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    Thursday, January 21, 2021

    VALORANT New Split B Site Sage Off-Angle and One Way Walls Tutorial

    VALORANT New Split B Site Sage Off-Angle and One Way Walls Tutorial

    New Split B Site Sage Off-Angle and One Way Walls Tutorial

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:53 AM PST

    Hi, I have Parkinson’s, but this is how I deal with it playing valorant.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:27 AM PST

    Found this cool selfboost on A Haven with the jump crouch release technique! To do this you have to jump and hold crouch after you ran over that box frame and once you reach the highest point you can get by jumping just release the crouch.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:13 AM PST

    Neat Little Post-Plant Killjoy Nade on Split. Really Doesn't Feel like This Should Be in the Game.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST

    Icebox needs to be removed from the game and this is why.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:27 AM PST

    Icebox needs to be removed from the game and this is why.

    So here is the run down.

    I was playing comp as you do with my friends, battling the low gold arena right now which is a mixture of smurfs, afks, Reyna know-it-alls and instalocking 4 duellists which cause people to scream at you to pick sage when you do decide to solo queue which is a huge mistake...

    So anyway. I was playing Icebox, defence first which is good as that is what I personally prefer. I do my usual go kitchen wall tube and wait for some unfortunate soul to peak under tube and get their head shot off with a ghost, when my aim is working. Then I did something I have NEVER done before on this map which is the reason I am writing the post.

    I decided it would be a good idea to look at the things on the walls and on the sides of the kitchen to appreciate all of the work Riot do to bring us some nice content. I saw some nice peaches, I thought that was a good addition, nice to know our agents are getting one of their 5 a day before fighting and a nice energy boost. Someone asking people to stop building snowman and a little doodle saying no, I enjoyed that, gave me a little smile. Oh and I cannot forget employee of the month, good on you Paul! We all thank you for the work you do.

    However, whilst I was doing this nice little adventure I found and experienced something that meant I had to write this post and get someone, anyone to experience the anguish I felt and hopefully Riot will take into my considerations and remove Icebox.

    I found this - A carton of milk which was labelled - diet milk


    this is the worst thing I have EVER experienced in ANY game I have ever played.

    I no longer want to play this game in the fear that I will get Icebox and have to face that disgusting awful thing.

    I just, I just can't

    submitted by /u/MisuMisuMii
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    When God wants you to win

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:48 AM PST

    Patch notes 2.01 visualized

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:41 AM PST

    You can jump on top of the new Split B-Site box with any agent

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:40 AM PST

    I'm loving the Split changes, I hope they are planning more changes like these for the other maps as well.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:36 AM PST

    Not only as from a balance perspective but also more enjoyable to play in. Less claustrophobic, less boxy right angle walls, less 50-50 angles, and more interesting cover positions. Overall it is simply more pleasing to play and a bit more dynamic on attacking, defending, and retaking.

    I wish more changes like this are made on the other maps as well: overall wider gateways and hallways for key locations such as:

    1.Bind = A Wider B Site Back Hall and its gateway, allowing for easier retakes.

    1. Icebox = A Site, since its pretty claustrophobic and doesn't really feel like a bomb site when retaking sometimes. B Site's kitchen, tube, hall, orange, snow pile and hut all play unintuitively with their narrow yet numerous angles, and can be improved if orange and snowpile were merged into one area (so no pillar in between) and the extra space can be used to widen both tube and B hall and each of the doorways . Frankly this is like 2 out of at least 15 changes that need to be made on icebox, but I'm sure the Rito will figure out something.

    2. Haven = A bit iffy to try to rework, because it has 3 sites as opposed to 2, which means smaller hallways are a necessary evil to compensate for the Attacker's advantage. Nevertheless, They can probably make the retake routes gateways wider so its more comfortable to play on, especially A site's CT and C Link.

    3. Ascent = Make the respective doors wider? The problem with narrow doorways is simply the how much easier it is to shoot someone walking through a narrow doorway as opposed to a wide one and they are often used by attackers to help against retakes anyways. Mid pizza, mid bottom, and courtyard all have the potential to be more interesting instead of just "another angle to check". Maybe somehow merge them together and replace the walls with a more dynamic cover? I still have no idea what the circle in the middle of courtyard is supposed to be for.

    These are a few of my thoughts, but, overall the maps are getting more fun to play, so thank you Rito,

    submitted by /u/paulkim172
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    Father and son reuniting

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:40 AM PST

    Father and son reuniting

    I reunited with my son in valorant. Blobby and bl0by

    Spoiler, he did NOT let us win.

    submitted by /u/imanehllch
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    Send this Reyna Guide to Every Bottom Fragging Duelist - Noted Video Analysis

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:10 PM PST

    We need a spectating system

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:43 AM PST

    There needs to be a spectating system. It can be handy if you want to coach a friend or you just want to spectate a friend. You can use Discord screenshare, but many times it has bad qualitty and it is lagging behind. Then it's hard to give comms. Idk if the devs are working on it but I think it can come really handy.

    submitted by /u/Famlightyear
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    I 3D modeled /u/RivalRudra's Phantom Concept!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:41 PM PST

    Is a 'dark' mode for flashes a thing?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:20 AM PST

    This might be a dumb question coming from someone who plays Valorant as their first FPS game, but is having a 'dark' mode for flashes out of the question?

    The whole point of the flash ability is to impair vision of anyone hit with the flash to some degree. While this is done by replacing the player's vision with a bright white screen that slowly fades away, I was wondering if it can also be done with a 'dark' screen that fades away?

    This is more of a preference because in some situations, especially, when flashed multiple times in a row, it can really bother the eyes to stare at the bright white screen.

    I was watching a Pro Valorant stream a while ago and I noticed that they just replaced the flashed screen with a dark 'no vision' screen for that player.

    Would something like this interrupt too much the integrity of the game?

    submitted by /u/Zercx
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    Has anyone noticed the two guys in the tower?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:40 AM PST

    I do not know if anyone has noticed this. Who are they? Since this is Riot, I am going to assume that we will find out later on who they are.


    submitted by /u/aboardweeb
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    Servers down?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:01 PM PST

    Are the Texas central servers down because it's automatically connecting me to the Illinois servers and I can't connect to Texas ones

    submitted by /u/MightyMol
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    Some bronze players don’t believe in the concept of improving your aim and playing smart

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:51 PM PST

    So I just recently returned to Valorant after a couple of rough weeks, didn't have enough time to play a full game but I tried to slip a 15 min session or two of aim lab whenever I could.

    So I start my first game in some time and actually play better than usual (maybe because taking a break from the game helped me feel refreshed..idk) so I start the first couple of rounds with doubles and triples and my team asks me if I have some sort of hack, I told them no, but that kinda gave me a confidence boost ngl. So next two rounds I play really smart, as Brim I smoked the entrances appropriately, waited for sound and minimap cues to better use my ult and had a pretty good crosshair placement, I think I one tapped a couple of guys these rounds.

    So apparently that was enough to convince my teammates that I was hacking so they told the other team I was sus and that they should all report me, after that my team started trolling: buying only shorties in rifle rounds, staying in the opposite site map after spike was planted and straight up inting. We went from 11-4 to 11-12.

    I was really mad, this was my first game in weeks and I really wanted to win, I managed to get some clutches and carried the last couple of rounds despite being showered in insults for the the entire rounds.

    Seriously I don't understand the people at my elo. The so called 'wall hacks' I was using the entire game was hearing enemy footsteps, paying close attention to the minimap, and predicting obvious rotations. "How did you know they were heading A if we just saw them B" it's been 20 seconds since you last saw them there, I don't need a hack to know they might change sites after our team rotated, besides I'm the only one anchoring the other site... "how did you killed two people with that ult without knowing the enemy locations?" I don't need to see an enemy to ult Split B heaven so we can rush into site. "Those one taps looks hella sus" I'm literally holding an angle at head level and micro-adjust before shooting.

    I hope these people stay in Bronze hell I don't want to see people like this after climbing out. As far as I know these people don't believe one can improve at a game, that is really sad, I don't know why they play a competitive game with that mindset

    TL;DR I played so good after a a break from the game (used Aim Lab every day) that my teammates believed I was hacking. They inted all game to "balance it", still carried.

    submitted by /u/DragonClaw9
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    Made a custom ghost skin and some variants to go with it!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 12:56 PM PST

    Made a custom ghost skin and some variants to go with it!

    Although very simple i think they turned out pretty well, maybe one day all this effort i put into custom stuff will be worth it XD

    All variants

    Variant 1

    Variant 2

    Variant 3

    Variant 4

    submitted by /u/Dren_ban
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    Suggestion - Voice chat with original agent voices

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:52 AM PST

    This idea came up when I read another post by a female player who got totally destroyed by their team just for beeing a gaming girl.

    What if Valorant had an ingame voice changer which converts your voice into the agents voice? (maybe optional?)

    I really don't know if something like that is possible from a dev's view.

    This would reduce or eliminate the harassment people are getting based on how their voice sounds and it would fit the game.

    submitted by /u/skarek
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    Pistol-Only Mode in DMS

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 12:05 AM PST

    As what the title says, i think we need to have a pistol mode only deathmatch where everybody can only use the pistols starting from the classic to the sheriff.

    Like in CSGO, there are community-based servers that offer pistols only and even HS (Headshots) only dm.

    I believe that this can help players like me warmup our pistols but also for other players who are having a hard time in pistols rounds and want to grasp the movement mechanics of VALORANT

    submitted by /u/surviie
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