• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 17, 2020

    VALORANT Tenz on Phantom and Vandal difference

    VALORANT Tenz on Phantom and Vandal difference

    Tenz on Phantom and Vandal difference

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    We need a better moderating system when it comes to reports in VALORANT than Reddit submissions.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 11:30 PM PST

    We need a better moderating system when it comes to reports in VALORANT than Reddit submissions.

    Are we seriously expected to go ahead and hope that a video of people mic spamming racial, homophobic, and even racial slurs, gets noticed by moderators at Riot, to get them banned, If this game is very much trying to hold their competitive integrity, they need to be able to handle the toxic side of the community also, and help moderate that better, instead of thinking that the community is great because they've only seen 1-2 posts blow up on Reddit of some kids mic spamming jokes about trans people?


    submitted by /u/G3lO1227
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    Rotate old skin bundles back into the shop

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:31 AM PST

    I think it would be a really good idea to cycle back some of the old skin bundles into the shop, i really like how riot would cycle the bundles in beta. I understand that many people like the new skins, but i think occasionally they should just spend 1 week cycling back the old skin bundles, maybe not as long as original, but just for 1 day, and that would still give people time to grab the bundle and not to much time where it is consuming all the time in the shop and delaying new skin bundles.

    submitted by /u/Klippow
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    'Half' game mode.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Its essentially an unrated game but takes half of the number of rounds. I dont love to commit to like an hour of gameplay just to play a normal Valorant game. I am usually forced to play Spike rush which is fine but doesnt help to learn for competitive. Worse then that, it doesn't make sense to me to stay in a game like "Unrated" when you can play against high elos and can't surrender because some tryhards doesn't accept losing a 0-13 so the game is essentialy wasted. Half unrated would definitely have its place for low commitment and hassle free games.

    submitted by /u/alexbaws159
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    Valorant NA leaderboards

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Don’t make a smurf account and trash-talk the enemy for being in their rank

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:15 PM PST

    Basically all in the title. We all reported this guy three rounds in. It was pretty disgusting of him to keep yelling at everyone the whole time. Don't play ranked on a smurf account then cocky when you steamroll the enemy. If you weren't such a pathetic piece of shit, you'd stay on your main.

    Basically, smurf decided to just tear my teams Jett up all game, from the moment Jett killed him. From not clutching a 1v4 to all kinds of other stuff. Smurf got almost 40 kills then decided to troll us because " we're so bad we don't deserve it ".

    If you're gonna smurf especially in ranked, consider that it's unfair to the opposing team and that screaming at them because they're worse than you is dumb as hell.

    You're a real Degenerate dude.


    submitted by /u/Sharingan_
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    Low ranked Tournament hosted by me on Friday

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:33 PM PST


    Hi Everyone, I'm bored so I wanted to host a Tournament for lower ranked people! This will be on Friday, November 20, 2020, at 2PM EST. Requirements are:

    • Must be Silver 3 or lower
    • No smurfing (please)
    • Must be respectful
    • Must speak english fluently
    • Must be ok to share voice (its ok if you don't want webcam but it is preferred)
    • No creeps

    If you want to try out DM me on here and I'll give you my discord and we can work things out from there. Thanks everyone! (sorry higher ranks we are just left out sometimes so we want it to be fair)

    submitted by /u/olliesub103
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    Anyone else just ever hold an angle for a long time and blank out?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 11:10 PM PST

    This happened to me quite a bit in ranked, like, let's say I'm holding garage doors with a sheriff, I'll just state intently at the doors and after a while if nothing happens, I just kind of blank out. I was wondering if there was anyone to fix this problem?

    submitted by /u/Voltegeist
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    My (Se)Viper fanart!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:52 AM PST

    Here's my simple Viper fanart, also avalaible on my instagram with an extra closeup. I hope that you'll like it.


    submitted by /u/obiekcja
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    Jett Icebox T Spawn to Mid Boiler Peek

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

    How to improve from immortal 1 to radiant

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:38 AM PST


    im wondering if there are any known tips to get better at immortal level.

    Im hardstuck immo 1 and can sometimes get immo 2 and will derank short after. BUT im a soloq player since i dont have friends playing it.

    So i dont know what i should work on. Do Radiants just play in a stack and reached Radiant this way? The most Radiants i played with are not using their mic to communicate and are toxic, while not beeing better than the immo 1 and 2s in the game.

    submitted by /u/Keyrec
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    You shouldn't need all 4 votes to remake when someone disconnects.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Today I had to play an entire game 4x5 because some troll didn't feel like remaking.

    The whole team was tilted and played with 0 will to do so, even the enemy team was annoyed to play that game. This has happened before and it's not fun for anyone.

    I my opinion even 2 votes (maybe 1) for remake should be enough to do it, but to have one person force three others to play a 4v5 is depressing.

    submitted by /u/yours_untruly
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    VALORANT EU Leaderboards

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:17 AM PST

    Was ranking system quietly changed?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:47 AM PST

    I don't know if anyone else noticed but recently a lot of people have lost their ranks me included. I was immortal 1 not even 2 weeks ago and then in the matter of a few games and 5 or so days I dropped all the way down to diamond 1 and then to plat 2 in the next few days. I managed to climb back up to D2 yesterday but I'm not the only one who had this happen to them.

    I don't know if this is region specific (I play on EUW) but every single game I play there is at least one or two people in the match that had the exact same thing happened to them. This is either the biggest coincidence ever or Riot actually did something.

    submitted by /u/NF_99
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    Why is my Valorant 950 GB large?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:41 AM PST

    Why is my Valorant 950 GB large?

    yeah basically the title. I was saving some space and deleted old games I don't play anymore. Then I came across this. I even reloaded my "settings" app hoping it was a visual bug, but it wasn't.


    Does anyone else have this? Are there old files I can delete for more space?

    submitted by /u/NetherReactor
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    Ranked is a terrible experience after the new season if you're not immortal

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Now that you can see the last season's act rank triangle I understand why.

    I'm getting matched in plat 3 against people who were immortal 1 last season with people who were gold 3 last season on my team

    It feels like every game is a coin flip there's nothing you can really do more than just play and hope for the best 90% of the games.

    I was diamond 3 (got immortal 1 and deranked immediately after) last season and now I'm plat 3. Unless you are radiant there's no way to consistently carry. I just finished a match that we lost 1-13 and there's only so much you can do if it's so one sided. what do people expect? ace every round?

    and to everyone saying im just dogshit and I should just get good I'm LEM in csgo cause I stopped playing but I was global with 2000 hours, if you think plat is where I belong then I don't know what to say

    submitted by /u/Jesusmate
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    Where can I follow the pro scene?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:26 AM PST

    I really want to follow the pro scene and all the tournaments, but with someone with little to no knowledge where do I start? Are there brackets somewhere on a website or something?

    submitted by /u/Havoc640
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    The terms smurf, hardstuck, and bad teammates ge thrown around too much.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    I've been playing valorant since the day it launched officially (couldn't get access to the beta) and jesus, all I am seeing from the playerbase 24/7 is either "smurfs are holding me back" or "i get frags but can't rank up". I've personally climbed to diamond with litttle to no experience in fps shooters and people don't seem to stop blaming exterior causes. The game is not rigged against you, you have a fair chance of getting a smurf or cheater on your team as does the enemy team. I agree smurfing isn't cool but giving these excuses al the time and using them to limit your own growth is damaging and for anyone looking to climb I suggest finding a new mindset.

    submitted by /u/subbu330
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    Suggested change to "Enemy Spotted"

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:35 PM PST

    The fact that the player who spots an enemy player doesn't hear his character say "Enemy Spotted" but the rest of his team does -- doesn't make much sense honestly.

    The player who spots an enemy in his vision cone should atleast get the same audio cue as the rest of his team. This will help as even if he/she didn't clearly spot the player on screen, they can quickly glance at the map and adjust their play accordingly. This is literally what the rest of the team does when they hear enemy Spotted in a slow site execute.

    Also, there's this problem as well. With the variety of agent colors present in game and map, sometimes even enemy highlight color doesn't help isolate the enemy agent from the background texture. (Case in point - Omen in Icebox T Spawn, Reyna in some parts of Ascent etc.) Added to this, if you have show enemy corpses off, the holographic projection often conceals enemy heads due to difference in terrain height -- THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME MULTIPLE TIMES IN SPLIT A Heaven, where the holographic projection being the same as enemy highlight color conveniently camouflages the enemy player head, and I don't even know an enemy can see me before dying one tapped.

    The enemy spotted audio cue to first person character can help these cases as well.

    Another advantage to this would be to solo queuers, especially at low ELOs, since there is hardly much communication going on. Players can react better to this info.

    What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/dop_dreams
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    Call to Action: Stop calling it a Pre-Fire and start calling it a Preef

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Getting Preefed while holding a corner can often be a frustrating experience. Few things in this game feel worse than getting peeked and killed before your brain can even respond. To help lower the tension I would like to introduce this Joey-original term I use when playing with my friends.


    It feels dirty but it isn't.

    Gone are the days of "bro omen pre-fired on me while pushing through mail room and I died"

    In are the days of "Guys they Preefed all over me care heaven"

    I hope you go into your games and Preef on your enemies while pushing that stupid ass tube in icebox God damnit why are these industrial storage containers 1 planck's length thin

    Good luck gamers

    submitted by /u/moveseph
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    What's the most annoying player you can find?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:29 AM PST

    I started this post to know what bother more players and get a lesson.

    For me the most annoying is: The negative screaming player.

    I have a friend that literally lose 1 game and start to say: it's lost. Then also if you are tie and he die start screaming on microphone: WHYYY? HOW KILLED ME? ETC. Then he want surrender.

    For you?

    submitted by /u/Aredoro
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    Brimstone Sky Smoke Needs Buff

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:20 AM PST

    In the early beta phase, Omen received a duration increase for Dark Cover, which made Omen a better pick than Brimstone.

    I think it is time for Brimstone to receive the buff to match Omen's current presence in the game - Sky Smoke should be charged based with 3 smoke start but longer recharger duration.

    Current Omen: 2 charges 35s restock

    Proposed Brimstone: 3 charges 45s restock

    The small difference would make it Brimstone bit more attractive for instant 3 smoke drop, as he current can do, but retains the ability to smoke in the middle of match, albeit less so than Omen.

    submitted by /u/WitchardOnline
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    Good YouTubers/Streamers for ultra newbies?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Hi there! I'm trying to learn Val to play with my boyfriend as a surprise, because I don't want him to deal with someone who has no idea what's going on. This is my first fps so suffice to say, I suck real ass lol and Im not familiar with a lot of the terminology used in some of the videos I have watched. Are there any good resources that anyone can recommend? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/throwaway28288383
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    Here is my fanart tribute for Skye and her pets! Hope you like it!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 01:43 PM PST

    Here is my fanart tribute for Skye and her pets! Hope you like it!

    Hi guys! This is my fanart for Skye. I had no time to play the game recently but I really love her design!
    This my third tribute to Valorant, the others that I did are on my instagram. Thank you so much!


    submitted by /u/Rulbiem
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