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    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    VALORANT Skye // Agent Reveal trailer

    VALORANT Skye // Agent Reveal trailer

    Skye // Agent Reveal trailer

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    My First 6 Man Clutch

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    Is Viper's gas a bodily fluid?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Yes, you read that correctly. There is a possibility that Viper's gas is a byproduct of her bodily functions.

    Viper's toxin doesn't just appear out of thin air, does it? The only possible explanation that she technically has an indefinite amount of toxin without having huge gas tanks all around her would be that she produces it herself. It would also explain her immunity to it.

    I know what you're going to say, the reason she doesn't take damage from her own toxin is just that she has a mask. Well that's not necessarily the case. First of all, we don't know that her gas is only harmful when inhaled - it could affect the skin as well. Not to mention, if the mask is the reason she is immune then it doesn't explain why she takes damage from enemy Vipers. The only plausibility is that she is immune to only her own gas, but not that of another Viper.

    Its possible that the gas diffuses out of her skin, which explains why she would need to wear a skin-tight suit, so people can be around her without dying. Not to mention, Viper was never confirmed to be a non-Radiant. Its possible that Radianite boosts the production of this gas.

    Now you might be thinking, how do you explain why her teammates dont take damage? Well.... ignore that thought. This is a game, and sometimes gameplay comes at the expense of lore. Besides, it was always intended for her teammates to take damage from it.

    Just imagine how Viper would have discovered this ability: waiting in a restaurant for her boyfriend, and she just lets out a little fart, it can't be helped after all. Horror fills her eyes as everyone around her suddenly starts to choke and die. It could have lead to some mental trauma which could've resulted in her psychotic tendencies.

    Thank you for reading my compelling theory.

    submitted by /u/KhalCottonCandy
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    ICEBOX Full Layout

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    ICEBOX Full Layout

    After spending far too much time looking over the leaked video of the new agent and the map trailer I've put together my best estimation of the newest Valorant map. I've included names of some recognizable features from the trailer to help identify where key shots take place. Arrows indicate ramps while the orange line and dots show traversable ropes. The yellow bounding boxes are the two bomb sites. There are a couple areas not in either video but I've tried to include every frame of detail we have so far. Hit me with any comments or questions.

    ICEBOX Map

    Some interesting notes:

    - The map seems pretty small with a lot of tight corridors to move through

    - The doors shown in the trailer are not destructible

    - Flanking is going to be tough

    submitted by /u/MCMan6482
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    Scottish people are the best at hyping up randoms in comp

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Ask Valorant #9!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    As an Australian looking forward to Skye coming out.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    There are Aussie lines I hope to my core they've added in some aspect.

    • "What a Drongo"
    • "Crikey that was close"
    • "No Worries mate"
    • "Fair Dinkum!"
    • "Put the snags on the barbie, we're comin home"

    What other ones am I missing you'd like to see?

    submitted by /u/Kadomos
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    Iron 1 to Diamond 2

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    Like many people with Valorant, it was my first real PC FPS. Growing up, I played FIFA and COD on console and League was probably my introduction to some sort of competitive PC game.

    When I started valorant, I was pretty frustrated because I would run and gun and none of my bullets connected. I tried to jump-shot people like COD and I even asked my friends how to drop shot. In the beta, I placed in iron 1 and I stayed around that elo for the entirety of the beta.

    I'm no FPS pro but here's how I climbed (playing almost entirely solo) to D2.

    1. The basics of the game require good crosshair placement and aim, which comes with time as long as you work on it. I think climbing out of iron/bronze/silver/gold require mostly good crosshair placement. Honestly, for a diamond player, I will admit that my crosshair placement is pretty poor compared to players in my life elo. However, what separates lower elo from higher also has to do with MOVEMENT.

    1a. Movement: Swinging - I often see lower elo players walk peeking a corner, but to take gunfights you should learn to lineup your crosshair with the wall and swing HARD, not some slow walk peek that makes you an easy kill for the enemy. Learning to air strafe/shoulder peek is good for getting info. You would also learn to hop around to get away from utility if you're getting overwhelmed in some circumstances.

    Also I see that sometimes people just blindly swing and that's the end all be all of the gunfight. Sometimes it's a better idea to shoot a few bullets and then get back into cover instead of spraying an entire mag and praying that your enemy misses too. I "jiggle shoot" (jiggle peeking and shooting while moving) to try and kill people.

    1. Pace: In most games, it's either brain dead rushing a site or waiting in spawn for the entirety of the round. However, when the teams are even and it comes down to a bit more strategy, it's important to bait out utility, force/delay rotations, and gather info on the other teams set-up. A healthy medium would be fighting for map control (the most infamous would probably be fighting over mid control on split).

    2. Gunfight choices: Unless you're playing Jett or Reyna, wide swinging into a rushing team on defense is probably not the best option (it forces your team to be down a player and likely causes an easy site take for the enemy team. My favorite advice about any tac shooter is to take as many unfair gunfights as possible. Using your blinds before peeking, peeking off the killjoy turret, I think Reyna's blind can even tank a few shots.

    3. Making information plays: Often times your teammates will say "don't peek just play a passive angle on site" when you're having a bad game. However, doing so will put your team in a worse position due to the potential of a late rotation/giving up crucial map control. Since I play Sova, getting early round info is pretty easy with Recon Dart and the drone. However, you can make similar plays with blinds to see if the enemy shoots or runs away, Raze grenade/boom bot. And every character can give a quick shoulder peek/air strafe, and I'm pretty confident that lower elo players won't be fast enough to shoot a quick jiggle (I mean I can't).

    Something I like to do on Sova is to recon dart early round and then if I don't see anything, just have someone rotate early to the other sites to fortify the defense there.

    1. Playing unorthodox: There are two elements to this: you want to have an unpredictable play style/strategy and you might even want to switch up the guns you use. For play style, you want to keep your opponents on their toes with where you could be located and the timings of your peeks.

    For weapons: you might not always be having an amazing aim day. Being a dirty Sova main, I often resort to the Odin/Ares wallbang. On the map split, short range weapons like the judge/Bucky/stinger are better than the classic rifles in many circumstances. Picking them up keeps the enemy on their toes.

    1. Develop mastery for one agent. I like Sova because it's a great information gatherer and I'm a nerd so I don't mind learning the lineups. Everyone likes playing duelists but I like to think that my info enables the cracked aimers to pop off.

    2. Communication is important: even if you're the only one talking on your team, giving comms when your dead while spectating can also be useful (as long as it's not a clutch situation where you're backseat gaming).

    3. Play to get better. Have the mindset of everything is your fault and as yourself how you can play every situation better. The truth is that your teammates don't lock you in any elo. Play to improve with a positive mindset and you'll get better over time.

    4. DON'T play on tilt: Back in my league days, I would often lose a long stressful game, and then lock in Lee Sin in 5 more ranked games and lose them all. If you want to climb, you're most likely going to have to try your hardest in each game. So if you lose a tough tilting game, or start a small loss streak, just take a break (even a short one) before coming back to it.

    submitted by /u/mikeeatsrice12453
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    Act ll has been super fun, act lll is gonna be even better (ranked plat/diamond2)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Omen Refuses to Help

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Possible new breach design?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    So remember that time when they changed breaches design so no one would get him mixed up with brim? Well now that they're adding another ginger agent with green clothes, is it possible that they will have to change breach again? (cough cough how about that mask he had in beta sprays cough cough)

    submitted by /u/lutteni
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    [Lore/Content Creation Tool] Update on the Voice Line Project!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    [Lore/Content Creation Tool] Update on the Voice Line Project!

    Heya everyone! <3

    It has taken some time, but I'm happy to announce that the Voice Line Sheet is in full-functioning shape!

    The Voice Line Project aims to provide a resource that labels and describes each and every voice line in game all in one organized Google Sheet! It provides the file name, description, and context (if available) of each voice line for every Agent.

    (Note: We have a column for the "true file name" that would look something like this " Play_VO_Aamir_EmoteThanks " , these are not so easy to come by, so it's mostly blank.)

    The best part? We also inserted links to each individual voice line file so you can find the voice line you need and download it for use in your content!

    An example of the sheet!


    Well if you've downloaded the voice line folders for yourself, you'll quickly notice it's all just numbers.So you'll be spending a lot of time listening to each one trying to find the few that you're looking for.

    -----------This project was only possible thanks to the Community VALORANT Lore Discord Server and the wonderful Scribe team that leads projects such as this one.

    We will continue to support this sheet as new Agents, and new voice lines for previous agents, are released, so be sure to bookmark it!

    All the best!

    submitted by /u/BloodyThumbtack
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    Can't wait for this new update to get rid of all these high tier smurfs.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    Just played Wardell on his smurf on what I'm certain was my Immortal rank u game. Lost 12-14 and in the end it all felt like a wast of time since he was hard carrying his teammates. Hopefully the leader boards stop all these pros from surfing just to get 9 Radiant accounts. Just wanted to vent thank you!

    submitted by /u/Poptart_____________
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    Anyone else experiencing a lag when running over bodies?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    I first expierienced it when I had bodies deactivated and it was only the face platform thing on the ground but it also occurs with normal bodies. Some make me lag and some do not. And it's client-sided since the server lets me run over it.


    submitted by /u/supRAS99
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    From UNRANKED to RADIANT to IGNITION Series Grand Final winners stream cliptage. Hope you guys all enjoy!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    KDA Pressure definetly hurts new player experience and learning curve...

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Hey, hi.

    I am a 27 yo guy who is new with the fps game genre. This is the only fps game I have ever been interested in. I do not even have Cs go in my steam account. I got placed iron 1 as it should be and currently I am at the high iron 3. It seems killing people affecting my elo a lot. The games I played with fewer kills almost gives nothing and if I lose a game like that I lost a lot. I prefer to play agents like Cypher, Sova, Killjoy, Sage etc. and trying to do my thing rather than focusing on killing people but the elo thing puts a lot of pressure on me and usually resulting big mistakes by me. I have this weird curve for example; I play first 3-4 rounds pretty good and kinda fall off while the game goes on. Not having enough kills or having a couple of more and trying to get more with confidence pushes me to make mistakes and giving me anxiety rather than joy. I think Riot should do something about this.

    submitted by /u/ysfykmt
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    This is an unusual reason why you might not be performing as well as you used to!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    This is something that you will never see in a YouTube guide or might not even be something that you'd think of. I recently have been ranking up in Valorant a good bit. I went from silver 1 to gold 3 is where I am now.

    Recently over the past 2 weeks I have not been performing as well. Just not hitting the shots I was before and bottom fragging a lot. It was really annoying me. I'm Irish and over the past 2 weeks it has been getting much colder so I haven't been wearing summer clothing. Back wearing hoodies and jumpers.

    I realised this 2 days ago and thought that maybe it would play a part in why I'm not performing as good because I've thicker clothes on and have less movement in my clothes with sleeves.

    I started wearing t shirts 2 days ago and am popping off since. I definitely think the change in clothing changed the feel and changed my movement.

    Having gone back down to gold 1 I'm back up to gold 3 and this is the only thing that changed so it is the reason!

    This might sound far fetched but with such precise movement that is required to move the crosshair it is a factor to take into consideration.

    Still waiting on the Oni phantom to appear in my shop for the last 6 weeks but at least I'm performing well again😂

    If this even helps one person I'll be glad!

    submitted by /u/Afrotrout
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    Indian servers cancelled?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    I thought the servers were in testing but there wasn't even a mention in the Act 3 roadmap. Have the servers bee cancelled , there is a lot of speculation regarding this?

    submitted by /u/iglooboi999
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    Commentator here, anyone need one?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Hi Valorant!

    I am Enzze, a few years back I used to commentate for Cod4 competitive and dipped into league at the start of it but since then have not been around doing it simply as no game really has interested me since.

    I have many Vods of previous work I can provide but I'm looking to get back into it, if anyone has any cups, tournaments in which they need a commentator for I'm here, I have about 4 to 5 years experience doing it so I'm no stranger on how things work.

    I didn't know as it's been a while how I would get back into so I'm posting here!

    If anyone wants any vods of previous work feel free to pm me!

    submitted by /u/Enzze
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    6 Kills at Split

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    PSA: Stop talking smack about the characters accents!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Quit ur "im a ukrainian" "im brazilian" "im Australian" and that accent sounds so fake BS. Its a god dam video game and there are real people (for the most part litterally from the actual region they are lining for) behind those voices you inconsiderate twats.

    breaths deeply


    submitted by /u/Potatopc2019
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