• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    VALORANT Icebox cam for B and to watch rotates

    VALORANT Icebox cam for B and to watch rotates

    Icebox cam for B and to watch rotates

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:18 AM PST

    Haven boost spot to use when feeling sneaky

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:15 PM PST

    The coolest Cypher cam you'll never use

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Rank allocation has shifted? 50% of players are now in Iron and Bronze apparently.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:27 AM PST

    So a friend of mine drew my attention to this the other day: https://www.valking.gg/ranked-distribution

    The current rank distribution is now heavily stacked towards the lowest ranks with roughly 70 percent of the playerbase in Silver or below. Iron is now the biggest bracket.

    This surprised me because I specifically remember looking at the rank allocation a couple months ago and Gold used to be by far the biggest bracket. Or am I going crazy?

    Edit: For reference someone posted this distribution from August 2020.

    It seems like there's has been a shift but I'm not sure when it happened. And I feel like this would also explain why a lot of people are reporting to have deranked hard in this new act and are now struggling in high Bronze or low Silver when previously they were entrenched in Gold.


    submitted by /u/JazzyRed
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    C9 Relyks explains the run and gun accuracy problem/deadzone

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:50 PM PST

    can/will riot take action on people abusing glitches?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:19 AM PST

    i just lost a game 12-14 because the other killjoy put a turret underground in b garage, and it was able to shoot anyone in its range regardless that it is inside the ground. not to mention that it was invincible as well. our entire team reported her for cheating, and im wondering if anything is actually gonna happen to them, or is riot gonna be riot and give them a 3 day comm ban.

    submitted by /u/VietnamTaxEvader
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    Agent Concept: Mamuro

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:07 AM PST

    Agent Concept: Mamuro

    While exploring the Icebox map, my friend and I discovered that Kingdom was researching samurai armor and their entire ship. Therefore, based on the skins and the available radianite data, I created a mix. Mamuro is an agent that combines the technologies and powers of the radianite. It is built for versatility in all situations. His task is to interfere with agents that do not require skill, such as Raze. An initiator capable of thwarting an explosion and arranging an attack. I hope you will enjoy !

    I would like to say a special thanks to RivalRudra for telling me which font is required for the inscriptions on the background of the agent.

    (I change this concept, I removed the extra glow, revised the agent and reworked abilities)


    submitted by /u/VisiblePerson
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    Anyone else think Raze is a far superior Initiator than Breach?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:06 PM PST

    Initiator: "Initiators gather information and try to influence the movement of their opponents. Their abilities are about revealing enemy locations and forcing engagements to happen. That, or forcing the opposite team to disengage completely."

    Her roombot lasts 10 seconds, will clear out multiple angles, make a sound indication from REALLY far away and if not shot will do a full 125+ damage. A lot of teams at First Strike if they did not use their Roombot to clear an angle/position used it to make sure they weren't getting quick flanked, which is another extreme benefit of the roombot as it gives an indication that someone is spotted. When you play on top of the two boxes in garage on Haven as Jett/Omen/Raze and the roombot can't physically damage you it will still make an indication that someone is there, out playing it is impossible.

    Comparing this to Breach's Aftershock which is easy to dodge, doesn't do a lot of damage unless you literally don't move and on top of that the Aftershock has to be followed up by peeking otherwise they could fall back into place -- which is funny considering that Raze her roombot will make a sound and give away the position of a player causing them to fall back as they have been spotted, even when they're on top of boxes where he roombot can't reach it will make a sound indicating someone is there). On top of this Both breach his stun and flashes have to be capitalized on by teammates to be fully effective with unlike the roombot. Raze is so much more efficient at gathering information/clearing angles and forcing engagements than breach ever will be.

    Of course Breach his strength lies mainly in his flashes but for pushing someone out of a corner/behind a wall Raze is the absolute queen, if her roombot wont do it her nade will do, always thought her kit was super weird for a "duelist" when all the other duelists have "weaker" versions of other agent roles their utility (Phoenix vs Brim molly, Reyna vs Omen flash, Jett vs Brim/Omen smokes etc.

    Also honestly the best way to clear a whole bombsite is popping a raze ult and just walking into one 😂

    submitted by /u/RustlingCattle
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    Skye Flash Tutorial on ICEBOX

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:09 AM PST

    Practicing line ups in custom with Viper is the most annoying thing ever

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:40 PM PST

    Valorant needs to address this issue with her poison cloud and toxic screen. If you want to practice with her poison cloud, you have to pick it up wherever it is, there's no way to reset it during the round, and you can't use multiple poison clouds. For her toxic screen, you have to reset the round.

    They made Viper the most time-consuming agent to use if you want to practice line ups with her.

    submitted by /u/TensionX1
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    1 Win Away From Completing Iron 1 Triangle :P

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:29 AM PST

    1 Win Away From Completing Iron 1 Triangle :P

    Well at least that's how I think it works. Also, I know I'm not great but jeez didn't think I was that bad lol. I still find the game fun though, as the last time I played a FPS this much was SKILL SF2.


    submitted by /u/spurs777_
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    Cypher Camera montage B site bind

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:18 PM PST

    Forest Themed Map?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:36 PM PST

    I'm thinking the next map should be like a Skye themed map with trees and jungle like aesthetic. Imagine peeking from trees and such and being in water...I think it would be a great map..

    submitted by /u/ChurFaveBunnyGirl
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    My daily aim training for people who don't have much time

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Smurfing won’t go away, here’s why.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:50 AM PST

    Smurfing exist in all fps games, notably CSGO. I been a csgo player since 2014 and it never went away. Similar to csgo, smurfing won't go away in valorant.

    Phone verification won't work CAUSE NOT EVERYONE HAS A PHONE, some players are young/without phones. Steam tried to do email verification, but that just means setting up a burner email and takes 5 more seconds to login, that's it. Now as a for profit corporation would you do that to lower your player base?

    The rank comp queue restrictions of 3 ranks, self explanatory, people want to play with friends. This could be tweek, but how?

    Lastly, this game is free to play for Christ's sake, it takes 3 minutes to make an account. You are lucky riot imposed the 20 unranked games requirement, I bet this already deters people from having multiple smurfs. Unless you want to pay 10 bucks for the "prime" status like in csgo, even then you will still very often find smurfs.

    In this imperfect world, you just need to adapt and adjust. Most of the post I see here are about smurfs, but truth is, smurf has exist long before valorant and it won't go away. Hey, maybe they are just having a good day?

    Do want to hear your suggestion about how to further deter smurfs, I'll be the devil's advocate.

    submitted by /u/turdoe
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    How do you not be nervous?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Ok so i ranked up from plat 1 to plat 3 yesterday by winning 7 games in a row and today i won one and queued again and it was full diamonds and their last ranks were immortal and as soon as i saw their act rank i shat myself and yeah played really shit in the game and they were kinda normal players but i had 0 confidence on what i do.sometimes i pop off and sometimes i play like shit.how do u obtain consistency and how do you guys overcome nervousness

    submitted by /u/Dooquann
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    Valorant staying as a background process after closing

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Yeah so as the title says, every time I exit the game it still stays as a background process in task manager and I have to end the task for the game to be fully closed. Anyone else getting this issue?

    submitted by /u/crispknight1
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    Low elo cheaters in valorant - do they get banned?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Need to address something about the anti cheat and how they deal with bans. It seems like it's based off of reports or somebody buying cheats and sending them to riot. The problem is you can't get into all the private cheats and if that's the only way to detect them... they will stay undetected for a LONG time. There was even a post made by riot saying that people aren't reported enough 50% of cheaters when banned are never even reported. I know people who have been playing since beta cheating and never been banned so... it's definitely an issue.

    "97% of players have never even received a single report—no one has ever found their behaviour suspicious enough to comment on. Of these 3% of players that have been reported for cheating, more than 80% of them have only ever been reported by a single player. 90% have been reported by fewer than 3 players. To put this another way, only 0.6% of players have received more than 1 cheating report and only 0.3% have received 3 or more. However, reports and cheaters aren't perfectly correlated, many reported players are innocent and not all cheaters get reported before they're banned. Right now only 53% of banned cheaters were reported before their ban and only 60% of players with 20 reports get banned after review."

    This is especially common in lower elo like gold / plat / diamond where people just assume someone is smurfing when it's pretty obvious the person is wall hacking. That means the CLOSET CHEATERS rarely if ever get banned since there's nobody even looking into it (20+ reports get reviews only and less than 0.3% of players get more than 3 reports). If there aren't enough reports it won't even be looked into. ALMOST HALF of the cheaters banned have never been reported. The fact that these bans are only done after getting numerous reports also leads to a lot of false bans and closet cheaters simply not getting reported because people can't tell the difference. Something needs to be done about the accuracy of these bans whether it's hiring more people aside for the anticheat team or expediating the release of demos. Something needs to change because valorant has been overrun with cheaters for at least a month. I haven't seen any mention of banwaves and the only bans I see are manual bans in high mmr based off reports like this twitter post. https://twitter.com/AntiCheatPD/status/1329476184669818885/photo/1

    submitted by /u/freshleebaked
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    Why is everyone in plat now a fucking machine.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:14 PM PST

    Every game in my plat game I don't know if its just me but literally people are one tapping me from 50 meters away in like the speed of light. Like apparently I really need to have 150ms reaction time and tenz aim to be able to kill the jett thats fucking acing my team every god damn round

    submitted by /u/Lemonlimekeylimepie
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    Almost broke into plat, but had a swift descent to silver 3. Anyone willing to review one of my VODs and give me advice?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:50 AM PST


    Here is the VOD, kind of rough because it is my first time making one. Only included the crucial bits.

    I'm usually solo queueing and I'm a flex player, meaning I don't get a lot of practice with one individual agent, so if the advice is more general and in reference to my mechanics it would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/BigManager
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    Act rank should be an arithmetic average rather than your lowest rank in my opinion

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    Act rank should be an arithmetic average rather than your lowest rank in my opinion

    It should say silver 2 / silver 3, and not bronze 1, why is that? It makes no sense to me.


    submitted by /u/GAalexandres
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    After being flashed for the 30th time in one game, I decided to take a break and hit Adobe. Here’s the result-

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:17 PM PST

    check it out here

    Repost because mods deleted last post for slightly under character limit >:((((

    Hi guys! I'm just a guy who likes to make YouTube stuff, recently I've been into making funny kind of meme montages. I really enjoy making these, and watching the progression throughout is always fun. If you guys would be interested in giving it a watch I'd be really appreciative. I'm always looking for feedback and some constructive criticism to help my editing improve.

    I was on the verge of losing my eyesight because of the absurd amount times I had gotten flashed, so I decided to hop off and hit Adobe for the next day or two. This is what I ended with. These clips range from gold-diamond in rank, and my skill varies a lot throughout.

    I feel that throughout making this I've improved a lot as an editor and a player, and I'm really proud of my progress. I'd really like to hear some constructive criticism from you guys though, I'd like to hear what I could've done better. Improvement is my goal, so anything that drives me there would be super helpful.

    submitted by /u/LukeyNC
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    How many of you guys needs a demo viewer?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Personally I want this game to have a demo viewer to record clips, but I understand that demo viewer can be used to indicate mistakes in games. Is Riot planning to add a demo viewer soon?

    submitted by /u/SonicRKO
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