they are, why are they able to send me so many requests?!

    submitted by /u/Dazrix0
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    Awkward Sage wall interactions

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    After playing a lot of Sage I gotta say she feels a bit awkward. After the (well deserved, don't get me wrong) nerfs she got her kit feels very underwhelming to, say, a cypher or even a Killjoy. But what gets me the most is the constant instant wall breaks.
    For those who are unaware, if there is literally anything on the floor where you put your wall (corpses, weapons, spike) your wall instantly breaks where the object is located.
    For me this can create huge problems. A great wall I enjoy is walling off Haven tower on point A. If literally anyone died near the window (which is a pretty substantial chance if you just took this point as attackers) and I try to put a wall in the window it immediately breaks.

    An even bigger problem is trying to block a doorway when I'm being rushed down only to have the wall immediately break because people very often die in doorways (which makes sense of course). The wall then immediately breaks and the attackers rush me down.

    I've had countless times where this would just straight up lose us a round. Any fellow Sage players out there that struggle as much with this as I do? I already feel like half my kit is weak and to have one of the best parts just straight up explode instantly feels even worse.

    submitted by /u/AsteronNova
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    Viper won't be a good agent unless Riot change somethings with her wall. Change my mind.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    Hear me out unless you place neutral wall for like mid or something Viper is completely utterly useless like what i mean is lets take the map Split if you place some kinda neutral wall for mid its okay but if you wall A or B pre round the opponent would always know where you're going pre round and they can just stack that site and just mow you down when you enter. Like this situation would be bad if she is the only controller in your team cause you can't even fake wall a site and go to other site because then you can't block vision on the other site.

    So simply viper walling makes it easier for enemies to know where you're going.

    submitted by /u/iamDG7
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