• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    VALORANT I would really like to see an "Unrated Light" Game Mode

    VALORANT I would really like to see an "Unrated Light" Game Mode

    I would really like to see an "Unrated Light" Game Mode

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:11 AM PST

    Many people complain about Spike Rush especially because of the orbs und randomness of weapons. Why not adding a short version of unranked with the rules of the actual overtime matches? Changing sides every round, or first win 4 rounds swapping after 3, with 5k money every round, one spike, regular rules, free choice of weapons. Anyone else like this idea?

    submitted by /u/marc_4x4
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    ZywOo to replace Ex6tenZ in Underdogs tournament (French tournament)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:11 AM PST

    SOVA DART C long to C site HAVEN

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Weird VALORANT Champions Tour teaser

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Interesting little detail about Omen's Shadow step

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:41 AM PST

    I find that a lot of omen players (including myself) sometimes like to make outplays w/ Omen's shadow step by TP'ing behind enemy players, or on elevated grounds.

    More than enough times I've seen people try to make a quick play, by pulling out their knives and running toward the destination they wish to TP to, once they get to the TP destination their knives are out rather then a rifle and they get killed because of it.

    You can actually cycle through your weapons while in the act of TPing; so if you're holding your knife while TPing, you can cycle to your rifle while you debuff from your ability.

    This allows you to move faster or make fast plays, and quickly switch to your weapon rather then TP with your knife out and then pull out your gun.

    It probably seems like a stupid and small detail, but those precious milliseconds make the difference between an awesome play and a poopoo TP.

    submitted by /u/yoonjisong
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    Pls Valorant need an African server

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Hi fellow gamers i hope this does not get buried.As you can already tell from the title of what this is about i want to talk about riot adding an african server to the game.Ik many of you might saw we could just use a vpn but most of us dont the have the money for that and the cheap ones are shit.There many people who love this game and we want to play but we cant cause by the time our game registers an enemy were dead im just hoping that riot sees this and takes it into consideration.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/lonezoid420
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    Can we have the option to create profiles for different crosshair settings?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:26 AM PST

    Sometimes I like to switch my crosshair settings from a dot to cross and vice versa so an option to save it as different profiles would be really helpful.

    submitted by /u/shub1991
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    Why are there so many surrenders in unrated all of the sudden?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:38 AM PST

    It seems like there's been a recent trend to surrender an Unrated around round five if you've been losing... but this didn't happen nearly as often before.

    Is there some change I'm missing, or some benefit to this?

    submitted by /u/mrGrinchThe3rd
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    is it just me or the rating changes are inconsistent? (1-2-3 arrows up/down)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:25 AM PST

    Title is the question basically. I remember it being a lot more consistent in last season, I could see that "yes, it was a close game and that's why I the rating slightly increased/decreased", but now I'm struggling to understand what the system is looking for. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 3 aspects are individual performance, rank difference and rounds won/lost. I can remember having a game full of radiants when I was only immortal 1 in solo q, probably because of late night queue, we won like 13-3 or something, my stats were not even bad, I put up a solid but humble 1.2kd or something, I was 4th, I still only got 2 arrows, and I was like "okay, it must've been my performance", then I play a match few days later, absolutely carrying that shit with people in my rank, everyone was immortal1-2, that was even, we win something like 13-7, a normal win, and I still get 2 arrows.

    But when it comes to losing, it's much easier to get 3 arrows down, and I find it so frustrating not knowing what matters for the system. It's not like I will play for kills if I find out that personal performance matters the most, I main sova anyways, and even when I don't play him I play something like cypher or omen or something. I just want to know, because it used to be a lot more consistent, I could actually point at what made me lose/win less/more, now it's just not possible.

    On a sidenote, I haven't seen 1 arrow for weeks or a month now, is it gone? Even in overtime games it's at least 2 arrows.

    submitted by /u/PawahD
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    I just killed someone with Skye flash

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:04 PM PST

    I didn't even know it damaged the enemy but somehow when it exploded in the sky, probably very far away from the enemy, somebody died and I got this square kill icon. Any idea how could that happen?

    submitted by /u/MrBaye35
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    Valorant Shop with Agent Skins

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:09 AM PST

    Few days ago me and my friends were discsussing, how good it would be to have custom character skins in game.. Well.. I know its not a perfect photoshop work but here is my concept for the shop:


    submitted by /u/WonderTomee
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    Raze Grenade lineup for ascent

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:53 AM PST

    My Valorant Act 3 experience

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:32 PM PST

    I will start off by saying I have been a Radiant player since Beta and have experienced little to no issues since release, but as of late (Last 3 months) I have had unexplainable issues with playing how I have always in games, Here are a few of the things I have experienced.

    - Desync / Visual confirmation (Players killing me without a chance to react / unable to track players well they strafe(peek) me before dying)

    - Hit Registration (Daily occurrences of recoil being completely off or just not registering or combat report showing a completely different story)

    I'm not sure how correct this is but I have noticed that the overall skill of ranked has also gone down because even though I have these problems I am somehow able to still reach Radiant so I think most people might be dealing with some of these issues. I have tried many fixes, and contacted riot support but were unable to find a fix. I have a high-end pc and 20-30 ping and have had no issues until Act 3. I just want to know if anyone has these issues or if it is something most likely on my end.

    submitted by /u/Lost_Pawn
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    Viper Coasters are finished - next up Phoenix

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:09 PM PST


    For all those watching for the coasters I've been making, here are the viper ones! sorry it took me a little longer for these ones, Ill try to keep them coming, next up to do as requested is phoenix! il keep you guys updated with them

    submitted by /u/RelaxImhiIarious
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    Random modes ideas (some not by me)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:55 AM PST

    1. Agent rush - like spike rush, but everyone gets random agent each round, ult points reset each round but you get them faster
    2. Ability mashup - you can choose a set of abilities, Agent selection determines signature abil, while others can be taken from other agents, but you can only choose one ability for each slot (you cant pick 3 flashes for example or 4 ult) example: killjoy with turrent, jett smokes, raze grenade and ult of omen
    3. Knife only mode - ONLY if riot is gonna improve melee hitreg
    4. Extreme agent rush - saw similar idea, basically spike rush but everyone gets the same randomly chosen agent with random weapon each round, also this mode adds new orb which lets you "upgrade" to another randomly chosen agent
    5. Extreme agent rush variant 2 - spike rush,everyone gets the same randomly chosen agent with random weapon and the agent changes each half
    6. Duel arena - you get to 1v1 with random player
    7. Mode where you get to play with another set of weapons, which all are projectile based, RPG's grenade lauchers, throwable axes, shurikens etc
    8. 10x mode - agents with 1000 hp and 500 armor, judge puking out a lot of bullets, op having one bullet loaded and dealing like 9999 damage per shot lol, odin having a crazy knockback and 0 accuracy, its really crazy basically
    9. x-1 mode - stats of weapons are inversed, this one needs some thinking
    10. Headshot only - only headshots deal any damage, mode for confident players
    11. Fast unrated - a sorter version of unrated mode, but longer than spike rush, i think a lot of players talked about that, basically each round is a bit shorter and winning condition is smaller

    EDIT: ideas suggested by comments:

    1. 3v3 duels with no abilities by https://www.reddit.com/user/xdlulhugepeen/
    2. Agent rush but each team votes for team agent (example: TEAM JETT VS TEAM REYNA) by https://www.reddit.com/user/Chinner21/

    submitted by /u/TSCOCT
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    whats your most toxic experience

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:55 AM PST

    idk if this has been done before but i just wanna know whats the most toxic someone has been towards you

    storytime:so me and my friend were finally able to play val after a week and our first game of unrated three of our teammates were so toxic,they were mad at us when we are sentinels we werent going aggressive,they even told enemies our location when we were saving in a 1v5 and they kept saying ez diff when it was 13-10

    submitted by /u/marcatehamburgers
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    Play style

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Is it better to play more passive or aggressive on each side? I'm just really confused right now because I always get stomped when I was stomping

    submitted by /u/Jaquoink
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    Quality of life suggestion

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:12 AM PST

    It has been talked about before, but wouldn't it be nice if you could choose to automatically take out your primary weapon after using an ability? It would especially be nice for flashes, but for almost any ability, you want to have your gun out and ready after you use an ability. It seems like it would be a really easy thing to implement and it seems like such an integral part of the game. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/False_Bread_4569
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    Valorant Dataset

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Hey I am doing a data analysis for a data class and am interested in doing it on something with valorant, does anyone know where I could get some interesting data sets?

    I'm thinking something that shows guns/items/shields a player bought each round and then the outcome of the round win/loss/kills/assists?

    Really any large dataset with valorant data I'm interested in and then I'll see what I can do with it.


    submitted by /u/-OmnipotentPotato-
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    In game cheating

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Recently I played a game where the enemy wanted to throw so they sent one of my allies a friend request and invited him to chat. He proceeded to tell my ally exactly where everyone on their team was. This made me think, how many times has this happened?

    It's a very sneaky way to throw without anyone knowing. It seems like this needs to be fixed. My solution is taking out in game friend requests or just restriction invites for people in a game already.

    Has this happened to anyone else that they know of? What other solutions can you guys think of?

    submitted by /u/Neckster1233
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    I’m losing every peek/hold fight. I’ve watched a bunch of videos on different kinds of peeking and angle holding but I’m still trash and getting one tapped.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:22 AM PST

    My pre crosshair placement is always on their head. I stay far from the corner so they can't see me first. Sometimes I'll jiggle peek or shoulder peek. I'll take tight and wide angles when holding. But I'm still losing every time. Is there an efficient way to practice this because I am literally losing every single time to somebody one tapping me. I practice aim labs all the freaking time. Idk. I'm losing all confidence and officially scared to hold and peek corners now.

    submitted by /u/Shuasan
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    We need a setting to mute the dead.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:22 AM PST

    People who like to start conversations about their day the second die while the round is still winnable.

    submitted by /u/NeedsMoreMinerals
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