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    Monday, December 21, 2020

    VALORANT Possible Sage cheese on Ascent to protect the spike with her wall

    VALORANT Possible Sage cheese on Ascent to protect the spike with her wall

    Possible Sage cheese on Ascent to protect the spike with her wall

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:21 PM PST

    20/60/20 Rule in Valorant

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:59 AM PST

    The 20/60/20 rule is as such:

    20% of the games you play you will lose by factors completely outside of your control. Whether this be smurfs on the other team or teammates who are just having a bad game or teammates who DC, some things are just out of your control.

    60% of the games you play can be swayed based on how you play. These are the games that are closer (11-13), or you're the person on your team having a bad game and weighing your team down. These are the games that you should be worrying about, the games that you can look back on and improve on. These are the games that will make you a better player in the long run.

    And finally, 20% of the games you play you will win by factors outside of your control. Similar to the previous 20%, sometimes you have a teammate who is popping off, or a smurf on your team, or your enemies are afk. These games you essentially get a free win.

    Why does this matter? People get way too caught up in blaming teammates for losses or complaining about the other team smurfing when the odds of the reverse happening (the enemy doing poorly or your team having a smurf) is, roughly, the same.

    If you want to rank up and get better at the game, you have to focus on the losses you have in the 60% of the games you can control. Start recording your games, go over the games that ended up really close and see where you went wrong, see what you could have done better.

    And also, this isn't meant for people to automatically chalk every loss to the 20%, of course some stretches of time will be more loss heavy or more win heavy (whether or not this is from the 20%'s is debatable), but focusing on what went wrong in a game is the start to becoming a better player

    submitted by /u/pinkbestcolour
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    I pressed a button and it made me exhale air out my nose, hope it will happen to you too.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:09 PM PST

    This happened during a pro tournament in India

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Will agents in Valorant end up becoming overly complicated in order to stay fresh?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:34 AM PST

    What do you guys think will happen with new agents as Valorant ages? I expect Valorant to last a long time, so we can expect for there to be a lot of agents coming to the game.

    I ask this question because League of Legends champions have followed a bit of a trend of becoming more complicated as time goes on. Of course this is only a trend, not an absolute rule. But this makes sense that for a new champion or agent to be different from the previous ones, sometimes that requires complicated or creative mechanics.

    For a bit of elaboration on this, a more complicated agent might look like multiple passives. Maybe a passive for each ability. Or even the possibility for an agent to swap to a different ability bar on a whim.

    Do you like the idea of Valorant agents potentially becoming more complicated and potentially having a higher learning curve? Or do you think that won't happen with Valorant agents at all because of limitations like the economy system?

    submitted by /u/wesman0615
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    The Phoenix theory

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:08 AM PST

    After having soloq experience in bronze, silver, gold, and plat lobbies, I have come up with a theory after observations during my recent losing streak.

    It's called the Phoenix theory, as shown in the title. This theory dictates that if anyone locks in Phoenix, they will either be top or bottom frag. There is usually little variety and this exists on both teams too. Your phoenix will either be hard inting and going 11-20 or will be sweeping the enemy team going 32-5.

    Now this post is mainly satirical but I think the reason behind this is bc if there's a smurf they'll usually play Phoenix or if it's a new player they'll play Phoenix since his kit is simple and self sufficient.

    Thanks for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/iceage2114
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    Yeah, I know it's not much, but I was able to work my way from my placement in Iron 2 to Gold 1 in less than two weeks!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:33 AM PST

    Yeah, I know it's not much, but I was able to work my way from my placement in Iron 2 to Gold 1 in less than two weeks!

    Got placed in Iron 2 because this game has a totally accurate and functional MMR system with absolutely no flaws, and instantly decided to grind until I never had to see another Iron player in my life


    Actually super proud of myself for this one. I'm not going to stop grinding until I hit Diamond, but this is a good point to take a break and be proud of myself for a second.

    submitted by /u/TheRealDiscoNinja
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    Headshot only option in deathmatch?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:45 AM PST

    In order to better train yourself to get headshots, is it possible for Riot to add an option in deathmatch so that if toggled, you cannot shoot another player in the leg or chest? This would not affect anyone else in the server, it would just force you to only go for headshots, and know that your kills only came from headshots.

    submitted by /u/retrospectivevista
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    Opinion: If Night Market items changed daily, Riot Game would make more money and players would be happier

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:44 PM PST

    Night Market items are "closed" every day, but when you open them, they're the same. Imo, this is a wasted opportunity.

    Variable rewards (e.g. changing the result of the same action) is something science has proven gives humans joy and incidentally, more likely to keep coming back. Think, slot machines.

    In other words, if items and discount changed every day, it would be more fun to keep coming back and it would make Riot Games more money.

    What do you think? Do you agree, or like that items & discounts stay the same?

    submitted by /u/fiascolan_ai
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    Step bro I'm stuck

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Better knife hitbox

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:28 AM PST

    I love knifing and I think this needs to happen before more arcade modes like gungame are introduced. It's too late to wish for any movement changes, So at least let's make the knifing dream come true.

    submitted by /u/Akay1500
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    I finally did it! I hit Diamond 3 tonight

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:14 AM PST

    Most intense 7 game win streak as a five man queue. We all were solo queued and matched together on the first game, insane chemistry and great communication! We partied up and went on a huge win streak with nothing but solid gameplay, and incredible team morale. We would have kept going, but decided to resume tomorrow afternoon. It truly makes a difference when you have others on the team that can use basic communication skills effectively... Everyone had a solid attitude as well. We had a couple games that were very close and we started to get let down, and all it took was one dude to say " it's okay guys let's shake these rounds off and refocus " and we stepped it up and ended up with a solid win. These 7 games were the most exciting and intense competitive matches I've had since Halo 2 with my friends. Truly a damn good session tonight

    My advice to anyone.... add people if you had a good game with them! Secondly, be a good teammate. Lastly..... Just have a good time.

    This community can be very "toxic" at times, myself included, but that's the nature of the beast. It's online banter. But overall, there are some really cool people that play! I challenge those who don't have anyone to play with to spice it up and queue with someone from a game you played and get to know them and improve together.

    Have a good morning and good luck with your matches if you are reading this and go play! Positive vibes only.

    submitted by /u/andyPHXAZ
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    Viper molly lineup from market to deny default plant/defuse. works great in conjunction with her smoke

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:49 PM PST

    One of the best things Valorant has done better than other FPS games:

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:05 PM PST

    Every gun in the game is usable. There are no bad guns. In games like CS GO, there are so many different choices for smgs/shotguns/pistols/machine guns but only a few are worth it at the price.

    Even the free pistol is kind of op. The only thing not there and probably a good thing? is that there are no auto snipers;

    With the reduced movement speed, auto snipers would be worse to play against than the OP.

    Do you guys think any guns need a buff/nerf? The Specter/Guardian are probably the weakest in my book. But even those clap during eco rounds.

    submitted by /u/Eleven918
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    When I smoke site for my team, am I helping the other team as well?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:35 AM PST

    I play omen, and I smoke the common places enemies hold on site while we push (links, heavens, connectors, all that). But usually about half way through the game I'm worried I'm getting to repetitive with my smokes and the enemy team gets used to them and rotates quicker because of me. Should I start throwing a smoke on an opposite site to confuse them since we always push with the smokes? Should I wait longer? I just wanna help my team ;-;.

    submitted by /u/CompyCape
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    Is that a ghost?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:42 AM PST

    Look at the Jett Ghost(right next to the sage that killed me) others seems not to see it(also asked my friend that i was playing with, she didnt saw anything). I thinks its gamebreaker as you can shoot to it by mistake. Check that our Jett was dead, and their Jett was fighting later with Reyna.


    submitted by /u/Allerek
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    Why are there so many afk players?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:45 AM PST

    I've just started the game for the first time today and been playing a bit. It's fun when things go well, not so much when they don't but that's like every game. But I'm being driven off by the sheer number of afk players on both teams. Every match I've played so far has had one or multiple afk players on either mine or the other team. I don't understand why? Do afk players gain something? I don't understand. I can't tell if I've just been unlucky or Valorant just has like 1000% more afk players than every other game.

    submitted by /u/Mega-Nuke123
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    CT Haven Glitch Spot for Jett

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:58 PM PST

    Reynas flash isn’t treating me well

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:54 AM PST

    Yo how do I use reynas flash efficiently? It seems to be the worst flash in the game for me. I've played her a lot recently and I've gotten very limited amount of kills with it. Even if I wait for it to pop before I peak it seems to be shot down before I can utilize it, then I get shot down for peaking after the pop. And when I peak with the flash I get shot down before the flash even pops, I'm gold btw. Please help :)

    submitted by /u/TheTrueSpark
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    How do I make my aim more consistent?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:27 AM PST

    I am Gold 3, and my aim varies very drastically. Like some days, I can easily be getting MVP every match, and some days where my aim is just beyond dreadful and I will let my team down. It doesn't even need to be depending on the day, some games it is just really bad. I have watched alot of youtube videos and most say to use aim practices... in which I have for a few months and no improvement in consistency, I fail to see how shooting small targets with different recoil patterns will help your valorant aim. Anyone has aim variance this drastic, and if so, how(if at all)did you improve it?

    submitted by /u/jameswright1342
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    Duelist shouldn't always be top frag or even second frag.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:30 PM PST

    In my opinion, the main role of the duelist is to create early engagements, as favorable as possible. Not necessarily get early kills. Some games you win all the duels, some games you get farmed. What's important is, regardless of the outcome of the duel and especially if you lose, that you create a trade opportunity for your team allowing them to grab space on the map. More space = more control = higher win probability.

    The only time you should be upset with a duelist not fragging is if they're actively throwing or blatantly baiting their teammates.

    submitted by /u/Mrswanson480
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    New to Valorant!!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Hello all,

    I'm new to Valorant and I noticed that i need to win 10 games to be able to try the competitive mode.At the moment I have won 5, The first 5 i played i did well averaging about 20 kills, Now im going into games against diamond 1-3 (They said it in game and one added me and he was)

    I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to win 5 more games playing people who are one tapping me from the moon.

    I have been using aimlab,
    any suggestions on what to do at this point?

    submitted by /u/Heavy-Expression4679
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    Ranked System: Promotion and Demotion

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:45 AM PST

    How many arrows does it take to promote and demote? Do losses have more affect than wins? I'm asking because i promoted back to plat 3 and then after winning 4 games i lose 2 games and then i demoted.

    submitted by /u/MaiSakura234
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