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    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    VALORANT Take on the tundra when Icebox drops with Act III [NEW MAP]

    VALORANT Take on the tundra when Icebox drops with Act III [NEW MAP]

    Take on the tundra when Icebox drops with Act III [NEW MAP]

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    From Iron in beta to double Diamond this week - what I've learned... sorry, no hype fragmovie

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    Main account to D2

    Second account to D1


    I'm just an average dude with average aim and average scores. This isn't a pro guide, just a compilation of tips and observations I made for myself that can help regular players with very average skills such as myself. You can skip the history part if you're not interested.


    I've never really been great at FPS in general. I never played any cs, but I played lots of BF4, BF1 and Apex. I played a little Overwatch and some COD Warzone as well but all these games seemed to lack something. That something, I found in Valorant. When I got in the Beta, I was super excited until I realized... I sucked.

    I started out as Iron 1 and it took me a month to get out of Iron. I then somehow quickly made it all the way to gold 1 before the end of beta. I then flopped around between gold 1 and plat 1 all throughout Act I. During this act, I started climbing more and more consistently, from gold 1 at the start, to diamond 2 currently (with my act rank as D1 currently).

    Also, I should mention I used to always play with my friends, most of the time duo queuing but also stacking up to five regularly. Out of all my friends, I was never the best, they were always the ones top-fragging and popping off more than I ever did BUT I also rarely bottom fragged. About a month ago, I stopped playing with them and only ever solo queued from then on. After that, I noticed a significant improvement in my gameplay and my rank followed along as I went from gold 2 to diamond 2 which is like going from the 55th percentile to the 95th percentile.

    Finally, I made a "smurf" account in Act I for when I wanted to play alone. That account has been exactly the same rank as my main since the start of Act II even though it has 10x fewer games. I also kept playing on my "smurf" after ditching my friends but only when I was feeling like I was having an off-day and didn't want to sink my rank on my main but somehow both my ranks evolved at the same pace and both hit diamond within 4 days from one another.

    Anyway, here's what I learned:

    General advice

    1. Try to solo queue. Every player has habits, and this often causes people who duo regularly to get used to each other's playstyle, which leads them to cater to each other's habits. This locks you down in a certain playstyle and very often prevents you from trying new strats or simply developing new skills which makes you less flexible and causes you to get absolutely smashed when someone figures you out. By solo queuing you'll be forced to play along with more different types of players without having the option to rely on your friend for whatever reason.
    2. Don't think you have to carry every game. This is the reason I included both my screenshots. You can clearly see that I VERY RARELY top frag, yet manage to win very consistently. I'll talk about it in the macromechanics section because a part of this success is in how I play, and the other part of it is in the mindset. This is all about the attitude. We've all had moments where we get absolutely shit on for 5 straight rounds and it feels like we've excreted our will to live but this is not a reason to give up or start trying to play funky games. Keep trying. Legit close your eyes for 15 seconds during the buy phase, take deep breaths and let go of your attachment to the outcome. Which leads me to my next point:
    3. Stop paying attention to the scoreboard. I personally do this, and I know a lot of people also do this. You'll look at the scoreboard and see yourself sitting at 0-6 and tilt, or you'll see yourself at 6-0 while your sentinel is on 1-7 and tilt. Stop. Don't. Your score, or someone else's score, isn't an indication of how useful you/they are. Even if you're "playing like shit" because you're not hitting your headshots, doesn't mean you can't be useful.
    4. Don't be toxic. I know right? Like that needed to be said! Well, I think it needs to be said. Too many of you are toxic without realizing it. That's because you don't go nuclear, but instead just sneak in passive-aggressive remarks that intoxicate your teammates and make them tilt. There's no need to sarcastically congratulate your teammate for finally getting their first kill on 7th round. They know more than you what went wrong and you pointing it out only antagonizes them, it distracts them (as they think of what snarky comment they can make next time you die) and makes them spectate you every time they die (so like, every round) just looking for what mistakes you can make that they can burn you for. It's always better to say something positive and reassuring like "good job, don't worry about the early game, we got this" than something inflammatory. This makes a huge difference in your odds of winning. Playing 5v5 is a whole lot easier than 4v5.
    5. Communicate. Pass the info along, let your team know what you see, tell them your intention. Way too many times do people stay silent and say things like "look at your minimap, are you blind?". This isn't a moba with a low TTK like LoL, here, you often have to hold angles where if you even get your eyes off your crosshair for just a quarter of a second, you're dead. In a tactical shooter like this, for equal skill, the team with the better coms will win 99% of the time. The more useful information your team has, the better their decision-making is going to be.
    6. Dodge. I know this one is going to be controversial but it has to be said. Don't be afraid to dodge lobbies that don't feel quite right. The quickest dodge? 4-stacks with large rank disparities. They are not a good bet, ever. First of all, because they're highly likely to be on discord just talking with each other and not sharing info with you. Secondly, because they're unavoidably going to be toxic towards you the minute something goes wrong. And finally, because (as far as I know) the system assumes that 4 stacks are supposed to be more coordinated, it'll place you against a better team of solos overall. But 4-stacks suck. They're not coordinated, they're just friends that decided to play together and who are kind of just doing their own thing anyways.The other times I dodge is when I'm alone at three divisions above everyone else. These are usually kill-race duels between you and the other team's highest rank, just competitions of who can carry the hardest. Also, and this isn't confirmed info but pretty much all elo systems in the world work like that: being the highest rank means you're a candidate for lesser elo gains on a win and greater elo losses in defeat. It's a high-risk, low-reward situation, it's boring and I'm so glad that they announced that they will restrain the rank division gap that people can queue with in ranked because I cannot stand another Diamond 1 player telling me "it's ok bro, trust me he's gold 1 but he's really good for his rank".
    7. Get the right mindset. You're not better than your rank shows, winning doesn't mean you played well and ranking up doesn't mean you're better overall. Assume you can improve and focus on improving - not winning. Caring more about the outcome than about the process won't get you anywhere.


    1. Pay attention to the scoreboard. I know I literally just told you the opposite, but this time it's for different reasons.A) Look at the money and make sure to manage your team's econ (e.g. if someone is about to bust the 9k limit, have them buy for a teammate with low money). This probably seems obvious to most of you, but managing your econ is something I've seen diamonds do much better at than golds. Even plat players will sometimes be selfish and not say anything even if they should offer to drop someone. This isn't a major game-changer, but it definitely helps and it's super easy to implement.B) Look at the enemy team's econ. You can eventually predict who's gonna have a shotgun, when Jett's gonna ult, which opponent has util, etc. This will help your decision making down the road and can easily win you rounds.
    2. Don't think you have to carry every game part 2. As shown above, I rarely top frag, yet consistently win. This is because I always play for the round, not the frags. I do my best to look for plays that give my teams opportunities, space, time or info. You can do things such as splitting up the opposing team with util, forcing someone to watch the flank, creating distractions, scouting, flanking, etc. Each of those techniques probably could have their own youtube tutorial and I'm sure there are a bunch out there, but I mostly learned these from watching pros and asking myself why they do what they do.The one thing all these techniques have in common is they require you to stay alive. If you're trying to flank and aggressively challenge enemies and go for kills and die, you're giving the opposing team opportunities to win. If you see a hard push coming to your site and decide to stand your ground and die without being traded, it's bad even if you get a kill. It's (almost) always better to retreat and use util to delay the push until someone can support you. I won't go through every situation, but the general idea is STAY ALIVE and give your team a chance to support you or at least trade you/utilize your death.
    3. Play for the round, not the frags. I mean as a duelist, enter on site first and create space for your team, even if that means dying. As a sentinel or controller, make sure to follow your duelists, support them and place yourself in situations where you can trade them when they go in.Stop trying to get free kills on the rotation while your team is trying to take a site, all it does is pad your kda and boost your ego. It doesn't mean you can't look for rotation kills or flanks while your team fakes a site, but if they commit to a site you need to stop sitting in a corner trying to get a free kill from across the map. Especially if you're the duelist or breach that the team needs in order to enter on site.
    4. Learn how to play for retake with your specific character. Very often, you can secure half the site for your team, which creates space for your team to retake the site after a plant. For example, if you're Brimstone on bind A site, smoking off u-hall and mollying the entrance as the opposing team commits to site almost guarantees that you can keep control of it while they plant, which significantly reduces the number of angles your team has to check before going for the defuse. Similar plays are available for a lot of champions, the key is staying alive and holding the amount of ground you can. It's very often better than to peek, maybe get a kill and then die and force your team to retake blindly while having to check every angle possible.


    There's a million small things like don't run after faking the defuse because it'll tell your opponents that you didn't stick it, or don't slow peak around key corners, or don't not hit your shots, etc. But honestly, I suck. I'm not good at micromechanics.

    The one thing I started actively practicing which has significantly improved my results is crosshair placement. This is something that I feel is the biggest most significant improvement most people can make in a very short amount of time that will net them a lot more kills. Just put your crosshair where you think the adversary is going to be before you peek around a corner instead of slowly turning around the corner. When holding an angle, put your crosshair where you think the adversary's head is going to be when he peeks out of a corner. You'd be surprised how many more kills you get just by using pure reflex instead of having to actually aim.

    Anyway! I hope this helps someone!

    Edit: Woah that's a whole lot of awards! Thank you guys, I didn't expect that!

    Something else I should mention that I forgot: Don't overplay. I rarely do more than 3 games a day and I take at least 5-10 mins between games. This is a rhythm that works for me, maybe it's more or less for you, but chaining back-to-back games for hours on end never yielded great results for me. Just getting up and getting the blood moving a little bit helps a lot.

    submitted by /u/MetalPerfection
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    New Valorant Map Key Points (In depth view/things you may have missed in the clip) Hope you enjoy :)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    New Valorant Map Key Points (In depth view/things you may have missed in the clip) Hope you enjoy :)

    Crows Nest/Sniper towerPossibly only visual/asthetics

    Crows nest?

    Ziplines- A total of about 3 ziplines seen in trailer

    - Inclusion of horizontal ziplines

    Horizontal zipline (allows to hop on boxes)

    zipline to \"heaven\" likely at plant site

    Bridges- New bridges shown


    New Planting Sites

    For the people who already triangulating their lineups :)


    A site

    Better look at CT side

    Box is held by crane, blocking entry

    Box has been lifted, and is gone

    Box has been lifted, allowing for entry

    Likely will be a button or lever, similar to Ascent, and the breakable doors.

    submitted by /u/fishfartTOFU21
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    Best feature of the new map, no not the zipline

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Penguin cam: https://i.imgur.com/6ysPdoU.png

    Visible in the kitchen area of Icebox https://i.imgur.com/YThwinW.png

    I hope it's a live feed of penguin movements and not just a static texture

    submitted by /u/beglee365
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    Valorant agents as donuts!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    My sister drew the Valorant agents as donuts! https://i.imgur.com/L7fLO2n.jpg

    submitted by /u/mzrawr
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    10 of the Most Common LOW ELO Mistakes I See in VOD Reviews + How To Fix Them

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Hey what's up everyone, Dragonmar here and I'm back with another post for you all. First and foremost, thanks for all the love on the recent posts! I'm always glad when I'm able to help so many people, and who would've thought it'd be through reading instead of my videos! Nonetheless, this writeup is based off of my latest video so that will be there if you would prefer pictures to pair with what I'm describing in the post! Feel free of course to ask questions about specific scenarios or situations!

    The Goal

    As always, the goal here is to relay the mistakes I see while doing VoD reviews to you all in hopes that you can see a bit of yourself here and hopefully how to fix it as well!

    Mistake #1 - Running While Shooting

    • First shot accuracy is one of the most important aspects of any tactical FPS. In a game like Valorant, where one shot to head can kill, it means everything.
    • At lower ranks you'll see a tendency to spray a lot. You pair spraying with poor crosshair placement and then suddenly fights take longer. One of the most important things to remember though is that fights often take so long because the first few bullets fired are almost always inaccurate from movement.
    • In the VODs i've reviewed(100+ at this point) the one thing pretty much every Iron/Bronze does is runs right as they start shooting. Perhaps they were in the process of slowly doing, but a lot of peeks legitimately start with a full sprint spray.
    • The problem here is that every so often, especially with SMGs this can work in your favor and further reinforce poor play. We need to fix that ASAP
    • The simple fix here is to work on counterstrafing. Counterstrafing is when you counter your movement with the opposite key. A is countered with D and vice versa. What this does is guarantee a stop in your motion. Pairing this stop with your first shot is a whole other struggle to talk about another day, but this is step 1.

    Mistake #2 - Peeking Close to Corners

    • Something I've regrettably not talked about enough is the angle at which you approach a fight, and the distance from the objects around you.
    • I'd like to pose a question, "Have you noticed that when you swing close to a wall and try to take a fight the enemy always seems ready?
      • If you answered yes to this, I'll explain why: The closer to an object you are, the more of your body is visible to the enemy before they are visible to you.
    • This is part of the problem that a lot of players face when they come to me seeking advice on peeking, so how do you fix it?
    • The easy fix is to make sure you are always cognizant of WHERE you are peeking from, and how FAR you are from what you are peeking around. Honestly, there are cases when you need to go for a very fast peek close to objects(for players who are close to you) but the vast majority of mid-long range duels should be taken from as far back from the corner as possible.

    Mistake #3 - Forcing Into Spectre Too Often

    • There is an unhealthy fascination with forcing every round in lower elo
    • This mentality really manifests itself in the spectre, a 1600 credit SMG that many players replace their rifles with.
    • I'm not here to tell you that you should never buy the spectre again, simply that the spectre has some downsides and that you may be hurting your team more than helping.
    • Because of the purchase price, the spectre is a go to force buy option. The problem is that the spectre is heavily outmatched at range by both the Vandal and Phantom. What this essentially means is that when you get into a fight, not only with you generally lose it against a rifle, but you've forced into that round as well. Making that loss hurt even more.
    • Forcing Spectre creates a cycle that is hard to escape. Logic flies out the window. Force into this round, we lost. Okay let's force again, we lost. Okay we have bonus credits, lets force again. Repeat forever.
    • My fix for spectre-forcing is to only purchase it if my entire team is also forcing that round. Better to play together in that sense. Also, I try to use the stinger a bit more as well if I MUST go for a force. 600 credit difference does add up! On top of that, I never purchase a Spectre when I'm playing a position that is meant for a rifle. You need to switch positions and play up close range if necessary.

    Mistake #4 - Smoking Too Early For Entries

    • One of my biggest mistakes early on was not understanding the timing of my smokes and how much value I was losing and what it was doing to my team.
    • In the video I actually timed a common smoke usage on Haven A-Site attack. I realized that when smoking early I was losing 6-7 valuable seconds of smoke time. That is 6-7 seconds that my team was not in position to use the smokes to their advantage AT ALL.
    • On top of that, often undiscussed is the information you give away for free. When you smoke early with executes you force rotates. If you execute before players are in position, rotations can often beat your teammates
    • The fix here is to ALWAYS wait to use your smokes until your team has cleared the necessary positions to execute. Using A-Site Haven, I'd want teammates at the BOTTOM of sewer, and at LEAST by the orb on long before smoking. Very important to not waste precious smoke timers

    Mistake #5 - Spraying Through Smoke With a Vandal

    • Guys, the Vandal has tracers. Like, people can see the DIRECTION of your shots through the smoke.
    • Ever wonder why you can spray through smokes so much better with a Phantom?
    • Ever wonder why you seem to get 1 tapped through smoke when you spray with a Vandal?
    • It is very important to understand that spraying through smoke is ALWAYS going to be risky, but I've found that a lot of players are just SIMPLY unaware of the disadvantages of the Vandal over the Phantom in this case.

    Mistake #6 - Planting The Bomb in Corners When Site is Clear

    • One of the easiest things to get wrong early on in Valorant are plant spots. I'm not even referring to post plant positions, just literally where the bomb is located.
    • We are so accustomed to planting in corners, or defaults, or "planting safe" to live through rounds that we forget that when there is no danger, we don't have to keep doing those things.
    • One of the problems with plant locations when you are under pressure is that they tend to be very "safe" meaning they hard to see and the angles that can see them are limited
    • The problem is that it GREAT for planting a bomb, but bad for DEFENDING against the defuse
    • The solution here is to maximize the amount of angles that can see the bomb being defused once planted. If possible, plant as much in the open as you can while making sure your common postplant spots can see it as well!

    Mistake #7 - Not Trading Kills In Favor of Hiding(Silence > Teamwork)

    • There are two types of stealthy plays I want to talk about here.
    • First, and something i've had a problem with as well is when you are able to hide yourself from an enemy to the point where MULTIPLE enemies have passed you unaware and you can shoot them all. This is a great situation to be in, but we OFTEN forget to tell our teammates leading to unnecessary deaths.
    • Second, a lot of players will end up sitting in corners. This happens a lot in post plants. In the video I use under Heaven on A-Site haven as a SUPER common spot for people to sit while their team on site gets wiped out. You cannot do this.
    • My fix for this type of a problem is to re-think the way you look at your teammates positioning. Don't think of them so much as covering or guarding locations on their own. Think of them as the first obstacle where you are the second in line. Now, if you do nothing you stay separate and the enemy can isolate you both. But, if you play off your teammates contact you create an even greater obstacle. Staying put and staying silent often leads to far worse outcomes.

    Mistake #8 - Not Playing Contact

    • I've talked about defaulting, but what about playing contact? What does that even mean?
    • Great question. Playing contact is when you are PURPOSEFULLY silent when approaching a bombsite, and do not use abilities or fire shots unless spotted(making contact) with an enemy.
    • Why is this a good strategy? Simple. It doesn't allow for rotations. Think about it. By the time the first enemy sees you your team may already be inside of the bombsite. See what I mean? The ONLY problem is if you go to slow and the enemy makes a judgement call based on the lack of noise elsewhere. This is why playing contact should be done in the first half of the round generally.
    • Most people in low elo have two gears, SUPER PASSIVE, or FULL RUSH B. No inbetween. I'm suggesting playing contact as a very viable option, and one that should deliver fantastic results for those who struggle on attack.(don't play contact if an OP is holding the angle though)

    Mistake #9 - Right Click Only Classic

    • The right click for the classic has its place in the meta but is not a viable substitute for when you are mid-long range. I demonstrate this in the practice range in the video.
    • Right click SHOULD be use in close range, when jumping corners, or to finish off a VERY low enemy.
    • Right click SHOULD NOT be used when you 10m + away from the enemy in a pistol round. START with left clicks, and use your right to finish if you must. The obsession over right clicks on needs to stop lol

    Mistake #10 - Not Pre-Aiming Corners When Turning Them

    • You've probably heard me drone on about "Crosshair placement" but lets talk about pre-aiming for peeks right. When you turn a corner you should have a spot in mind where an enemy could be. Aim there. Simple.
    • A huge problem at the low ranks is that players turn corners and just aim at the middle of the opening. Nothing else. Not a particular position or spot, just...nothing.
    • To fix this you'll want to actively focus on your position, and when turning a corner you'll always want to be aimed in where you most expect an enemy to be from where you can be seen. It's that simple!

    LOTS TO READ...I know. Sorry. Please ask questions if you anything comes up, I'll gladly respond!

    submitted by /u/MxChamp24
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    James Banks with an insane clutch while I cast from the grave

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Valorant butterfly knife?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Dear Riot,

    I have a great suggestion for a new knife. i think it would be great if you guys could add a butterfly knife in valorant because a lot of players including me want it added . Please consider it.

    Also I've been going through youtube and I found this design and I think it would be so sick if this was in valorant.


    submitted by /u/AndOne772
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    The real reasons why the OP is so strong / How to play around the current meta.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    The real reasons why the OP is so strong / How to play around the current meta.

    Why the operator is still broken post-nerf

    Hey guys, this is Twix, the most unecessarily analytical Valorant coach on reddit, back with another guide. I am a previously competitive CS player and top 1% aim trainer grinder with numerous achievements across multiple FPS games, that focuses mainly on the mechanical components of coaching in FPS games ( previously CS & Apex, currently Valorant). I have covered pretty much every fundamental aspect of the game, both mechanics-wise and gamesense-wise in my previous posts ( which are pinned on my profile so feel free to check them out :D), and I was conflicted in terms of what topic to cover next. Due to numerous people in my discord server requesting for this topic to be covered and the amount of people I hear / see complain about it daily, I chose to discuss the current state of the OP meta. If you enjoy my content and want to see more of it, or you're interested in private coaching, make sure to join my discord server https://discord.gg/6ZYVZ6x where you'll find a friendly and helpful community oriented towards improving in FPS games and in-depth pricing details / reviews of the services I offer. Feel free to follow my twitter account twitter.com/Twix_v2 also linked at the end of this post, if you want to receive aim-training / valorant related updates from me. Hope you enjoy reading ( or not ) through this post!


    1. OP balancing issues / How these issues can be addressed
    2. How to play around the "OP meta" in Matchmaking
    3. Discord Server / Twitter links

    The OP meta is a very clear problem in the game currently, especially in maps such as Ascent, as it allows for very little counterplay and holds a very low skill / risk requirement to pull the setup off effectively. This is especially evident in circumstances where a team is douple OP'ing, which can be extremely frustrating, especially against lower ELO players that don't know how to efficiently counter the strat. However, a lot of the people saying the OP should be nerfed fail to comprehend how complicated individually balancing the Operator in this game would be, as the issue stems from a lot of far more fundamental "faults" that the game suffers from. This post's main goal is to elaborate upon the real reasons that the Operator is currently such a strong / problematic weapon in matchmaking, and offer a few ways that this could be solved through updates, as well as how players can individually counter the weapon to make their matchmaking experience more pleasant.

    Think about it this way, the "Operator" is the equivalent of the "AWP" in CS:GO both in terms of pricing and the role the weapon fills in a team's setup, yet in CS the AWP isn't a "game breaking" weapon by any means, and requires more mechanical skill to use efficiently. However, if you compare the AWP's weapon stats to the Operator's, you will very quickly come to realize that the AWP is better in every aspect. Literally. It has a higher fire-rate, more ammo per clip, better / faster innacuracy reset, you can crouch + move, etc. People need to realize that the reason the Operator is overpowered in the current meta isn't it's weapon stats, unfortunately.

    The operator is currently overpowered due to three main reasons ( and an agent... ):

    Map Design:

    The Problem

    The map design in Valorant differs quite vastly to that of CS, the amount of angles ( especially deep angles / 90 deg angles ) that you need to clear on each sector of a map, is far larger to that of CS, therefore holding angles with a one-shot weapon is inherently easier to do. There are also less objects that you can use in your direct environment to peek in a way that shields the majority of your body ( think of the angles you can hold on somethig like "A site" on Dust in CS:GO.

    Example of player model exposure in an angle being held in CS

    As opposed to counter-strike where there are many of these angles ( as seen above ) that you can hold while only a fraction of your player model is exposed, In Valorant, you need to full-body peek ( peek with the entirety of your player model exposed ) the majority of the angles you challenge / hold, which makes it far easier for an OP player to land shots on you. The fact that you need to full-body peek these angles also means that missing shots or being double peeked while using the Operator is much more punishing as well, however, this can be completely overlooked as a downside when the weapon is paired with Jett, something I'll elaborate upon further later down the post.

    Another really big issue ( IMO ) In terms of how the map design in Valorant allows for one-shot weapons like the operator to be abused in matchmaking, is the fact that before the round even starts, you can set up in an angle where your sightline is directly looking into an area across the entire map where the enemy spawn barrier is located, meaning you can hold an angle as soon as the round starts where an enemy will be within the first 0.5 seconds into the round. Using CS:GO maps as comparison, the only angle you can hold in a similar manner would be mid doors in D2, but then again, hitting someone crossing through that narrow angle is not nearly as easy. Here is an example of what I mean in Valorant:

    Green line = Spawn barrier location / Red line = OP LOS

    As you can see in the image above, the defender playing bottom mid on Ascent can adjust in around 0.5 seconds as soon as the round starts, to get a guaranteed hold on anyone who pushes top mid post-spawn, what I mean by this is that the defender will be the first to hold the angle, and the attacker will have to actively peek the defender. This can be countered in plenty of ways, e.g. a Cypher cam top mid to scan mid, or a smoke to cut off the LOS ( Line of Sight ), however, it's an issue when the only way to counter an individual weapon is to fully rely on your team's utility usage. If you're a scrim / comp player this probably isn't an issue, but 99% of people play MM, and the majority of them solo / duo queue, meaning that relying on your team-synergy with strangers to counter an individual angle is completely inconsistent, especially in lower ELO games. For this specific issue, I think one way to fix it would be to re-adjust the spawn barrier locations in certain maps ( as done previously with split ) to even out the defender / attacker advantages.

    The Solution

    In terms of fixing issues that are directly related to the game's map structure / design, the necessary "patches" are much more difficult to implement. Maps take a lot of time & resources to design, and it would therefore be unrealistic to expect the dev team to fully rework the existing maps. However, the excessively problematic map sections can and should be reworked to result in a more balanced competitive structure. Similar to how the mid-section of split was reworked post-beta, the dev team should focus on doing the same with other maps, as we haven't seen any relevant changes since then.

    If you're confused as to how the map structure is "problematic" in Valorant, here is a video by a map designer, analyzing the fundamental flaws in Valorant's general map design:

    Valorant Map Design - Explained from a Map Creator's POV

    I believe the main issue with Valorant's current map pool is a lack of community input / playtesting. Volcano is a great map creator, and gave us what is arguably one of the best CS maps of all time ( Cache ) and I'm definitely disappointed in the current state of the Valorant map pool. If there was a community workshop, or at least selective playtesting prior to the full release of these maps, I'm sure that a lot of the main aspects that people complain about could have been fully avoided.

    Another adjustment that needs to be made on certain maps is the placement of the aforementioned spawn barriers / spawn protection. Calculating the exact timing from each barrier to x position is crucial to the decision making in terms of determining where exactly to place each barrier in order to avoid issues such as being able to hold OP angles as soon as the round starts without having to move more than a couple of steps.

    Lack of universal utility:

    The Problem

    This is a pretty commonly overlooked issue, it's not a complicated concept to get behind but peoples' understanding of this is pretty misconstrued so I'd like to touch upon the subject briefly. As mentioned above, one of the biggest issues in solo queue MM is that yes, you can counter operator angles in theory, but that means that either you're forcing yourself to pick a smoker ( which may not be your role ) or you're forced to rely on your teammate's ability to properly use their utility to counter operator angles / LOS. I'm sure some will say "oh, but that's how the game is meant to be played", Yeah, in theory that's true, but in practice, the mass majority of people will not play off of eachother properly and a lot of the time such communication is extremely difficult if you're solo-queuing, even in higher ELO games.

    When I make a negative statement in relation to the extremely large amount of deep angles that you need to clear in each section of a map in Valorant, or the ridiculously open, cross-map LOS that can be held with an operator, with my main point of reference being CS, a lot of players say it isn't a problem because you have "so much utility" in Valorant which is why they're different in structure to CS maps. I think the root of the misconception here is the fact that there's so many unique abilities, which creates the illusion that there's a much larger variety of utility than there really is, since the majority of abilities function in a way that overlaps with one another, e.g. Phoenix's curveball is very different ( both visually and mechanically ) than Breach's flashes, or Reyna / Omen's blinds, but they all have the same function, they blind / nearsight the enemy. Jett / Brimstone / Omen all have very "different" smoke abilities, but again, they all hold the same function.

    In CS:GO, every single person on the team has the ability to carry a flash, a molly, a smoke, and / or an HE nade, even in combination, meaning you can have something like 10 flashes, 5 smokes, and 5 mollies in a single round on your team, but most importantly, every player has the utility necessary to counter one-shot weapons / people holding x angle, you don't need to rely on others to flash / smoke / molly areas for you.

    Nade buy menu in CS:GO

    The idea behind having character-bound abilities enforces team play, which isn't a bad concept in theory for a tactical shooter, however, when there's a weapon in the game which can be so heavily abused mainly due to the fact that necessary utility is player-bound. Here's a hypothetical scenario, you're playing ascent and everyone instalocks, you have no smokes, and the enemy team abuses mid with a double OP setup. The result? Not much room for counterplay. Again, people shouldn't be insta-locking duelists, but they will consistently do so, especially in lower ranks. You shouldn't have to be forced into situations where the outcome of your ability to hold a position is pre-determined by factors out of your control, e.g. people not picking smokers, or even worse, people picking smokers and not using their utility to block LOS.

    The Solution

    The solution to this problem could be quite tricky, obviously having utility be character-bound isn't going to ( and shouldn't ) be changed, as it's one of the aspects of Valorant that makes the game unique as a tac shooter. What can however be done to counter the issue that people come across often in terms of having horrible team comps that don't allow for the counter-play necessary to tackle the OP meta, especially in maps like Ascent, is to introduce a role cap. What I mean by this is e.g. introducing a sort of "filter" that doesn't allow for people to lock into more than say, 3 duelists. I don't believe there even needs to be a cap on any other role, as the issue of people not having smokes / CC on their team ( especially in lower elo ) stems from the fact that everyone wants to play a duelist. I have played on smurf accounts in low diamond in order to play with friends in duo / trio queue, and 50% of the time people would just instalock Reyna / Phoenix / Jett as soon as we loaded into the lobby.

    It would also be nice to introduce some sort of feature to prevent instalocking in general. A good way to do this IMO would be to allow for a sort of "team discussion" period, maybe 15-20 seconds after everyone loads into the lobby, where people can "declare" the agent they want to play, this would be great in terms of keeping people from just spam-picking duelists in every low MMR lobby ( high MMR too, just not as often ). It would also be nice to allow for people to "trade" picks similar to how you can trade champions in league even after you have locked in your picks, I don't see any reason as to why players shouldn't be able to do this if they come to a last-minute mutual agreement with a teammate that they want to swap roles.

    Player models & Movement:

    The Problem

    Finally, another aspect of the game which influences the extent to which the operator can be abused in the current meta, is the player model size ( hitbox ) and the restrictive movement. If you compare the hitbox in this game to that of any other tac fps, you'll quickly notice that the hitboxes in Valorant are quite larger than the rest of the games in the genre, what you'll also find, is that the movement in Valorant is much more restrictive.

    Valorant / CS:GO Hitboxes

    In Valorant, you accel / build momentum at a much slower pace than you would in any CS game, on top of that, bhopping doesn't allow you to gain momentum fluidly. All these factors, paired with the fact that you get significantly slowed after having been hit once, make it very difficult to engage in fluid movement sequences, in return making it very easy for players holding angles with an operator to land their shots on you. The mechanical cap is also much lower in terms of what you can do with your movement, in CS you can effectively "bait" sniper shots by jiggle peeking angles ( quickly counter-strafing an angle to get vision, only barely exposing your player model ), but in Valorant, due to the significantly slower momentum / accel it's impossible to do so efficiently.

    There still are some neat tricks you can pull off with Valorant's movement system, e.g. the fact that you can bhop silently as long as you hit shift mid-air after your initial jump, and the surface you're moving on is inclined, which allows for some nice repositioning plays; The best example of this is probably silent bhopping on to the bike and then the wall in A lobby, peeking into A main on Ascent.

    You can also circle / strafejump pretty effectively to gain vision or bait shots, although you need to know how to "air strafe" to do this properly. This isn't too difficult, it's just a combination of moving your mouse in sync with your player's directional movement, e.g. If I'm holding the "D" key, I'm simultaneously moving my mouse towards the right side of my screen. Here is a video of Dapr explaining it better than I ever could, as it's his signature move:

    Sentinels Dapr - Jump peeking tutorial

    The Solution

    Clearly the game's movement system has been consciously designed to function this way, and similar to other mechanics in the game it allows for an even playing field between lower skill level and higher skill level players as the individual skillcap and therefore learning curve is far lower; Whether or not you enjoy this concept of a more "noob friendly" game or not is a matter of preference, I personally think lowering the skill ceiling like this just puts a hard cap on individual mechanics, which holds negative results in competitive play as the individual impact of players is "forced" to be closer to equal.

    If I were to change the movement system, I would initially greatly decrease the delay in building momentum / increase the accel, so that jiggle peeking and counter-strafing were made more viable in the game. I think both of those mechanics are heavily skill based and shouldn't be restricted as heavily as they are in the current live build. The amount a player is slowed after being hit is a bit too high as well in the game's current state, however, if the accel / momentum changes were implemented, it wouldn't need to be adjusted.

    Jett's Point & Click Adventure!

    The Problem

    This isn't going to be a lengthy topic, but I just wanted to address the blatant issue that is the Jett + Operator combo in MM. There is a very good reason why every lobby in higher ELO is dominated by Jett in terms of winrate & pickrate, it's not due to Jett's kit individually, it's due to Jett's potential when paired with an Operator, especially in maps like Ascent which allow you to hold long, open angles.

    We briefly discussed earlier, how it's good in terms of OP counter-play, that the maps in this game force you to commit to full body peeks, and that getting hit while out in the open heavily punishes the player, well, you can ignore all of that just by picking Jett. People constantly talk about Jett saying "oh nerf her updraft, nerf her ult, nerf her smokes 7 seconds is too long!" but the glaringly blatant issue to me is her dash. Jett's dash allows for her to hold any position with the Operator, without having to worry about getting traded post-kill, or even getting caught out if she misses her shot because all she has to do is press "E" after shooting ( plus she gets her E back after 2 kills ). Jett's ability to reposition so freely, paired with her ability to set up in off-angles using her updraft, is what makes her so powerful in combination with the operator. Sure, Reyna can use her E to reposition as well, but 1) It's an extended animation 2) You actually need to kill someone to use it 3) You need to have LOS with the orb 4) You need to have your orb up to begin with ( needs to be bought / gained post-round ).

    The Solution

    The solution to this issue is pretty clear to me, Jett's "E" / Dash ability has to be nerfed, I don't exactly know how this would be best balanced, but I'm sure a team of full-time game developers that have loads of experience working on game balancing can come up with a reasonable adjustment; Regardless, I have a couple of ideas of my own.

    My first "fix" would be to simply add a short delay, something like 0.25 / 0.5 seconds post-shooting where Jett can't use her dash before that. Even though a 1/4 of a second time-frame is extremely short, it's still enough for a decent player to punish Jett before she can freely deny the trade.

    My second idea for a "fix" would be to limit Jett's dash usage to the direction she's facing. This would make it much more mechanically challenging to reposition after shooting, and is very similar to my first suggestion as this change also effectively adds a short delay pre-dash, as players will require a short amount of time to adjust their aim to the direction they want to dash towards.


    How to play around the "OP meta" in Matchmaking

    1) Picking the right team comp / making sure roles are being filled

    Before we get into the mechanical aspect of playing against operators, we have to go through the basics, I mentioned before how especially at lower elo people will instalock duelists and ignore picking agents that offer team utility, or how people will be forced into picking omen / brim and just never utilize their smokes to cut off crucial LOS. Unfortunately, in the current state of the game, the only consistent way to counter this as an issue is to learn to play agents like Omen / Brimstone yourself, and make sure to avoid insta-locking in lobbies and fill the required "smoker" role when necessary. If you get into a lobby where 4 people just insta-lock duelists, honestly, just dodge the game. You're going to get a 3 minute cooldown if you haven't done it repeatedly and you lose 0 elo / mmr. You're sacrificing 3 minutes over an almost guaranteed loss, I think that's a pretty decent trade.

    Example: You're playing Ascent and this is your team comp:

    Scenario #1

    Breach / Cypher / Omen / Jett / Sova = Solid team composition, high chance of winning if played correctly.

    Scenario #2

    Reyna / Phoenix / Jett / Raze / Breach = No viable smokes, very little team utility, very low chance of winning against a decently structured team, even if played well ( mechanically ).

    2) Using your utility effectively

    If you've gotten past the point of selecting the right agents for a solid team composition, all you need to do in order to minimize the effect of people abusing the Jett + Operator combo in MM, is to use your abilities efficiently. What this means is that depending on your agent, you will need to use your abilities to play around the enemy's OP player. If you're playing an agent that utilizes flash abilities, this means that you'll need to time your flashes efficiently with your pushes / peeks in order to actually have a chance of taking out the OP. Quick note on this, if you're playing Phoenix you want to be peeking right "behind" your flashes as soon as they pop, as the duration is very short and you want to make the most out of it before allowing enemies to reposition behind cover. If you're playing Reyna you want to wait a split-second before peeking with your "leer" ability as it only activates once it reaches it's designated range, as an alternative to this you can toss your leer out in odd positions to throw off your opponent's crosshair placement, in this instance you could peek with your blind. Keep in mind that while Breach and Phoenix can fully flash their opponents, Reyna and Omen's blinds instead cause a "near-sightedness" debuff, meaning affected players can still see you clearly when you're close enough

    If you're playing a smoker your role in denying the enemy team of getting free Operator picks is even more directly important, especially if you're playing on maps like Ascent or Haven which have plenty of long and open angles to hold which are almost impossible to push without proper smoke placement. Here is an example of where Brimstone / Omen should be smoking on Ascent:

    Green markings = Defender-side smokes / Red markings = Attacker-side smokes

    The map above is marked according to the locations you should be using your Brimstone / Omen smokes in. Simply opening your clicking on the map and sending out those 2 smokes as soon as the round starts depending on the side you're playing, instantly lowers the chance of you dying to an Operator through mid immensely. Jett smokes aren't mentioned as they aren't meant to be / can't be used globally, and therefore are pretty useless for pre-round setups.

    3) What to do if you aren't playing a smoker and your teammates aren't utilizing their abilities properly

    If you're in the unfortunate scenario of having teammates filling the "smoker" role that aren't properly utilizing their abilities and the enemy team is abusing a double OP setup to maintain mid control every round, your only option is to play it safe. There's nothing wrong with holding angles and not peeking, in these scenarios the best you can do is play defensively, hold angles further back down mid ( or whichever position you're playing ) and simply not open yourself up to unecessary LOS. Don't forget that the Operator isn't strong due to it's stats, but due to the plethora of reasons we mentioned further up in the post. The reason I'm mentioning this is to say that you shouldn't be too scared of Operators pushing into you if you're holding a decent defensive angle, the operator isn't nearly as potent agressively, especially when having to clear close quarters angles. If you're still struggling to hold back OP players pushing through mid, make sure to set up a crossfire with your teammate that's nearest to you. What you don't want to be doing is giving up mid control, especially in Ascent, as it can lead to flanks and split pushes which are very difficult to hold off.

    When playing against an OP and you want to push the player holding the angle, the worst thing you can do is slow-peek the angle. The biggest recurring issue I see in lower ranks, is players hastily slow-peeking angles that they know are being held by an Operator. You shouldn't be slow-peeking angles that you know players are holding to begin with, but especially not when the player holding the angle is using an OP. When peeking into an OP, make sure to use your utility ( flashes especially ) if available, and move into your peek / swing into the angle as fast as possible, otherwise you basically allow for a free kill. Another way to counter OPs is to simply buy an OP yourself, which can definitely be effective especially in lower ELO where you can't rely on your team's util usage, here you have to be weary of spawn barrier timing and who's able to get the first peek on to the other. e.g. You shouldn't be dry peeking top mid into bottom mid in Ascent when you and the enemy both have OPs, as they'll be holding the angle before you have time to peek them.

    Discord Server + Twitter Link

    Discord Server =====> https://discord.gg/6ZYVZ6x

    Twitter =====> https://twitter.com/Twix_v2

    submitted by /u/Hi_Im_TwiX
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    Icebox Secret Agent?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:51 AM PDT


    This imgur album shows an overview of the new icebox map, as well as a zoomed in picture of a "secret" agent that's unrecognizable. This could very easily be an already known agent, but the fact that only one agent is shown standing still instead of 5 running out (like the clearly visible Sage, Jett, Brim, Pheonix, and Sova running out from the ship) make me think that it's the new agent we're waiting for. I plant to make another post going into more-depth on the layout of the map, and comparing it to CS:GO's subzero.

    submitted by /u/Kingxvx
    [link] [comments]

    Valorant-Cradles. Clips are not the best, but montage is pretty cool i think.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    This Why i love Valorant

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    I like the way Valorant is going with more inside maps

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Think split A heaven and ropes, Haven B, Bind U-Hall, Bind B CT, Bind Hookah, Ascent Garden, Ascent Market, and Ascent B site. I like the inside parts of the maps more, and i'm glad Icebox will have a largely indoors portions. I hope they keep adding indoor maps or sections!

    Also Icebox is just CSGO office+Overwatch Volskaya Industries+Overwatch Ecopoint: Antarctica, lol. Don't mind it though, those are good maps except for the absolute madness of trying to push paper on office CT side. Worst nightmares are there.

    submitted by /u/LoganCGaming
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    1v5 Clutch/Ace with Sheriff & Onetaps only, my best play ever^^

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    The play doesn’t matter nearly as much as the execution.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    I was having a discussion after a night of playing with some guys, and I kinda realized that the person who IGLs, at least at sub-diamond ranks, can say just about anything as a plan because the most important thing is the team working together. Whether you choose to execute A, B, mid, or whatever, it doesn't matter as long as the team is all on the same page. Call your smokes, call your flashes, play with your team. Individual talent will decide the gunfights at the end of the day, so as long as you're working together, you can trade your teams deaths and capitalize on them. Too many times have I executed a site and nobody is communicating their individual plays so we're all just kinda winging it. If you know exactly where your omen is smoking or your Phoenix is flashing you can plan your attack around that utility. Use your mic people.

    submitted by /u/zee924
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    [1 Hp Clutch] Didn't Ace and we still lost, but Killjoy is working as intended lol.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Short Immortal Montage

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Will the new map replace a new agent being released in act 3?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    I was wondering if the new map, Icebox, would come out instead of an agent, or if both would be released. This seems like it might've been similar to the Ascent and Reyna thing at act, but I don't know since I didn't play near release.

    submitted by /u/GuyLastName_
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    Pretty terrible at valorant but that didn’t stop me from making a montage. Enjoy a free self esteem boost

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    looking for a valorant fam before this act ends :(

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    hi guysssss. i started playing valorant when quarantine started and ive been grinding this act out. ive hit a lot of goals and have improved significantly. however, my one last goal is to just hit plat before the act ends. im not asking for a boost or anything, im just tired of solo queue and getting IDIOTS or just playing against smurfs. my highest rank so far has been gold 3 but due to a series of unfortunate events yesterday, i am back down to gold 2, about to derank to gold 1. so if anyone is tryna play, lmk!!! also im 20 f and from cali (:

    submitted by /u/lonelyvalorantplayer
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    One big brain raze vs 4 small brain enemies x)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Valorant but the intro is Regular Show inspired

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:38 AM PDT

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