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    Sunday, November 15, 2020

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    VALORANT Join the /r/Valorant Discord

    Join the /r/Valorant Discord

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Raze 5k from the best match OCE had so far

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:02 PM PST

    0 second defuse?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:20 AM PST

    0 second defuse?

    So I know that in CS: GO, a 0 second defuse exists, but I've never seen it in this game. I recently was on the receiving end of it in a spike rush game. Anyone else experience this?

    The negative in front of the timer makes it feel so much more insulting to me.

    submitted by /u/LowQualityGameplays
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    KillJoy Grenade Placement for Ascent A-site Offensive. The first grenade shown in the video can be deployed after spike planted. The second grenade shown can flush enemies out while pushing

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Trust your gut feeling and expose those hackers

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Hate the anti-c system or not, I think it does a decent job at getting rid of discrete hackers, given that many people in the same lobby suspects it also.

    I just had a ranked game where it was decently close the first 7 rounds (3-4). Then suddenly, enemy Jett pulls a back to back ace and almost pre-fired every one of us. Ok! We played like crap maybe? Continuing rounds, 4k and aces like it was nothing. Our team was starting to get suspicious, but before we said anything, the enemy team suspects the Jett was just rage cheating from spectate. We all agree to report...few minutes goes by, nothing happens. It's now (6-11), Jett gets a 4k, and as she goes to track our last player. Match canceled, hacker detected.

    So if you see a hacker in ranked in your team or enemy team, please put aside your elo/pride and report these hackers. Our team felt extremely stupid for giving that Jett the benefit of the doubt.

    submitted by /u/FetusDeletus0118
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    Why do I get yelled at for “camping?” I feel like i’m just playing smart.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:14 PM PST

    why do i get yelled at for camping all the time? whenever i do what i THOUGHT was just playing smart, the other team is all like, "quit camping bro"

    but I don't understand? for example, I planted the spike. Then one of my teammates died to the enemy and I saw where the enemy was on the map. So, i went over to a choke point and waited for the person to peak to get to the site. I then killed them. They said i was a bitch for camping, but like, isn't that... the point? Isn't that the smart thing to do? If i see where the enemy is, I think, "gee they need to get to the spike to defuse. my teammate is watching that area already, and i bet someone's about to come this way." Like WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? Run around with my gun out making noise so you can find me?! Is "camping" not how this game WORKS? If anyone can please explain in an actual nice way the difference between what I described and actual shitty camping please do.

    submitted by /u/anxiousfruits
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    Matchmaking is THE deciding factor

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:25 AM PST

    Afks? Getting stomped by that one enemy player? One game people do tactical callouts, the next they scream "nuuub" at every failed clutch?

    The most important thing in this game are the players. Without challenging opponents, this game becomes an uninteresting stompfest. And without cooperating teammates, this game loses much of its soul. After all, this is a teamgame.

    I'm not saying that other issues shouldn't also be fixed. But honestly - long term, this game will thrive on better matchmaking rather than a fancy new skinline. "The next big 10-year esports" is also built by its community. If the community is matched poorly, it reflects in their experience. Poor experiences won't increase player numbers.

    Maybe behaviour based matchmaking is the key, but regardless of that, everyone of us can also improve the community one step at the time. Try to make the game nice for others! If you don't know how, here's three things you can consider implementing: - Compliment good gameplay! - Call out blatant Sexism, Racism, Hate Speech - Report AFKs, even in the enemy team

    submitted by /u/DDXIII
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    How to Make Better Decisions and Improve Game Sense - Guide and Framework

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:03 AM PST

    You can have the best aim in Valorant, but still not make it past the lower ranks. In my opinion, game sense and decision making are just as important as having good aim. Sometimes, it might even be more important, as someone with good game sense will be able to put themselves in favorable situations that might not need good aim to begin with.

    Video link if you're lazy to read

    In this post, I'll try to teach you how to make better decisions and improve your game sense in Valorant.

    When making decisions, you generally need to think about 2 things:
    1. The probability of a play succeeding
    2. Effects it'll have on the round

    This is something that a lot of higher-ranked players think about subconsciously, and there are a lot of factors that affect these two elements, but I'll get into that in a bit.

    As a general rule, before making a "play", I like to think about what will happen if you pull off it and what will happen if I fail. In most cases, you're going to want to make the optimal decision. However, that doesn't mean that the suboptimal decision won't work, and just because something works, doesn't mean that it was the optimal choice.

    A Simplified Example

    To illustrate this better, here's a simplified example w/ COMPLETE information: let's say I know for sure that an OPer is watching top mid on Ascent. I only have a Ghost, but I still want to peek him. I need to weigh the risk vs the reward of this play, and the probability of success.

    The probability of winning this duel is LOW bc it's an OP vs a Ghost. Now, weapons don't dictate everything, but they do influence a lot. You could win this situation if the enemy player misses his shot, but this peek is heavily in his favor.

    The effect of me winning the duel is mid control (which is really great) but if I fail and die, the round becomes a 4v5 situation, and I would have offered no value to my team. This means that all my utility for the round, the info I could have provided, or the potential of killing an enemy player is all lost because I chose to make this play, should I fail.

    So based on the probability of success, which is LOW, and the most likely effect on the round, which is my death, this is not the optimal play to make. However, this is a very simplified example, that removes a lot of factors, and it's not going to be that way in a real game.

    The Factors to Good Decisions

    In almost all scenarios, it's not going to be that simple. You're not 100% sure that an OPer will be posted by mid. There might be two people with rifles, or they might have used a Sage Wall to block it off. Either way, you're almost never going to have complete information.

    So in making decisions, you're going to have to make an educated guess based on a bunch of factors. I'll try to expound on them as articulately as I can, but there's a lot of hidden depth to these factors so I might miss a thing or two.

    1. Economy - What guns do they have? What can they buy?
    At the start of the round, you can check how much money the enemy team has, and predict what gun they'll buy. Knowing what guns they can buy will determine how to play out the round as they (and you, too) will want to abuse the effective range of your weapon. A lot of players in lower ranks don't understand the concept of effective range, but in the simplest terms, you just want to be playing to your weapon's strengths. So if you have a shotgun, then you want to take closer engagements and longer ones if you have a rifle/OP.

    Here are some quick numbers that don't factor in ability cost that can help you predict what the enemy team can buy:

    3,900 - full shields + vandal/phantom
    3,300 - half shield + vandal/phantom
    5,400 - half shields + OP
    6,000 - full shields + OP

    These are the bare minimum for the big purchases, but you also need to check if one player can drop the other. While it might not always change the outcome of the round, knowing what guns players can buy will be a big factor in improving your game sense.

    2. Tendencies - Where do people like to play? What are the things they do often?

    Over the course of the game, you're going to realize that some players like to repeat certain things. Maybe one player loves to peek mid at the start of each round, or maybe the enemy team is always forcing buys. The most common thing I see is that certain players will play the same angle round after round, and you should be capitalizing on that. Being observant of your opponent's tendencies can help you make better guesses, which leads you to, more often than not, making better decisions.

    This factor isn't as measurable as the others, but it's still an important one. For example, even pro players won't clear certain angles anymore because there's a strong tendency that nobody is playing in that spot. This is also why off-angles can work - because players don't usually check these angles, they catch enemies off guard.

    3. Ability Usage - What has or hasn't been used? What ultimates are available?

    Valorant is complex because of the number of agent combinations you can have in a single game, and the different ways each agent can use their abilities. You need to be mindful of what's been used, and what hasn't been used so that can you play around it.

    The most glaring example of this is playing around Ultimates. If you know that a Raze has her Ultimate available, it might be a good idea to not stick or rush a site. You also need to look out for agents with strong post-plant ultimate like Sova and Brim.

    But this isn't limited to Ultimates. We've all seen how strong post-plant molly lineups are or any other lineup for that matter. It's a little hard to go in-depth with all the abilities present in the game rn, but generally, tracking what's available and unavailable, and making decisions off that is a great start.

    4. Angle Advantage - Is this angle beneficial to me or my opponent?

    Certain angles are more beneficial for one person than the other. How line of sight works in Valorant is that, if you're closer to a wall or object, the person farther away is going to see you before you see them. With this in mind, it'll be harder to have success when peeking these types of angles. (This is easier to see in the video)

    If you're playing against a one-way smoke, peeking through the smoke or pushing it, will lower the chances of success by a lot. But since we're talking about smokes, more often than not, smokes can give very big hints on where a player is going to be playing. On post plant, if the opponent smokes a certain area, they're most likely not going to pop out of that smoke.

    Aside from that, you also need to take spawn barriers into account. Certain angles will be beneficial to defenders because they can reach areas first. Going back to the simplified example, the angle is beneficial for the OPer, because he gets to hold it before I have the chance to peek.

    5. Performance + Tilt - Who's their worst player? Am I playing well?

    Knowing how well you're performing, and how well enemies are performing is also something to consider. If I'm feeling very good about my aim in a certain match, I'm going to take riskier peeks because I know that my aim is on point. It might not be the most optimal decision, but sometimes, you just feel like you can out aim people.

    Conversely, targeting someone who is having a bad game is a great way to get easy rounds. If you know that their A player is 0/12, then it's probably a good idea to keep hitting A until they change it up.

    In-Game Example

    This time, we're going to apply the 5 factors when determining the probability of success and the effect on the round. In this clip, I have a Vandal, and I want to peek mid at the start of the round (The Play). My teammate also wants to peek, but he has an OP, so I'm going to let him peek first, and follow up.

    Looking at the scoreboard, I see that the Jett has enough money to buy an OP (Economy). Since a lot of Jetts are OPers, I'm going to assume that she'll either be holding Mid or Short at the start of the round (Tendencies).

    I know that Jett isn't having the best of games, judging from earlier experiences and the scoreboard (Performance). While this angle isn't the best to peek because it's beneficial for the Jett (Angle Advantage), I'm going to bank on the assumption that Jett won't hit his shot.

    Looking at the abilities, I know that Sova, Skye, and Reyna have ults available (Abilities). Peeking mid won't put me in any immediate danger from these, but I have to be careful just in case.

    My probability of success is still LOW (if Jett has an OP, Medium if not). The effect on the round is going to be worse than the reward, like in the simplified example. So, the optimal decision is not to peek it, because it's not worth it, but I'm going to peek it anyway because I'm confident I can out-aim the enemy.

    The round starts and both OPers miss the shot. So now we know that the Jett has an OP, and it's going to be hard to win the duel if I'm on a rifle. However, I decide to peek her because she won't expect me to repeek this angle, especially since she's has an OP. It works out this time, but again, this isn't the optimal play.

    We tried this play again in a later round, and both I and my teammate died to that Jett. This is just a clear example of how suboptimal plays can work but are not encouraged.

    Final Thoughts

    Good decision making goes hand and hand with good game sense. Remember, while the optimal play will have the most chances of success, it doesn't mean that other plays won't work.

    Decisions are almost always going to be made w/o complete info, but you can increase your chances of success by thinking about these factors before you make decisions.

    Anyway, that's it for this post. I hope you learned something from it, and if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to msg me on discord (Eggwick#7855) or on reddit. I'll try to help as much possible! Good luck on the grind :)

    submitted by /u/eggwickgg
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    Cleanest Store Of 2020?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:42 PM PST


    Opened up valorant after a one week hiatus and discovered the most colour coordinated store of 2020: https://imgur.com/KUdf0xc

    submitted by /u/yun_den
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    I'm taking this game way too seriously

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:40 PM PST

    I'm sitting in gold 3 theorizing about which team comps and strats that are viable, taking long walks calculating how long you can stall a defuse with lineups and discussing pro play like I actually have a clue what they are doing.

    Like who am I kidding. I should just shut up and play whatever agent mostly fits my playstyle until I reach a high enough rank to actually know what the heck I''m doing.

    Sorry for venting, but it just feels like this game is taking over my life, and I'm not even good at it haha. Doesn't help that I've used 350$ on skins either.

    Lockdown really do be hitting me hard.

    submitted by /u/Arcello97
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    Team's with AFK players need to lose less rank

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:44 PM PST

    I know riot has tried to balance players leaving the game with little things like extra money and ultimate points however, when someone leaves in round 4 and you lose the game by only a few rounds and get rating decreaased, it feels like a punch in the gut. The other team had an extra player the entire game, all of our placed above them in the leaderboard and yet we didn't even earn a slight decrease. There needs to be some sort of softener on the rating system for having an afk player for an entire game. And to stop people from abusing it they should base it on how many rounds the player was gone for.

    Edit: for everyone saying it would be abused there are plenty of ways to stop that from happening for example more rating loss for the leaver, not softening the elo hit for people in the leavers party, etc.

    submitted by /u/Jobobhi
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    Amazing how you rank up and down(you are not s3 unless you are g3)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:06 AM PST

    I ranked up to silver3 and got placed with and against gold3 and gold2 with one silver3 on enemy. Since we lost 13-0 mainly defending on icebox. I lost rank and back to silver2. Don't get me wrong I'm very happy with anything over iron 3. I just don't see the logic behind that if I can't take up gold3-2s in overwhelming numbers than I'm not a silver3.

    submitted by /u/Memphite
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    Are Ult Points/Orbs the souls of people?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:39 AM PST

    Like... think about it.

    When someone disconnects, they leave behind an Ult orb to pick up

    When you kill someone, you get an ult point

    aaand planting/defusing the spike? Maybe the spike is alive and you kill it when you plant, and give it new life? that's why defenders get a point when they defuse?

    I dunno man.

    i dunno...

    submitted by /u/Ekiiku
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    Team Liquid's Scream: "I think Icebox can be one of our favourite maps, all the times we've practiced it, we feel really good on it. There's a lot of aim duels and since we have really good aim on this team - not just me but my teammates too, this map fits us really well."

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:08 AM PST

    My thoughts and ideas for the spline set

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:31 PM PST

    As an owner of the spline set, every new set that releases gives me a tiny bit of pain. The art team is incredible and the skins just keep getting better. I know it was my fault for dropping 70 dollars on a set, but I can't help feeling stupid for buying a set with only alt colors. Anyways my point for this post was awhile ago the riot team said they would consider revamping the set if the community wanted it enough, and just thought I would post this to voice my opinion. The spline set has so much potential too, like just slap some vfx in and give the knife alt colors and then i'd bet it would sell a hell of a lot more.

    submitted by /u/ItsCaptainMax
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    Crazy Killjoy lineups and hiding spots~ a Montage

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:31 AM PST


    Hi Reddit!

    I've essentially only been using Killjoy since her release, labbing for hours and hours every single day, and I've found a ton of weird tricks with nanoswarm lineups. Throwing them from really far away, decimating a big rush, or hiding them behind walls or inside objects.

    I thought a video of all that was well overdue, and tutorials are boring, so there you go: 13 minutes of crazy bullshit I landed during matches. A handful are just good shooting plays I'm proud of, but the vast majority have a lineup of some kind involved, that's my speciality (headshotting isn't!). I might release a folder with a bunch of screenshots for some of my lineups in the future btw, make it easier to get a hold of them.

    Sorry in advance for the bad quality by the way, my PC is getting quite old so I can't stream or record in 1080p or 60fps, I'm planning an upgrade soon.

    If you have any questions about some lineups and whatnot, just ask away!

    (Hopefully this kind of submission is allowed here, I tried earlier today but I think it might've been deleted? Trying again as a text post, maybe that was the issue)

    submitted by /u/Tetra-76
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    Things I have learned from my teammates in Iron.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:55 PM PST

    - Don't shift walk

    - Only use the default crosshair

    - Don't say GG after a match

    - Focus on shooting the enemies utility rather than the enemies themselves

    - Don't speak in chat

    - Don't use your abilities

    And much more.

    I was told all of this within the span of seven spike rush games.

    submitted by /u/GuyLastName_
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    FPX Game Breakdown: Playing Viper as a controller

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:56 PM PST

    I have dedicated myself to improving at valorant and my arm feels so tense and tired

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 11:32 AM PST

    All my friends are naturally pretty good at FPS and come from a background of csgo or siege while I play league. I've dedicated a little bit of my free time to instead of playing a game spend practicing flicking and strafing in the shooting range and my arm feels extremely tense like my whole forearm was tired is this normal at the start before I develop muscle memory etc

    submitted by /u/Stoipex
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    Cypher Cam for Ascent Catwalk

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:10 PM PST

    New subreddit rules?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:47 PM PST

    I'm honestly just curious. What happened that the rules got changed to where gameplay is only allowed to be posted if it's eSports related, gives information, or has a fucking essay attached to it? Funny little clips and memes are honestly the heart and soul of these gaming subreddits. It's kind of disappointing that they're totally phased out all of a sudden.

    submitted by /u/USAtoUofT
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    Phantom or Vandal. The choice of life feels easier. Definitely need help making the choice

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    I need help making "the choice". Until now i used the Phantom, but i noticed that it isn't good at anything longer than 15M. Is it only my impression, or i should "switch" to the Vandal? If so, any tips to master it? Any tip (even the smallest) is accepted😀

    submitted by /u/TechTheGuy
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    Knife fail question mark?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Well i havent played Valorant since early April (during the closed beta) this year, figured i would give it a re-download and play some ranked game with my friend....Turns out however that the events that occurred will haunt me for the rest of my days, i have no idea how i didnt manage to knife her. Guess i just have to get good

    Bruh moment

    submitted by /u/Dyslexonaut
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