• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    VALORANT Killjoy's alarmbot can open the teleporter from the outside

    VALORANT Killjoy's alarmbot can open the teleporter from the outside

    Killjoy's alarmbot can open the teleporter from the outside

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:37 AM PST

    Masking my fall sound with killjoy turret in 1v1

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:39 PM PST

    By falling and dropping my turret while holding shift I masked my dropping sound and was able to push the omen :)

    EDIT: Holy thanks, guys :) made my day reading the comments <3


    submitted by /u/Sk1mmy
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    The luckiest Sova in Valorant

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:21 AM PST

    There needs to be a harsher penalty for leavers in Valorant

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:09 AM PST

    In three of my last four competitive games I've had a leaver on my team costing us the game. It's absolutely ridiculous that this happens so frequently. I could understand if there was a leaver maybe one out of ten games, shit happens. But this is literally ruining my experience of the game and is making me consider quitting.

    submitted by /u/B8hoVeN
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    Current state of ranked

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:02 AM PST

    Radiant = Diamond players

    Plat = Immortal/Radiant players

    Diamond = Radiant/Immortal 3 players

    Gold = Plat players

    Silver = Gold players

    Bronze = Silver players

    Iron = Bronze players

    Plastic = Iron players

    submitted by /u/PappyVPoodle
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    To anyone struggling playing against a Yoru, I already managed to save a couple rounds thanks to this video :)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:34 AM PST

    Sage mains need therapy

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:13 PM PST

    I'm a sage main. I have a 50 second cool down on my heal. No it isn't ready, okay it's been ten seconds bud it still isn't ready stop asking Ik what to do, OKAY BRO REALLY.

    No but really. Stop annoying sages, we know what to do. Especially you back seat gamer kids who die and then commentate the whole game, "sage heal brim, now go heal raze, sage sage sage u have a Rez." I hate when they say I have a Rez, like I know I do, I can't ducking use it tho can I. Or if I get picked off and they go sage can you heal me, NO I CANT HEAL U FROM THE AFTERLIFE.

    submitted by /u/steakjerky
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    Can't get into Valorant!!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:02 PM PST

    I tried to get into Valorant but whenever the game was on the loading screen I would get an error.

    Now it's not even letting me sign in!

    Anyone else having this issue??

    Edit: servers are down in eu and sea. https://status.riotgames.com/valorant

    submitted by /u/DoneScutch
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    Suggestion: People who create names with hate speech or racist terms, or those who use them repeatedly in game chat, should be hardware banned for life.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:47 AM PST

    Right now I don't think this is explicitly spelled out in the things that can get you banned. Personally I think the language should be super clear for everyone, and this should be a zero tolerance policy.

    To be clear, I am not talking about names that are simply inappropriate because they're childish or gross or some sexual pun or whatever. Those should still be handled in the same way they are now - temporary bans + changing the name, or full bans as Riot deems appropriate.

    What I'm talking about are names where someone figures out a way to get a racial slur past the system by misspelling it on purpose. Here's my proposed ban logic:

    1. First time - that account is banned permanently, with a warning that the device hardware used to create the account will now receive additional scrutiny for any further created accounts.
    2. If that hardware creates a second "hate speech related" name, or is reported to use hate speech in chat, or has a pattern of voice chat hate speech reports, permanent hardware ban for life.

    I'll admit it's pretty rare to see hate speech names in Valorant, but I do see them from time to time. I'm not sure why game companies don't already have policies like this in place - these seem like the absolute worst of the community that players and Riot shouldn't give any leeway with.

    submitted by /u/gimmiedemvotes
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    if riot wants to add dodge penalties they need to not put me in games like this

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:26 AM PST

    If I can't invite a player who is 3 ranks above/below me, why am I able to be matched up with a player 5 ranks below me? I would much rather wait in queue for a longer time than be expected to carry in a game with players who are far below my rank.


    The current penalties are weird already.. I dodge once or twice a day and the last two weeks I've never had a dodge timer under an hour.

    submitted by /u/xilFN
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    40 year old with lots of FPS experience in a slump (please help)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:10 AM PST

    Hello All !

    So I began my FPS journey in 1999 with Quake 2 on LAN then moved to league level Quake 3 then Unreal Tournament on LAN.

    In 2004, a buddy of mine introduced me to CS but I didn't like the concept of having to "buy" your weapons haha I tried again in 2005 with CS 1.6 & got instantly hooked. I got very good in just a few months particularly at awping & even surpassed my friends who had started playing CS before me. It was purely by accident that I discovered that the M4 & AK had spray patterns: something that was completely alien at that time unless you were pro. I competed at league level soon after. I never played Source & moved directly to CSGO as soon as it was released. I reached SMFC but got bored & quit back in December 2015.

    In June 2019, I had a go at CSGO (pun intended :P) again but it didn't feel the same plus I was shocked at the number of hackers.

    Earlier last year, a buddy of mine told me about a new upcoming game called Project A. I remember seeing their website for the first time & loved what they had to offer.

    I've been playing Valorant daily since release as I was unable to acquire a beta key. I love this game & have taught my 11 year old son everything I know from my own experience with competitive FPS. He's been playing for 3 months & just climbed to Gold 3 through solo queue.

    With the limited time I have to play daily, I reached Platinum 3 & needed one more win for Diamond 1 but was unable to play just before Patch 2.0. The issue I have is that for a month now, I have been unable to play properly. Even with all my experience, I've started making rookie mistakes & this infuriates me as I take this game very seriously. I always feel as if I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time & that my timing is the worst because as soon as I look away, I'm dead. Please help because I don't know what to do. Maybe I'm getting older or I need a break from Valorant. I've no idea. Maybe I need coaching as I'm mostly self taught & most of what I know I learned through watching others then developing concepts based on my own personal experiences.

    Ever since this game was released, I've wanted to reach max rank using my experience & prove to both myself & my son that you can achieve anything you set your heart on but I feel like I'm playing this game for the first time as I feel as if I should just quit. Please help me out, dear people. Thank you. Apologies for the long post.

    Edit: Sorry I forgot to mention that I main Sova & Omen. My secondary mains are Phoenix & Breach. I play Sova on Haven & Ascent & Omen on Bind & Split (I have yet to make my own lineups on those maps due to lack of time so I only know the default ones). I play Phoenix on Icebox & have had great success with him. Furthermore, I developed 70+ recon lineups & a few useful shock dart lineups for Ascent as I love this game.

    Edit 2: I made this video from recent games:


    submitted by /u/asim_riz
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    Phoenix Valorant Poster

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:30 AM PST

    Phoenix Valorant Poster

    I made a Phoenix Valorant poster :P
    I needed something to decorate the wall of this 3d room scene I'm working on, so I made a Phoenix poster cuz I like Phoenix and I like Valorant. Going to make a render where he signs it soon I think! Critiques and suggestions appreciated! My twitter: Flair741(reddit wont let me do the @) Render on the left is by bodeneinheit and the one on the right is by me.


    submitted by /u/Flair74
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    The current state of the rank system

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:24 PM PST

    C9 Keeoh made a good tweet on this:https://twitter.com/Keeoh/status/1350643976831815683

    I think it makes great points and this should really have more attention.

    submitted by /u/TheHyperactiveDuck
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    Yoru lineup to enemy spawn on Haven

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    Omen TP at B fence in Icebox. Is this a glitch or the TP's temporarily disabled or permanently disbled?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:24 PM PST

    To whoever made Yoru's flashes blue

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:16 PM PST

    My eyes thank you. I can actually get hit by the flash and not become blind IRL.

    And to whoever made Breach's flashes, were they supposed to work by burning my retinas out?

    submitted by /u/GaterMachetteSr
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    PSA: You can grab the spike in Yoru Ult in case it was stuck in a bad position behind enemy lines

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST

    In case your team was trying to plant and planter died and the spike was stuck behind enemy lines. If you have Yoru ult you can go invisible and invulnerable and still run in take the spike and run out while smiling and laughing at your enemies.

    Thought this would be a useful tip :) Have a good day

    Me getting owned by a bot

    submitted by /u/seaskyways
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    Same rank but getting more points deducted

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:07 AM PST

    Guy I have a small doubt.I was in rank with my friend and we just got placed in iron 3 after the placement rank.After this we won a match and I get like +22 to 24 and my friend gets like +28 to 30 points.When we lose a match I get the same points deducted or like -25 points and my friend gets like -17 to -20..I thought there will not be much difference in when points are dedcuted.

    This is mine https://prnt.sc/x14i7w

    This is my friend's https://prnt.sc/x14i21

    submitted by /u/alreadydead433
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    Game is unplayable!!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:37 PM PST

    Game is unplayable!!


    Nevermind the other issues this game has...

    I don't know how the devs let this to slip in but it needs to be fixed ASAP!

    submitted by /u/Grumboll
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    Reyna x Reaver Vandal wallpaper

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:28 AM PST

    Reyna x Reaver Vandal wallpaper


    A Reyna wallpaper I created back then when I was a Reyna main and Reaver had just gotten released.

    edit: I used blender3d to create this.

    submitted by /u/kaushikkateel
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    Am I just a shit player or does every person playing a FPS game for the first time feel that way?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:33 AM PST

    Pretty much the title. Like I'm having a really hard time in aiming correctly and then winning those one on one fights. I try aiming for the head all the time and end up spraying it everywhere but the head and in the process get killed.

    Any suggestions?

    Edit : Reading the comments on this post has really made me feel better. Cheers and thanks to everyone who took the effort.

    submitted by /u/realharshmodi
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    Got Yoru underneath the boardwalk in training

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:50 AM PST

    As the title says. I was in training geting used to Yoru's abilities and managed to slip a gatecrash under the boardwalk. Popped it and I get TP'd underneath


    submitted by /u/ultimate_cheddar92
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