• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    VALORANT Powerful Skye Flash Bird Spots that make it harder for enemy to react

    VALORANT Powerful Skye Flash Bird Spots that make it harder for enemy to react

    Powerful Skye Flash Bird Spots that make it harder for enemy to react

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Patch 1.11 Agent Rankings Discussion (After 3k Hours)

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 09:28 PM PST

    Patch 1.11 Agent Rankings Discussion (After 3k Hours)

    Hey guys,

    Long time player here, I put together this tier list.


    Feel free to leave your thoughts : )

    submitted by /u/jackisconfused
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    Anyone just got kicked/disconnected from their game?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Title, my friends and I just got disconnected, it started lagging out then it gave us the error VAN 6. It happened in different games just now. NA Servers if that helps.

    submitted by /u/mmm_oist
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    Deathmatch mode for pistols only

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:32 AM PST

    I don't know about you guys, but I would love to have a Deathmatch mode with only pistols allowed-

    I feel like I'm really bad with the Ghost and I want to improve but I always get outgunned by the Vandal

    You get the point

    submitted by /u/dragonskilledmybrain
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    Here I present to you Skye's Hawk , I personally find it very beautiful and I want to share the hardwork of the designers . Let me know if you want to see more and if any suggestions I will make a video on it .

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 05:51 AM PST

    Is it just me or is it a little OP that Skye announces when she blinds someone?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:32 AM PST

    I've been playing Skye a bit tonight, and I noticed while playing her that whenever she blinds someone with her E she shouts out "blinded". Maybe it's me, but in my opinion this is a little OP considering that neither Phoenix nor Breach gives any audio cue that you have hit someone.

    I'm just curious what the rest of you guys think?

    EDIT: a lot of people seem to be misunderstanding what I am saying. I am very well aware that breach shouts "blinding" when he uses his flash. I am saying that Skye announces when she has hit any enemy with her flash (AKA when you get flashed by Skye she knows you got flashed without even looking at you) , which breach does not do.

    submitted by /u/MrBabalafe
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    Reaver Ace Sound And Finisher Leaked!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Here is what it sounds like to get an ace with an upgraded reaver set gun. Sounds very different from all the other skin lines and almost like a song: clyp.it/l10mw0bz

    The finisher sounds very cult-like; as if someone is speaking an unknown language There were three sound files for the finisher that all sounded very similar. This one was longer than the others by about a second: https://clyp.it/rqhnfnf4

    submitted by /u/gamerguy8114
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    Omen doesn't spawn where he TP's

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Has any else had the extremely annoying thing where you have omens tp perfectly lined up but then when he comes out of it he's one step to the left/right so you miss your shot.... Like wtf

    submitted by /u/rayray1mak
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    Cypher no longer keeps picked up trapwires?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:11 AM PST

    The patch notes only said Cypher's trapwires stopped working after he died, but in game he doesn't retain them after picking them up. Is this a bug? It's not in the patch notes.

    submitted by /u/Splenectomy13
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    New patch is blind fiesta

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:45 AM PST

    I cant even play valorant normally now lmao. Breach buff,skye(with that thicc ass),killjoy and cypher nerf,broken lineups like reyna,omen,breach,phoenix,skye which is literally blind all over the place. I might as well do what tenz did for his eyes (the sunglasses). riot needs to chill the fuck down right now lmao the new patch is just too funny for me. i might have a stroke just by playing this game now and also the stuttering issues :(

    submitted by /u/Dezouu
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    Why do you het blinded even if you look away from a flash?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:31 AM PST

    Did riot ever say why you get blinded after looking away from a flash? I think it makes no sense you still get flashed

    submitted by /u/Sirhat-Cossy
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    Suggestion: on last round of first half, instead of having the minimum income for next round on the buy menu, have it say “Last Round” or something like that.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:03 PM PST

    It's not an issue now or anything but it'd be a nice helpful little touch. But I can understand why this might be frown upon.

    submitted by /u/TheAthsmaAttacker
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    Valorant needs to roll back like 2 or 3 patches

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:15 PM PST

    Micro stuttering on its own is unbearable. Seems to have gotten worse or at least remained the same this patch. It seems like every recent patch has introduced some weirdness the has just made the game quality worse (stuttering, servers, etc). And I am completely glossing over any other reported issue

    Just simply from a game quality stand point, I would be thrilled if they rolled the game back like 4 or 5 patches even.

    submitted by /u/flkraven
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    Do you feel that the changes to ranked where players can only play within 3 ranks has increased smurfing or made the game more balanced? Do you think the upcoming fast track ranks for smurfs will increase throwing?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:59 AM PST

    I'm getting really mixed games. Some are very even and it's awesome. But others I am finding a lot of smurfs who have ranked down intentionally or play on an alt to play with their. I personally think Riot had good intentions in matchmaking making fairer, but I guess I've experienced some of the negative outcomes to it as well. I look forward to the day that they implement the "smurf" fast track rankings. But it also bears the question of when the next step happens, will this increase people completely throwing games? AFK would be one issue I see increase or feeding kills. Will the reporting system be beefed up to support heavier penalties for accounts that do this? I may have missed it but I haven't really seen Riot formally come forward once to say Smurfing is not ok and is punishable? Obviously they know it's a problem and they are trying to improve people's experience of the game.

    I would like to hear people's thoughts on this, what you are experiencing now and what you think we should be cautious of in the future? It's definitely a though one to solve for.

    submitted by /u/funkybandit
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    Opinions on Icebox

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

    I've been hearing a lot of things about the new map and I'm wondering how this subreddit feels about it.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/jonweck
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    First Strike North America - NSG Tournament - Closed Qualifier

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:29 PM PST

    First Strike North America - NSG Tournament - Closed Qualifier

    First match will begin on November 4th @ [12:00PM PST] [3:00PM EST]

    • Top 4 teams advance to VALORANT First Strike Event
    • Next 4 teams advance to UMG Tournament 2




    submitted by /u/mclovinXD
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    New black hole skins look great! I love how they bend the light

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST

    New black hole skins look great! I love how they bend the light


    Yeah these new final kill animations look slick! They really did a great job of bending the light around the black hole to make it look much smaller than it really is! Incredible

    submitted by /u/Rustl3m3jimmies
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    Radiant Plays Explained is back - Aggressive Sage plays and some fails included

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:24 AM PST

    Hey I'm crima and you might have seen my earlier videos on here. Since the rules were changed regarding videos on this subreddit my last post got deleted so I will do it in a text post and give you some insight about this video.

    I'd also like to give you a small introduction to who I am. I'm a 28 year old german who lives on Tenerife, I've played Counter-Strike for almost 20 years and been playing in top ranks in CS, LoL and oldsql WoW arenas. I used to run a YouTube channel for LoL teaching players how to climb higher ranks but eventually I lost interest in the game and stopped gaming for 3 years. With Valorant I finally found a game that suits me perfectly so I've come back to gaming and will try go fulltime on Valorant.

    Ok now to the video. There is gonna be quite a few Sage plays in there which might be odd to some of you since many people just copy pasta "RIP SAGE RIP SAGE". But a few weeks ago I saw a korean tournament where both teams were playing Sage on Split and their creative playstyle inspired me to give her a shot again. To my surprise I was doing really well with Sage. I started to use the Wall more as an aggressive tool or to give me off angles instead of just blocking off opponents.
    Even the highest ranked players often were not ready for it and it got me many easy kills. I guess people are not used to playing against Sage recently so they are not so aware of the Wall boosts.

    Her slow is also still incredibly powerful. I don't think she is dead at all but of course since she is more balanced there are many other good options to pick so she isn't a must pick anymore. Her best map of course still being Split and in high rank competitive I do see her very frequently on this map on both teams. I also like her on Ascent and Haven where cool wall plays are possible. Bind is my least favourite for Sage.

    Then one last important thing I want to mention is about the big fail play in this video. I lost a round just because of poor choice of keybindings. I have defuse on "E" because I'm used to that from CS and also have use object on "E" (also like in CS) but unfortunately in Valorant there are things like Cyphers Dart which you start to remove if holding "E". So in one clutch scenario I was running to the defuse and because I was not quite close enough to the Spike I started accidentally taking out Cyphers Dart which cost me the time I needed to get the defuse. For these rare cases it might be better to have defuse and use object on different keybindings so that won't happen to you :)

    Thanks for reading/watching. Looking forward to hearing your feedback!

    submitted by /u/crima
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    this arrow to spot heaven and people pushing

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:51 AM PST

    FYI, Skye has the Best Flash

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:46 AM PST

    I've been messing around with Skye over the last few hours, and picked up on something I've not seen anyone else mention: she has the most consistent flash in the game. It still suffers from some issues all flashes have, however, it has one major advantage.

    With Skye, you know when you flash someone. If you send out a bird, and pop it, you will hear a small "pap" sound. However, if you pop it and it flashes someone, you hear a screech confirming that the enemy is full flashed.

    To me, this makes Skye an extremely useful agent so that you can definitively know when or if a target was flashed. On defense, it is also useful purely for information. You can send a flash down C-long on Haven, as an example, and pop it. If you hear the screech, one or more is pushing, if not, you can rotate or reposition to garage/CT to anticipate a B or A push.

    I could be wrong, but haven't seen anyone mention this. Seems like a great innovation for the new agent!

    submitted by /u/CubingGiraffe
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    Now that Killjoy's utility can't be used for global intel, can we buff alarmbot so it can do it's job?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:28 PM PST

    As stated in Killjoy's description, she's supposed to punish bad play and people who don't want to take the time to watch out for her utility. Problem is, after nanoswarm took a major hit (which imo wasn't needed and only happened because people are bad at the game and like to cry whe they can't blindly rush a site every round without repercussions), you can simply... run through all her utility and only take like 20 damage? The buff to nanoswarm DPS was a step in the right direction, and as Riot said, they want to rework Killjoy to give her more identity as a bunker-down-and-hold-a-site character. Now that alarmbot can't be used for global intel, it needs a buff to be able to create a threat like it's meant to. People run through it without even bothering to listen and then shoot it on reaction. My proposed buff is: before it gets triggered, it has the same health as it currently does, and can be killed in one shot. But once it's triggered, it should become a lot more tanky (maybe half the health of a boombot?), so players can't just tap it once and keep going. Make it so that it's a lot harder to not get vulnerable'd after rushing through it, and make it so Killjoy can have the opportunity to capitalize off of it.

    submitted by /u/AndIOwoop-
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    Ascent Jump Removed?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Ascent Jump Removed?

    Did riot just remove the jump in Ascent where u could jump on the wall of top mid by jumping on the dining table? I cant seem to do that anymore. see right of gelato sign :)


    submitted by /u/DcryptRR
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    Since Valorant is listening to it's player base, I would love to see a Knock-out tournament mode in de game in the future.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Since Valorant is listening to it's player base, I would love to see a Knock-out tournament mode in de game in the future.

    I enjoy competitive, but I can't play with my friends, because of difference in ranks. So why not make a knockout mode where you can pick 4 other players and play a max of 4 matches to get to the finals. The downside is that you might have to wait if your game ends fast. instead of 13 wins, make it 8. I think it would be very easy to make simple rules to make this game mode work. Winners can be awarded emblems, etc.


    submitted by /u/Stuvi2k
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