• Breaking News

    Monday, January 4, 2021

    VALORANT Rule Changes for Directly Linked Videos & LFG Threads

    VALORANT Rule Changes for Directly Linked Videos & LFG Threads

    Rule Changes for Directly Linked Videos & LFG Threads

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:14 PM PST

    Hi everyone! We hope you all have had a memorable New Year and Happy Holidays. We just closed submissions for our recent moderator applications post and we will begin choosing candidates within the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, we are starting off the New Year with a couple of rule changes/additions that pertain to directly linked videos and LFG(looking for group) threads.


    Our clips rule will be changed to:

    Videos that are focused on gameplay are not allowed to be directly linked unless they are related to an eSports event, are informational content, or are accompanied by a text post with over 1,000 characters. Esports events are defined as any event listed in the Liquipedia list of VALORANT tournaments, provided that it is classified as an S, A, B, or C-Tier Tournament. These clips must be over 15s in length.

    Examples of submissions that are not allowed to be directly linked:

    • Look at my Ace!
    • My funny clip from competitive!
    • My big clutch 1v6
    • Check out my montage

    Examples of submissions that are allowed to be directly linked:

    • 100T steel clutches out round vs C9
    • Analyzing the playstyle of TL ScreaM
    • What is different in high levels, or ranks of play?
    • Fanmade Valorant Animation
    • Explaining Valorant Lore

    Our previous clip rule did not accurately represent our initial intent regarding clips, which was to limit the number of standard gameplay clips such as aces and montages. The wording for the previous rule was too strict since it applied to all directly linked videos that were not related to esports or informational content. This change will allow for more variety when it comes to directly linked videos where the focus is not the gameplay itself while also continuing the disallowance of standard ace/montage type videos to be directly linked. Please note that there is still a minimum time requirement for directly linked videos and that they have to be at least 15 seconds long.


    The following will be formally added to the rule list:

    Users may not submit looking for group posts. Please use the subreddit discord server or find an existing community using the search feature.

    • Posting team recruitments, tournaments, and communities are allowed

    • Individuals searching for other individuals or a small group to play with is disallowed

    We have never allowed users to post LFG threads and this has been the only non-listed rule that we have enforced. Reddit is traditionally not a great platform for finding people to play with. Unless you use a dedicated subreddit where people are constantly looking in new, it is very rare that someone looking for people to play with will see a new post in time. Real-time communication platforms like Discord are much better suited for finding people to play with. Please also utilize the search feature to explore other communities!

    submitted by /u/Pruvided
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    Radiant player teaches you how to counter every Duelist (For Iron > Plat)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:54 AM PST

    New Agent: Flash

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:54 PM PST

    New Agent: Flash


    Agent name: Flash
    E: Throws a flash grenade
    Q: Makes a beam of light in the air, blinding anyone who looks
    C: Instantly flashes all opponents within 10 meters
    Ult: You instantly explode, creating a flash so powerful it permanently blinds all players on the map

    submitted by /u/RingMany
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    Jumps In Valorant You Might Not Have Known

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:12 AM PST

    Stop begging others to choose agents that you don't want to play

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:26 AM PST

    Unsure if it's been mentioned before but I'm sick of people insta-locking Jett or Raze and then begging the other team mates to choose Sage (and now Skye).

    I understand there is a difference with asking or suggesting agents to buff the team's potential (eg suggesting Omen or Brim for smokes) and this is acceptable. HOWEVER you shouldn't be begging people to play as a healer purely because you want to be pocket healed all the time.

    If you want an agent in the lineup, you should play that agent. If you don't want to play that agent and beg others to play them instead, don't complain if they don't get chosen

    Edit: I didn't realise these posts were often, so my apologies there. I'm new and hadn't seen any in the time I've been here and the week before that so I thought it was okay to post it

    submitted by /u/metallicat3627
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    I reached Immortal 2

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:56 AM PST

    Title says it all.... I reached immortal 2. I'm newish to PC. Been on it for about a year. I now am at this high ELO and I simply at the just the flip of a switch tapped out of the game. I have no desire to play anymore, I made it a goal to get to Immortal before my wife and I have our baby. It's been my one last hoorah at grinding any sort of game. I have no idea why suddenly I feel this way. I just wanted to say thank you to this community for an enjoyable experience and I learned a lot. There are many talented players! I hope you all get the rank you desire and enjoy the game. I just woke up, and realized how unfulfilling it is to me and just repetitive...

    Riot, Thank you for the solid gameplay I have enjoyed since day 1 of the beta. Keep it up.

    submitted by /u/andyPHXAZ
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    3 people AFKed on the enemy team in a comp so we organized 1v1 knife battles in a square on icebox; credit to our Jett for the idea (ignore my cringy all chat messages)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:38 AM PST

    Sheriff Moving Accuracy???

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:36 PM PST

    How Well Do You Know Valorant? | Fun Gaming Quiz

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:35 AM PST

    I came accros this Valorant Quiz and I though the questions are pretty easy. what do you think about this quiz? let me know your score

    submitted by /u/31NF4CHZ4H73N
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    Please understand the role of your agent. Too many people pick Reyna or Phoenix for the ability to self heal, and end up lurking or baiting, instead of flashing in and being the first in the fight.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:20 AM PST

    As the title says

    I understand that Reyna is a great character to play for frags. Or how its cool to self heal as Phoenix. Same thing with Sage.

    However, there is more to those characters than simply taking care of yourself.

    In low elo lobbies, I see far too many people baiting as Reyna or Phoenix.

    If you actually read their description, and play them the way they are meant to be played, they are the first in the fight. They use their utility to open up the site, and allow team mates to follow up on them.

    Playing Sage is neat, because you can heal yourself. But if you heal yourself at 80 hp, and you have a teammate at 20 hp, the collective team hp is lower because of you deciding to heal yourself, thus putting your team in a worse spot.

    Beginners should honestly look into something less frag heavy.

    submitted by /u/BigManager
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    Reyna is literally Yasuo from League now

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:57 PM PST

    Your team Reyna = 0 - 10

    Enemy team Reyna = 21 - 10

    Good to know Riot is at least Riot has a style.

    submitted by /u/Aericc
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    Reselling a requested bought gun sometimes doesn’t return the money

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:27 PM PST

    I literally just lost 5000 credits just because my teammate decided he wanted to rifle instead and sold his requested operator. Hasn't this bug been there for months? How is it not fixed? It is game breaking in terms of economy.

    submitted by /u/Marteezy
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    Valorant has teased a city for the next cinematic Episode 2

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Pixel Art of the Vandal

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:53 AM PST

    Pixel Art of the Vandal

    Recently did both the oni and standard phantom, time to get into some of the vandal lineup.



    submitted by /u/Bonker_Z
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    Translated leaks of Episode 2

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:18 AM PST

    submitted by /u/datarioniboii
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    Add a "Flashing here" ping

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:35 AM PST

    I don't know if anyone else has thought of this but a "Flashing here" ping would make the life of initiator/duelist mains so much easier and would also reduce the amount of team flashing by a lot because you could show your teammates exactly where you're about to flash.

    I know there's gonna be people saying "just call your flashes" but the thing is that when you're trying to execute a site everything happens very quickly and you often don't have enough time to call all your flashes mid-execute especially if you're playing someone like Breach.

    submitted by /u/UndercoverEel
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    C4lypso Falls Asleep on The Last Round (ft. Subroza)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:13 AM PST

    You can bait defuse mid-dash

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:23 PM PST

    Elo Safety Net Between Ranked Groups

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:25 AM PST

    With the upcoming ranked changes (and leaks indicating that there will be a numerical xp value for ranking up) I would like to suggest an Elo safety net between ranked groups (i.e. Silver 3 ranked up to Gold 1)

    Why should such a thing exist?

    From my experience as a Bronze 3 (Peak Silver 1) player, when I ranked up to Silver 1, my first game as a silver player was ruined by an AFK on my team, and a smurf reyna who admitted that she was Diamond 2 who went 45 -3. We lost that game 2 -13. As per usual, I demoted back to bronze 3. That really ruined my motivation to play. I feel that an elo safety net would help players adjust to the next ranked group up. This would stop players getting frustrated in situations like mine.

    How would this system work?

    Since the leak indicates a base 100 system (between ranks) the safety net would work like this:

    Iron to Bronze: 50 ELO safety net
    Bronze to Silver: 42 ELO safety net
    Silver to Gold: 34 ELO safety net
    Gold to Platinum: 26 ELO safety net
    Platinum to Diamond: 15 ELO safety net
    Diamond to Immortal: 5 ELO safety net
    Immortal to Radiant: No ELO safety net

    Some of the nets are not multiples of 5 because not all game loss points are not multiples of 5.

    Let's say Player X ranks up from Gold to Plat, going from 87 points in Gold 3 to 6 points in Plat 1.
    In X's next game, he loses 5 - 13, losing X 22 points. Because of the low amount of points he has in Platinum, he has to use the ELO safety net, which means instead of going from 6 points to 84 points he goes from 6 to 10/26 safety net ELO. Now, he wins the next game 13 - 9. From this, he gets 16 ranked points. He is now at 26/26 safety net ELO or 0 points in Platinum. As he continues to win, he keeps gaining ELO.


    This system is based on the ranked safety system in Call of Duty Mobile.
    The points gained and lost are not depictive of the actual point amounts gained and lost.|
    The amount of ELO safety net can be changed to make the game more fair if needed.

    Please, feel free to ask questions and or Clarifications. This is just an idea I had and I wanted to know what the community here thinks.

    submitted by /u/SpeedStepGD
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    Official Episode 2 Livestream coming next week at 10AM PST

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:51 AM PST

    (unpopular) Opinion: Deathmatch is still terrible to play

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:23 AM PST

    The spawn systen is flawed, most maps are too open and the ping system makes it worse. On top of that mid and low rank players suffer from matchups against immortals every game.

    So i don't just complain i also came up with ideas to improve the things i mentioned.

    To make the spawn system better it could help to introduce a system that denies a spawn if another player is in a certain radius or (close to) line of sight. This change might increase the spawn time a few seconds now and then but would lead to MUCH fewer spawnkills.

    For the map problem i only came up whith the idea of a map specifically designed for deathmatch but i think this problem is the smallest one.

    The Pings should be removed completely in my opinion but another option would be to mark the new spawned player for everyone on their maps so not only the spawned player gets the advantage.

    The last thing to add would be some sort of SBMM, similar to the one used in unranked. Players would now be able to better warm up for their games instead of either getting just one-shotted by higher elo players or the other way round by having to play against lower players who are no challange to play against.

    I hope this reaches out because i would really like to see this mode improve as it is one of my favourite modes in other games.

    submitted by /u/Rayzor1801
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    Iron harder than some ranks above it?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:47 AM PST

    Has anyone else played an iron match after being above iron for a while and noticed that iron matches can be significantly more difficult than some ranks above because of lack of communication and call outs, teamwork, ability use, afks/leavers, and 'smurfs'?

    My mind was blown when my buddy insisted iron was harder than I thought, we usually play unranked with my mostly plat and diamond friends and have fun. I usually second or top frag for my team, so I said 'bet' thinking I would just be able to smoke his iron lobby with his account... I was wrong.. I found iron much harder on average than the silver and up lobbies I was used to.

    submitted by /u/Im_pattymac
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    My Issue With The New Agent (And The Sound Mixing In General)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:48 PM PST

    As you know, the new agent is able to make fake footsteps to throw people off. I believe this is further empowered by the fact that Valorant doesn't have 3D audio. It's mixed in stereo. There is a difference between left and right and how far but not foward and backward. If this ability is used to my left, I won't know if it's behind or infront. Compared to CS:GO, where audio is pin point, it annoys me and I would hate to see this agent mess with something that's already not good enough.

    submitted by /u/Y3rBo1
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    Lower elo rank is broken

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:53 AM PST

    -Never had any experience with fps before and registered first account and was iron 1 and climbed up to iron 3. -Gave up that account after multiple trolls and afks. -had a second account got silver 2 placement match and climbed up to gold 3 -went back to iron 3 today just to see and got destroyed -2 enemy have really good game sense, exploits peekers advantage, knows how to jiggle peak, good crosshair placement, knows good and off angles -one round they double faked plant. -Why are they iron? Conclusion - when some iron players say they deserve a higher rank they weren't kidding.

    submitted by /u/itsOrLuk
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    i have spent countless hours dedicating my life to intensely staring at viper's face. here is one of the outcomes of my shameless pastime

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:18 PM PST

    i have spent countless hours dedicating my life to intensely staring at viper's face. here is one of the outcomes of my shameless pastime

    hello, i am simp. you may have seen me thirst here before, and i am back to express my love for miss sabine [last name] some more because all i do in my life now is think about her and CRY (before i would just cry but now i do BOTH)

    behold, the latest result of doing nothing but thinking and looking at viper valorant's face for hours on end

    it's a shame vipers are a venomous type of snake and do not constrict their prey because i would pay to be choked to death by her

    and because i am an artist, it is time for me to point out every mistake i have made since all artists ever do is hate their art and never finish a wip (this drawing? was supposed to have more but i said nah)

    so you see, i thought to myself, "i'm going to add some more ~𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟~ to this sour milk of a woman and make her a bit of a snerson" (a snake person, she is one singular individual unit (also is she single? rioters please message me back with an answer) and sneeple is plural)

    as an enthusiast of herpetology, i am absolutely ashamed of what i have done. i KNOW snake scales do not look like that, yet i did it ANYWAY because i am LAZY. i am DEVASTATED looking back at my actions, but i also could not care less right now because i have lost the ability to use my dominant hand right now after deciding i could not take any more of this torture and rushed to finish this piece without taking any breaks to avoid the possibility of my entire arm seizing up (can't play valorant now but it's honestly for the best since i'd be losing games too)

    before anyone asks, i do not know how many hours went into this and i don't want to because i don't need to know how much time i wasted on this only to give up and completely fuck up what was an amazing start (i'm not surprised since i always do that, but i am still disappointed as usual). i also did not erase the lines from the bare minimum i had of a sketch because i am once more, LAZY and STUPID

    used same materials as before. shitty sketch paper and shitty felt pens that are dying on me because i don't know how to control myself and made everything too dark so all my hard work was for naught

    anyway thank u 4 viewing my post make sure you like and subscribe and hit the bell icon for more mediocre content i hope you have an above average day ♥

    submitted by /u/qilinggs
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