• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 24, 2020

    VALORANT Riot announces the first international tournament in the Valorant Champions Tour

    VALORANT Riot announces the first international tournament in the Valorant Champions Tour

    Riot announces the first international tournament in the Valorant Champions Tour

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:14 AM PST

    When upgrading weapons why not allow the original style without effects. We paid for that too but lose access to it (especially knives)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:30 AM PST

    Pretty much the title of my post says it. But it would be great if we can turn off our effects on weapon upgrades. Sometimes I would love to use my knives in their original state before I upgraded them. I mean technically we bought that style too but lose the option to use it. In game the only person that sees knife effects is the one holding the knife (or dead teammates) players that own the weapons should be able to remove what they might find distracting. Just my thoughts.

    submitted by /u/funkybandit
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    If you instalock a duelist make sure you know how to play it!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:20 AM PST

    4 duelist 1 sage. Your sage shouldn't be your entry second entry the guy who plants sets up defences and than fights the retake off while 4 duelists bait the fock out of her. Try and die it's ok, but your job is to be the entry.

    submitted by /u/Memphite
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    Quick tutorial on a new trick I created. Satchel boosting your teammates and using the turret wall boost to peek some insane spots!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:39 PM PST

    Quality of Life Riot should have added

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:12 AM PST


    • Home page should promote Esport not just the new gun bundle (if it's already added then they should make it more frequent, all I'm getting is the Io skin bundle).
    • Agent homepage should have a role filter system, that will filter the agent based on their role.
    • In Career tab, there should be a filtering system based on map and gamemode(especially rank gamemode filter that would be really nice also if they add a replay system that would be nice)
    • There really should be a notification if the store get restock like an exclamation mark beside the store tab title.
    • The collection tab Gun buddies, Skin and Player card menu should be redesign like this and should have a search option.


    • The agents in the agent selection screen should be separated by their roles.
    • The map in the loading screen should feature callout's name in it.
    • Mini map should have an alternative Mini map that have callouts name in it(this should be default for new player)
    • In tab leaderboard player should have the ability to mute a certain player and report them not just in the Esc leaderboard.
    • Cyber Cage and Poison Orb pick up really should have an animation by now, c'mon it's not beta anymore.(Also maybe it's just me, but they really should make the Cyber Cage sound effect the same as Cypher Camera and Trip and not just the cut off version of their sound effects)
    • Agents abilities description should give players an actual info rather than just a short description of the abilities, players need to know how much Sage heal and how much Omen smoke last.
    • Allies that is healed should have a mark in their Icon in the Top left corner(maybe have greener background for their Icon?)
    • Raze ult should give you sounds cue when you are near it(no it's not a nerf, every AoE harming-ish ult have some sort of warning when you are near it, KJ/Viper have map and dome, Brim have map and oblong, Breach have the ground, and Sova have a long oblong).

    That's all I can think of tbh, and yes I know this is just basic stuff but if its basic stuff then, it has no excuse to not have it in game.

    submitted by /u/Grainer_M8
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    Riot annouces the Valorant Champions Tour for 2021

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:23 AM PST

    a jump i did idk if its useful ill just leave it here

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 06:33 PM PST

    VALORANT Champions Tour

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Cursed Sage

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:37 PM PST

    Cursed Sage

    So I was messing around with my friends Verxay and Istee and we kept shooting Istee which had sage selected in a custom server and uh, snapped this wonderful picture out of nowhere. Hope it doesn't haunt you in your nightmares and I genuinely hope sage isn't secretly a demon out for all of our blood hehe.


    submitted by /u/Ticto123
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    I'm having trouble holding long angles on defense. Does anyone have any advice?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:16 AM PST

    I found one of the major things holding me back on attack was that I was pushing to close to corners. I started keeping my back to the wall, and I started winning a lot more gunfights.

    However, I'm finding I'm not quite able to do that on defense. Like there aren't many long angles to be played.

    For instance, I played Haven and Ascent. Both times I was on defense and I was bottom frag with a shit load of deaths. Like 2-11.

    Once we went offense, I actually started to top frag both times because I was playing really good long angles.

    I don't know if this makes any sense, I just feel like I keep having a lot shorter angles on defense and keep getting clapped. Anyone got any advice?

    submitted by /u/BigManager
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    I found a 2 Sova recon arrow for split A site. Hope it helps.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:04 AM PST

    I experienced what I believe "ELO hell" is this weekend

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:50 AM PST

    I'm not a typical FPS player, came from MMO's but started to really like Valorant. I went on a downward spiral this weekend and wanted to get it off my chest. Beginning of the weekend, I'm bronze 3 with 2 up arrows, feeling good about maybe getting to silver. The following are snipets of my 7 game losing streak:

    Game 1: Starts good, win the first two, round 3 starts, our Reyna just says "sorry boys, trying to derank, you can report me if you want" and afk's. We lost 8-13, put up a good fight, but 4v5 is tough. 2 down arrows

    Game 2: The only comp match I've ever forfeited. End of round six, losing 0-6 the enemy Reyna and Raze have a combined 25/0/4 KDA. Our team has 4 total kills. They say in chat "I think we smurfed to hard lol". We forfeited, their parting note was "LOL we smurfed so hard they quit". Down rank to bronze 2.

    Game 3: Honestly a pretty good game, our Jett and I were popping off (and im not a pop off kind of player). Unfortunately, when the game is 9-9, our Reyna DC's. We still take the game to OT due to some awesome clutches. End up losing 12-14, my final KDA was 32/12/8. I'm figuring a no change in rating, maybe one down arrow......2 down arrows.

    Game 4: Bottom fragging, int master Phoenix dies first thing every round, then tells everyone what they are doing wrong, muted. Started shooting his gun around everyone to let the enemy know where we were. Everyone else on the team was great, but having our phoenix is almost worse than having an afk. Lost 9-13, 2 down arrows.

    Game 5: This game was actually a relief, no leavers, no one toxic, just poor gameplay on me and my teams behalf. My KDA was trash at 8/14/9. Lose 11-13, 1 down arrow. Kind of peeves me to see one down arrow for a worse loss than game 3, but no smurfs, no leavers, im happy to lose a normal game.

    Game 6: Another DC/AFK, started in round 4, lose 6-13. Welcome back to Bronze 1.

    Game 7: This is the game that made me just stop playing for a bit. Icebox (which I dont mind). Thing is, game loads up, see the enemies previous act ranks..... lowest was gold 2, with a diamond 2 in there. First message from the enemy team "Yall ready to get smurfed on?". Throughout the game they made comments like "Man smurfing to bronze isnt even fun". Dumpster fire 4-13. 2 down arrows.

    I dont mind losing in Valorant, happens. But what really irked me about these 7 games were, most were not what I would call "competitive". Is this what people call ELO hell? The worst part is, before this streak, I was genuinely getting better at the game, better comming, better aim, more map awareness, but now I just dont know. Anyone else having this kind of experience?

    submitted by /u/FairlyAverage01
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    Any new patch/skin bundle this week?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:48 AM PST

    Don't see anything on twitter and usually is Tuesday new skin/patch right? If there's no patch, is the ion skin bundle getting extended for another 2 weeks?

    submitted by /u/hugokhf
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    Outside view of Icebox Map!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:09 AM PST

    Outside view of Icebox Map!

    I especially liked the details outside of the playable area. It is so cool to see the effort just for the view.


    submitted by /u/BerkeA111
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    [SUGGESTION] Skins for ranks?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:32 AM PST

    What if for each rank you achieve you get either a spray, buddy or skin? and maybe even a special knife when you get a full Radiant triangle. Just a thought, maybe someone in the community could make a set of mockups for iron through radiant?

    submitted by /u/CeleryIsCold
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    Just made an updated skin tier list. I never knew there were so many skins

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:29 AM PST

    Just Made some Valorant Poster

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:08 AM PST

    Click here

    in the last two months i've made those posters and i was not sure if the community will like it so i kept on delaying it and in the same time kept on improving them everyday, this is the final result.
    i don't expect ppl to like them but let's find out, and please tell me in comments for more things to add or to change on these poster, appreciated.

    have a great day ! Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Raphallb
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    Does anyone else hate the fact that low ELO kind of forces you to play dumb?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:26 PM PST

    I solo queue alot. Right now I'm at Gold 2.

    A lot of the teams I queue with just instalock duelists and what not. I end up having to pick up the slack as a brim/omen or cyph/killjoy.

    If I end up being Brim, I constantly have teams that want to five stack a site every round.

    Now, you don't have to be a genius to realize this results in a lot of flanks and a lot of lost map control.

    So I end up having to try and do a 1 man default. As Brim, thats not an idea situation, and it doesn't help the team either.

    So you end up having to 5 man push a site and getting constantly flanked on, or play the lurk support with a team with no smokes.

    Idk, its just frustrating.

    submitted by /u/BigManager
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    What are the things that you people hate about the map icebox ?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Personally the thing that i hate about icebox is that the map is campers paradise so many angles to check it gets hectic.

    submitted by /u/hudco123456
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    Unable to remake the match

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:00 AM PST

    So today I started a comp match and one of our teammates was unable to get in the game but was able to talk with us. He said he was stuck in the loading screen (one which comes after agent selection) and was unable to get in the game.

    We decided to remake the match as one player was afk.

    But he spawned in the second round, while been disconnected. And because of that the votes required to remake were 5. We were unable to remake and had to play 4v5. And, one player got tilted and left the game. Rest of the match was 3v5.

    So I just wanted to let everyone know and hopefully this will be fixed.

    submitted by /u/intellec_t
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    Possible Way On How To Know Where Omen Ults

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:17 AM PST

    So a friend in discord suggested that maybe the flames that cover the map when omen ults show where he is in some way, I think I confirmed it with some ingame clips




    Im still unsure if this is 100% accurate but for me it seems to be

    Also the flames seem to blow away from the location omen tps to

    thanks for u/robinson63 for the clarification "Doesn't work. It points to where you last looked."

    submitted by /u/GamerTheKing129
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    I finally got ranked!!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:45 PM PST

    After playing a lot of spike rush and I ranked, I decided to give ranked a chance. The first match I got yelled at for not hitting my shots and not walking (I probably deserved to get yelled at) and I ended up losing most of my ranked matches. In spite of this I ended up getting iron 1!!! I feel so accomplished. Does anybody have any tips on aiming and how to predict where the enemy is going to come from? And what agent should I aim to unlock next?

    submitted by /u/Skorea0627
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