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    Thursday, November 19, 2020

    VALORANT First Strike: North America / UMG Closed Qualifier - Groups / Day 1 / Live Discussion

    VALORANT First Strike: North America / UMG Closed Qualifier - Groups / Day 1 / Live Discussion

    First Strike: North America / UMG Closed Qualifier - Groups / Day 1 / Live Discussion

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:33 AM PST

    First Strike North America - UMG Gaming

    UMGGaming | Liquipedia | vlr.gg | thespike.gg | Juked.gg


    Group Stage
    • 4 groups of four teams
    • Top two teams advance to the Playoffs
    • All matches Bo3
    • 8 teams
    • Single Elimination bracket
    • All match are Bo3
    Grand Finals
    • All matches Bo5

    Opening Matches

    12PM PST | 3PM EST | 9PM CET | 5AM KST
    Match Score
    Cloud9 Blue vs. Spacestation Gaming 0-1
    Equinox Esports vs. Luminosity Gaming 0-2
    TSM vs. NRG 0-1
    Andbox vs. FaZe Clan 0-1
    Complexity Gaming vs. Team Serenity 1-1
    Moon Raccoons vs. Gen.G Esports 0-2
    T1 vs. Dignitas 0-1
    Immortals vs. Pittsburgh Knights 2-0

    Elimination Matches

    3PM PST | 6PM EST | 12AM CET | 8AM KST
    Match Score
    TBA vs. Equinox Esports 0-0
    TBA vs. TBA 0-0
    TBA vs. Moon Raccoons 0-0
    TBA vs. Pittsburgh Knights 0-0


    Group A Group B Group C Group D
    Cloud9 Blue TSM Complexity_Gaming T1
    Equinox Esports Andbox Moon_Raccoons Immortals
    Luminosity Gaming FaZe_Clan Gen.G_Esports Pittsburgh_Knights
    Spacestation Gaming NRG Team_Serenity Dignitas



    submitted by /u/Pruvided
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    Rank Up Faster by Learning How to Peek Better — Peeking Guide

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:55 AM PST

    Here's the video link if you're lazy to read

    Peeking is one of the most important skills and it is often overlooked. Everyone talks about aim and crosshair placement, but knowing how to peek properly is what separates the lower and higher ranks.

    In this post, I'm going to teach you how to peek better in Valorant so that you get kills more consistently and climb the ranks easier.

    The Basics

    First, let's start off with the most common mistake players make when peeking - shift-walking when peeking an angle.

    If you peek while walking, you make yourself a very easy target for the enemy. The difference between someone shift walking and someone who is peeking at full speed is very significant (shown in the video).

    It's much harder for the enemy to react to you when you're not walking all the time. If you watch any pro or high-level Valorant gameplay, you'll see that they're barely peeking while holding shift. This is also the reason why you shouldn't be using ADS to peek corners, as it'll make you much slower than normal.

    Another thing is that, if the enemy already knows your location, it's useless to be walk-peeking someone. This happens a lot in clutch scenarios, so just be aware of what info has been given away.

    But wait, I want to remain silent while I peek. If I run, then I'm going to make a sound?

    If you didn't know, you can peek angles at full speed w/o making a sound by releasing the movement key after half a second (ish). I'm not 100% sure on the timing, but try it out in a custom game, and you'll feel it for yourself. There's a set distance you can move before making a sound and You should get used to the timing, as you'll want to almost always be peeking this way instead of shift-walking as, again, it'll make you a much harder target to hit.

    When peeking common angles, you also want to pre-aim your crosshair to the spot where an enemy's head will be. This means that you're factoring your end location into your crosshair placement. Oftentimes, you're going to be aiming at the wall right before you peek, but after you've moved to your end location, your crosshair placement directly on the enemy's head. Pre-aiming is something that goes hand in hand when peeking common angles but doesn't work for off-angles.

    The Goal of Peeking

    A good peek is centered around either gaining information, baiting a shot, or killing an enemy, all while making it hard for the opposing player to hit you.

    Now, each peek you make will have different goals but whatever the goal of your peek is, the main thing is that you want to be isolating angles and not opening yourself up to multiple sightlines.

    There isn't a "default" peek as you're going to have to judge how wide you need to swing in order to clear certain spots, and it's going to be a trade-off based on educated guesses on where the enemy will be.

    For example, if I want to clear CT on Haven A site from Short/Sewers, I'm going to have to expose myself to Heaven. You can try to peek as close to the wall as possible, but w/ how the angles work, you're still going to be exposed. This is where utility comes in, as it helps isolate angles to make peeks easier.

    A lot of lower-ranked players will peek an angle, put themselves out in the open, and then complain that they died to someone from another area when in reality, they were open to a bunch of angles.

    In order to remedy this problem, I'm going to teach you the different types of peeks and how to utilize them properly so that you can bring value to your team more consistently.

    The Different Types of Peeks

    1. The Jiggle Peek

    The goal of this peek is to gain information while still being relatively safe. This is the peek where you barely show your body to the opponent, sometimes you even have your knife out to increase movement speed. It's a precise peek that takes some practice to master as you want to have the bare minimum of your body showing so that stay hard to hit.

    Sometimes, players will pre-fire when they jiggle an angle, which is a great way to try to get some kills. You want to be using this peek often, as it provides the best risk vs reward outcome.

    Remember, the goal is to isolate angles. If you're jiggling and opening yourself up to multiple angles, then it's useless.

    2. Wide Peek

    This is the opposite of peeking narrow, as you're going to swing far from the corner. You generally don't want to be wide peeking alone as you tend to open yourself up to multiple sightlines, but this is map dependent. Usually, you're going to be wide peeking when you have a teammate peeking narrow, or following up after your peek. If you're wide peeking alone, you're going to be punished heavily if you don't hit your shots.

    3. Crouch Peek

    this is Peeking and crouching at the same time to throw off your enemies' crosshair placement. Depending on your rank, this could be a good and bad thing. I'd suggest not doing this peek in lower ranks as players tend to have worse crosshair placement, and might accidentally headshot you because they were aiming for the body.

    In higher ranks, this is a great way to mix up your gameplay, as players generally tend to aim for the head.

    4. Jump Peek

    This peek is used to solely gather information, unlike the jiggle peek. To perform this, you need to jump to the right or the left and air-strafe back to your original position using the opposite movement key and backward or the S key. If you do this properly, you barely show yourself and throw off your enemy's crosshair placement. Now, this might take some time to master as well, but if you can perfect it, jump peeking for info is a great tool to have in your arsenal.

    The most common use of this is on Top Mid on Ascent, where the attackers will usually jump peek the box to bait the OPer, or B site on Split for Defenders.

    Pro Tip to Get More Kills

    This might already be known, but for those who don't know this, you can ping a spot on the map to help align your crosshair. This will ping the ground, so be sure to compensate for height and try to imagine where the enemy's head will be.

    This is great for entry fraggers and peeks at the start of the round because it gives you a better idea of where the enemy will be as you can see the ping through the line of sight. It's also perfect for areas that have smoked or blocked off. More importantly, if you're dead and in a post-plant situation, you should be pinging the bomb for your teammates so they can spray through smokes.

    I primarily use this when peeking Mid on Ascent, A long on Haven, and A short on Bind, but feel free to use this wherever. I find it very helpful in improving the quality of my peeks, and it's gotten me a bunch of entry frags in the past.

    Final Thoughts

    If there's one thing you should take away from this video, it's that you shouldn't be shift-walking or aiming down sights when you peek someone. If you have that habit, then you need to unlearn it because it's what's holding you back from getting a higher rank.

    You should be switching up the way you peek to keep the enemy on their toes and make you less predictable.

    Anyway, that's it for this post. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to me on discord (Eggwick #7855). Hope this helps, and good luck on the grind! :)

    submitted by /u/eggwickgg
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    Haven is unplayable

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:02 AM PST

    Haven is unplayable

    When loading into a match on Haven the screen looks like this:

    Loading screen on Haven

    See the problem?

    Haven A Site Loading Screen

    That's right the box color on A site is still orange, however, when in a match it's green.

    Haven A Site in-game

    Additionally, the same problem is evident at CT spawn and C site (you have to look closely for that one).

    In conclusion, Haven is unplayable.

    submitted by /u/flamingo_036
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    SKYY and KILLJOY on msPaint (Art?)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:05 PM PST

    SKYY and KILLJOY on msPaint (Art?)

    I'm back with SKYE and Killjoy this time.

    A little backstory for my inspiration for Skye.

    After a few games of shooting dogs and birds for the sake of winning a game, I realized I had to share my love and support for VALORANT's new agent: Skye.

    P.S. until today I wear sunglasses to counter Skye's flashes

    Hope you get a laugh from these!

    you'll wish you were blind..

    ig: softstump

    SKYE msPaint

    KILLJOY msPaint

    submitted by /u/Woorilla
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    Am I an artist now?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Am I an artist now?

    I was 20VP short on buying something, so I asked support if they could give me them. They agreed, but only if I will paint someone. That's how I've created this beautiful work of art. I'm proud.


    submitted by /u/L-avvie
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    Suggestion for separate Match History for Competitive Matches

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:06 AM PST

    I think it would be a nice QoL addition if we are able to get separate Match History for Competitive Matches thanks :)

    submitted by /u/cyanite7648
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    Ask VALORANT - Nov. 19

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:10 AM PST

    Panic attacks after playing?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:34 AM PST

    Anyone get panic attacks after playing? I just started playing a week ago and I need to improve on my gamesense and aim but comments from my teammates make me feel so pressured. Its the toxicity of other ppl that makes me want to stop playing, but i really want to be good at this while still enjoying. I get heart palpitations, sweating, tight throat, and i feel my insides shaking after playing. I also find it difficult to sleep after playing. Anyone experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/tsokochipcookie
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    Appreciation Post

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Valorant is kinda my first fps competitive game. I have played cs go and stuff before and but never really got into it as much as I am into this game. This pandemic has left me and a lot of people socially distant from our peers. Playing this game has become such a nice way to keep in touch with my friends by talking to them while playing games which other wouldn't be possible to do so often. It has kept my mental health balanced because my college has been loading us with fuck ton of assignments and evaluations, which especially during these times takes a toll on your head. By playing this game daily with friends, my sanity has been in check and stuff has been normal which I'm grateful for.

    A big thanks to the devs for putting all the effort for making such a fun game and keep up the hardwork.

    submitted by /u/michaelhoggs69
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    Abusing opponents team player(mainly sentinels) for camping is getting worse day by day .

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:56 AM PST

    I play sentinels mainly, opponents player abuses me always for camping. 1st of all sentinels are made for camping . If you rush without clearing an angle/ site . U are going to get killed.

    Players should understand that camping is also part of a strategy. If camping gives us favor then y we shouldn't do.

    submitted by /u/smit_shah3469
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    Am I going crazy or is this game impossible with over 60 ping?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:06 AM PST

    Lately I've been playing with some friends who are on the east coast and I'm on the west coast so we queue for central servers where I get between 65 and 70 ping. Any time I play with them it feels like I am playing absolute aim gods and die in milliseconds. Then I go back and play a few west coast games and all of a sudden it's back to normal, when I die it's my fault not just seeing the corner of omens hood and then I fall to the ground. Is this actually true or am I tripping myself up?

    Edit: Not complaining btw, I still manage to do well most games, I just feel like I have to change my play style quite a bit. Rely more on peaking than holding angles

    submitted by /u/Minimum-Neat
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    Directional Sound Improvements?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Does anyone know if Riot has addressed the issues regarding directional sound? I don't believe theres been any updates to the sound engine as of now, But I might be completely wrong.

    There have been too many instances where I'll hear someone coming behind me, just to turn around and die from the place I was originally watching.

    Anyone else experience this often? Anyone know if Riot has addressed any issues regarding sound? Thanks

    edit: Ask valorant in September addressed implementation of HRTF

    "I'll say that we agree that HRTF is a worthwhile endeavor, and plan to begin work on implementation. There are a few preemptive steps we need to take (e.g. engine version updates), but are hoping that we can start in October."

    Thank you, u/Dobly1 and u/-CaPhBi-

    submitted by /u/fauceit
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    Killjoy Fanart - felt artistic might delete later :)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Bucky can be viable as attacker even in a progame (F4Q vs CNE)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:55 AM PST

    High elo players,how do you trade kills effectively

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:25 AM PST

    I know what trading kills mean but implementing it into my game is kinda hard. I'm pretty sure there's more to do than just staying close to your teammate and trying to kill the guy he's fighting. Any tips you can give me?

    EDIT:Thanks for all the replies people. I will try things mentioned out. You have been very helpful:)

    submitted by /u/justminimal
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    Pick up Killjoy Swarm Grenades during buy phase

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:54 PM PST

    So before the round starts during but phase cypher can pick up his cages, tripwire, and cam(without waiting recharge time) with the activation key and Killjoy can recall her turret/alarmbot if you drop them before the round starts(with no recharge time) so why can't you pick up her swarm grenades before the round start. It would be a phenomenal QOL because sometimes you're trying to throw it in a specific spot and miss and now you're stuck with this swarm grenade in a garbage spot and you have to deal with it.

    Does anyone know if there is a reason behind why you can't or is it just that you can't for no apparent reason.

    submitted by /u/RealVampireCat
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    About smurfs and how to filter them out

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:35 AM PST

    So I made a post here yesterday, and I tried to make it short and humorous to get the point across, as opposed to the six paragraph essay I typed out and deleted. I failed to make it coherent enough, but I still wanted to get my point across.

    I think that smurfs do ruin rank, negate any gains in practice (other than being taught over and over that you don't have Platinum reflexes), and ruin the competitive challenge. If I agreed to play chess against random people who claim to be my skill level, I would be upset if Garry Kasparov disguised himself and pretended to be a novice just to destroy me and talk shit the whole time. The first game someone wipes the server with a K/D of a magnitude higher than anyone else, they should be ranked way higher than the system currently puts them.

    But to avoid playing with them? I would like to matchmake only with players who have had an account for at least a certain amount of time, and who have ranked in a previous Act. I would like to avoid people who throw multiple games in a row to drop back down to easy level and wipe the floor with everyone. And maybe filter by people who have bought an item in-game, the same way they did in TF2 to stop free, mass-created accounts from using bot software to spam the n word in chat and blast high-pitched speaker tests in voice chat. It wouldn't stop anyone from playing, but I'd like to avoid playing with them. It would also help me avoid people who might be using cheats, as cheaters less often buy items so as to not risk losing them.

    Maybe a lot of people think smurfs aren't a problem, but obviously enough people see a problem that it musn't be ignored. Yesterday, there were people smurfing in 40% of the matches I was in, and they admitted it. It's not against the rules, no, but I desperately want a tool to avoid those people in the first place. They can have fun fighting each other pretending to be Iron 2, but I want to play on an equal footing with other Bronze 2 players. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/Vladimir1761
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    Opinion on icebox?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:52 AM PST

    In my opinion icebox is such a breath in a fresh air on Valorant. Valorant is currently my "side game" because I play CSGO a lot more. The one thing I dislike about Valorant's maps is they have a lot of "small hallways" when Icebox got a lot of more open spaces. So yeah, Split and Icebox are currently 2 of my favorite maps so far.

    submitted by /u/SonicRKO
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    Possible Fix for VAN-6 Error

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:27 AM PST

    I, like many other players, have got an error (VAN-6) that disconnected me in the middle of every match i played. I made a ticket and they couldn't fix it blah blah blah. I have tried everything there is on the internet that says I could fix the error, but it only helped temporarily.

    And now I believe I may have found a fix for this, by mistake. I had to reset my pc because it was too sluggish, i didn't even uninstall Valorant (because i didn't install it in C:, so it didn't get wiped out with the fresh Windows install) and I played my matches like usual, and guess what? No disconnections. I might just be lucky, or a coincidence. But i think it's worth trying.

    Now, I was thinking what might have changed with this reset so that the game would fix itself, and i still might be wrong, but it's just my thought: When the game launched in may, there was a Vanguard bug in which it would block your mouse and/or keyboard and/or other RGB drivers from your PC, thinking it was suspicious. At that time, the only good fix i found was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5_x8FfBQVQ
    In this fix you change some text that you shouldn't usually change, or idk, the idea is that i believe that that problem (Vanguard blocking the mouse/kb) was fixed by Riot later on, and then Vanguard would see that text file as being malicious. After all, i was told by Riot support that VAN-6 is a hardware ban kind of error, and it would make sense.

    TL;DR: If you got the VAN-6 error, you might want to try and reset your PC.

    submitted by /u/Pisu__
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    rank is a bad indicator of skill

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:50 PM PST

    On my main account I'm currently d1, and the plat and diamond teammates skill level is very inconsistent to their rank, a diamond 3 could be playing like a gold with the worst crosshair placement I've seen, a plat 2 could carry my ass and entry with confidence every round. I thought that it's just because people are having bad days/good days. However I started a new account recently and queued with my iron 3 irl friend, and the irons/bronze players I played with were way better than I thought, easily could carry their own weight in gold/plat level games, and this confused me so much. Most of them had good crosshair placement, ie they are aiming at head level, and could land the shots sometimes, it's just the followup spray that needs improvement. The enemies were also pretty good, they attacked a site together, however they just rarely rotate after being spotted out early, which was common in gold/plat as well. Some of them can even win me in aim duels. My aim may not be immortal level but it's good enough to tap diamond players. I'm wondering if its just my region (Asia) that has insane irons and bronzes or it could be that I had a rare game of a smurf filled lobby?

    submitted by /u/Moonkak3
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    Those in immortal - radiant, how many games / hours do you play per day?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST

    Recently i've gotten a lot of free time on my hands and feel as if due to how much valorant I have been playing recently, i'm actually performing worse now because I just feel completely tired and burnt out. So I wanted to ask, for those in higher elo, how many games do you play per day? And how many hours per day on average? Do you feel as if there is a certain threshold to where after a certain time played or games played, your performance just starts to decline?

    submitted by /u/Sensualities
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