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    Saturday, March 27, 2021

    VALORANT 3D model of a Viper themed Ghost created in Blender and rendered/animated in Eevee

    VALORANT 3D model of a Viper themed Ghost created in Blender and rendered/animated in Eevee

    3D model of a Viper themed Ghost created in Blender and rendered/animated in Eevee

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    I found a drone that reveals A site on ascent, highly recommended

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    Viper's Swoop Peak mechanic explained!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    The Incredible First Shot Accuracy of Odin

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:47 AM PDT

    Blaze Vandal - Valorant Skin Concept (Fanmade)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Blaze Vandal - Valorant Skin Concept (Fanmade)

    hi i made another skin, i dont really like this one cause the color looks weird and the design is kinda boring but i'll just upload it here anyway, hope you like it! :D


    color variant

    submitted by /u/kalkurae
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    Heaven Molly Line-Up Attacking A on Bind

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    A Quick Tip when your aim is off

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:18 AM PDT


    Use ares / odin and I'm not even joking. I was 2-10, losing duels and pulling my whole team down.

    So after the half, I let go of my ego and used ares and odin. Then voila, 16-15 at the end.

    I know I'm a trash plat doing horrible against golds, but everyone must have been in a situation where you couldn't simply connect the shots. So I'd say from 2-10 to 16-15 is a big come back.

    ** To clarify, im only talking about aim solely. If youre being flanked, you need to find a better position and/or change your strategy. Using ares and odin are quick temporary fix on your aim only.

    ** Omg omg omg thanks for the awards! First time ever! <3<3<3

    submitted by /u/totally_nongamer
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    Offensive Cypher 1way to hold screens rotation on Split

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    What if Yoru’s teleport was instant?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    Yoru's kit is overall pretty horrible, but overall he really doesn't feel like a duelist. His flashes are clunky and hard to throw for yourself, and his footsteps offer very little combat advantage (if any). If Yoru's teleport was instant, or offered a few frames of invincibility, it would allow him to play very aggressively, similar to a Jett dash. Even if it wasn't instantaneous but the duration was decreased, it would allow him to play much more aggressively and gives him more variety with his play style. Lmk what you think

    submitted by /u/judahthewoodah
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    s1mple ''BULLGOD'' Ace

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    Found a weird smoke wall when using Astral form if an Omen ults

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    7 days of Aim lab

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:58 AM PDT

    I'm 30 years old and new to fps gaming, so obviously when I picked up Valorant I sucked. Literally bottom fragged every single game. After about 80 games bouncing between Iron 1 and Iron 3 from pure RNG of my teammates, I decided I didn't want to hear little kids screaming in my ear how bad I was and I wanted to actually try to improve instead of just playing games and slowly improving through sheer gameplay.

    My aim really is/was atrocious so I decided to focus on improving my aim mechanics. I looked up aim lab routines and settled on one I found on youtube.


    The schedule consists of:

    Tracing - Microshot - Spidershot - Spheretrack - Strafetrack - Decision Shot - Gridshot.


    I play each task six times in a row, taking breaks when needed. Here is a chart of all my high scores for each task every day. I only started tracking my daily averages on Day 5, because I realized the daily average was a better metric of tracking progress - but high scores look flashier.

    Day Tracing Microshot Spidershot Spheretrack Strafetrack Decision Shot Gridshot
    1 5253 63,260 48,440 36,599 59,368 52,893 55,302
    2 7293 61,667 50,647 49,871 67,290 53,336 58,473
    3 7228 66,024 52,350 51,713 61,770 54,238 61,278
    4 7835 67,571 52,561 51,070 61,374 51,029 62,280
    5 8138 71,815 60,417 59,573 64,822 55,620 64,081
    6 8062 72,822 58,236 43,456 60,513 55,992 65,910
    7 8076 75,884 63,060 47,431 60,279 59,909 64,351

    Notes: I tried recording my day 7 routine but somehow managed to mess up the recording and not get anything. So here are general notes on how I feel about the tasks.


    Tracing - In theory, this should be helping with my time to kill because it's training me to trace the most efficient path to the enemy. Although my scores steadily increased all week, I didn't' feel like I was improving. I started moving a bit faster but my accuracy dropped to around 70%. Maybe someone can chime in with the best way to practice properly on this task.


    Microshot - Improves short flicks. Definitely a noticeable improvement as I play this one. My muscle memory is getting more precise and my hand flicks and shoots to a target before I even fully register it exists. Accuracy and speed are slowly increasing in a noticeable way.


    Spidershot - Same as microshot except for longer distances. Instead of wrist movement this requires more forearm movement. Obviously a weakness for me, when I start using my forearm my accuracy and preciseness drop a lot. I don't know if I should increase my sensitivty and stick to wrist movements only, or if I should continue trying to improve my forearm movements.


    Spheretrack - I hate this task. It feels completely random. My score is entirely dependant on if the ball moves back and worth within 180 degrees or if it circles 360 degrees around me. Basically, sometimes I have to "reset" my mouse because the mousepad isn't big enough, which obviously reduces the time I can properly track the ball. I would love some tips on how to improve tracking because it is very applicable to in game. Enemies are usually not standing still unless you're in a 1v1 firefight. If you're holding angles time the enemy usually runs/walks right past you and nothing is more embarrassing than whiffing the tracking.


    Strafeshot - A lot better than spheretrack. I am still not good at this task, but at least it doesn't feel like RNG even though my scores are all over the place. I have a lot of trouble tracking the targets when they move back and forth unpredictably. Maybe I'm too old and my response time is never going to be able to keep up.


    Decision shot - Like a combo of microshot and spider shot with a little bit of split second decision making tossed in. In theory this helps in game when there are multiple targets and my brain forces me to just immediately pick one and start shooting. Clear daily improvements.


    Gridshot - Just a bit of fun. Helps to warm up for when I actually jump into valorant.


    OVERALL: I still suck. My gamesense needs work, my crosshair placement could be better, my comms needs improveemnt. However, my aim is noticeably better albeit still pretty bad. I managed to rank up to bronze and now it seems like my aim is garbage compared to both teams again, so hopefully more daily aim lab will help with that.

    Tracker.gg profile : https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/PhaxiPhaxi%23NA1/overview


    TL;DR Targeted aim training works. Duh. Hardstuck Iron to casual bronze in less than a week.

    submitted by /u/imMadasaHatter
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    What happens to my account, especially my skins, if I move to another region?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    I live in the Asian region right now, in India. Will be soon moving to NA though. Any body else had any experience in this regard?

    A friend told me that when you send them an email, your account gets moved to another region but it also gets RESET, entire history gone, including skins.

    Can someone shed some light on this? I have also emailed Riot asking the same but they will take some time to reply... .and there's a prime vandal in my store i want to buy XDD

    submitted by /u/jayesh_f33l
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    creative b retake sonar arrow from spawn

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    Sova Arrow for ascent to spot A main and wine at the same time

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    WHA? I think something might be broken... (Connection Issues from my side)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    Today I actually felt good at playing valorant.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    My Aim today was so good I got called a hacker twice and I'm quite happy with what I've achieved in Valorant. Peak performance baby!!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/Frostb1
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    Made a 5 minute video on basic FPS mechanics for new players since I couldn't find one for my friend.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    LEARNING Viper Should Be Easier

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Heads Up: This is not a "BUFF VIPER PLS" post. I think Viper's in an amazing spot right now, with many of the top EU teams picking her on Bind and Icebox, where I think she shines the most.

    I've also been trying to learn the agent so I can pick her on these maps, but learning lineups and coming up with walls is an insufferable process due to several limitations that are exclusively placed on Viper in custom games (due to the way her kit plays out in real games):

    1) You can't pick up her smokes in ghost mode.

    2) You can't pick up her wall after placing it.

    3) Even when you do manage to pick up her smoke, you have to wait out the cooldown to place it again.

    Learning Cypher setups in custom games, for example, is much easier because I can just pause the timer during the pre-round, place an infinite amount of trapwires, and pick up any cages I mess up. When I think there's too many cages on the map, I can just start the round, trigger the cages, and clear them out of the map. There is no such joy for Viper. Every time I mess up a one way or want to try out a new wall to see what it does, I have to start a new round. Then, when I get to 13 rounds, start a new match.

    I think adding a new "recall all abilities" keybind that clears the map and refreshes your cooldowns could be a good solution to this problem, but I'm obviously not a game developer. What are some good workarounds that the Viper mains on here have used to learn her?

    submitted by /u/Gorbychav69
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    Sage for dummies (there was a joke here, but I couldn’t post with it for some reason)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    I swear that Sage mains have the most polarized view of buffs and nerfs. Sage used to be the most desirable agent, but then Riot reasonably and understandably nerfed her, and the Sage mains cried out in agony. The Sage mains were of course blinded by the meta and don't know what a useless agent is actually like (trust me, I'm a Viper main). Sage is still very strong and easy to use.

    Healing orb: With the power of radianite, strength of will, and two Flintstone gummy vitamins, Sage can heal anybody on her team from any distance. As long as there is line of sight, you can count on Sage to ignore you and heal the Phoenix who is already healing himself. The healing orb used to heal for 100, but it only heals for 60 now. People think that's a huge nerf, but think of it like this: You get shot 3 times in the chest by a Vandal and have 30 hp. What is the difference between being healed to 100 hp and 90 hp? Not much at all. It will still take the main rifles 3 body shots to kill you. It's still a good heal.

    Slow orb: This sticky, sparkly, slimy, sluggish ball of gunk is the perfect stalling tool. Once a carpet of crystal is in your way, you have to wait for it to disappear before pushing forward. It only costs 100 credits and Sage gets two of them as well. You can also combo slow orbs with a teammate's damaging ability, but team coordination isn't a real thing.

    Barrier orb: A surprisingly versatile ability, the barrier orb creates a crystal wall that instantly stops any enemy in their tracks. . . unless they can fly. . . or teleport. . . or blast jump. But everyone else is stuck. Don't feel like keeping out the bad guys? That's ok, the barrier orb can also be used for creative architecture. A well-placed wall can boost you and/or your teammates to strange and unique elevations that shouldn't exist in order to surprise the enemy.

    Resurrection: Sage has the power to revive any of her fallen comrades and not have it be super broken and mercy-lessly disrupt the game flow. With a dependable Sage, you can get a second chance at life. Of course, with an undependable Sage, you may never see anyone get revived, or worse, you could be revived as bait in front of the entire enemy tram because the Sage saw it in a cool YouTube clip once.

    Moral of the story: Sage is strong because she can piss off both teams.

    submitted by /u/SupremeMemeRegime
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    Any experience with using a voice changer?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! So I've seen a fair share of posts about women being harassed in Valorant. Before I continue, yes, I am a woman (22Y) and I am getting harassed in the game.

    Now I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with using a voice changer so that you sound like a man. I know that there is a female discord and I'm definitely checking that one out. Just curious if someone out there has already tried doing this and how it went.

    submitted by /u/xfireheart
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    How tf do people shoot straight for so long?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    I really hate these kinds of games where the bullets just don't go where the guns are pointing and I'm really trying to understand it.

    I blinded this dude and he prefired (full auto) the door for a good half second. I peaked thinking his aim was gonna be off, but he still headshotted me despite shooting his gun for so long.

    I also constantly shoot the legs even tho I'm compensating for the stupid spray pattern.

    All of this just makes no goddamn sense and it's so frustrating.

    I'm pretty good with the AWP tho so that's something.

    submitted by /u/Locimtu
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    Got a satisfying Ace in a Spike Rush game

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    If you could put any gun into any existing collection that it’s not currently a part of, what would you choose?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    Personally, I would love to see an Oni Vandal, and I'm sure a lot of you would choose that too. Especially if they made some new variants like they did with Prime 2.0.

    A Reaver Phantom could also be cool; putting some more bass into the Phantom gunshots could be fun.

    submitted by /u/Arkiece
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