• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    VALORANT Not everyone in low ranks is a smurf, sometimes they just have a god-tier game.

    VALORANT Not everyone in low ranks is a smurf, sometimes they just have a god-tier game.

    Not everyone in low ranks is a smurf, sometimes they just have a god-tier game.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:32 AM PST

    I'm a consistent iron1-2 player and every so often, ill get a game where I go 24-single digits death game and the other team will flood chat if I'm enjoying ruining low ranks or if we are losing, they will spam chat with, how does it feel to not win even in Iron you loser. It starts to take away the fun of the game when the one time I do well, I get flamed either way.

    Is everyone just under the hard impression if someone does well in Iron, they are automatically a smurf or cheating? Or is this just me getting bad luck queues?

    submitted by /u/Trip_Se7ens
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    A little fanart of Jett ( Jett has so many fanarts lmao)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:46 PM PST

    A little fanart of Jett ( Jett has so many fanarts lmao)

    So TLDR: I got no commissions and I was bored so I decided to make something that looks somewhat anime-ish. So I asked myself, "What character looks badass in an anime pose and style?". Jett. Jett is the character that looks badass in an anime pose and style.


    submitted by /u/iAm_Uncomfortable
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    Why do people insist that the only way to be useful is getting kills?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:56 AM PST

    It's pretty annoying when teammates roast you or others just because you're 10-15 or something around the range. If you're using your character the way it's intended like smoking points, healing, and just being generally aware of what's going on. If I'm playing a support or team friendly agent I don't need to drop 25-30. That would be nice but sometimes playing strategically is just as important as high frags

    submitted by /u/1_Bar_Warrior
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    so i drew chibi sage and ordered stickers

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:32 AM PST

    so i drew chibi sage and ordered stickers

    for my bf's christmas present bc he mains sage, but i missed the chance to give it to him cus i didn't have delivery notifs on... now i kinda wanna order one for myself

    also hi,,, i've never made a reddit post before so fingers crossed it doesn't look funky

    chibi sage stickerssss

    if ur curious ab the illustration, i posted it on my instagram (@mazzue_)
    happy holidays :)

    submitted by /u/mazzue
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    Pro Team Support skin Bundle

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:12 AM PST

    I haven't been on around for a while so I apologize if it's been mentioned before. But image a bundle in which you're able to support your favorite team.

    Ex: For 100 Thieves -
    1. 100 Thieves skin of a certain gun. 2. Banners with the signatures of the roster (similar to how Call of duty and the CDL did it) 3. A charm with their logo 4. And finally a spray with their logo!

    The pro scene is going to be huge in Valorant, so I thought this would be a cool idea.

    submitted by /u/Lukoa
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    The Kingdom Corp. HQ is Riot Games Inc. HQ

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:29 AM PST

    I'm not sure if this is given information but hear me out. While looking around Ice Box one time, I found out that The Kingdom Corp. HQ is located in California. The blue box right in front of attacker spawn near the ramp has a sticker on it that says:



    12333 W OLYMPIC BLV.

    LOS ANGELES, CA 90064

    So I looked it up and saw that is Riot Games Inc. HQ. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


    submitted by /u/zhunflower
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    Quit being perverted to women players

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:17 PM PST

    It's so frustrating to play online games because as soon as you want to use your mic, you immediately get "this is either a squeaker or a girl." If you affirm you are a girl, at least 50% of the time you start getting inappropriate and unwanted questions and comments. If you wouldn't feel comfortable saying something to my face, or having someone say it to your mom/sister, keep it to yourself. Don't ask girls to moan, don't ask for our social media??, and don't make other sexual comments about us. Valorant is full of these type of guys, and idk why. It makes the game unenjoyable and I literally never use my mic specifically on Valorant just because of this.

    Edit: yes, I'm painfully aware that this happens in most, if not all, online games. In my experience, it has been worse on Valorant than others I've played.

    submitted by /u/MaddawgGaymer
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    My friend made me a Reaver Vandal for Christmas

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:52 PM PST


    He was my secret Santa and since he works with wood he made this awesome Reaver Vandal, my favorite skin in the game!

    submitted by /u/the1hobbit
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    feel like valorant is the only game youre lagging in? i have a potential solution

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:36 AM PST

    hey yall, papi optimizer here

    tl;dr: if you have a lowend-midrange nvidia gpu (say, nvidia 16xx and back) and have messed around in the nvidia control panel, disable ultra low latency mode in there and let reflex inside valorant handle the job

    optional: if youre on a super low spec pc, disabling nvidia reflex in game as well can help with your performance. prerendered frames are really important in cpu bound scenarios.

    also optional: if your internet is relatively jittery, and ur ping is all over the place, increase network buffering to moderate or maximum in gameplay settings. this will cause an incredibly difficult to notice change in feel of movement, but eliminate any rubberbanding if you have no packet loss, only late packets from variable ping. this is adjusting the server interp and polling rate to your client, but giving u no server side advantages. basically its changing what the server considers late/lost packets, and is loosening up more along the lines of cs:go

    so, i currently play the game on a computer thats nothing special. i7 2600k, a 970, 16gb ddr, samsung ssd

    this sandy bridge processor has been killing new releases on medium - high for nearly a decade so ive never felt a need to upgrade. still dont. but i noticed something mad peculiar about valorant that i just wasnt experiencing in other games.

    the internet is notoriously unstable, but a little bit of network jitter should be expected from clients to server and handled through interpolation, packet buffering, etc. after an exhaustive week of troubleshooting every connection in my networking setup and ensuring my connection was rock solid, i turned towards valorant which seems to be the only game i have these networking issues with

    like small jitter != rubberbanding while jiggle peeking. thats crazy.

    then as i continued to think about it, maybe its not? hear me out. nvidia reflex is a dev-side api that riot implemented that when turned on, optimizes the engine to deliver the request to render a frame right as, and only when its needed. great for reducing render to input latency for powerful computers.

    but me being on a decent but still relatively weak pc, im always lookin to optimize baby.

    so long ago i discovered the ultra low latency option in nvidia graphics settings, and set it global. it just sounded like something good, and ive seen many guides posted on this exact subreddit suggesting people to use it to reduce latency. but you gotta differentiate between latency and throughput. if your frames are often dipping below the server tickrate (128) or your monitors refresh rate (prob 144, maybe 60) then this option is doing you no favors.

    low latency mode set to ultra means absolutely no prerendered frames for your gpu. meaning it can only render, the absolute second the application calls for it. i hope youre starting to see where im going with this. setting it to on is a good middle ground, as that caps prerendered frames at 1, but if youre seeing fatty fps dips you should just turn it off.

    now the connection to networking. if you didnt know, packets are attached to frames. if youre getting less than 128 frames per second, regardless of your monitors refresh rate, youre sending updates to the server at a rate lower than everyone else and are objectively at a competitive disadvantage.

    now you couple in the concept of your gpu refusing to prerender any frames AND any small amount of network jitter AND jiggle peeking a corner, constantly culling (not rendering) anything behind the box/wall and then constantly asking it to render again in an engine where this call is only made the instant its needed and no predictive rendering can occur (cat on ascent CT side box is a great place to imagine) it starts to all come together as to whats going on here

    if you have a super fast cpu/gpu and stable as fuck internet connection, sure, enable ultra low latency mode and reflex in game. if youre anyone else, or anything like me, set that shit to off driver side, or at the very least to just on to keep it down to 1 frames. optional: if youre on a super low spec pc, disabling nvidia reflex in game as well can help with your performance. prerendered frames are really important in cpu bound scenarios. the change in latency will be negligible, but the increase in fps and smoothness of packet transfer will not be.

    submitted by /u/garbage_water
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    Make bots for leavers in competitive

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:08 AM PST

    In CSGO they have bots for when someone leaves the game so the game can be a little more fair so it could give you that slight advantage for leavers. Why not add this to valorant? It wouldn't be too hard to implement as the training ground has these bots.

    submitted by /u/zacklikethat
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    how to play post plant

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:46 AM PST

    FUNNIEST MOMENTS from 100T's Valorant Championship

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:20 AM PST

    Some more sage cheese walls

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:57 PM PST

    First off, I give all credit to u/stay_sweet who found the wall on A site Ascent. I saw that and figured I'd find some more on all maps. Most of these are really easy except for the split A elbow one, that took a couple tries to get the wall right.


    submitted by /u/Boryalyc
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    Skye heals don't count towards assists?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:21 AM PST

    I noticed that when I am playing skye and the people I healed gets kills I don't get a assist which is not the case with sage. Or is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/JYNX-notgay
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    Underbuying in Low Elo

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Gold 2 player here. Obviously everyone knows of the problem where teammates insist on force-buying every round right? I feel like I see the opposite more often.

    Sometimes in my elo, I will see players who purchase light shields and a stinger with 3000 remaining creds, while the rest of the team has committed to full buying. Then the next round, when most of us are broke and buying sheriffs, that player will now choose to buy a rifle.

    I mean I know I'm not qualified to give tips to people, but if your team is full buying then just buy with them, unless you're saving for an op or something.

    submitted by /u/EMoney610
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    As a new FPS player... How DO you know what mistakes you are making and how to improve?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:12 AM PST

    I mean there are only so many streamers and youtube videos you can watch. Being in the range and aim training etc... I do that. But how do I know that I made a stupid play? How do I know what I should have preferably done in a situation instead? How do I decide when to peek and when to flank and when to push? I know I can rewatch Vods and all but like that still doesn't help me if I don't know what it should look like instead... My aim and crosshair placement is actually not too shabby and I get lots of headshots and win 1v1 fights but.... I just know my 'strategy' if you will is bad without actually knowing how to improve. I'm trying to hold back more and don't just 'push push push' but idk... any tips on how to get a good game sense?

    submitted by /u/namwoohyeons
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    Fan Valorant agent concept - Set

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:55 PM PST

    Fan Valorant agent concept - Set

    Instead of waiting for a new Controller agent, I tried to design one myself!


    Introducing Set, based on the Egyptian god of Storms/Deserts. He is a Radiant who uses his powers around sand to hinder his enemies and support his allies.


    C - Dune Rounds - Buy 1 - 200 cost - Lasts 10 seconds - Destroyable 150 hp

    EQUIP a sand pillar. FIRE to place the pillar. Upon placement, the pillar will funnel sand bullets to all allies in range, providing unlimited ammo.

    • Same radius as Brimstone's 'Stim Beacon.'
    • All allies in the ability's field will not have their bullets go below 1 in the current clip.
    • If an ally with 0 bullets in their clip (currently in reload animation or has 0 bullets) and walks into the field, their reload animation is not interrupted (i.e. they do not receive an instant free bullet).

    Q - Sand Trap - Buy 2 - 100 cost - Lasts 5 seconds

    EQUIP a sand trap. FIRE to throw a sand trap forward that expands upon landing, creating a small field that slows all player movement against the directional arrows. ALT FIRE rotates the directional arrows.

    • Only movement directly against the arrows is slowed. All other directional movement is not slowed or sped up.

    E - Sandstorm - Have 2 - Recharges 35 seconds - Lasts 12 seconds after settled

    EQUIP a sandstorm and see its range indicator. FIRE to throw the storm to the marked location, creating a long-lasting smoke that blocks vision. HOLD ALTERNATE FIRE while targeting to move the marker further away. HOLD the ability key with targeting to move the market closer.

    • Map indicators are like Omen's smokes.
    • Unlike Omen's smokes, the sandstorm travels across the map as its full size and at a slower speed (but faster than a player's running speed).
    • All players caught in the sandstorm while it is travelling or stationary are nearsighted.

    R - Mirage - 7 SP cost - Lasts 10 seconds - Destroyable 2000 hp

    EQUIP a mirage. FIRE to create a sandy wall that moves forward, forming a mirage that hides allied players on the other side from enemy vision.

    • Has a minimum and maximum range that it extends across.
    • Does not hide the spike, dropped weapons, or cast abilities.
    • There is a telltale shimmer/glow where the mirage is placed, making it easier for both teams to tell where it is placed.
    • Allies can see enemies through it, enemies cannot see allies (like a one-way mirror, or in this case window).
    • Ally bullets do not damage the mirage.
    • Enemy bullets damage the mirage and anything directly behind. The mirage does not stop bullets like walls do.

    Hope you guys enjoy & don't think the skills are too OP. Some skill images are on my Twitter.

    submitted by /u/Detrimonious
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    Should right eye dominant people use left handed mode in valorant?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:23 AM PST

    I switched to left handed mode recently and i feel way more confident with my peeks and crosshair placement and I'm right eye dominant and idk if its linked in some way or other. (If you know please let me know).

    submitted by /u/_spiron_
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    Where would you place your aim?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Just wanted to get a feel for how good people think their aim is.

    If you want you can post your rank in comments too along with what option you chose.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/FiRrimm
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    How to improve after getting stuck?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Well I've been doing a 15~30mins routine every single day (without skipping) on aimlab and I've managed to get to Diamond 3. The thing is my aim is pretty decent but whenever im D3 i get matched with aim gods that just onetap me whenever I see a pixel of them and I cant keep up with their god aim.

    I've been hardstuck diamond for like the 3 acts, I wanna get up to immortal but I dont see myself improving even tho I do aim training.

    I have good game sense too, just a few little times i can make a mistake but it's not often. (i'd say i get high rank for my game sense too)

    Also I started noticing my aimlabs score lately are not improving, they stay the same as if that's my limit.

    So what should I be doing to improve further more so I can achieve immortal and maybe radiant someday?

    submitted by /u/PzMagnet
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    Patch Today?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Does anybody know if there is supposed to be a new update today? Really hoping for one after how underwhelming the last one was.

    submitted by /u/dyl_2
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    Why low rank players need to relax on this sub.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST

    MOST of the issues I read on this subreddit, no one complains about in my Immortal games and I think it can hurt new players/ people feeling like improving is out of their control when in reality the vast majority of players don't focus on developing their play.

    Hit-reg Issues:

    • Hit-reg is VERY good in Valorant, yes there are rare cases where shots do not reg properly and those can be clipped and highlighted but the vast majority of the time you likely missed the head.
    • I mean literally 1 shot in maybe 10 games you will have a hit-reg issue that results in a death.
    • I recommend using game recorder like Shadow Play to record your games and review shots that you feel should have hit. It's possible that you shot before stopping, most players are not counter strafing properly so even if your crosshair placement is good if you're not stopping before you shoot it will mess up your accuracy.


    • Footstep audio is actually very good in Valorant compared to other FPS titles, and there are some failsafe that Riot has in place. There are distinct sounds for Metal/Wood/Sand etc, this helps in situations like B site Bind Tube where you will hear if someone comes from CT, Tube or Hookah because they all have seperate audio queues.
    • The one issue I know with Audio in high rank is vertical audio, it's difficult to determine where someone is above you (for example Ice Box its difficult to tell if someone is default ropes or rafters on A site.
    • IF you are having audio issues, I recommend assessing the headphones you are using. Low quality headphones. Open audio vs a good quality headset makes a big difference.

    Running & Shooting at close range:

    • In Immortal, for all close range fights, like market in Bind for example, EVERYONE runs and guns. Although it may not be the best thing for the game, it's important to maximize the game mechanics.
    • Most low ranked players take much longer to adapt to new meta/mechanics of the game, I highly recommend that you learn to run shoot around any sharp corners, because it will help you win.
    • General rule of thumb:

    Extreme Short range => Run and gun

    Short-Medium range = Counter strafe into shoot

    Long range = Strafe shoot back and forth shooting when accurate.

    ^ Most low rank players apply the same shooting technique at any range, which is EASY to abuse.


    • I do agree that smurfs are a big problem, because I myself also have a smurf account (diamond & gold) and it's very clear there are smurfs BUT I encounter ALOT less smurfing in low ranks, you will encounter smurfing commonly in Diamond+ though.
    • In Plat or lower there are SO MANY PLAYERS, there are smurfs but because there are so many players its very likely that someone in your game is either A) just having a good game or B) soft smurfing (their main rank is maybe slightly higher).

    I really think people should focus on improving themselves vs. blaming these issues if they feel stuck in their rank. The best thing you can do is use a game recorder and then review footage, this will help you see gaps in your play and improve in-game decision making.


    submitted by /u/chrisco571
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    Free Coaching from an Immortal Player/Experienced Coach

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Who am I:

    Hey guys and girls, my name is Danny and I have been an avid gamer my entire life. For the past few years I have dedicated myself to coaching. My coaching career starting in OW(check my post history) where I began doing individual VOD reviews as well as moving onto coaching teams. In OW I was able to hit Top 500, while I didn't maintain it long I believe that my understanding of the game was what propelled me to the higher tiers. My new aim is to begin coaching here in Valorant. While I haven't played this game as much as Overwatch, I do believe that I solid grasp on the games mechanics and workings to help people reach their goals.

    What this is:

    With my past experience in coaching as well as my play time and knowledge of Valorant I believe I would be of great help to anyone that is looking to improve. I intend to stream/record my VOD reviews and upload them to youtube in hopes to help others. Just to reiterate, this is completely free coaching from someone with years of prior coaching experience. I am expecting to spend Monday-Thursday doing VOD reviews all day

    If this is something you would be interested in, please join my discord or watch my live reviews on Twitch. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you have them.

    My discord, stream, and youtube are still in the early stages of setup as I never recorded my VOD reviews, so please try to be patient while I continue to grow my server and work out the kinks.

    TL;DR: Experienced coach offering completely free coaching to the community




    submitted by /u/Danny_Overwatch
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    views on viper?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:09 AM PST

    viper is honestly the most overhated agent i've seen. When i first started using viper i disliked her but now after practicing with viper, she definitely can be an unstoppable agent with her abilities used correctly

    submitted by /u/anikilledtheants
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