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    Saturday, April 10, 2021

    VALORANT ESL AOC Qualifier, the feeling of qualifying after 32 rounds..

    VALORANT ESL AOC Qualifier, the feeling of qualifying after 32 rounds..

    ESL AOC Qualifier, the feeling of qualifying after 32 rounds..

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    simple method to practicing flicks in the range

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    PHANTOM Real life - With a 3D printer and a lot of time you can do amaizing things

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    When he's a little too confident

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    Jumps u didn't know existed

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    Theory: Sage takes life from alternate realities

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    One of the biggest mysteries called into question is where Sage's healing power draws its life. Omen asks this question himself "The life you give, do you ever wonder where it's taken from". My theory is that Sage is actually taking life from the other copies in the parallel Earths that were created (or found?) during the First Light event.

    To start with, we would have to subscribe to the theory that there's only really one Omen split across all realities. This is based off his interactions with his copy not referring to them as a copy "There is another of me, how many times did I get ripped apart, how many times did I die?"

    With that theory in hand we move to Viper. Viper cares about Omen "Keep being their nightmare, old friend" but seemingly withholds knowledge from him about himself (Fred quote and "don't die Sabine, I need your secrets") and has likely worked with him in the past as lab partners "kills enemy Viper as Omen Experiment complete". Why she withholds this knowledge isn't really important to this theory, what is is she seemingly knows what happened to Omen.

    Viper knowing what happened to Omen is vital for this last part, Viper's interactions with Sage. They recently got a new voice line a week-ish ago "Sage: Viper, have you thought about my offer? You don't have to- Viper: Never ever assume you can help me. You can't help me, you can't help them". Now it could just be Viper lashing out, but if we take what she said literally here and make a somewhat supported assumption that "them" refers to the split-across-worlds Omen copies then why wouldn't Sage be able to help him? She can heal on a whim and literally bring back people from the dead for what looks like the cost of radianite so why wouldn't she be able to restore Omen?

    My answer, given the mystery behind where she draws her power, is that she's taking life from the copies of the other universes she's fighting, maybe even without realizing it. This is partially supported by her voice lines about being weak, training hard to be better, then coming back strong enough "I wasn't strong enough before, but now? Now I am strong enough for us all" which given this theory would mean she had to run a few missions without healing abilities, fight a few copies of her allies, then realize she could suddenly heal people and believe her training had "payed off". We actually have not seen her heal anyone but her own allies (who she is simultaneously fighting) and since she keeps her power contained in expensive looking Jade orbs I'd imagine she probably hasn't even tried healing anyone but her team yet and hasn't realized she cant heal anyone but her team.

    the reason this can't help Omen is because he has no copies to take from. All the "copies" we see in game are just like-minded shards of the same Omen ripped across countless alternate realities so when Sage kills an Omen and heals her Omen she has only temporarily healed her Omen until his shard respawns itself (or he splits himself again probably via his ult) and places the "copy" back in the reality it was from. This would explain why she thought she could help Omen but Viper knows she can't, because to her knowledge her power is working on Omen but any restoration she could do would be extremely brief and temporary. Through this theory we have effectively found the limit of Sage's power. She cannot repair someone that is not within another universe and she has not absorbed and thus Omen cannot be restored to a human because he and his copies are not human in any universe. This would also explain how Sage can't create life yet still be able to fully resurrect a deceased carcass no matter how much time has past (Cypher: So Sage, you can bring people back from the dead? No restraints? How very interesting).

    tl;dr When Sage kills copies from other realities she is unknowingly taking their life to restore her own reality's copies and this can't help Omen because his "copies" are shards that regularly break off from each other so any restoration Sage could do is extremely temporary.

    submitted by /u/Hide_yo_chest
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    Custom game suddenly exits in the middle of a tournament

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    First ace in diamond! (Don't mind the lag at 11ping and the whiff at the end XD)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Sovereign Sova

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    Got inspired with the sovereign skin and I thought it fits sova. Planning to do more for the other agents. Drop your suggestions of what skin best fit agents. https://loumielleart.tumblr.com/post/648057058866937856/sovereign-sova-got-inspired-with-the-sovereign

    submitted by /u/loumielleart
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    A Silver Player's Opinion On All The Agents

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    All of this is my personal experience in competitive games and what people do with the agents.

    Reyna - Usually either pop off and top frag or are at the bottom of the leaderboard. There is no inbetween. The latter usually baits and doesn't blind whenever they entry (if they do in the first place)

    Raze - I usually see Raze players being competent and knowing how to use their kit. These players are usually chill.

    Yoru - Not played enough for me to have an opinion.

    Pheonix - Flashes you and your teammates. 100% guaranteed. Heck, they even flash themselves half of the time. Like making stupid plays.

    Jett - Instalocked and usually toxic. Loves to bait and use the operator.

    Breach - I never have a Breach teammate, but always an enemy Breach. Breach players are literally a nightmare and magically have coordination with the rest of their team. You can run or hide, but you are not allowed to see.

    Sova - Usually have a reliable recon lineup. Usually don't have a reliable shock dart lineup. Half the time post-plant they will be somewhere else doing a lineup to kill the defuser which NEVER works.

    Skye - The amount of time a Skye can waste by slowing down pushes is insane. Usually a bird comes down flying from the sky and you and your team are left to die blinded. They usually know what they're doing as your average 12 year old wouldn't find Skye appealing enough to play.

    Sage - Don't know what they are doing half of the time. Is only there to heal teammates, and on the rare occasion LITERALLY TOPFRAGS AND DESTROYS ANYTHING IN SIGHT. If not, they are usually a Grim wannabe.

    Cypher - Usually have good lineups and oneways, and can hold site really well. However, their aim is the opposite of their site holding ability.

    Killjoy - People in silver are too dumb to break turrets and counter common setups. Killjoy players usually camp onsite and let their utility get kills for them. They use the same lineups on every round (bottom of hookah, ascent b lane, ect.)

    Astra - Not played that often, and when played are really uncoordinated and often make solo plays. Doesn't have much of an impact like intended.

    Brimstone - Always chill and play for fun. They aren't the best, but never the worst. They like making team plays.

    Omen - Like to play solo. They usually lurk and are often disregarded by the enemy team as a serious threat. Due to the amount of overrotating in this elo, they always catch a guy off guard.

    Viper - The queen of post-plant. These players devote hours of their time all just to learn lineups to make them even more powerful. If a viper is left alive post plant, you aren't winning that round.

    submitted by /u/nxfxrious
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    there should a Cypher line where he says "you're on camera"

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    i mean it makes perfect sense for when u clutch as Cypher or tag someone with the spycam before killing them.

    I got this line from this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mnkxfa/cypher_for_dummies_killing_you_was_a_prank_bro/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    submitted by /u/Mytee68
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    Jett Fanart

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    New here wanted to share my Jett fanart hope you like it :)


    submitted by /u/abaek_doodles
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    Hi! I made a survey to better understand players' internet & FPS conditions, and how that affects Ranked/Unranked players in VALORANT.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 12:23 PM PDT


    I know internet conditions and FPS have been contentious points recently, and I wanted to see if there was any consistency to players' network and game performance conditions, and how standard these measurements were to the majority of the player base. I would love if you could fill it out! It's 100% anonymous, you won't need a log in or anything. Please only fill it out once!

    If I get enough responses, I plan on doing some (really basic) data analysis for fun, to see if there's a trend in the data, and how that might affect people's ranked/unrated VALORANT experience.

    Since it's a survey posted on Reddit, it's going to be subject to self selection bias, so keep in mind whatever you see on the graphs isn't going to be representative of the player population!


    Here's the link again

    submitted by /u/dekorb
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    Had the worst match in my life in ranked. Don't care what anyone else makes of this, but it was bullying. Don't know how to handle it tho.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Was in a competitive match (I'm not ranked yet) today with 4 silver player in my team who was in the same lobby. At the First Round, this sage told everyone to the knife because our Reyna had act rank as Plat. The enemy team was scared of seeing plat in the lobby so they agreed. As I disagreed with this, i was teamed on/bullied in-game for eg -

    they will tell our location and the enemy team comes and kill me and they resume their match

    sometimes sage would revive so they can kill me again

    and after i started shouting ( i was angry ) on voice chats they started verbal abuse and things like chill chill out chill out.

    I am a pretty fun guy and I also like doing such things as knifing in the last round and stuff. But not in a ranked match. People spend hours in aim training for warmup and to try their best in ranked. When i go in a ranked i wanna have and play in a serious environment.

    https://imgur.com/a/J8IC0PO this contains some screenshot of chats and proof of them knifing .

    Im writing this post in complete anger right now and may have used some strong words. I dont know what to define this incident so I used " bullying " cuz i felt like it. English is my second language btw.

    submitted by /u/deku_on_meth
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    Smurfs should be dealt with a little more harshly to prevent new players and normal players the hassle of getting wrecked for no reason.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    If a new player starts the game and goes 20/1 30/5 or somethings crazy like that, its mostly not lucky and just a smurf. Throw them up to gold right away not high iron or low bronze so they cheese us. If they hit high kills again when moved to gold move up to plat. Move high first then throttle them down. The slow move hurts way too many people in the low elos. If they are moved in higher elos first then dropped when doing bad I think it could balance out quicker without letting new players get stopped super fast.

    I made a new account and it took 3 games of me going 30/1, 20ish /3, 25ish 4 before It finally moved me out of the iron division. That is way too long.

    Move players up in high rank fast then drop with the high drop off when they don't perform. Don't do a gradual push and make new players suffer when they are dropping high kills non stop.

    I am not a game developer or understand how all this works. But just seems way it works now is working more against the majority.

    This is even more relevant since popular streamers are making it more normal for people to make smurf accounts. It's getting out of hand.

    This is an iron players outlook so you higher elos and others in general can let me know if you agree or not and why.

    submitted by /u/NateThePunk2
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    My friend and are coming for you radiant players

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Hello there

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    I'm just about done with this game

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    I don't know if others feel the same way.. but I'm just tired of the amount of disappointing games I have. It's just become a chore to play this game now. It's always one of 3 things - AFK, Throwers or a Smurf. I like the game, and think it has a lot of potential but I am just finding it extremely difficult to play a 'normal' game. I don't care if my team loses or if I have a bad game or someone else. But these deliberate actions of sabotage by people is just making the game unplayable for me. If it was every now and then, I could handle it.. but it's game after game after game. And I can't even FF out because someone always votes no.

    I had to sit in a game earlier with a guy that said he was throwing from the start, and that's exactly what he did. And a few other people on our team tried to win, and it ended up going something like 8-13. But it was horrible. There was no way we could win with this guy deliberately making us lose, and in the end I just went AFK. But so I don't get a 1 hour ban I had to move every round so I couldn't even get away from it. I was chained to this garbage game for over 1/2 hour. And I still got the AFK warning at the end as well. Then another game I played we were winning 8-6. Then on Defense my entire team starts Stacking 1 site and leaves me constantly defending the other site, with mid wide open. Over and over I got run over by them. And then one of them says "maybe we should stop throwing, I feel bad". So most likely a 4 stack that was deliberately losing. Another 45 minutes of my life wasted playing with these idiots. So even though it was 9-10, I just disconnected because there is no point in going on.

    I might just not go back to the game at all, which is sad because it is a fun game when you have teams of people who actually play the game. I put up a post a few weeks ago about how comp is broken, and some guy replied saying why is it Riots fault that smurfs/afk/throwers exist. Well it is their fault, because the punishment for this sort of thing is garbage and these people now flourish in and dominate this game. They've lost me as a player/customer. I've spent a bit on skins and put money into the game, and I've had enough. I just spend more time being frustrated than having fun.

    And the people doing this are GOLD. This is not exactly low ELO, So I would hate to think what things are like in Iron/Bronze.

    submitted by /u/Supanova00
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    Yoru Heaven A Long to A Site Boxes (Btw the last jump is a crouch jump)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    Character clipping

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    The character clipping in this game is horrible. A person in your team can troll you by constantly moving into your character which makes it spaz out. Please find a solution Riot.

    submitted by /u/Hoist-The-Colours
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    Dogshit hit reg

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    As the title says the fucking hitreg in this game is so goddamn bad. I can have a vandal and clearly hear 4 hitmarkers and only 1 or 2 of them get registered as actual damage. I can also only see a persons head, tap-fire the head, and only 1-2 gets registered and they end up being body shots. Like what the actual fuck????

    submitted by /u/Praq_matic
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    There should be two bullet tracer options, one for hiding your tracers and one for hiding the enemy's

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    I love the look of shooting a gun without my bullet tracers but if you turn it off you are at a disadvantage because you can't see the other enemy's ones anymore. So in my opinion there should be two options for hiding them! Let me know if you agree!

    submitted by /u/Zyterx1
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    Is viper a viable agent?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    So ive recently started taking val more seriously before that i would only play viper but now i was wondering if viper is a good agent for ranked? I've seen loads of hatred but i seem to like her. i would like to know any opinions or recommendations for other agents

    submitted by /u/SquidzYT
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    Viper Smokes

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:22 AM PDT



    Some Viper smokes I have been keeping to myself

    submitted by /u/Thats_So_R4v3n
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