• Breaking News

    Monday, March 29, 2021

    VALORANT What do you guys think of my custom totem?

    VALORANT What do you guys think of my custom totem?

    What do you guys think of my custom totem?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    Does anybody else love the chats the characters have amongst themselves?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    I love hearing the same voicelines between characters over and over of them speaking about their pasts, hobbies and relationships. There's some friendly rivalry, enemies, jokes and it all just makes the team and characters feel lively and like they have their own little personalitys. I really do enjoy the voice acting.

    Anyone agree? Tell me your favourite voicelines :)

    Edit: Woke up to 125 replies and comments!! Going to try reply to them all as I wanted to hear everybody's faviroute lines :) but thanks everyone for taking the time to reply and what not.

    submitted by /u/Warrenx_Wallerx
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    New skin bundle (probably magepunk) got leaked!

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    MagePunk full reveal

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    Please be a nice person.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 06:55 PM PDT


    I've been having a great time getting into Valorant the last few weeks with friends. Unfortunately in my last match an opposing Jett told one of my teammates to die of stage 4 cancer. Two months ago my brother passed away to stage 4 brain cancer. This game has been a nice distraction from my grief, but it all just came crashing down. I don't know if I'll want to play again.

    Please be kind to each other. Treat each other well. You never know how your words or jokes might hurt someone.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/kurapikas-wife
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    Common Useful Callouts/Phrases from an Immortal

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Feel free to add to this list but these are some of the best ones that should improve your team play drastically.

    Cut Noise (T): This is typically when your team is choked/stalled out of a bombsite by utility. "Cut Noise" effectively means everyone stops making any type of noise to bait the defenders into a rotation. This phrase is usually coupled with "Rexecute/Rehit."

    Reexecute/Rehit (T): This usually follows after "Cutting Noise." Simply means try to hit the bomb site again after a few moments, allowing the situation and utility to reset.

    Default (T): When you spread out your team to take control of multiple parts of the map. Works really well when a team is quickly rotating and not playing together.

    Split (T): Splitting a bombsite means you have at least 2 points of attack. For example, on Bind, this might look like sending 3 B Long and 2 Hookah. This is the best way to overwhelm defenders.

    Contact Play (T): Basically means walk up to the bombsite, trying to make as little noise as possible, and then exploding onto the site. A common contact play is following an OWL drone up B Long on Bind and then hitting the bombsite.

    Playing Retake (CT): This simply means you are giving up the bomb site in order to retake with your team later. A popular site to play retake on is B on Haven since it is so hard to hold post-plant as an attacker. Note: If you do decide to play retake, make sure you have the utility to support that (smokes, flashes, dart, cam, etc.)

    Anti-flash: Playing antiflash means that you are tucked behind cover, waiting for the flash, then peeking off it. This effectively nullifies the flash and gives you a slight advantage in the engagement. This is best used when playing against a Breach or maybe even a Skye.

    Play off contact: This in essence means bait your teammate (you should be hidden/behind cover) until they are committed to a fight (in other words, have taken contact). You are waiting for the exact moment when the enemy is looking at your teammate so that you can peek out and get an easy kill. This is known as getting a trade kill. Very reliable in man-advantage situations to guarantee the kill. People usually say "Bait me, I'm low" or "Trade off me."

    Play your life: This means you are playing to stay in the round as long as possible, usually resulting in passive play. This is very key if you play an agent with a high impact ultimate. A great example of this is Killjoy, whose ultimate is fantastic retake utility.

    submitted by /u/jwangers
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    Let us make and save crosshair presets for switching between crosshair settings?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    Title ^ An example of this would be a preset 1 called dot preset which would give my cyan dot crosshair when clicking on it. Another preset would be a cross preset which would give me my green cross crosshair when clicking on it. A player has up 5 slots where they can make their own crosshair settings and save the settings in a preset. This would make it easier and faster to switch between crosshairs instead of changing each value separately in order to remake a new crosshair.

    submitted by /u/vinny7299
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    I took a coaching session so that you don't have to

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    I got pretty serious about climbing ranked that I thought it would be a good idea to get coaching. I ordered the coaching from a Radiant player when I was in Platinum. The only coaching that I thought was accessible to me was through a session on fiverr. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus so I won't reveal any names. It was not the type of coaching I thought it was going to be. I thought that I was going to play a match and broadcast it and get direct coaching on what I did poorly and what I can improve on. I ordered the Live coaching package but all I got was a coach streaming him in a custom match and going over tips that could have honestly been made into a free youtube video. So rather than paying around $35 for a set of tips, I decided to write the tips mixed with my own for people to hopefully benefit from.

    1. Solo queue has too many variables, you can make all the right actions and still lose since you are only 20% of the team
    2. Mute toxic team ASAP
    3. Have an aim routine, Kovaak's (I personally used Valorant Pyth Routine variations for warmup). Don't do aimlab gridshot
    4. Always readjust to the head
    5. Watch Ron Rambo Kim's "How To Peek Better in FPS Games (Peeking Technique)" Video
    6. Don't hold incredibly short gaps between the edge of the wall and your crosshair (just because Shroud does it, doesn't mean you should)
    7. If you're holding angles with shorter distances between you and your target, hold a little wide
    8. If you're holding angles with longer distances between you and your target, hold a little narrow
    9. Pacing (This was actually useful)

    -early/late round, pace is either fast (aka rushes) or slow (aka default)-mid round, pace is slow

    -late round, pace is fast because one team has to get the plant off10) If you get a man advantage (aka 5v4) play slow. If you're down a man, try to take a calculated risk to equalize teams into your favour. (aka your team is 4v5, you should try to get a frag to make it a 4v4, probably not worth if you're a sentinel with utility set on site)11) eco rounds, do something crazy with your team. aka rush it down mid with 5 pistols. shift walk out as 5 on one side of the map until you make contact and then run it down

    I personally don't think that the coaching session was worth that money. However, I also don't really want to sewer anyone for trying to make a hustle. Just be careful who you are getting coaching from and make sure that their coaching fits your needs.

    Edit: 5 and 6 are my tips, while the rest were his. 6 was something he mentioned but both 5 and 6 were concepts that I already knew.
    Also, as of writing this post, I am Diamond 1 if anyone was curious

    submitted by /u/Numixe
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    You should always call when you hear the bomb being planted.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 02:46 AM PDT

    I played CS:GO for three years straight and even in the lowest of ranks this was still common practice. I don't think in my entire time playing someone has called the bomb being planted. You can kill two people on A site and very easily rotate back etc. Would be nice to here "they're planting" so you know 100% for sure to rotate over.

    submitted by /u/Anxious_Ambassador74
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    Quantum mechanics, radianite, lore and why Fred is Omen

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    I've put together some thoughts on the lore regarding radianite and what happened to Omen. Do I think this is what Riot was going for? No. This is simply something that connects all the dots, but we could connect these same dots in a completely different way. And every time someone gives their own explanation to the lore, a lot of what we think would be cool plays a part. In the end, only Riot can give the full story.

    In any case, this is taking in consideration every line, card, map and stuff devs have commented, so there might be info about the lore you didn't know about.

    I think Riot played a lot with quantum mechanics while thinking about Omen and the radianite generally.

    There's a card called "Radianite danger" which shows a representation of a wormhole and a Feynman diagram right below. So we know for a fact that wormholes are a thing in this universe. Radianite is likely the cause of these wormholes.

    The difference of a wormhole and a black hole is that the wormhole doesn't collapse at the center. It keeps itself open for long enough for something to pass through. In theory, it could lead to another point in space or time (or both) or maybe another dimension. We don't know what's the case with the Valorant reality, since we have evidence of time travel and the existence of multiple universes. Viper even says that Yoru chooses to stay in this universe when there are many better ones out there.

    Regardless, when it comes to physics, in order to stabilize a wormhole so it won't collapse into a black hole, you need opposite forces. Think it like a magnet repulsing another magnet that is trying to hit the ground because of gravity. In the case of wormholes, the idea is that you need something with negative mass and energy to repel the huge mass of a black hole. It's what they call an exotic matter.

    Only one experiment has shown something like a similar effect of what negative mass could have. This experiment is explained by Feynman's diagram (and a bunch of other stuff, Physics people don't kill me, I'm a biologist).

    So maybe that's what Radianite is: exotic matter. Something with weird properties that can stabilize wormholes. More importantly, exotic matter doesn't exist, so you can play around it the way you want.

    In fact, during the tutorial, Brimstone says that the spike is how they steal their radianite. It was theorized that the spike transports the radianite somewhere else.I don't believe it.

    In Bind, in the lab, there's a sign saying "refinery". I think the radianite exists in two states, one that is the green-blue bright thing we see, and one that is black - the crystal. You must refine one into the other to use the energy. And one steals energy from the other. I'm going even further here to say that this transport of energy is 100% efficient, and that's why the Radianite is such a huge deal that made Kingdom so powerful. The entropy never goes up. It remains always low. Like if it was always going back in time. But that's my head going too far (like I wasn't going too far before lol).

    But one type of radianite stealing energy from the other is important because I think this is what the spike is. They put it down and it slowly opens so the radianite can suck the energy from all the radianite that is on site, leaving only depleted radianite. Which is why nothing gets destroyed in the process, only radiant and radianite users. Their energy is also sucked.

    And I think that the depleted radianite is dangerous, because now it can also absorb radianite and it's energy is super negative, which, as I've said, can cause wormholes.

    Considering the existence of mirror universes (as evidenced in several cards), I think the agents are not fighting the Kingdom agents. I think they are all Valorant agents from different universes fighting each other for radianite because Kingdom has been using the Radianite energy, leaving depleted dangerous radianite behind, causing several problems in the fabric of reality. The universe that has less Radianite energy will be destroyed. So they keep fighting over it. They try to prevent them from stealing theirs and try to go to their universe to steal radianite from there.

    Now, Omen.

    I believe there's no Omen from a mirror universe. He's the only agent that, when meeting an enemy Omen, is the same guy. He exists in every universe, and it's all himself, it's all part of one original Omen.

    But that's too far ahead. Let's go back in time. Let's put together what we know.

    • Viper knew Omen before he became what he is.
    • Viper knew Brimstone and Killjoy as well, and Brimstone knew Killjoy, but Omen didn't know Brim or Killjoy. They don't seem to know Omen as well. This might mean they really didn't meet the person he was, or they don't know that the person he was became Omen.
    • Omen doesn't call Viper by her code name not even once. Only Sabine.
    • He doesn't know his own name. Viper lets it slip, but corrects herself before he can comprehend what she said. So he can't know his name.
    • He knows Viper keeps secrets. He says "don't die here, I need your secrets".
    • Sova has a line saying they'll find what he's looking for, so he won't be this way forever, which means that it's possible to revert what happened to Omen.
    • He can feel some sort of balance in the fabric of reality, which is disrupted by Sage.
    • He's constantly being torned apart. He mentions that people don't know the meaning of "split", that he must keep himself together, wonders how many times he's died, that there are things worse than death.
    • He struggles not only with his body integrity, but also with his memory. Memory seems to be a huge deal for him. When no one caught the spike, he says "can't even remember the spike?".
    • He says "how many must I kill before I'm restored" and "I feel like myself. Catch them again". He also says "I will kill that Omen, I'll take his memories, I'll remember". So apparently Omen is fighting to turn back into a human and killing helps him in the process.
    • Viper is pissed at Sage for failing her in the past. Omen has a card where Sage seems to be trying to revive a broken Omen.

    So putting all this together.

    I think Omen was destroyed when there was an accident while working for Kingdom. The same accident also made Viper vengeful like she is now. I think his body was disintegrated to the atomic level, like if he had been sucked by a black hole. But it wasn't a black hole. Radianite was involved in this. So somehow, despite being reduced to atomic particles, Omen was able to go against these forces and come back as this ghost-like figure, which is like that because it's not all of him. There's little of him. The rest of his particles are scattered around many universes, forming other Omens. Sage tried to revive him, but failed, because she couldn't lower the entropy, she couldn't put him back in place, because parts of him are stuck in other universes.

    When he ults, he actually ceases to exist in that point of space-time and regroups his atoms somewhere else.

    Memory is very important to him, because that's how he'd know he's ready to be revived. He says he needs to feel like himself. His memory is split between all the atoms of himself, in every universe where there's a version of him. The only way to know that all his atoms are now within one of himself so that Sage can try again, is through memory. If he remembers who he is, that means he's whole. That's why Viper doesn't tell him anything, that's why she keeps so many secrets. If she tells him anything, he won't know when he gathers that memory back, because the information is already there.

    So Omen does remember Sabine, he remembers details about her, but doesn't know his own name, simply because that's the memory that he got to keep with the particles that form him at the moment.

    When Sage asks Viper if she "thought about her offer" and Viper answers (quite angry) "don't even think you can help me. You can't help me. You can't help them", I believe "them" refers only to Omen, because Omen is, at the moment, many. I don't know what offer she made, but considering how angry Viper was, seems like a half-win. Like she could bring him back at some cost or anything of the sort, but that is out of question for Viper.

    I think Sabine and Frederick were in love, and the reason why Viper is so hateful today is partially because of what happened to Omen. She now has to live with the secret of who they were and watch him remember it slowly, without being able to tell him the truth. There's also the chance that he'll never be human again, so that adds to her hatred. And I mean really "partially because of that", because I think the same accident also did something to her and that's the main reason why she wants revenge.

    People hate when I say this, but I do like to think that Sabine got some healing abilities and became a radiant and the accident stole this power from her.

    Well, that's it, and yes, I'm aware I went too far with the quantum mechanics thing.

    submitted by /u/biomessy
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    When will Riot fix the directional audio issue?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    It's been almost 6 months since Riot talked about this in this article, but do we have an official statement from Riot regarding when they will fix the directional audio in Valorant?

    Riot has acknowledged in the past that,

    We currently mix the game in stereo, meaning there is no difference between a sound 45 degrees to your left in front of you and a sound 45 degrees to your left in back of you. Some people expect to be able to hear this difference, but that is not currently possible.

    This is why the maps have such distinctive material sound in different parts of the area (ie. sewer's water sound, metallic sound in vents, wooden floor) But I really feel like this is such a fundamental component in an FPS game. And it's mind boggling to me that they are even running so many tournaments before prioritizing this issue.

    Riot also said,

    We optimize for making sure footsteps are heard, as opposed to optimizing for portraying distance. What this looks like is an attenuation curve that is somewhat flat, versus one that drops off a lot over distance. There are a couple reasons we do this. One is that under chaotic conditions where abilities are being used and you are probably hearing a lot of VOIP from your team, it is essential that you don't miss a footstep.

    NA players may be used to playing in a quiet room and hearing every detail, but players in China or Korea may be playing in a loud PC Bang, where a footstep that was quiet but gave more information on distance would be lost. I have never played professionally, but I imagine clarity would also be appreciated for esports players who may be in a noisy stadium (hopefully someday!)

    Which I feel like is a bad reason for 'dumbing down' the game. If they really wanted players to get the most accurate information, they should have different audio volumes depending on the distance as that will provide even more info on the enemies. Asian players playing in PC bang, and therefore not being able to hear lower footsteps was such a cop out excuse for not implementing the accurate audios in the game.

    submitted by /u/nallaaa
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    Finally Reached Plat 1

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    Finally Reached Plat 1

    Being playing since Day 1 and I'm from Somalia with 160+ ping and 40Fps I managed To reach Plat 1 it was my Dream to reach Plat one since Act 2 Ep 1, if u wanna reach your Goal Keep trying and u will get there.


    submitted by /u/abdototti06
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    Understanding retake timings to split the focus of attackers for easier retakes

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    The Valorant Store needs a rework or something

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    The valorant store suffers from the same issue as the fortnite store in which you have to wait for a skin to show up, and i despise this system, and i know others have complained about it but i have a couple of alternatives to fix this system

    1. Add a higher selection of skin slots to the rotation. Maybe they could add 8 skins to the rotation or something so that you are most likely to get the skin you want, because of how rng it is and how likely you are to get the same skin in the shop twice (i got the sovereign stinger yesterday and today) and have it affect the amount of skins you get. So rather than getting a dupe skin you dont want that takes up 25 percent of the skins, maybe the dupe skin will take up 12.5 percent now.
    2. Allow people to choose the skin they want like in many other games. Maybe make a list that you can choose from that is sorted by collection or something to make it easier to buy the skin you want, because regardless, people might still buy the new collection if they want to no matter if they buy the skins they want up front.

    Now i want riot to mainly go for the second one but i know damn well they wont since they have already made this store system so they wont wanna change it, but heres hoping they change it

    submitted by /u/PainfulRagee
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    Reaver Phantom Concept

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    Reaver Phantom Concept

    Hello everybody!

    By combining different elements from the current Reaver skins, and adding some of my own stuff, here is my concept for a Reaver Phantom. The Reaver butterfly knife by u/Astre26 : Reaver 2.0 Butterfly Concept : VALORANT (reddit.com) , and a phantom would probably make a great pair (along with other weapons) for a Reaver 1.1 or 2.0 set.

    Hope you like it!



    submitted by /u/RivalRudra
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    Petition to have characters say 'Revive me Jett' at the beginning of a round.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    Imagine if you had a Jett on the team (oops that's every game) and all the other characters on the team said 'Revive me Jett' at once and she replied with a sassy 'Not funny' or something along those lines. Or maybe just one character says it.

    submitted by /u/tokyokilljoy
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    Achieved Level 10 on All Agent Contracts

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    Achieved Level 10 on All Agent Contracts

    Played about 5 games per day sometimes more since the game released as well as doing all dailies and weeklies.

    11/15 agents

    Last 4 agents

    Edit: Thank you for the awards!

    Valorant username: Mitsuha #4001

    submitted by /u/ilovehackinmw3
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    VALORANT Cypher fanart

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:29 AM PDT


    Hi there! I'm really enjoying Valorant at the moment so I decided to do a small drawing of the best agent in the game. Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/undefinedRandom
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    Super cool podcast by C9White's Annie about toxicity and dealing with it.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Viper's "Swoop peek" doesn't work on other smokes !

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Quality of Life Request: Jett Knives in the Range

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    Can Jett Knives in the Range reset after every bot kill like they used to? Makes practicing a lot easier and I remember they used to be like this.

    submitted by /u/frost028
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    Game isn't that sweaty and toxic.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    Game isn't that sweaty and toxic.

    So I got queue with a Jett and he said it was His birthday We all replied with a "Happy birthday" and one of his request is take a picture with the enemy team in mid they agreed and now I have this screenshot I took :) Also our Phoenix killed 2 of the enemies so it wasn't the whole lobby. I know this isn't as important but this a great reminder that this community isn't that toxic as it seems


    submitted by /u/ArrowMaster3215
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    Feature Suggestion: Weapon skins profile by agent

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    I know it may be somewhat frivolous, but I would love to set specific skins from my collection to use when I play each agent.

    Even better would be to have a default set (present behavior) as a fallback for any agent without a setup and override it with specific kits.

    I guess that would be even positive for Riot, making people more eager to buy more skins to make nice agent sets, something like "Well, I probably wouldn't bother spending on this glitchpop classic, I like my formation better, buuuuuut, it would fit so well on my killjoy's setup...".

    The setup could fit in the Agents menu, maybe a new button beside the contract one, taking you to the same UI as the weapons collection, but specific to that agent.

    What do you guys think about that?

    submitted by /u/carlosmachina
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    item shop

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    i think riot should make the valorant shop a lot bigger, giving players more items to purchase such as gun buddies and sprays, also including a wider variety of special skins. such as giving players 6 different skins per day with 2 buddies and 2 sprays to purchase with valorant points.

    what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/joshhchang
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    Sometimes valorant starts instantly after login, other times I have to click play?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    Now, this is indeed a minor minor MINOR inconvenience with the launcher. Probably couldn't even say that it is an inconvenience at all. I'm just curious as, why that could be or if somebody else experiences that or not.

    submitted by /u/GhostDogFML
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