• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    VALORANT Yoru ULT has some... Interesting uses

    VALORANT Yoru ULT has some... Interesting uses

    Yoru ULT has some... Interesting uses

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:28 PM PST

    xQc plays VALORANT again.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:01 PM PST

    New bundle that costs 0vp

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:16 AM PST

    who made this?

    this looks legit. i can't find the guy who edited it, if it's edited.

    *clearer ver.

    submitted by /u/Lupasatasir
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    3Q hours were totally worth [Fail]

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST

    2 easy Jett tricks against Raze that you should use

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:30 AM PST

    Jump on to Haven C Box with ANY Agent

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:45 PM PST

    Cypher should have a voiceline when his team's Raze destroys his util

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:43 AM PST

    Just another small interaction that could benefit from a voiceline. Cypher should say something during the next round start saying something like "Careful Izze, those servos were expensive!" or a line that addresses it more clearly

    submitted by /u/SchmilkBoii
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    Will Valorant ever put a replay feature in the game?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:50 AM PST

    There are so many reasons why, and we're literally all asking for one. They just ignore the question every time we ask it in their AMA.

    I'm so sure I'm against hackers, (silver 3 btw so probably not hackers but they're bloody good), and I want to rewatch their perspective to see how they play so I can learn.

    I feel so inconsistent in performance with this game but I need to watch these matches back to see if it's just me being bad or some actual server BS.

    Please, to all the devs that see this, can we at least get an opinion or a status on the feature? Take this as feedback if a replay system somehow didn't cross your mind already.


    submitted by /u/neshhk
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    -27 Rank Rating for 3 team mates going afk leaving us no choice but to surrender

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:57 AM PST

    This is bulls#! *

    It's becoming impossible to rank up out of iron because of players going afk and players who have never played before. I feel there needs to be a higher threshold in place before people should be allowed to play comp

    submitted by /u/monkeymanv
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    Killjoy: How to retake A HAVEN

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:14 AM PST

    Hidden Swarm Grenade in A Icebox to interrupt plant.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:09 PM PST

    Custom Painted Omen Chair

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:48 PM PST

    Custom Painted Omen Chair

    Hello! The last few days I have been working on this project of painting my gaming chair and I must say I am quite happy with how it has come out. :). Flair checks out I am an Omen Main (might switch to Yoru haven't tried him out yet) but I'm actually coming from a background of playing CS and I actually have painted my PC with the Howling dawn art as well. This time around i wanted something from Valorant, and I Landed on Omen because as stated above, he is my main, but also it matches my color scheme and honestly I am quit happy with this projected and I just wanted to share this to yall!

    (I also pulled an all nighter to finish painting the chair and editing the video so I'm writing on 1 hour nap of sleep oof)

    If yall are at all interested in the video of me painting the chair, I put around 30 or so hours into editing ,cinematography and storytelling in the video. There is even a dick joke :D. I am quite proud of how the chair came out but more so proud of how the video came out. If you would like. here is the link :)



    submitted by /u/PinHeadLarryyyy
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    "You must play 10 unrated games before you can play competitive"

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:21 PM PST

    ^ not the exact wording but shares the same though.

    After I finished a comp game with a loss, I deranked and it wont let me queue competitive saying I must play 10 unrated games before Im eligible to queue comp. Is this a bug or am i being punished for something. btw Ive been playing since release so dont think this is a smurf or anything.

    EDIT: reopened my game and problem still occurs the exact message is " you must win more unrated games to be eligible for this queue "

    submitted by /u/AstroZex
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    Play to Phantom's strengths

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST

    You've already bought a Phantom, best weapon in the game along Operator, and enemy is 10m away - just run it down.

    You are clearing Bind's short A, Garden, Showers, Hookah or U-Hall? Haven's sewer or B site? Ascent's Market, B-main, Pizza, Garden, A-Link, A-site Hell, Back B? Any cubby in the game? Anything on Split? Just run at them and shoot. 5 people are stomping at you on the other side of smoke? Backpedal to cover while holding left click and pulling your mouse down. Massive damage, potential kills, little to no downsides.

    This is not CSGO, with it's obsolete movement, gun play and firing error. This is not Project A with it's precision gun play and competitive integrity. This is Valorant.

    I know you feel like you are in control and your skill decides the outcome of the duel when you stand still and shoot, but don't let your ego get in the way of your success. If godlike, even TenZlike aimers are embracing this, you or myself are in no position to oppose it. Winning every game comes down to playing to your strengths - Play to Phantom's strengths.

    If they instantly head shot you, it's very likely they would've done that if you were standing still (even more likely), if they hit your body or legs, they will reduce you to walking speed, which, in this game, is almost as accurate as standing still and they will be dead in no time.

    Playing close range duels this way, the right way, will win them for you. It will win you rounds and, with tilting your opponent out of the game with your superior mechanics, will win you games.When you start abusing this, you will eventually learn when it's not good to do it, get better at it and realize in how many situations is actually best way to play. And, hopefully, in couple patches your newly learned skill will be gone from this game forever.

    Until then, best of luck in your battles for radianite, agent!

    submitted by /u/Solareyez
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    We improvised the Jett's Tailwind ability to get her high ground.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    I and my friend were working on this "Jett bounce mechanic" for a really long time and we finally made it more succesful than ever. Improvised for every map and almost every object. We made a video about this with English subtitles and we tried to explain as much as possible how it is done. If you don't want to watch the video I will make a summary in this post and you can get the theorical information.

    Click here if you want to guide video.

    1- There are certain spots on every map (which can be increased by the effort that players' make.) And you can reach the highest area of the map with just Jett's Tailwind ability in these spots.

    2- You need to find a "Bounce object" which should not be taller than an Agent's legs or jump height.

    These objects are generally categorized as trash cans, little boxes and cylindrical objects.

    3- When you think you find the right object to bounce you need to approach it with average 20-25 degrees.

    4- You also need to find a perfect distance to approach this object which is 4-5 agents between you and the bounce object.

    5- When you think you did everything correct, you found the perfect object, the perfect angle and the perfect distance, you simply need to use the Tailwind ability and jump almost simultaneously. It differs object to object, sometimes you need to first use the Tailwind and then jump, sometimes first jump and then use the Tailwind.

    There are 41 examples in my video and there is detailed explanation but to sum up this is it. I hope this post will helpful.

    submitted by /u/FlyingTosbaga
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    Party not eligible need to win 10 unrated games...after I played ranked?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:24 PM PST

    Hi there,

    I just finished a competitive game and went to queue again and got the "Party not eligible need to win 10 unrated games" bug. Restarted game signed out etc doesn't fix it, now I do know of a few players all from OCE that are having this same issue and no one has worked out a fix.

    -Edit appears to be happening to a lot of people in OCE not sure about other regions also elo does not matter.

    submitted by /u/spect7
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    You are using deathmatch wrong

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:32 AM PST

    I was plat 1 before this act but currently climbing back to plat from gold and I am SMFC in csgo. I see so many people utilizing deathmatch wrong. Most of you guys do unbind crouch to stop crouching in a gun fight a very bad habit for csgo players. I know this method is effective as it has worked inc sgo so much and helped a lot fo my friends stuck in lower ranks climbed and it works in valorant aswell.

    First unbind crouch as lots of you already do, this makes you smaller and will help bad crosshair placement players shoot your head and you are so slow it is very easy to shoot you unlike if you are counter strafing where you are hard to hit while being able to shoot your shots

    Secondly turn off sound. Why you may ask? to avoid you camping for people or knowing where they are. You should ahve no information on the nemy to make you as unfair in dathmatch as possible so that you will win realistic duals where you are entrying on site, you haveno information the enemy could be anywhere. You have to setup the unfair engagement on the camper not them. If someone is camping in deathmatch do not flame them in chat concentrate, dont get tilted and play. This is realistic, you will face campers in real games. With sound on you are more likely to just camap out an enemy that spawned yourself making you have the advantage which is not what we are training for.

    thirdly make map as small as possible fro the same reason as the sound

    fourthly practice peeking techniques and counter strafing and DO NOT RUN AND GUN, you should not spray and pray aswell go fro burst shotsof maximum 5 bullets also do not shift walk the map

    fifthly do not go for one taps with sherrif or guardian, this is an unlikely encounter you are preparing for as you are not training to be scream, you are training to kill people with good crosshair placement and in game you are not going to use a guardian aswell as sherrif most the time but however you are very likely to use the phantom and vandal

    sixth remind yourself to place your crosshair at head level and at the same time learn where the head level is in different parts of every map like bind u hall or showers or short

    submitted by /u/replace_
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    Phoenix drawing for my boyfriend

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:39 PM PST

    Drew a picture of Phoenix because he hit immortal and I wanted to congratulate him ... he insisted that I posted it on Reddit


    submitted by /u/elvabjartey
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    Omen's ult needs a desperate buff

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:20 AM PST

    Omen's ult really drags him down. It's just so loud, I understand that it needs to have a sound que but it shouldn't cover an entire site.

    submitted by /u/TheCalicoClone
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    My ranked experience in a nutshell | Episode 2 Act | (QHD) (OC)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:27 PM PST

    Deathwatch used for warmup, so why not have a warmup mode?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:48 AM PST

    Similar to deathwatch but no competition involved. Stay on a server as long as you want, no real score limit.

    No radar dots

    People can just practice an aspect of there game against other players like peaking, straf shooting etc.

    Of course you can do this in deathwatch too but you get drawn in by the competitive side of it.

    submitted by /u/philg31
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    Must win more unrated to be eligible for this queue but I'm already diamond? What?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:25 PM PST

    Is this a bug? As the title suggests. Must win more unrated to be eligible for this queue but I'm already diamond? What? Just finished playing queue with my friends in competitive and then this shows up. WtF?

    submitted by /u/Rethirded
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    A tip for other female players out there

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:07 AM PST

    I recently toggled on my 'auto friend request reject' in game and it really makes playing so much more enjoyable when you don't get friend requests 2 seconds into a match when somebody hears your voice. Now if I really enjoy playing with somebody I can just add them myself! Most of your probably all know about it but maybe some of you don't and it might be helpful!

    submitted by /u/namwoohyeons
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    Am I a joke to you?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:55 PM PST

    I play Cypher, and I've got some good spots for cameras and stuff, so I try to help and give as much info as I can gather. Now, I'm not the best there it is, I'm silver 2, but is it because I'm a girl that no one listens to me? Or they trade me, so they can loose the round in 1v1? Why is it so hard for some people to play as a team? I mean even if you are pre-made, you may still need the other idiot who's trying to fricking help you.. Sorry for the long post.. I'm just tilted rn..

    submitted by /u/amrowife
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