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    Friday, November 27, 2020

    VALORANT sova recon dart from a site teleport to b site below window

    VALORANT sova recon dart from a site teleport to b site below window

    sova recon dart from a site teleport to b site below window

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 02:05 AM PST

    Killjoy Cosplay

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Killjoy Cosplay


    I wanted to share my Killjoy Cosplay with you. I made it by myself :3I will post more photos on my Instagram soon.https://www.instagram.com/luminavira (Photo by Capugraphy)

    Edit: Thank you all for you kind words, here you can find more photos where you have a better look on my Phantom

    submitted by /u/starprincesslu
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    That New Fire // First Strike Trailer - VALORANT

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Give Russains their Isolated Que

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:39 AM PST

    And no i do not mean because of Toxicity, and or because i just don't like them. It is simply not fair to essentially Handycap a team by giving them someone who is not allowed to talk in game.

    For those who are not aware Russain players are not allowed to speak in Valorant period, due to Russain laws. This is unfair but not only for the Russain players themselves but also for everyone unfortunate enough to que with them. As a player that can't give calls via voicechat in time when they are needed or respond in the same way is basically a random handycap. Russain players should only be able to match with others who have the „no microphone option" enabled, or well other Russain players.

    That would atleast not handycap anyone that atleast tries to give calls to teammates.

    Stuff like this should just not be in a highly competitive game, what Riot tries to create here.

    Edit: i do not mean that Russains should not be able to que with friends from other Countries just saying random Que Russains should be put with. Well other Russains.

    submitted by /u/FaPaDa
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    4 Secret codes in Valorant First Strike video

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    4 Secret codes in Valorant First Strike video

    \"Raze\" 00 41EG6X

    \"Jett\" 00 74RT9K

    \"Phoenix\" 00 74FH9Y

    \"Viper\" 00 07YA2B

    00 29CE4V
    00 30DF5W
    00 41EG6X
    00 52FH7Y
    00 63GI8Z

    00 41OQ6H
    00 52PR7I
    00 63QS8J
    00 74RT9K

    00 07YA2R
    00 18ZB3S
    00 29AC4T
    00 30BD5U

    00 63EG8X
    00 74FH9Y
    00 85GI0Z

    (they might be random since they switch... but just in case)

    I have no clue on how to decode them to something meaningful... if you think of something let me know or join my discord where we have secret valorant codes from the past.https://discord.gg/w4j6q9A

    submitted by /u/ConstantValorant
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    A weird arrow I found on ASCENT B SITE

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:27 PM PST

    I love and hate being in Iron.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:26 AM PST

    I recently dropped to iron from gold due to me doing bad in placement's, internet dropping in and out, smurfs, etc. But whatever, many people told me that if i truly don't belong in a rank i'll climb out of it.

    So, I go into a gaming session with that mindset. Right after, I find the pros and cons.

    Here i am dropping 20-40 bomb left and right, really poppin off and I be getting those fat triple arrows up. The problem is that i really feel bad for my opponents and every match I'm being called a cheater or smurf. I mean, i've played against diamond smurfs when i was in gold and GOD was it a horrible experience.

    Yeah i could just make it fast and zoom back up the ranks, but here is the second problem. It's actually kinda hard. Ngl, i see why people can't get out of iron. Afk's are everywhere, ive had 3v5's and even a 2v5 once and sometimes its too much. I won't even touch on the toxic players and throwers. And obv the rank system is f*ked, so when i match mvp, carry with multiple afk's on my team i get slapped with double arrows down. My grind out of iron/bronze has been slower than expected even when consistently getting over 25 kills, at least 10 first bloods now i realise how hard it is for people who are actually in that rank to rank up.

    *Good luck to all you irons, hope you find your way up one day. :)

    submitted by /u/TEEMOOTEE
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    Made it from Iron to Plat!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Started this game about 5-6 weeks ago. Placed in Bronze 3, Deranked to Iron 3.

    Gradually learnt the game, grinded and climbed out of Iron through Bronze, Silver, Gold and finally hit a big milestone at Plat.

    Too excited just needed to share. Still carrying Low-Elo habits, like peeking, not turning blinds and Full Mag reloads.


    submitted by /u/lailide
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    As a new player, thank you to those who aren't toxic

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:02 PM PST

    I've mostly played league over the last decade, and only just got into Valorant this past month. Maybe it's just survivor bias but I gotta say, the community in game is WAY better than league. I've had so many genuinely helpful comments and tips on gameplay as I'm learning; noise reduction, where to expect the enemy, smoke tips, "good job"s and "nice try"s. I'm still shit but there at least seems to be some patience for that at the lower level. I'm sure at the higher tiers and in competitive it gets bad, but as of now when I'm just learning in unrated, it's be a very enjoyable game.

    So thank you to all who make this a positive experience. I know it's cheesy, but by not being toxic you are really making someone's day.

    Bonus low effort meme https://i.imgflip.com/4o2wkk.jpg #stimdaddygang

    submitted by /u/simplex3D
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    Unkillable doppelganger Reyna disappears out of nowhere

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:40 AM PST


    Hello, my in-game name is HSPASS and I was watching one of my friends stream while working and out of nowhere this Reyna character seems to be unkillable and is just walking forward, suddenly the same ghost-like character disappears. I have no idea what kinda bug this is, so I was wondering if anyone here could enlighten me. A little bit more context, this is a ranked game my friend is high diamond so it should be a full diamond queue, the server is probably Madrid, and is ping should be about 20-40ms. Also, I'm pretty sure he wasn't lagging or has ever had something like this happen in any game mode. If anyone has even the slightest clue of what is going on here I would really appreciate an explanation since I have absolutely no idea what could make this behavior surface in-game especially in a ranked match (imagine if something like this would happen in the first strike it could be game-changing).

    TLDR: Unkillable Reyna walks from split ramp to ct and disappears. Gunshots do nothing to this thing and it makes my friend lose the round.

    submitted by /u/HSPASSVLR
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    Why is it harder to rank up in Iron than Bronze or Silver?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Ive never seen matches with some dude getting 30-50 kills on Bronze much less Silver. Sure I would have games where i get 0-13 in those ranks but the kills are atleast somewhat distributed and it really just meant i sucked fat cock in those games. I was really okay with smurfs especially when two smurfs fight each other and we just so kinda cheer them on but this is getting ridiculous. Its not even a one time thing either, i would get these kinds of matches in succession especially at comp. At this point iron is just a platinums punching bag. I cant even "learn" from these smurfs cuz they just fucking send me to the afterlife if i get a millisecond of eye contact on them. How do these guys keep staying on iron when they get high elo on comp lmfao. Anyways thats all lol.

    submitted by /u/TommorowWillBeOkay
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    sova recon dart from a site teleport to b site teleport(also reveals b long)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 02:12 AM PST

    20 Wins in unrated before you can play comp

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    As the title says I think that you should have to win 20 games before you can play comp mainly for a few reason.

    1. I feel like this would lower the afk bots by a lot
    2. A player would get a understanding of the game before playing comp
    3. They wont get demotivated to play after getting into iron or a low rank and being hardstuck because they dont understand the game
    submitted by /u/WonTonThing
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    Are glitches legal in Valorant unrated matches?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:20 AM PST

    I found a broken killjoy turret glitch and I just want to know if I am allowed to use it for like a YouTube video or something. But before I do anything, I want to make sure whether this can get me banned or not because of course- I don't want to get banned.

    So you guys let me know whether this is bannable or not.

    submitted by /u/earracer
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    Reduce "smurf production" and smurf based unrated surrenders by only allowing ranked if you have at least 7/8 agents.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:42 PM PST

    There are currently 11 agents, and you start out with 5. It doesn't take long to unlock an agent, thanks to the weekly missions, but they are weekly and start from lower to high. This means it will take several weeks of moderate play. Sure, people can purchase the agents to get into ranked faster, but it costs them 1500 * 2 or 3 VP; its not free.

    Not only will it slow down smurf production, but it motivates the smurfs to actually complete their unrated games. Also, from a new player's perspective, entering ranked with out-of-the-box agents doesn't really make sense to me, they should get the opportunity to access and try new agents before they start ranked.

    Overwatch allows ranked once players hit level 25 or 10 hours of straight play,

    Csgo allows ranked once players hit level 2 but it takes at least a week or two because of how the xp gained trails off the more you play for that week.

    LoL.... about 280 games (20-50min ea.)(i played since s1) and 20 champions unlocked: It took me three years to access ranked. But considering its a moba, and there is a learning process about the rules of the game, it makes a bit more sense than an fps. Still a bit ridiculous imo.

    These exist to limit beginners to learn to game and it indirectly limits smurfs. It's not beta anymore, so this can be a pretty good bandaid fix. Done is better than perfect, and this will help in this immediate time.

    submitted by /u/paulkim172
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    Crouch shooting vs counter-strafing.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:38 AM PST

    I come from CS so I'm kinda used to crouch shooting like with an M4 you spray for a bit then crouch so it stays centered. And then I noticed that whenever I shoot I crouch instead of just counterstrafing.

    Which is more accurate in your opinion? Walking/running then crouch then shoot or just walk/run counterstrafe?

    submitted by /u/Rethirded
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    Haven arrow from A Tower to A Garden I found

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:06 AM PST

    Killjoy glitch on Haven needs a fix

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:51 AM PST

    It seems like the Killjoy glitch on garage of Haven is known to everyone. And they arent sparing the chance to use it, just to rank up. This renders the A and C site useless to attack and the round is lost if the killjoy takes control of garage. After losing 10 matches and deranking from Plat 3 to Gold 3 cuz of smurfs, i was finally looking to win this match and then, the degenerate killjoy started glitching. My frustration levels are ever high :) How many days do we have to bear this glitch? I dont wanna go to Silver from Plat 3 If the glitch cant be fixed right away, why not just disable Killjoy for a few days?

    submitted by /u/DocOp04
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    Blind molotov lineups A to hookah brimstone

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:49 AM PST

    Isn't this looks awesome ?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Is it possible to report glitch abusers? Does the report system even work?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:50 AM PST

    I've played ranked against som Killjoys that have abusing a glitch where you can put the turret under garage in Haven. Is this a bannable offence? I've reported them for cheating, but I feel like report system has mistreated me and does't work?

    submitted by /u/zZLeTossZz
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    Finally got from IRON 2 to Plat 1

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:41 AM PST

    B-Site Nano-Swarm lineups from mid-market.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:32 PM PST

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