• Breaking News

    Monday, January 25, 2021

    VALORANT Brimstone Needs more games on his iPad

    VALORANT Brimstone Needs more games on his iPad

    Brimstone Needs more games on his iPad

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:27 AM PST

    As many of you know, brimestone recentley got a lot of buffs thatmade him better to pick. His smokeing ability is much beter and riot made the flame throwar more cheaper and firey. However, this guy got to be the most BOREING persaon to play. I mean no afsense to the brime stone users, but theare is LIATERALLY nothing to do oncse you put down all of his stuff. I personelly played this guy a couple few times and basicly fell SLEEPING cuase he only got BORRING games on the i pad. WHAT AM i suposed do to when im Waiteing to use my ultra on the bomb???

    Heres a buff idea: add More games to brime stomne IPAD (sugestions: flapy baird, clash clans (I can do atakcs while waiteing, fort nite, or even face book).

    Overall i think This would be a very good BUFF to make brimst one good agein and i Would play him more if i can practise other games on his ipad.

    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    Weirdest Viper ultimate spots

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:37 AM PST

    Managed to get 30/30 at the shooting range hard mode

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:17 AM PST

    Unpopular opinion: The new ranked system is making me a better player

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:06 AM PST

    Very simple: The fact that I'm climbing faster and retaining my new rank (with the system's help) is making me an overall better player because:

    1. I'm facing better players on the opposite team FASTER (didn't happen before). When I first get there, I get stomped, but I always look back and try to improve on my mistakes so when I come back, I'm a bit better.
    2. After a couple of losses (and with the help of the demotion protection) and wins, I'm able to improve to the point of really being relevant next time I face these team compositions.
    3. After this grind (loose, win, train, improve) I am managing to climb and get past that previous blockage.
    4. When I face plat players now, I able to put up a great fight (again, didn't happen before).

    That's it. How do you feel about the system? Do you think it's helping you too?

    submitted by /u/brewingwally
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    with the popularity of GRIM, FLOW, and SHOTGUN SAGE, i've compiled 64 WALLS on ALL MAPS that people can learn to watch out for these locations (this is NOT mean to be a self promotion, just to allow people to know where these locations are. thanks! and enjoy!)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:27 PM PST

    Phoenix's molly lineup to clear B stairs from B main on Ascent.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:41 PM PST

    1 vs 4 Omen 900 IQ Clutch

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:06 PM PST

    LPT: Permanently mute the enemy text chat

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:06 AM PST

    You don't need communication with the enemy team if you think about it. Seeing the enemy team's reaction when you destroy them and being called a hacker is cool but you're also giving them the opportunity to throw you off your game by allowing them to spew out toxic comments at you.

    If you...

    • want to minimise the toxicity you experience in game.
    • engage in chat battles often instead of playing the game.
    • are having a bad day and not playing as good.
    • are prone to tilting.

    Press ESC while in game > under match tab > tick "mute enemy text chat".

    Have a great day.

    submitted by /u/ChrisBtheRedditor
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    How to make an "x" crosshair in Valorant!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:52 AM PST

    How to make an "x" crosshair in Valorant!

    Hello! I have been using this "x" crosshair since the beta and thought I should share since people keep asking the settings for my crosshair in games.


    Outlines: Off

    Center Dot: On

    Center Dot Opacity: I use 1 but just make sure its the same as the Inner Line Opacity

    Center Dot Thickness: 2


    Inner Line Opacity: Same as Center Dot Opacity

    Inner Line Length: 1

    Inner Line Thickness: 6

    Inner Line Offset: 1

    Movement Error: Off

    Firing Error: Off


    I don't have these on but if you want lines or something around the crosshair you can turn these on.




    submitted by /u/BakeBakePi
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    Yoru In Trap

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:47 AM PST

    Suggestion for Immo-Radiant Rank Leaderboards

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:52 AM PST

    Since only top500 of Immortal players are radiant rank there is a massive skill difference between the bottom immortals and the top immortals close to radiant, However they are all still displayed by the same badge and rank which is supposed to determine and present their skill level.

    I would suggest that while keeping Radiant top500 that you split immortal into 3 tiers again while keeping the leaderboards:

    Radiant - Top 500

    Immortal 3 - Top 1500

    Immortal 2 - Top 5000

    Immortal 1 - Rest of the immortals.

    This would create more of a purpose for the immortals to grind since for them it might seem impossible to reach radiant however they still want to present a higher skill level than the other immortals.

    I also just hate the fact that all immortals have the imm1 badge in game, career and dorito considering it was said to be imm3 :/

    submitted by /u/patriklovesmemes
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    Oni Blue Wallpaper

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:03 AM PST

    Oni Blue Wallpaper


    After my last Oni Wallpaper some wanted to see the blue variant! So there you go. Next...Vandal Prime!

    Would love to get feedback from everyone.

    submitted by /u/DEKU_QCK
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    3D printed Singularity knife (free stl in comments)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:17 AM PST

    heya, i've 3d printed and painted the singularity knife from valorant! I used blender and mesh mixer for modeling and this was printed on my ender 3 in pla. If only i could buy the knife in game LOL but i'm a broke student so i'll settle for an irl version.

    The file is in the comments for anyone wanting to print it!

    submitted by /u/Knife_Birb
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    Contrary to most, I have been experiencing players that don't deserve such a high rank.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:07 AM PST

    I placed silver 3 and have a 13-6 ratio right now, in gold 3, and all the games I've lost, I've had mic blowing, toxic, insta-lock duelists that refuse to play the game and give up after a few rounds. And mind you these are all people in gold. I understand that flame is found at every rank in the game but their teamwork, game sense, and general game knowledge was definitely not gold. They'd rush every round, not use utility, and flame hard when somebody was trying to clutch. This type of stuff should be a thing and people who abuse 5 stacks to gain rating and then proceed to flame when they don't do well solo queueing is not healthy for the player base that just wants to enjoy the game and improve. If you aren't hitting your shots, make sure to use your mic and be of use to your team! Flaming does absolutely nothing and if anything has the opposite effect.

    submitted by /u/Salted_Mangoes
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    Boombot Boogie. :D

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:04 PM PST

    Glowing Light instead of Opposite Player.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:00 AM PST

    Glowing Light instead of Opposite Player.

    What you are seeing is a Jett with a bucky...

    I was searching for the last player and was heading to the market on Split B site when I got hit from behind and this is what I saw...I wasn't able to see the player but luckily won the fight.



    submitted by /u/Madhavbiju
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    What is going on with ranked ?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:40 AM PST

    As we are going onto the 3rd week of the season, I have to ask a question. But first let me tell you my story.

    I was Plat 3 during the previous season with tons of win, even touched the Diamond 1 twice. As the new season starts I wait a few days to let the things settle down, then easily win 4 of my 5 placements games some friends and end up P1, which is fine since the max achievable rank is now P3.

    But since that, it's been a nightmare : it is now impossible for me to win a game. Whether I play alone or with friends, do 25/10 or 5/10, choose KJ or Omen, cheer my team or not, play with/against players with Silver or Immortal Act Rank ... I know there is coinflip in Valorant, but I've barely won 6 matchs out of 25 and I'm now down to Gold 2, where I was 6 months ago.

    So I am asking now :

    What is going on with ranked ?

    submitted by /u/Meta-link
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    Marked 2 enemies in one drone shot

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 08:22 PM PST

    Anybody want to help me get started on Valorant T^T?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:24 PM PST

    Hallo, I'm pretty much new to games in general and haven't played any 1st person shooting games either :P. If anybody would like to be friends to teach me a couple of tips on how to play, that'd be great (╯✧▽✧)╯‼ This is partially because its quite intimidating to get started out with the vc and stuff :,).

    submitted by /u/Lelouch-y
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    Getting one tapped

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST

    Guys I wanna ask about that how I always get one tapped by the enemy but after I die I spectate my teammates and they are like challenging the enemy for 5 minutes. They aim for the legs they even manage to open ads. But I get dinked at the moment I saw the enemy. What do you think I do wrong?

    submitted by /u/criminallscum
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    TIL Skye's Trailblazer ability is

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:31 AM PST

    Today I learned Skye's Trailblazer ability is an EXTINCT Animal known as Tasmanian Tiger, I mean the description is a tiger and I read that but I didn't know it was extinct, but it does look like a wolf both in-game and in real life, BUT it's actually a Carnivorous Marsupial. So we were all wrong when we said it's a wolf or a tiger.

    + it's both, sad that the animal is extinct and cool for a game like Valorant to raise awareness about animal extinction.

    submitted by /u/Cerveruss21
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    The /remake is great in theory but it never works.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:19 PM PST

    IMO it should be pushed to round 3 because most of the time a person will leave in the middle of the first round, and because they moved first round they will spawn perfectly normal in 2nd round and nothing can be done.

    Also if we stay with 2nd round remake, on multiple occasions I have had a person disconnect in the first seconds of round 2. The pink system writing says "Joe has disconnected", so naturally I type /remake. The system has the audacity to tell me that remakes can only be voted on in the second round. WHILE IM CURRENTLY IN THE SECOND ROUND BUY PHASE.

    idk maybe it's a bug, but that's just my thoughts on things. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/HPLswag
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    Best comeback yet? I think so

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:28 AM PST

    I think in the history of me playing valorant this might have been the best game in which we have comeback in.
    (Bronze elo, solo q)

    Solo q in Bronze is not the best thing you want especially after the rank reset. Anyway, our half time ended with the score 9-3 where we just won 3 rounds. This was not all. We lost all hope and were just having fun.. Score went up to 12-6 and we ended up winning over time 14-12. This is no joke. Like we couldn't even believe it. After half-time our whole team stepped up their game. Our sage who was on just 1 kill at half time went up to 10+ kills.

    I just feel bad for the enemy team. They might have thought that this would be a easy win at half-time but little did they know that they will be stuck at 12 wins the whole time. Its just super surprising for me.

    I top-fragged as Jett but i wasn't ahead with a lot of kills i was at around 31 kills and brimstone who was the second top fragger was at 27.

    Even in the darkest of time there is hope :D

    Have a great day yall

    submitted by /u/LordGamingOfficial
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