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    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    VALORANT how i made my 1983 hp 86b computer run a fake valorant!

    VALORANT how i made my 1983 hp 86b computer run a fake valorant!

    how i made my 1983 hp 86b computer run a fake valorant!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    The Story/Lore of Valorant's next agent

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:25 AM PST

    Official description:"A native of Japan Yoru is able to create gaps in reality itself to sneak into enemy territory unnoticed. Strength and stealth allow him to take enemies by surprise - they won't even have time to understand where death came from. "

    Agent 15 of the Valorant Protocol ID card (bottom right is the Valorant Protocol symbol with the ID number)

    All the current Valorant Protocol agents

    In the Lore of the game the story is moving forward and each agent joining the Valorant Protocol is classified with an ID card number... so for example Brimstone was first to join as Agent 01 and Yoru was currently last as Agent 15.

    Agent origins

    Yoru is somehow connected to the Samurai we have seen on Icebox and from what we gathered in the battlepass it seems like he is a descendant of the samurai and came to rescue the armors hence the name "uninvited guest".

    Yoru Title in game

    (This "uninvited guest" title is also a reference to the "intruder alert" sign on icebox! (He is the intruder))

    \"Origin revealed PlayerCard\"

    If we are wrong about "Yoru" being a descendant of the Samurai he might have time traveled since we do know that Icebox is located on Bennett island in Russia in the arctic circle and around the year 1800 when this ancient Japanese is from there should have been no other way of getting to icebox unless with "Radianite Rifts"

    Ancient Japanese Red Sail Ship on Icebox dated to around 1800 A.D or before

    A Radianite Rift on Ascent

    A rift being coded as a wormhole in the game files

    wormholes are Rifts between space and time in physics so this is one way of the ancient Japanese ship being able to get to Icebox

    Icebox Location in the world 76°44′N 149°30′E

    We also have this GunBuddy that references that he might have really come to icebox to save the Japanese armors since they are his Japanese heritage.

    Ancient Heritage GunBuddy

    Yoru is also a "Radiant" these are people that have been infused with "Radianite" in order to receive their powers


    Now he is a "Radiant" agents that have special abilities and with them he seems to Manipulate space and time and with his ultimate he can access other dimensions

    Yoru abbilites

    We know that different dimensions exist in the Valorant Universe like Earth 67 and that Time travel exists in the Valorant universe

    In the Duelist cinematic we saw that the reason phoenix was fighting Jett was because she was from \"Earth 67\" and an enemy to our world from another world

    This paper that is flying around Ascent is from the black \"rifts\" we see on Ascent

    This paper was once real in our world and is from 1906 and is a reference to Time travel in the Valorant universe

    A rift on ascent that allows time travel (coded as a wormhole in the files)

    For More interesting Details https://discord.gg/cvlore Come here and take a look

    Can't wait to see what we get with his voice lines ;D

    submitted by /u/ConstantValorant
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    Agent 14 Leak Full Video!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:37 PM PST

    A Simple Way To Get Rid Of AFKs in comps

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:56 AM PST

    We need abandon system like Dota 2 low priority

    If u abandoned games and got reports, I think the punishment they got is only chat ban which isn't effective at all. The most effective way is to give them punishment matches with only AFks.

    For the punishment : u have to win 3/5 low priority unrated matches to queue competitive matches again.

    Let me know if anyone down for that :))

    submitted by /u/Yunoxgod
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    [LEAK] Valorant Episode 2 Act 1 Battle Pass/New Skins

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:16 PM PST

    Things I want in 2021 (Valorant Edition)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:56 AM PST

    So Valorant is my Main Game, no doubt but I want it to stay like that so here is what I would love to see in the Future :

    1) Replay System!!! (highlights csgo) spectating friends while waiting and just learning from mistakes. Must have!!

    2) skins in this Game make no sense for Agents IMO but similiar what they did with gloves in csgo, we could have smth like this in Valorant! Rings, watches, gloves, think outside of the Box!! Imagine a legendary watch for 20 Bucks in the Store ... idk id buy this over a cartoony Phantom... how bout you?

    3) Clash!!!! I know this is coming but it cant come soon enough! For those unaware, its a 5v5 Tournament Mode which rewards you with Special Stuff and skins in league of Legends!

    4) Maps, Maps, Maps, Maps and Map queue! There are maps That are just bad... Developed badly and the Community has Spoken... give us the option to deselect the ones we do Not wish to Q for!

    5) Game Modes!!!! Search and destroy is Fine but Imagine what new Modes Could be Invented!! The possibilities ... even smth similar to Overwatch's payload Maps would be sick!

    6) Pick and Ban for ranked! If we have a large champion pool!! (+30 champs) Let's face it, agents will come every year, every season and more frequent than maps! Obviously they will not be balanced at the start so give us the option to ban 1,2 agents at the start of a ranked game! Especially with new agents being picked in ranked! This is a huge league of legends problem!

    7) In game Store! Why the fk has noone done this yet? I want to see a Store in Game, where I can see the skins, try the skins on and shoot some bots before I purchase them for 100 bucks! All virtual! I want an ingame store section I can walk in and hang out!!!

    Make this an experience and you will make more money than you can Imagine!

    have a wonderful 2021 and let's not be toxic to another!


    A lot of you are confused to the agent ban thing! In its current state pick and ban would be useless but imagine something like 5 breaches (obv similar abilities and not 5 breaches literally) ulting on ascend B site! .... at some point, it just gets mandatory to balance the game! Look at rb6, which in many ways is very similar to valorant!

    8) long term motivation! Skins for 10k kills (example) stuff to grind for when BP is maxed and all agent contracts are maxed

    submitted by /u/fIowkey
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    At what point do we stop dodging icebox?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:36 PM PST

    The map has been out for about 2 months. Yes the map can be confusing and it isn't my favorite, but literally it gets dodged every time. The map is in the game, can we just play it?

    submitted by /u/urmom-gay
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    Agent 14 Easter egg / teaser

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:37 AM PST

    I was playing an unrated match with a couple of friends and during the buy phase I encountered a sound which sounded similar to the leak agents ultimate.... it also suddenly disappeared hahaha, I was quite confused at first then got excited, so here I am on reddit sharing the clip


    submitted by /u/hope_core
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    We need a reconnect button

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:12 PM PST

    I don't have stable WiFi (It's alright so my ping isn't the problem), so I would get disconnected a lot randomly. Usually it's just a random disconnect and my internet is still fine, but there's no reconnect button so every time I have a hiccup I'm forced to restart the game every time because the only option is exit. This also applies to the battle pass section, everything would work fine but the battle pass won't reconnect after finishing a match so if I want to see where I'm at in the battle pass, I have to restart.

    I know "Get better internet" is a solution, but come on. I'm not a programmer but I think adding a reconnect button to the menu of the game wouldn't be that hard nor take that much time. Plus not everyone can get better internet so some people will still have this problem.

    TLDR; Wouldn't take that long to add, but will make life a lot better for people with bad internet connection.

    submitted by /u/cromax9855
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    Commentary on my Life of Iron (Humor)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:17 AM PST


    Hey guys! This is SquishiRex back with another video of My Life in Iron in Valorant. If you don't know about me, I make videos where i comment about how my game awareness is that of an iron player but somehow I was placed in gold. There are tons of jokes in it about my lack of skills and almost always my teammates lack of skills because who am I kidding, its always my teammates' fault. Its been five months since i made my last video(life gets in the way and not the iron type) but I'm back and ready to make people laugh in life again. I think its good sometimes to sit back and laugh at how bad you are at this game. If that is too difficult for you to do, then you can sit back and laugh at how bad myself and my duo partner is at Valorant. I definitely plan to make more of these videos because they are fun to make and to think up witty things to say. I never have a lack of clips because lets face it, many of my games go the same. Just remember, when all else fails, bring out the Odin to win!

    submitted by /u/Squishirex
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    How to climb the ladder (A guide for experienced shooter players)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:59 AM PST


    I decided to write a little guide on how to climb, after seeing a lot of my friends being stuck in "low" elos even though they have a lot of experience in shooters.
    This is NOT meant for new players, so I'm not covering aim training etc. I'll just say this game is much more about crosshair placement then raw aim for most agents so be sure to work on that if you're new.

    I played Valorant quite a bit during beta, then had 12 wins in Act 1 and 13 wins in Act 2. I was Plat/Diam playing mostly 5 stacks with people from Discord communities that I didn't know. I came back for Act 3 and just reached Imo 2 in around 30 wins in Solo Queue.

    1. Killing is easy, but so is dieing
      One of the most common mistakes I see from experienced players giving a shot at Valorant, is not taking the game seriously. They think they're this beast and will take risks for no reason. Killing in Valorant is much more easier than CS:GO for example, but so is dieing. Basic teamplay, timing are required to prevent enemies from winning an otherwise easy win for you
    2. Don't queue together unless you're going to use that advantage
      The game will always reward you with how much you give. If you're playing duo, please take crossfires and hold your site smartly together. If you're playing in 5 stack, be sure to communicate clearly and take advantage of being together on vocal, which should be more than basic communication that could be done on the game's VOIP. If you're just going to play as you would in solo, then just solo queue because others will take advantage of being stacked.
    3. Never blame a teammate
      This is probably the MOST important point, as it will condition your teammates' and your own performance.
      Blaming a teammate is a really easy way to not face your own mistakes. It will also create a really bad mood in the team and chances are the whole team will start to underperform. You might start to perform better because you're falsely confident you're better than them, but you'll just end up frustrated and lose.
      The best way to consistently rank up and have your mates perform at their maximum is to give any useful information, and when you die only focus on your own mistake. You just died after killing 3 guys ? The only question that should come to your mind is "what should I have done to kill the 4th, or at least not die"
      If you notice your teammates are doing "stupid" mistakes, instead of being angry at them, ask yourself "Do I do the same mistake ?" "What is the appropriate play in that situation ?"
    4. Agent selection
      I would advise to only play one agent at a time. This will allow you to fully master him and think about other aspects of the game. You can't focus on everything at a time and thinking about how to use your spells will just slow you down. I also advice changing agents once in a while to understand other aspects of the game and find what fits you best.
      Changing agents can happen with your mood, but also when you reach new ceilings. I used Jett to climb and now I play almost only Brimstone because my sensitivity is too low to play Jett and I don't have the required APM to get everything she can give. I had to accept that I won't carry games in this elo as I could in lower elos, so I have to use my personal capacities to help my team with the best agent for me.

    Solo Queue is probably the best way to climb up the ladder. The biggest challenge you'll face is to accept where the game placed you and only focus on your own mistakes. It's easy to blame others but it will never make you improve. This is especially true for players coming from other games that believe they should be higher but make a lot of mistakes due to overconfidence.

    submitted by /u/ORCANZ
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    The Timing on Counter Strafing Still Feels Incredibly Off

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:35 AM PST

    So many times I am sure that I've already stopped moving, the strafe key has been slammed, I never move from the spot I start firing from and yet my first bullet totally flies off somewhere random. This shit has gotten me killed like 20 times last 2 games in immortal lobbies, because so many people insta-headshot you. I react first, I aim perfectly and then my bullet goes to the moon.

    Immortal 2 in valorant global in CS, convince me it's intentional to be stood still and have ur first shot just fuck off completely while everyone else can fire instantly from running.

    submitted by /u/DrAssTickler
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    To all the people always complaining about not getting healed/ revived by sage all the time.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:47 PM PST

    As a sage main, I feel like it is necessary for me to post this.

    1. If you get healed by a sage, stay out of combat so the orb can last the entire duration which heals you for the 60.

    2. There is a 45s cool down so if you see someones health start rising all of a sudden, chances are the sage has healed someone else so they can't heal you for a while.

    3. Because of the 45s cool down, if you have only taken a small amount of damage, Im not going g to waste a heal on that.

    4. If the sage has a revive available, the current situation might not be a good circumstance to revive you, so they shouldn't revive you.

    E.g. if it is a 1v5 we are probably going to lose this round even if the sage revives you. There are multiple enemies nearby who could kill us both before we can react. If it's a 4v1 we are probably going to win that round anyway so it would also be a waste.

    1. This might sound selfish but if a duelist and the sage is on 40 health, the sage should prioritise healing herself over the duelists. Once the sage heals herself she has an extra 60 health which could enable them to retreat and provide support for the team while waiting for the cooldown so they can heal you afterwards.

    2. A dead sage has much more of an effect on a team than a dead duelist, so protecting the sage is more important than protecting a duelist..

    3. Also sentinels kit don't allow them to get out of a sticky situation unlike how a initiator typically has flashes, a controller can use smokes or a duelist can make getting the kill or get out of the situation easier with their abilities.

    Thank you for reading what many people who don't play sage lack the knowledge of, and can make the life of a sage player so much easier and more enjoyable.

    submitted by /u/born-a-wolf7650
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    Gaming Health & Performance AMA (MONTHLY) - From medical professionals who have worked with FPX, T1, COL, NIP, Faze, Dig

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:00 PM PST

    Hi all - we did this last month and we had such a great response we decided to do this MONTHLY

    My name is Dr. Matthew Hwu and I'm a Doctor of Physical Therapy who has worked with a few pros to manage and prevent their injuries. I'm also a part of 1HP, a team of medical professionals who only have one mission: Help gamers play more and hurt less. We want gamers to be better and have created a home-base at 1-HP.org for gamers to learn everything they need to know about staying healthy. Over the past 5 years we have worked with professional esports players in almost every gaming title (pros from EG, 100T, CLG, IMT, DIG, COL, FPX, NIP, T1, NRG and more) to manage issues relating to their health and want to push our community to be more mindful of the pillars of health:

    1. Movement (Exercise, Injury Management, Posture)
    2. Environment (Ergonomics, Sleep, Habits)
    3. Nutrition (Noms)
    4. Mindset (Mental Performance, Social, Emotional, Psychological Wellbeing)

    We (Dr. Matthew Hwu, Dr. Elliot Smithson, Dr. Caitlin Mcgee, Dr. Jon Chung DC, Dr. Kevin Ho) are here today to answer any possible questions you might have! So ask away :)

    For anyone interested our website can be found here. We post regularly on youtube and tiktok. A few examples of our most helpful content can be found here

    1. 7 Best Science-Based Wrist Exercises for gamers
    3. Stretching & Strengthening routines to address pain in different regions
    4. Posture and ergonomics guide
    5. Gaming ergonomics 101 YT series
    6. What everyone needs to know about gaming injuries

    PROOFS: https://ibb.co/2ZPgctS

    If you want to reach out on Twitter we are always happy to help as much as we can:

    Elliot - https://twitter.com/1HP_Medic

    Matt - https://twitter.com/HPforGamers

    Cait - https://twitter.com/CaitMcGeePT

    Jon - https://twitter.com/JkchungDc

    Kev - https://twitter.com/kev_physio

    submitted by /u/1HPMatt
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    Am I the only one bothered about Skye's picture?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:55 AM PST

    I have not heard anyone talk about this but I am very bothered by the fact that everyone's picture has them looking to the right but Skye is the only one that looks to the left


    I know it's not necessary and that this is a little nitpicky I just wanted to share my thoughts lol

    submitted by /u/qz3_
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    Finally created IT!!! Pixelated ElderFlame Vandal Complete

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:55 AM PST

    Finally created IT!!! Pixelated ElderFlame Vandal Complete

    so iwas not able to create the reloading animation as it looked oddly weird....also cause it is the form of ***pixel*** ***art*** ..... and i cud not even get to add the fire to the mouth of the dragon when it shoots the bullet as no clip was available from a second person's perspective...so here it is....alos my dad was getting angry of how much time it took to create this soo....i had to work with restrictions.....lemme know if u like it...im thinking of creating a phantom skin next....

    crisp 1 taps

    still image

    submitted by /u/NestiZ_YT
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    Practice During Matchmaking

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:41 PM PST

    I think the title is pretty explanatory, we should be able to go into the range during matchmaking especially in higher ranks where the queue times are much longer.

    submitted by /u/amul4224
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    Smurfs that throw

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:37 AM PST

    After working my butt off to improve and being possibly a game a way from d2, I got matched up with a team of smurfs who threw the entire game by sitting in spawn insulting each other about who has the highest main. Refusing to forfeit, forced to sit there for like 30+ minutes of this. This smurf problem ruins the game for people like myself who are playing legit and trying to improve. There has to be something that can be done to combat this problem. This isn't healthy for a games community. Too many times things like this happen and it honestly ruins the game in the long run. Hopefully Riot can come up with some solutions in the near future.

    submitted by /u/Mo0nsault
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    Brimstone req

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:42 AM PST

    Brimstone req

    A teammate of mine requested a drawing of Brimstone in a maid outfit bc he said it's SimpforBrim January

    You guys can use it if yall want, just dont forget to credit https://twitter.com/sioliwanag


    submitted by /u/Perpetually_Swish
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    Instalock Reynas at all elos

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:53 AM PST


    INSTALOCK REYNA's be like:

    "Can someone play sage we need heals??" (Then heals herself)

    "you 4 go A, im gonna flank B this round" (Then dies alone in mid)

    "Pick omen we need smokes" (flashes for herself and doesn't play off the smokes)

    submitted by /u/dontopmebro
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    We need vision scores

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    I've gotten into matches where I see a Sova controlling areas extremely well and giving a ton of information, though there's nothing to show for it, so often when they're on the bottom of the leaderboards though still giving a lot of information toxic people are going to use them as targets, if there was a vision score it would be one more thing to see if a teammate is actually contributing to the team or not, so when these toxic people see them, they don't immediately think they're just bad players.


    submitted by /u/owls1289
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    Can we stop dodging Icebox?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:17 AM PST

    I get it, ppl don't like the map, but i just had 5 dodge in a row cause the map was Icebox...

    Lets be realistic for a second, Icebox is not goin anywhere, they already fix a lot of problems with the map, and probably will fix more if they see fit, but dodging it every time is not helping, i would love to learn how to play on the map, learn angles, learn timings, lineups, comps, etc. But i cant cause ppl keep dodging it.

    submitted by /u/Zerhap
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    A feature request: Random Favorite Skin

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:06 AM PST

    A new battle pass would be available soon which means more skins and there would be more regular skins in the future and the past skins would be forgotten or unused.

    I or We players would appreciate a feature where we can tag a skin as favorite and have another feature where the game would randomly select a skin from the favorites every start of the game.

    (This feature is available from another game called xepA sdnegeL which also have lots of gun skins and it's a cool feature to have.)

    This request is made by Lazy Gang who can't be bothered to change the skins from each gun and their colors every other game. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/FlareGrunt123
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    What to do against crouch?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:45 AM PST

    I've been trying to DM more recently and find that I die a lot to people that crouch. By the time I adjust my crosshair I'm dead so I'm not sure what to do against that. When I'm playing ranked I don't see it as often, but it's very common in DM. I try to go for one taps when I DM, so maybe that's part of it too since it's easier to just spray them down.

    submitted by /u/ifyoudontsnusyoulose
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