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    Thursday, November 12, 2020

    VALORANT First Strike UMG Open Qualifier #1 / Day 2 / Live Discussion

    VALORANT First Strike UMG Open Qualifier #1 / Day 2 / Live Discussion

    First Strike UMG Open Qualifier #1 / Day 2 / Live Discussion

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 12:24 PM PST

    UMG Gaming

    UMGGaming | Liquipedia | vlr.gg | thespike.gg | Juked.gg


    • Skye is disabled for the tournament
    • Single elimination
    • Bo3


    Round of 16

    12PM PST | 3PM EST | 9PM CET | 5AM KST
    Match Score
    GenG vs. FaZe Clan 1-2
    Mamba Mode Gaming vs. Moon Raccoons 1-2
    Luminosity Gaming vs. Spacestation Gaming 1-2
    Equinox Esports vs. SOR 2-0
    Dignitas vs. Serenity 2-0
    IMMORTALS vs. Spot Up 2-1
    Flow state vs. Pittsburgh Knights 0-2
    Andbox vs. Built By Gamers 2-0

    Round of 8 (Winners Qualify)

    3PM PST | 6PM EST | 12AM CET | 8AM KST
    Match Score
    FaZe Clan vs. Moon Raccoons 0-0
    Spacestation Gaming vs. Equinox Esports 0-0
    Dignitas vs. IMMORTALS 0-0
    Pittsburgh Knights vs. Andbox 0-0

    5th/6th Qualification Matches

    6PM PST | 9PM EST | 3AM CET | 11AM KST
    Match Score
    TBA vs. TBA 0-0
    TBA vs. TBA 0-0



    submitted by /u/Pruvided
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    PSA: The flying bots in the shooting range are a VERY good, low effort way to train spray control/transfers!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:14 PM PST

    higher elo is easier??

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:30 AM PST

    I'm not sure why but I feel like playing in higher elo (gold, plat) is easier than playing in lower elo (iron, bronze and silver). I'm silver and I 've been playing with gold friends and still maintain a decent frag position(3rd or 2nd) against plat players and we win, but when I play with iron or bronzes I get lower kills and always get like 4th to last frag and we lose.

    Someone please explain what is happening to me.

    submitted by /u/DogeTasticKid
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    So i made a Cypher wallpaper in Blender

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

    So i made a Cypher wallpaper in Blender

    2560x1440 for PC

    1080x1920 for Phone

    I did not like the eye straining wallpapers for my boy Cypher, that's why i made this dark mode friendly wallpaper and wanted to share with this sub. I'm not an expert but i worked hard for this one. So any suggestions would be appreciated :)

    Cypher model by MrShlapa

    Ghost model by Rocklan

    Trapwire model by me

    I don't want this post got deleted by bot so here is some Lorem Ipsum:

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.



    submitted by /u/MrPiezo
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    Skye lore

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 04:11 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    Just to clarify the Lore of Valorant is based on the community finding hidden secrets while investigating voice lines and game artifacts/objects that from a closer look reveal details which pieced together reveal the story in the background. (confirmed by multiple developers)That being said, here's my take on who exactly Skye is and what she can do.


    "Hailing from Australia, Skye and her band of beasts trail-blaze the way through hostile territory. With her creations hampering the enemy, and her power to heal others, the team is strongest and safest by Skye's side." (official description)


    Based on her voice lines and her Biography she has her own unique animal pack:

    • "Not used to working with humans just me and my pack... I guess its worse if you guys get shot ye"
    • "time to mobilize my pack"

    She has a total of 3 Pack animals:

    • A Hawkofficially called "Hawko" in its gun buddy.(The hawk is representing a Brown Goshhawk told to us in an interview from Valorant's senior game designer "Max Grossman"(The brown goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus) is a medium-sized bird of prey in the family Accipitridae found in Australia and surrounding islands.))
    • A Tasmanian TigerQ - TRAILBLAZER-EQUIP a Tasmanian tiger trinket. FIRE to send out and take control of the predator. While in control, FIRE to leap forward, exploding in a concussive blast and damaging directly hit enemies.(The last known live animal was captured in 1933 in Tasmania in the real world. It is commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger because of its striped lower back)
    • JellyfishHer Ultimate ability called Seekers spawns 3 of them and by inspecting their movement they move like jellyfish furthermore some Australian Jellyfish have 4 circles on their head... much like the seekers themselves.

    About her pack animals... Based on her biography: "her creations" and a voice lines where she references woodworking

    • Remember everyone... If we survive woodworking class tonight in the mess hall. Nimble hands nimble minds.

    and while checking the game files her trinkets {EQUIP a Seeker trinket, EQUIP a Tasmanian tiger trinket, EQUIP a healing trinket, EQUIP a hawk trinket} are called totems and she has 3 of them.In the game files they are called:

    • A hawk totem
    • A Wolf totem
    • A plant totem

    While inspecting these 3 totems and how her she activates them we can see that the totems are made by her from wood and have unique carvings as well as a few additional substances such as moss for the Tasmanian Tiger totem and bird feathers for the hawk totem etc... to activate them Skye user her "Radiant" powers to infuse the totems and give them a full form.


    Riot Max Grossman described Skye as an "Australian eco-warrior"Referenced by the many plant figures she has on her body as well as her unique numbers she has on her back and arms:161211420 on her arms and on her back means "plant"(alphabet numbers where 1 means A and 2 means B....)

    16=p 12=l 1=a 14=n 20=t

    And based on a few of her voice lines:

    • "Not used to working with humans... usually just me and my pack... gues its worse if you guys get shot ye"
    • "time to hunt"
    • "I've got your trail"
    • "Hah wild"

    we can assume that she spent a lot of time isolated in the Australian wilderness training by hunting/tracking etc... with her pack which probably lead to her getting the scars she has on her left arm.


    The cinematic features Sage and Skye in the Australian wilderness (Sage wasn't there but she was communicating information to Skye thru a communication device). Skye was being guided by Sage to a "Rift" that was doing damage to the surrounding area---(A rift is a "wormhole" confirmed by checking the files and by "Riot Oniram" and a wormhole is officially a speculative structure linking disparate points in spacetime... This is why we saw Jett and Phoenix fighting in the duelist cinematic... Jett was from another dimension called "Earth 67"(Earth 67 was written on her backpack))--- since Skye was the closest person around but regardless she was not yet in the organization "Valorant Protocol" when all of this happened...Evidenced by what Skye said at the end of the Cinematic:

    • "Alright Sage I am in"

    As well as her in game voice lines:

    • "why did i sign up for this shit"
    • "you made this happen sage"

    Now if you check her Player card "Skye ID" (in the files called: Guide joins) it is showing a specific Agent number and its "14" so she was the 14th Agent to join the "Valorant Protocol"


    "Hailing from Australia"... but where exactly is she from? and where did she grow up?

    There was a post that @ playvalorant made on Instagram and said that Skye got her accent from an Australian town called Nimbin... so Skye might have grown up around that area in Australia... As for where and what she was when she grew up there is an interesting voice line:

    • "tell u what a day working on the farms would do these fellas good"

    So Skye might have grew up on a Farm somewhere in Australia.


    She likes and respects Sova and Cypher

    Cypher voice lines:

    • "Cypher i knew you were a legend from the start... great work mate"
    • "Anyone up for a Cuppa at Cyphers place... where ever that is" (Cuppa means tea is Australia)

    Sova voice lines:

    • "In the words of out Sova (giggling noise) the pack survives"

    She really likes Breach because they share the similar interests in life (going to the gym ;D)

    • "You and me Breach. Lets go"
    • "Shame their Breach is against us... I really need a gym buddy"
    • "Alright where is the fight" (Breach has similar voice lines)

    Brimstone is old and bossy according to her

    • "Brimstone you're all talk... I respect that you still got some bite... If you break a hip out there i got you covered"

    She respects that Jett is so good however she really hates her Soloing on mission:

    • "Jett you little ripper... that was insane... keep it up luv"
    • "About their Jett... thinks shes all that... well news flash girly... no one wins alone... I'll take her and her team down"

    All the information sources and pictures as well as voice lines and other cool lore stuff about every agent can be found on my Valorant Lore discord server:C.V. Lore Den Invite: https://discord.gg/w4j6q9A

    submitted by /u/ConstantValorant
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    Why don't Knives have Variants?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Knives are the most expensive skins in the game and yet almost every single one does not have variants. Wtf? When we asked Riot to add variants they said they would try it out to see how it goes but they put the Variants on a default model.

    While were on the topic why do so many knives have a boring ass inspect animation? One of the coolest things about CSGO knives was that they have these sick asf inspects.

    submitted by /u/blaukat
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    What's with the "hard stuck" idea?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:18 AM PST

    I mean, if you're stuck in a rank, isn't it because you achieved the rank you're supposed to be? Sure everyone wants to get better and go up, but not everyone is going to achieve Radiant. Or Immortal. Or Diamond. Even Plat. In any case, I don't see how you can be "stuck in Bronze". You're not stuck, you're a bronze player.

    And yes, there are some smurfs that will fuck you up and make you de-rank even more or carry you up. Maybe you're supposed to be silver if it weren't for people doing smurf accounts. Or gold. But on average, taking everything in consideration, you're a bronze player. You're not stuck. You can improve and become a gold player. But improvement comes first, dedication and learning comes first, something needs to change so you can go up. You're not stuck, you're just not playing as gold.

    And sometimes, that change may be impossible. Perhaps it's the fact that you're over 25 and your reflexes aren't the same as when you were a teen playing CS? Or you work full time and have stuff to do, so you can't lose your time gaining muscle memory? Sure everyone wants to improve, but that might take more than you can offer. And that's okay.

    In any case, I don't understand the "hardstuck" idea. Just have fun with the game and achieve the best you can. It's not going in your curriculum. And that 2/15 players in your team is not the reason. Nor the 45/8 in the other team.

    submitted by /u/biomessy
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    Skin Selection Mid Rounds/ Skin Switches

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 06:18 AM PST

    I wanted to suggest an option have choosing a different skin in every round during the buy phase, so people who have multiple skins of the same gun can do it.

    Just my opinion, but I think that would be pretty cool and make the game even more fun and give people more reason to buy skins since games sometimes last long 20+ rounds and you get bored of using the same skin.

    If not every round, then every 5 rounds...something like that.

    I welcome everyone's opinion on this

    submitted by /u/kaiser7292
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    The Most Common Aim Mistake and How to Fix It (especially in lower ranks)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:13 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of posts asking how to get better aim in Valorant, so I figured that I'd make a post about it. A common topic on this subreddit is advice on how to hold angles, and I think it's tied to a larger issue.

    Video Format Here

    Today, I'm discussing a common aiming mistake - overestimating your own mechanical skill. You'll learn how to hold angles better and more consistently.

    But first, What is "good" aim?

    When people talk about having good aim, they're generally talking about two things, even if they don't realize it, and they are crosshair placement and mechanical skill. Now, there's also the topic of recoil control, but I'm going to leave that out of this post for now.

    These two factors are what constitutes good aim, and will be the difference in whether you're getting kills or getting killed. Both factors are essential for consistency, and you can't use one factor to compensate for the other if you truly want to improve.

    I'm going to be upfront and say that building mechanical skill, aka your flicks, tracking, and reaction speed - is a lot harder than having good crosshair placement.

    Simply put, crosshair placement is knowing where head level is, and anticipating where an enemy will pop out. Since Valorant is a game of headshots, you should be aiming for the head in most situations. Having good crosshair placement eliminates the need to flick to your target, making it a point and click situation. This will make your aim more consistent over time because you don't need to perform high accuracy mechanics in order to be effective.

    The Common Mistake

    One of the most common mistakes that players make, especially in lower ranks, and that is overestimating their own mechanical skill. Since good aim is a combination of two factors, you're going to want to hold an angle that your mechanical skill can keep up with.

    Some players love to hold an angle too tight. The problem is that, while in theory, their crosshair placement is great because they're holding it at head level, their mechanical skill (in this case, their reaction time) can't keep up with their crosshair placement. (This is a lot easier to see in the video, so bear with me here)

    This also doesn't factor in the fact that your crosshair placement won't be perfect each time. So by holding an angle too tight, you're going to have to react faster, and you might have to make adjustments along the way.

    For example,

    I'm holding a very tight angle (barely any space between my crosshair and the wall), anticipating the Reyna to peek at the same time. If I'm not confident in my reaction time, I should be holding something else that caters my mechanical skill better. It's a very tight window to react to the visual stimuli but I'm able to kill the Reyna because I, myself know how fast I can react to something.

    You need to know the limits of your mechanical skill and adapt your play accordingly. If you're unsure, holding the angle a little wider might be better to give yourself time to react to someone popping out of nowhere. You'll see a lot of pro players tend to leave a gap between the wall and their crosshair to compensate for reaction time. It's very hard to hold close to the wall because you're going to have to react almost instantly. So if pro players give themselves space, then you should too.

    A lot of players already have the right idea, but don't have the mechanics to keep up with it. So get to know yourself and your own skill level and try not to overestimate.

    How to Improve + Practice

    In terms of improving crosshair placement and mechanical skill, the way I improved was through spamming deathmatch. In deathmatch, I was able to familiarize myself with head level on different parts of the map and improve my mechanical skill because I had to constantly move my mouse around due to the sheer number of enemies present. This is a good way to practice both your crosshair placement and mechanics, so I highly suggest DM'ing for at least 15m minutes a day. It's not perfect by any means, but it helps.

    Now, good crosshair placement is something that you get used to overtime. The more familiar you are with the map, the better your crosshair placement will be. So my only suggestion is to practice more, and of course, you can speed up having good crosshair placement using natural markers on the map.

    But crosshair placement can only get you so far, and this is where mechanical skill comes along. This one is a bit tricky because everyone has different ways of improving, so I'm going to tell you how I improved. I started playing FPS games on PC about only a year ago since I switched over from console so my aim probably isn't as good as other people in my rank. I've found that going into the range for 15m a day helped improve my mechanics a lot.

    For flicks, I suggest that you do the challenge mode on hard difficulty. This will not only train your flicks but will improve your reaction time as well. I've gone from single digits to peaking at 23 over the course of training every day.

    One thing I've learned is that you shouldn't grip your mouse too tight. If your fingers are tense, it makes it harder to flick accurately and will strain your hand more.

    For tracking, you can opt to have the bots on strafe mode, and just have your crosshair on their head without shooting. Try to be as accurate as possible. This will get you used to how other players move.

    You don't have to do it over a long period of time, but just daily repetition helps a lot.

    One Last Piece of Advice

    Honestly, the best way to train is to play more. I can't stress how important deathmatch is. You can get around 30 engagements in a 5 minute period, compared to the same amount of engagements in a 40-minute game. Either way, mechanical skill is something that improves the more you play. I'm a firm believer that you don't need external programs to play well, and I've hit Immortal without them. But if you do want to use them, then feel free. Just make sure that you're using the same sensitivity as your sens in-game so that you build muscle memory.

    Hope this short write-up helps! I'm sorry if I wasn't able to convey the information properly, especially on the example, but I hope you got something out of this. Feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you have any questions - it's eggwick #7855. Good luck on the grind! :)

    submitted by /u/eggwickgg
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    Why are the closed qualifiers matches of EU First Strike bo1s, when NA at this stage had bo3s? This is extremely unfair for top EU teams.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:53 AM PST

    At this stage of the NA First Strike qualifiers the matches were bo3s and every favorite won their game, in EU at the same stage teams now have to play bo1s??

    This isn't remotely fair for the EU teams as bo1s are more random with pistol rounds having as much impact as they do

    Here are the brackets, they're not even seeded properly??? https://twitter.com/Jerome_Coupez/status/1326975419506155520

    submitted by /u/icaHtaD
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    100 Thieves v. Cloud9 Defensive Play Breakdown 1st EVER

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:06 PM PST

    People who abandon matches need to be punished so that they cannot affect ranked

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:49 PM PST

    3 of my ranked games this afternoon alone had a player abandon by round 4. These players have no business being aloud to play ranked without showing they can complete 5 to 10 unranked matches without quitting.

    submitted by /u/hizenlowz
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    Suggestion : add the number of clutches (1vX) in the summary

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:37 AM PST

    When you finish a game, it would be nice to have the number of clutches you manage to win.

    In the summary tab for example.

    We don't have the info, do we ?

    submitted by /u/stakkkkk
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    For the people against the "I get +20 kills consistently but my team is holding me back crowd"

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:30 AM PST

    i completely agree, but:

    not 100% of us are like this. sure the majority is, but there is a legitimate problem in silver-gold (probably more than just these 2 ranks but this is what i know of right now). i know all of you cool kids in diamond and immortal look at us and say "y'all belong down there, there's no smurfing problem, and theres basically no afks!" but news flash: there is. I'm sure most of you have all seen the experiments of people writing down the afks in 20 games, and as you have seen, they are absurdly high. mixed in with the abundance of confirmed smurfs, and intentional throwers, it makes the low ranks incredibly hard to rank out of. sure if you are a literal god, you will easily get out of it, but for us that are in high silver to low gold, when we should only belong a few ranks higher, but it's incredibly hard.

    i for example, am currently silver 3, playing basically whoever my team needs. no matter who i play, 90% of the time i find my self entry fragging due to our entry fraggers or flashes going to flank. i don't really don't know what to say to explain how little communication and how easily people give up. i'm legitimately trying to get out of high silver/low gold, but it's very hard when you have constant 4v5s or diamonds on the other team.

    tldr: don't instantly say people who think they should be in a higher rank are automatically wrong. i think all of u are under estimating the amount of afks and smurfs, which what u all say is that there aren't enough of them to completely hold ur rank down, but yes there are. i do agree with the main point of people whining that their rank should be higher, but not all of them are wrong.

    forgot to add: i'm going off of and referring to this https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jrsyfi/for_the_i_get_20_kills_consistently_but_my_team/

    submitted by /u/VietnamTaxEvader
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    To the premade 3 stack who's game I inted.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 06:31 AM PST

    I want to start this post by saying thank you to anyone that reads this all the way through - it was hard to post, but it was time to admit it to myself.

    I am toxic, and I need to work on it.

    During my first game of the day, I had the pleasure of playing with a 3 stack Reyna, Brimstone and Sova, and a soloq'ing Sage. From round 1, everything was Sage's fault, in my eyes and in the 3 stack's. She was having a rough game for the first 4-5 rounds and misplayed a couple 1v1 clutches. I was aware we were being harsh, but admittedly didn't say anything about it, as I wanted to keep deflecting and avoid taking heat myself (I was 2nd to bottom frag at the start of the game).

    Then I fucked up a round, pretty badly.

    The next round I started to get really defensive over the flaming to myself and Sage, mainly from the Brimstone on our team. Admittedly, it got to my head and I started to be toxic back to all of Brim's comments, and even harassed him on a round he was trying to 1v1 clutch. They were clearly playing better than myself and my Sage (aside from the Sova), and I know how frustrating it can be to have someone doing bad on your team. But the toxicity was really not helping and I felt the need to defend myself.

    The start of the next round and your Sova starts shockdarting me. After this, I quit wanting to play. I became extremely toxic, and spent most of the last 5 rounds of the game smoking my team, knife out and wanting to lose. I care about my rank and I care about my games, but I was happy to intentionally throw a game since I felt so bullied and belittled.

    I half wanted to write this as a public moment of self-reflection and self-improvement - and to admit I have a problem with my mental. The other half was to offer you the opportunity for us all to apologise and admit that the game not only got out of hand but that we can be better in the future.

    So, I apologise. I am not proud of my actions. I inflamed the situation by being defensive, toxic, by not admitting my in-game mistakes, and in general by being an arse of a teammate. I'm not making this post to say 'I'm sorry for flaming in response to your flame' - I was doing this before your flaming was directed at me, too. This is a habit with me on my first game of each day - I can be pretty emotional, have ambitions to hit high ranks in this game and put a lot of pressure on myself to consistently play well. When I don't, which is typically the first game, I struggle to look inward at my own misplays and will often deflect on to my teammates. This is a bad habit and a horrible mental. Today was a harsh lesson that I can completely derail games from my mental alone.

    I'm hoping I can look back on this in the future as a better player - but more importantly - as a clean, better teammate.

    Thanks for reading. GL HF in your next games.

    submitted by /u/fisherman-fred
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    Sheriff skins

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:24 PM PST

    So everyone's talking about the guardian getting a lot of skins while nobody says anything about the sheriff.

    It's legit getting a skin every bundle and I'm over here questioning why there haven't been any 'premium' ghost skins since sovereign.. I legit don't like to play with the sheriff and will almost always take the ghost over it.

    Just gib me skins for le ghost pl0x

    submitted by /u/parceba
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    Passive abilities (Concept)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:39 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I thought for a while about Jett and Phoenix's passives, got bored and decided to come up with my own for the other agents. This is not a serious suggestion, but more of a fun concept to give the other agents a passive ability which is in line with their core design, but also giving only as much impact as the current passives already in the game. Any numbers included are entirely pulled out of my arse, and can be subject to re-tuning.

    Phoenix - Tempering Flame

    Phoenix's damaging abilities heal him over time.

    Jett - Drift

    Holding the jump button while falling allows you to glide through the air.

    Breach - Seismic Punch

    Holding Alt Fire while wielding melee instead throws a powerful punch after a wind-up, dealing double damage at a slightly extended range.

    Killjoy - Rapid Contraptions

    -1 second to plant and defuse times.

    Cypher - Eye Spy

    Aim Down Sights on any weapon by crouching.

    Reyna - Heartbreaker

    Reyna can faintly hear the heartbeats of any nearby enemies which have shot/ran/jumped a lot recently.

    Brimstone - Unflinching

    Aimpunch and Tagging has 30% reduced effect on Brimstone.

    Omen - Jumpscare

    Deal 10% increased damage when attacking an enemy from behind.

    Raze - Demolitionist

    Deal 30% increased damage to all non-agent objects.

    Skye - Tracker

    Skye can spot enemy footprints within 10m that have been left within 10 seconds.

    Sova - Quick Draw

    Sova instantly reloads after firing an arrow.

    Sage - Crystal Guard

    Sage regenerates 2 shield per second, which cannot exceed the amount of shield she had at the start of the round. This effect is disabled if damage has been taken recently. Allies also gain this passive while affected by Sage's Healing Orb.

    Viper - Withering Touch

    Viper's damage bypasses shields against enemies affected by Decay. As an added bonus, Snakebite destroys corpses (both allies and enemies).

    Once again, this is just a creative concept which isn't to be taken seriously. Let me know what you guys think.

    EDIT: Update here: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jsne7u/comment/gc1pfdy

    submitted by /u/smurfkipz
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    Duality - Spike Blitz Unrated anyone?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Playing a spike rush on Split and noticed that it said the map was Duality and that the game mode was Spike Blitz Unrated

    Also, the other players didn't show up on pregame selection screen so I had no idea who was picking whom.

    screenshot: https://imgur.com/fLTtKU4

    submitted by /u/anarchykernel
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    Valorant - Voice Actors (Updated 2020)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:47 AM PST

    Help me to better my aim?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:38 AM PST

    I know you guys have probably seen millions of these posts, but I'm going to ask again. I'm stuck in low mmr and I can't get out of it, and I feel like my aim is deteriorating. My flicking and tracking feels okay, but it seems like my crosshair placement when peeking and keeping it up at head level is struggling. I use aimlab, mainly strafetrack/strafeshot, gridshot, sixshot. I'm also wondering if its better to try out Kovaaks? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/neeray26
    [link] [comments]

    My Proposed Brim Changes

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:18 PM PST

    Current State

    His first ability is the Stim Beacon, which does not see much play, but I am not looking to change it.

    Boosts allied players' fire rate, reload speed, weapon swap speed, and recoil recovery by 15%. 1

    His second ability is Incindiary, his molly, which I am also not going to change, as I feel it is pretty balanced right now.

    This molly does damage consistently and lasts 8.3 seconds. 2

    His signature ability is Sky Smokes, which I am looking at changing.

    These smokes last for 14 seconds, and can all be called at once. He gets one for free each round and can buy extras for 100 creds each.

    His Ultimate is Orbital Strike, which I am slightly tweaking.

    Has 7 points, medium charge up time, heavy damage.

    My Changes

    I am proposing changes to both his smokes and ultimate, the changes to the former being more drastic.

    I believe that the ultimate could be expanded in both size and range, in exchange for a small increase in charge up time.

    The smokes, however, I believe need a larger rework. I, personally like the idea of being able to preselect the locations, and call it down at any time in the round. I envision it working as follows: pre-round a Brim player can select the locations where he would like to place smokes, and then use the fire button to confirm location. This would lock the locations in for the round. During the round, the player can hold the ability key to call down the smokes, therefore allowing Brim to become a more mobile smoker, which makes sense to me in the lore, as he has an orbital team helping him call down the smokes, which should be very high tech, and able to store three locations.

    submitted by /u/4Taddie
    [link] [comments]

    Quick PSA for Controller mains.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:04 AM PST

    As you're the one setting up the site push, you should be the one to have to bomb. Last thing you wanna have is complete site control, then find out your 5/12/1 Jett is on the other site looking for 'le kills' then dies with it.

    Also, as a controller you should be in game leader, or at least try to. You're playing the most important role (at least on attack).

    Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

    submitted by /u/Fyrefreeze
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    Has anyone seen the wastelands skins In store yet?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:23 AM PST

    I've seen them in the collections and really want the wasteland Vandal but I've seen no one with it and it's not popped up in my store as of yet? I'm sure I've seen somewhere they are released?

    submitted by /u/kenjimarc
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    Skin Variants on Agent Select

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:01 PM PST

    There should be an option on Agent Select where you could change your skin variants, so they could match your agent colour scheme.

    For example, if you are playing Phoenix because the map is Ascent, then you can choose the Red Elderflame Vandal variant, where as if you are playing Omen because the map is Haven, you can choose the Dark Elderflame Vandal variant

    submitted by /u/ToxicMuffin88
    [link] [comments]

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