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    Tuesday, January 5, 2021

    VALORANT When Riot say they're gonna 'Balance' the game

    VALORANT When Riot say they're gonna 'Balance' the game

    When Riot say they're gonna 'Balance' the game

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 04:27 AM PST

    Preferred Agents

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:47 PM PST

    Preferred Agents

    Feel this would improve character selection by allowing you to choose up to 3 agents your team can view as your preferred. Largely beneficial to see your teams strengths and how your choice could impact the overall game before locking in. BTW - MS Paint skills OP.

    EDIT - Well this blew up, thanks for all the feedback and awards! Things to add:

    1. Preferred agents should be unique to each map.
    2. Add approx. 15 second buffer to allow time to review team's agent preferences and begin discussion on selection before being able to lock.


    submitted by /u/EhToTheTee
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    Tip for Jett ultimate!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:18 AM PST

    If you win a round and still have knives leftover while defusing, if time allows it, use all your knives then defuse. If you don't, you wont get the extra ult point. A little trick but its effective in getting your ult quickly.

    submitted by /u/Salted_Mangoes
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    Really hope the next agent has smokes

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:50 AM PST

    Tired of always needing an Omen or Brim in the team comp. Yeah technically Jett and Viper have smokes as well, but we need another dedicated smoke agent. Much rather have too many smoke agents than too many flash agents. I don't have many ideas for what this next smoke agent can be, but I'm very certain that Riot have another one in development. Maybe they can find another way of filling in the smoke agent role? Something like an agent that throws up a smoke screen wall that is a lot shorter than vipers but stays there for the rest of the game?

    Would like to hear your ideas.

    submitted by /u/drumattik
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    Stop micromanaging your sage

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:41 AM PST

    If you get lit up, don't flood comms with " SAGE HEAL SAGE HEAL HEAL HEAL " , she will heal you, that's why she played sage. Same goes for res. Stop flooding comms, this isn't overwatch, sage has other stuff to do besides healing you, that's not even the most appealing part of her kit anymore. So please, shut the fuck up, and let your sage play her game.

    submitted by /u/GoodGuyWattson_
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    Nobody moves in Gold Deathmatch

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:57 AM PST

    DM's now take way over 8 minutes because people aren't taking fights, they're just holding. DM's only used to take like 5-6 minutes... It's just death match, guys. Take fights and practise your shooting.

    submitted by /u/VincentN23
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    Phoenix Molly Spots for Icebox

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:26 AM PST

    How to remove chat if stuck on screen

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:18 AM PST

    I've found a solution to a problem that many people including myself have had. The chat is stuck on your screen and there's no way to close it. Rebooting your game is a gamble as you don't want to lose any more rounds, here's the solution!

    Simply, press Mouse3 (middle mouse button) on the chat box and it magically goes away.

    submitted by /u/FormerGangAffiliate
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    Don't just pre aim, expect them to be there!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:31 PM PST

    Short post from a Silver Scrub, but one thing that's helped me improve a lot is playing expecting all the cheesy angles and hiding spots.

    Pre aim is a very big step in improving if you don't do it already, but with it alone you will be reacting which still gives a considerable addition to reaction time.

    Bigger Reaction Time = More room for error and enemy to kill you.

    Expect your enemy to be where you aim. Set in your mind that they will wide swing this or shoulder peek it. It's helped me react faster to greedy peeks on Hookah and cheesy peeks on top of Icebox Tunnel. Just act as if you have info that someone is there, and make sure to do your Aim Labs/Kovaaks so that your muscles can react properly if someone actually is there.

    Thank you for coming to my Val Talk.bow

    submitted by /u/crispyfriedsquid
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    Fellow new players, if you're doing bad at the game don't afk and just play the game

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:18 PM PST

    Take that as an opportunity to learn about the game, learn about the tactics, and just have fun even if you're being destroyed by the enemy. I've been recently been matched with players like this in unranked while I try to achieve the 10 win condition to play ranked. As a new player myself, I know how it feels to get owned by players who play better than you but you aren't gonna learn how to properly play the game if you just afk halfway throughout the match. To become a better player you should learn from your mistakes to find out what you did wrong and improve from that mistake.

    submitted by /u/beansAt_3am
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    the girl kj talks about as a character

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:14 AM PST

    do you guys think we'll get the girl killjoy talks about when she says 'honestly she won't miss that finger.'? i think it'd be a cool foreshadowing lol.

    submitted by /u/s_wxldflower
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    Can we choose a skin for Attacking and Defending sides

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:22 PM PST

    I was thinking about this as I came from CS:GO, and I've been trying to decide between skins in Valorant. In CS:GO there is a feature where there are certain guns as well as the knife that is shared for both the T's and CT's, and if you have multiple skins for said gun, you can choose one for the T side, and another for the CT side. I think this feature would be really cool to add to valorant, as there are many cool skins in the game, even a lot of nice ones coming from the battlepass. Fingers crossed for this

    submitted by /u/5trike_
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    Facing problems getting a decent ping in Mumbai server.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:34 AM PST

    So I've been using Airtel, and use hotspot to play Valorant, and eventhough I've fast internet browsing speed in my area (near Delhi) I get a ping ranging around 90-140, and at times ping fluctuations upto 500. Are there any settings that I can make to reduce my ping?

    submitted by /u/battlecry27
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    Here is one key tip for you to improve:

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:44 PM PST

    When i play unranked with my friends, meet other players or look through this subreddit, i feel like there is one basic thing missing in a lot of lower ranked players understanding of the game.

    Please don't die. Stay ALIVE.

    There is no need to hold a site against 4 enemies rolling onto a spot. Don't try the hero-retakes rushing alone onto a site because you have seen some flexinja videos. Don't face into a Reyna that already killed you 6 times in the match. Don't push all alone without utility because you want to make up your k/d.

    Everybody has bad games, it happens that you only have 5 kills in a game, but you are alive still more worth to the team than dead.

    submitted by /u/TeamMysticMofukka
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    How do i get better in Valorant by only playing twice per week?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:46 AM PST

    I have had experience with alot of fps games in my lifetime, and i have about 500 hours in CS:GO. I moved to Valorant as it is alot less toxic and more fun to play and pratice. I recently have been having problems praticing and playing, with me being able to only use my pc on friday and saturday nights. I am constantly worried about my progress in valorant and i am scared that it will decrease if i dont play daily. How do i get better by only playing twice per week?

    submitted by /u/DeathStriker921
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    Suggestion for next patch: Crosshair presets

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:55 PM PST

    I think it would be helpful if we get to create multiple crosshairs and save them as presets so that we can switch to a different one whenever we feel like it

    submitted by /u/uncle_ben__
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    Deathmatch idea

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:16 AM PST

    After the game if you don't come in first you get a big ugly DEFEAT all over your screen. No one loses in dm, just show me what place I came in instead.

    submitted by /u/Jumper2u
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    Surrender vote tweak

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:33 AM PST

    Hear me out. Had a game last night where one of my teammates for whatever reason decided to THROW. He said another one of our teammates reported him and he was chat banned for two weeks. This guy was playing sova. At the start of the round he would try to double shock dart as many of his teammates as he could. He would then shoot his recon dart at us. Then he would either shoot his gun at us or jump around us making as much noise as possible. He would also type in all chat where we were. Especially in clutch situations when he was dead he would tell the other team where we were as much as he could.

    A horrific teammate like this isn't a rare occurrence. This was a high plat/low diamond game and I have a feeling stuff like this happens way more in the lower ranks.

    This was the first time I actually tried to surrender, and couldn't, because you need 5 yes votes to surrender! Obviously this guy is going to vote no because he is trying to make this game as miserable as possible for us. So we were left with two decisions. Stay in a miserable game where the odds are totally against you or alt+f4.

    My proposed change is that if 4 users on 1 team all report the 5th player on their team for something, that this will unlock the ability to approve a surrender with 4 votes instead of needing all 5.

    Is this a perfect fix to this problem? No, because what if there are 2 people joining together trying to make your game miserable? That is another problem, but think that this idea is a step in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/b0bbybitcoin
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    One of my mates was cheating. So it was my solo mission to make the game a draw while the rest of my mates were playing against me. It was actually more of a funny challenge than actually winning. Be kind, f cheaters.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:45 PM PST

    They were immensely happy and showering me in love because i let them draw the game.


    Some guy wanted to paypal me 10 quids lmao (No screenshot unfortunately)

    submitted by /u/Casiou
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    Give brim more smokes and make it so when you open his "ipad" its the actual map instead of just 5 feet in front of him.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 02:02 AM PST

    With them adding another duelists this next act and me having to fill as Brimstone a lot recently since nobody plays smokes and just instalocks. I think this would be a good addition and much needed buff to him.

    Making his smoke range to the entire map (when he presses E or whatever your smoke bind is) it just pulls up an image of the map.

    Thoughts? I do think he needs to be buffed because only having 3 smokes throughout a round and having to pretty much be on site to smoke anything is very bad/limiting.

    submitted by /u/Tired_Tofu
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    Overall Rating decrease with a 80% winrate

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:06 AM PST

    Just want to point out that over the last 10 games. I won exactly 8 and lost 2. Almost all 8 dubs were very close wins, one with an afk. The 2 losses both had an afk where we got demolished. Anyway I was silver 3 0 lp according to https://github.com/RumbleMike/ValorantStreamOverlay and after 5 close wins was at 61 lp. After losing with the afk 2/13, I was back at 4 lp. Then I won 3 close games again putting me at 46 lp. Lost the 10th game due to another afk and am back at 0 lp. So with an 80% winrate, I am sitting at the same LP that I was before. Can someone fix this ranked system please. Additionally, I play duelists and had positive kd's over all 10 games, mostly top fragging.

    At this point, I will have to simply have to stop playing. I do not have the time to grind this long and an afk will simply nuke hours of progress in like 10 minutes.

    submitted by /u/chickenman4500
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    Idea: Kill counter on the weapon

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:01 PM PST

    Just like the iconic Stattrak option for guns in CS:GO, have an option to pay Radianite to add a kill counter to your weapon. Just a cool idea.

    submitted by /u/Hope_Esketit
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