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    Saturday, March 6, 2021

    VALORANT Valorant 2.04 Bug Megathread

    VALORANT Valorant 2.04 Bug Megathread

    Valorant 2.04 Bug Megathread

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:13 AM PST

    Greetings Agents!

    New patch, new Bug mega. To avoid bugs report cluttering the subreddit and/or going unnoticed we will get a single Megathread which will be posted today and after every patch so that you guys can report the various issues in one place. This allows Riot to easily keep track of the bugs by providing a central hub and also allows other users to confirm that they might have encountered.

    Prerequisites to be noted before reporting a bug

    1. A bug will ideally be accompanied with a screenshot or a video. This provides credibility to your report.
    2. Steps to recreate the bugs should be submitted if possible. This helps Rioters recreate the bug and helps them find the cause behind it.

    Format when reporting a bug: When reporting a bug, please provide as much information as you can about your computer.

    Region: The region you're playing in when you encountered the bug

    Type of Bug: Client Bug, In Game Bug, etc.

    Description: Describe what was the bug that occurred.

    Video / Screenshot: Insert screenshot (F12 in game) or Video of the bug occurring.

    Steps to reproduce: Provide the steps necessary if someone else had to reproduce the bug.

    Expected result: What should have been the result when you follow the steps mentioned above.

    Observed result: What was the result you obtained when you followed the steps mentioned above?

    Reproduction rate: If you try to recreate the bug how successful are you in causing it to occur? (1/10 : Occurs once every 10 tries, 5/10 : Occurs 5 times out of 10, 10/10 : Happens every single time)

    System specs: Processor, Video card, Ram, HDD/SSD, everything you can provide, even drivers.

    Example Bug:

    Region: EU

    Type of Bug: Matchmaking

    Description: Matchmaking doesn't work properly

    • Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

    Reproduction rate: 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times)

    Steps to reproduce: Try to launch a game

    Expected result: Match starting

    Observed result: Getting stuck in infinite queue

    System Specs: Intel i5 Processor, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics card (insert model number) etc.

    If you don't know how to format comments on Reddit click here

    - **Region:** - **Type of Bug:** - **Description:** - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** - **Expected result:** - **Observed result:** - **Reproduction rate:** - **System specs:** 

    Copy paste the above code and fill in your details.

    From this Megathread the list of bugs will not be summarized and put up in the main body of the thread, however note that many Rioters are going through every single comment so don't worry if you post the 1500th or 3000th comment, every reply will be read over the next few days.

    submitted by /u/Kappaftw
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    How to play Duelist

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 02:36 AM PST

    Step 1 Insta-Lock any duelist you want

    Step2 Tell others to play smoke and sage

    Step3 Congratulations you are officially a duelist

    submitted by /u/Itisraininoutside
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    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 03:50 PM PST

    The different types of guns for dummies (over a thousand people liked my other shitpost, so I’m doin’ a sequel).

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:01 AM PST

    My last post was a huge success, so I figured I could karma-whore a bit longer. These are awful descriptions of the gun types as viewed by an amateur Valorant player.

    Pistols: The poor person's guns. The only good reasons to be using a pistol are brokeness and your other gun needing a reload. Of course, there is the third and shitty reason which is being so cocky, so confident, and so reckless that you've decided to use the smallest guns despite being able to afford bigger guns. Pistols aren't useless though, they can still kill a person in seconds as long as I can Stop MISSing THESE HEADSHOTS!!!

    SMGs: The constantly-reloading guns. "I swear this magazine was full a second ago, oh well, thanks for holding onto all these bullets for me." The SMGs have the highest fire-rates (besides the Odin, but it has to rev up) of the guns. This gun type is the best for the aggressive run-and-gun playstyle since hitting headshots isn't as important when you can make a person 25% lead in half a second. However, the high fire-rates combined with medium ammo counts means reloading more often than you disappoint your parents.

    Shotguns: The corner-camping guns. Shotguns are great. They're cost-efficient, good for surprising enemies, have high burst-damage, all at the mere cost of losing the respect of everyone in the game. Not once has someone ever been killed by a shotgun and thought, "Wow, that guy's strategy and gunplay is impressive and he rightfully earned that kill." But hey, dignity doesn't win games, cheesing does.

    Rifles: The basic guns. For most people, this is the gun type they will use 90% of the time, and for good reason. Rifles are typically dependable at all ranges. The only reason people complain about rifles is because they aren't similar enough. "Weh, this Vandal skin is better than the others cuz of the sound it makes. Wah, the Phantom is better than the Vandal because of these slight stat differences that totally have a huge, game-changing effect. Bwah, the Bulldog doesn't one-shot headshot, so it's basically useless." Invigorating debate.

    Snipers: The long guns. You want to kill that guy, but he's s o f a r a w a y. Snipers come with greatly zoomed scopes that make it much easier to shoot people from great distances, and that's why you got pissed when the guy 50 meters away with a pistol killed you before you could land a shot. Strangely, the two snipers have vastly different levels of skill associated with them. If you get one-shot by a Marshall, you have to respect the precision of your murderer. If you get one-shot by an Operator, then Riot's dumb, life is unfair, and God hates you in particular.

    Heavies: The spray-and-pray guns. It's bad enough there are people shooting at you, now the walls are shooting bullets too. When wielding a heavy, you become a weatherman, and the forecast is a rain of bullets. Once a heavy starts firing, it can take several seconds before it needs to stop. On top of that, heavies compete with SMGs in terms of fire rate, tear through metal walls like they're paper, and have massive magazines. These beefy guns are balanced by how slow they are. If a player is caught reloading, equipping, or sometimes even peaking with a heavy, then you can be sure the heavy is dead.

    submitted by /u/SupremeMemeRegime
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    I would LOVE if we got more abilities on Escalation!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:33 AM PST

    I mean, they even have raze's boombot. Raze's satchel would be a really fun "low tier", maybe even using it on the match point. I was actualy expecting the mode to have Jett's ult, kinda disappointing that we still don't have it. A molotov could work, too, but it would be kinda strange, I guess. I think the most silly one would be Skye's dog. I can easily imagine the 5 v 5 dogs going after vulnerable people on mid Haven to get the match point, lol.

    submitted by /u/ThatsMoreStep
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    New to Valorant (around 3 months) and decided to main raze recently. So, I decided to find out some Roomba spots, satchels etc. when I find this trick. Not really that useful in game…just an interesting observation

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:46 AM PST

    Let’s talk about the Prime//2.0 melee feedback!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 05:11 PM PST

    EDIT: Thank you everyone for joining in the conversation and not flaming us too hard. We're
    signing off for the night! Hopefully you don't hate the next karambit! XD

    TL;DR: Sean and Preeti are here from the Premium Content (cosmetics) team! Some of you've told us that you don't like the equip animation for the Prime//2.0 upgraded melee and are asking if we can change it. We typically don't make changes to live products unless competitive integrity is violated because some players did purchase/upgrade that skin due to its existing design. We are investigating what a skin level toggle system would look like and as a result of these discussions, we are committing to shipping a feature that addresses that this year. We also realize that we missed the mark here on what was expected from an upgraded equip, so we're using your feedback for any future karambits.

    Preeti ( u/Riot_Preeti ) and I collected your feedback, talked to a bunch of folks on the team, and now we want to talk to all of you!

    We'll be around for the next 1 hour to answer questions! (Also, if you want to ask us random questions we can answer those too since we like talking to you all.)

    What did we (the skins team) do?

    • We made a Prime//2.0 karambit melee that evolves!
    • The karambit melee Level 1 uses the standard "assassin" equip animation, which is also used for the Elderflame, Reaver, Ruin, etc. melees.
    • For Level 2, we decided to create a unique equip that we thought would be more exciting based on feedback that you all love the unique equip animations we've done on other skins. We moved the spammability of the equip from Level 1 to the inspect animation, so you'd still get the same "spin it on your finger" feel AND get an equip that feels special on Level 2. Hey, we thought it was a win-win.
    • It was a decision based on our creative taste that we were genuinely hyped for and thought you'd all love it too.
    • Typically our Level 2 equips—if they are different—feel more additive to the base, whereas this one was something entirely different.
    • We always provide in-client videos of the skin upgrades so that everyone can preview and know what features are included at each level before spending RadP to upgrade.

    What happened?

    What did we learn?

    • In the future, we should find a way to keep the karambit equip on Level 2 still feel just as satisfying. We don't have another karambit planned for this year, but we'll take this into account for the next one we do.
    • Taste is subjective and you all won't always like something we think is cool. This was a good reminder.
    • As mentioned in the TL;DR, as a result of this convo, we are prioritizing the development of a skin level toggle system for this year (it takes time!).

    What's next?

    • Why not just revert it for everyone?
      • It sounds simple but we can't change it because it would upset those of you who liked the Level 2 animation enough to make a purchase.
      • Our rule is we don't change a cosmetic unless it's violating competitive integrity in-game, which in this case, it's not.
    • We'll be sure to highlight the karambit equip animation on our next karambit melee. Soon TM.

    - Sean ( u/oniram177 ), Preeti ( u/Riot_Preeti ), and the Premium Content Team

    submitted by /u/oniram177
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    A better and faster way to dodge

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:41 AM PST

    I often see people when dodging not pick an agent to dodge. This is the more common was seen but there is another, quicker way. ALT + F4! It sounds like a joke but if you get a map you don't like, or someone picks Reyna before you, don't make everyone wait the full minute just alt F4 to save everyone's time. This method is also great because it works if you have already selected an agent! It is already annoying to wait 3 minutes to get into a match so please save everyone's time and Alt+F4 to dodge

    TL:DR: you can use Alt+F4 to dodge even if you have selected an agent.

    submitted by /u/RealVampireCat
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    Replay Mode?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:19 AM PST

    Hey guys I just wanted to know if there are any demo replay system coming soon or if the devs are working in progress?

    submitted by /u/Wolvthebigbad
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    PSA - Don't play on your brother/sister's account just to play in a higher rank

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:40 AM PST

    Seriously, clearly you're not thinking because if you deserved to be in diamond/plat, you would be. Don't bring your iron/bronze ass into my matches with your 0/17/2 just 'because i wanted to play in plat'. Surely your bro won't appreciate you tanking his elo as well.

    submitted by /u/thazninja
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    EDUCATIONAL: Killjoy Molly that I found on B Split! Hope it helps!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 07:27 PM PST

    Family photos in Ascent

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:36 AM PST

    Current state of deathmatch is alarming

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:06 AM PST


    Deathmatch mode is a staple for a game like Valorant and in it's current state it's not unplayable, but it's really close to it.

    Devs had a nice AMA about it the other week, but there are still no changes and we've been stuck with current iteration of DM for months and months. When DM was released they said mode is in the beta, even when it was changed to 14 players it's still beta. Idk why can't they at least try some obvious changes that would benefit everyone.

    Obviously, some other areas of the game have the priority, but DM experience could be so much better with some minor changes that take pretty much no effort to implement.

    Spawn system is pretty bad and I know it takes a really long time to create a good spawn system, but until then we need some basic changes, badly. I've yet to see a single pro or high level player not label DM as "trash". It's supposed to be a practice mode, but right now you just play a couple od DMs to warm up.

    Getting killed and killing people in the back will always happen in DM, no matter the spawn system. But that's not the problem if the game was fluid. You get killed and you respawn. 3 seconds respawn is an eternity and significantly reduces the quality of DM. As is the 5 second shield on spawn.

    Both should last 1 to 1.5 seconds, not more.

    Combine long respawn times with spawn spots on every map that serve no other purpose than for you to run for 10seconds only to get killed in the back and people start playing DM not to die, which just creates an awful experience.

    I won't even mention anything about the spawn system because as I said, I realize it takes a really long time to optimize.

    Another big issue are leavers. Everyone should be able to leave DM at will, that's normal. But when 4 people leave right away it's really annoying. You either also leave and waste another 2 minutes before the next session starts or you run around in a half-empty server for 8 minutes.

    Icebox is an awful DM map, no spawn system will change that. I play it in ranked, but for DM it's just a waste of time. Even if I start playing, 80% of the time already mentioned leavers will happen and playing such a huge map with like 10 players is a complete waste of time. I don't understand why are all the maps forced onto us in DM.

    A map doesn't have to be bad if it's a bad DM map. You rarely see anyone play nuke or overpass DM in CS, that doesn't mean those aren't great maps.

    Final and the most annoying issues for me is the server quality in DM. I have the same ping, usually 40ish, same server location but it feels like playing two different games compared to any other mode. Despite all the complaints, servers are pretty good in ranked for me. I rarely have those "where did the bullets go" moments. But in DM it's just awful. Every single session I have at least 3 inexplainable situations where the server just eats bullets. And at least 3 more where I headshot someone who's like 2 meters away from my crosshair because of desync.

    Tickrate floats between 90 and 128 all the time, can't stay at 128 even for like 10 seconds at a time. Never happens in ranked, it's always locked at 128. Rather lower it to 64 for DM.

    And before you say anything, I win most of my DMs while running around without stopping. I'm just frustrated that the mode doesn't offer anything in terms of improvement for me. My aim is nothing special for immortal rank and it can be way better, but there's no improvement to be had in DM with such poor servers and awful respawn system that takes way too long and allows no rythm unless you get a lucky spawn where 5 people run into you with perfect timings.

    submitted by /u/valorantfeedback
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    Yoru buff discussions and suggestions.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:59 AM PST

    I belive we can all agree yoru needs a buff. Riot already announced the intention to buff him which is great. As I yoru main I just want to point out what I feel yoru could do better maintaining his identity.


    Problem (1)

    Compared to other duelist he offers much less to the team play in defense.

    • Phenix can wall/molly to slow down pushes.
    • raze defensive nades on bind/split are a game changer
    • reyna/jett op and dismiss/dash are extremely effective at any rank

    Yoru? He can tp from one site to the other in case of a quick push for a fast retake. And only if they enter in the first seconds of the game.

    Proposed solution (1)

    Yoru tp can be placed before the match and the timer starts with the game, allowing yoru some more seconds to decide rotating or not, also maybe with a 5 sec increase or something. So yoru can actually do something in defense even tho still marginally.

    Problem (2)

    Yoru tp are extremely susceptible to small angle variations on long range deployment. He should be a fast paced character, and I find myself to waste horrific long time on lineups (2 seconds for a lineup for viper/brim are acceptable but not for yoru)

    Proposed solution (2)

    Show on minimap where the tp is going to go in real-time, while I move my arm around make a blue dot or something in the minimal that indicates where is going to stop. Simple, doesn't affect the enemy and makes my life so much better, I can push without loosing time.

    Problem (3)

    Here is the big one. To attack/enter site with tp since the sound is so hearable you need to throw a flash too, effectively using 2 abilities to perform 1 action. Somehow I belive the positioning value to be higher than the flash itself, but this also means i only have 1 usable flash.

    Proposed solution (3)

    Here is where some debate could be held. Either one of these 2 options will work:

    • reduce drastically tp sounds and view range

    • give him 1 more flash

    Both of this things will make using yoru aggressively more effective.

    Yoru steps are useful but they don't add value other than a brief confusion on the enemy which

    Problem (4)

    His fake steps are almost useless compared to a bum bot, fire healing wall, jett smokes, reyna devour/dismiss all of this abilities reinforce their respective character identity (in case of reyna they are the whole identity) But in case of yoru they add little, they don't spot like the boombot, they don't do visual games like the phenix wall or jett smokes. Even the effectiveness on enemy is marginal: U can use them to fake on 1 site tp to the team and push the other but only works a couple of time and at high elo they don't rotate quickly anymore and recognize yoru steps. On defense they are only useful for retake to confuse a little the enemy but they hardly work.

    Proposed solution (4)

    This is the most needed/ best one I belive. Make a visible yoru clone on the steps that copy the player looking directions. I look right he looks right and so. This will seems real the enemy will shoot it and I will have audio cue, which a lot of the yoru identity is based of. (If you want it to make it op you could add that the clone can spot on minimap)

    (Or you can make it alternatively allowing yoru vision over his steps a bit like a sky tiger but that would be out of character imo so nha)

    Problem (5)

    The ultimate is not as good to be a 7 points. Raze rocket is 7, sage resurrect is 7, and yoru ult pales in comparison to those.

    Proposed solution (5)

    Anyone of these will do:

    • reduce ult cost to 6 like reyna and phenix (even those 2 are still better imo)

    • allow for tp while in ult (making it a good info gathering at a price of 2 abilities)

    • increase yoru view range while in ult probably to 1.5 what is know or around that


    I belive all of these are needed changes ranging from quality of life to plastyle effectiveness, I think the core identity of yoru will be preserved but making him a much more valuable asset for the time.

    I can already see this guy in the comments: If it has so many problems why do you play yoru? Because I like the plastyle, it's very different from any other and he has blue hairs.

    Let me know what you guys think :)

    submitted by /u/carrapaz
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    Learn to get carried, PLEASE!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 12:42 PM PST

    There's just too many people just afk because they can't frag. This game is not all about kills, if your team is doing good/fine carrying you, please just delightfully accept the carry. This game is a TEAM game. If your team is winning, but you can't frag, just go in first, and make space, and you are still useful! (Especially to the people who instant lock duelist)

    Also, please DO NOT yell/scream/rage at your teammates who can't frag, everyone has bad games

    BUT, You can mute your mic before letting out all the rage, but just don't do it in game. :)

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/purpleteemo
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    I think the next Valorant map will be on a ship and heres why.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:16 AM PST

    In every battlepass in Valorant so far theres been a teaser in the battlepass on what the next agent or map is going to be added next. (I havent seen anyone talk about this or even notice it) In Episode 1 Act 1 tier 4 was a calling card (Pictures down below of everything mentioned) of streets like Venice which we know is where Ascent is on the globe. In act 3, Tier 38 is what Yoru has on the back of his jacket, he has the Samurai-esc logo on the back of his jacket. In Episode 2 Act 1 Tier 38 (once again) was a teaser towards the new agent, a calling card named 'A bridge between worlds' it has a very celestial theme which we now know is Astras celstial form (Pictures down below). In this battlepass Tier 48 is a picture of a ship which is also a calling card. It is named 'Lost at sea?'. Tier 38 this time around is just a picture of a frenzy.

    This is why I believe the next map in Valorant will be on a ship

    TL;DR: Due to previous patterns I believe the next map in valorant will be based on a ship.

    This is my first post on reddit sorry if its bad.

    submitted by /u/ZaykaVAL
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    Leavers in competitive

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:32 AM PST

    When is valorant going to implement a better system to combat afkers? I know riot is giving longer bans/harsher punishments and whatever for afkers, but what about the teammates of the afkers? How about a system similar to overwatch, where the teammates of the afkers don't lose rank ratings if their teammates afk? Or at least reduced losses? It's really tilting to sweat my ass off and end up losing more than i gain just because some guy dc'ed and we lose.

    submitted by /u/Datcite
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    Should Valorant only show competitive and unranked matches in the career history?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:36 AM PST

    I personally think seeing death match results in the history is just a waste of space, same with spike rush and other more causal game modes.

    submitted by /u/ado0o0
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    Yoru hidden changes

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:03 AM PST

    Me and a friend were testing a few of yoru's abilities and we found that his decoys no longer leave a shadow on the ground if you set them down to use later. A small buff I guess. But then we also found that his decoys still don't make foot steps that sound like yoru as riot claimed to have fixed. They still sound heavier to the enemy.

    submitted by /u/Phoneringer
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    Hey if you are a clown doing this in silver games, sincerely fuck you :)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:29 AM PST


    Like come on man, is there nothing better to do on a saturday evening? Is there absolutely nothing riot can do to combat this?

    Attach a phone to the accounts or something so its a bit harder ? Like in Clash in LoL? this has been happening so often its fucking making me mald every game when i see some dude without a rank last act...

    And yes he was a reyna player lol..

    submitted by /u/nemt
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    Game Crashed

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 02:01 PM PST

    So my game just crashed and everyone that was on it did as well but we can still talk to each other restarted and still nothing. Anyone had the same happen ?

    submitted by /u/zaneferocetyflint
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    Ascent Post Plant Molly on A

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:27 PM PST

    So... my match just crashed and we are all looking as a team to the loading screen

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 02:03 PM PST

    yea the title. we are stuck here.

    first everyone stopped being able to play and everyone's POV just looked straight down, we all re-enter the match and we are stuck in the map.

    anyone else has this going on? wtf is this

    submitted by /u/imowerz
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    Is there a wave of new hackers or something?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:27 AM PST

    Man I dropped from plat 3-1 today I just got doodoo on playing against dudes who always have grandmaster level IQ. 6 games lost consecutively and one game we were leading 10-2 no joke, the enemy Reyna just destroyed us with a 35k. It's not like I'm missing shots a lot or lost confidence it feels like today all the radiant pros decided to deck me underground.

    submitted by /u/Shivaji_theBoss
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