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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    VALORANT Valorant Patch Notes 33 1/3: The Final Patch (April Fools Update)

    VALORANT Valorant Patch Notes 33 1/3: The Final Patch (April Fools Update)

    Valorant Patch Notes 33 1/3: The Final Patch (April Fools Update)


    s1mple Announces His Move to Valorant


    The day has finally come: Prime Vandle is GONE


    The day has finally come: Prime Vandle is GONE

    As most of you probly know by now, prime vandle has long been ruineing the whole entire valrant game. Its not fun when you only got black vandle skin when the whole entire enemey team abuse the fact that its OP. I have been sayeing for a long time that prime vandle way to op and it got no place in a competive game like valrant.

    But today, i was almost crying for 23 and a have minutes becuse I see the pach notes that said they REMOVED prime vandle from valrant!

    Look here:


    Even thogh prime vandle got removed, prime odan still exist. But This is a great first step toward riot showeing us they might not be the most greedyist company in the world! Now they only sell black vandle in the store so its a fair game and you cant just get to high rank like bronse only doing stuff like abuse pay to win skin.

    The day has finaly come where the rana HACKER cant abuse prime vandle that much anymore and now I finally got to rank: iran 2 becuse not haveing prime vandle was holdeing me back.



    Thank you riot devlpers i love You

    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    Butterfly Knife Announced


    Unpopular Opinion: Viper isn't broken and the buffs are good.


    I keep seeing these threads pop up from people saying how ridiculous Viper's buffs are when in reality it's just that NA doesn't know how to respect smokes. They've been so conditioned to just running blindly through them, now that we have an agent that demands that respect, instead of adapting the playerbase will just deem it as OP because they can't use their old tactics of Stewie2k-ing through everything.

    I don't think people realize that Viper's smokes aren't infinite. She needs to activate and deactivate her utility all the time so it's up to you whether or not to take that decay punishment.

    I've played so many games today where teams will just blindly push through my utility and then wonder why they keep losing rounds instead of them just waiting for me to run out of fuel and hard pushing after I run out of snakebite to stall in-between smoke re-activation.

    I feel it too from the other side. When I play Viper I feel EXTREMELY vulnerable when my fuel gauge runs out but NOBODY PUSHES ME when I'm out of fuel and I've used up my snakebites on defense. Also it's not like I can pick my wall back up and rotate if they leave because I've already placed it. There's such a weird lack of patience in this region where teams will always just bottleneck if they can't steamroll through initially with their W-key that when that gets stifled its like their brains malfunction.

    The same thing happened with the Operator. The point of the Operator was that it was supposed to punish dry peekers. Theoretically, an operator should ALWAYS win versus someone who peeks without utility and the playerbase just didn't know what to do. So what happened? Instead of playing more smokes and supplementing with the one agent that was a good counter to break the line of site of the operator (ironically that agent being Viper), we had a nerf to that gun instead of a player base adapting and using more utility.

    People on this subreddit act like Viper's utility is literally infinite and they're FORCED to run through the 50 decay punishment. It's literally not like that at all. You can wait for her fuel gauge to run dry, her snakebites to be used up and she's completely vulnerable to be steamrolled by your team

    Or just pick Sova. Seriously.

    (Edit 1: idk if anyone knew this but if you picked Sova and used his recon dart, it even a single pulse would be enough to spam her through her utility or in her ult)

    (Edit 2: Did I mention Sova exists? He acts like a pretty good counter to viper. Even then you should be running a Sova on your team regardless because he's so impactful in matches except when he's on Split)

    submitted by /u/unsupervisedchild
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    PSA: Bucky is still lethal up to 10 meters - use Left Click


    Wall-Bang Mechanics: An In-Depth Breakdown


    Wall-Bang Mechanics: An In-Depth Breakdown

    This is a fairly lengthy read, you have been warned.

    I've been spending a lot of time learning more about the game, but the one part of it I just could not find satisfactory explanation on was Bullet penetration, aka Wall-banging. After nearly a dozen hours of testing, I've condensed my findings into five key points, along with a chart and table.

    #1: Every surface can be Wall-banged if you try hard enough

    #2: Wall-bang damage is based around distance traveled through the wall

    #3: Different materials affect damage falloff by limiting the maximum distance a bullet can travel through it, with damage scaling in proportion

    #4: Penetration levels of weapons work differently than materials, setting ranges that affect damage scaling

    #5: The resulting damage is greatly inconsistent, inconsistently

    My Testing Method:

    I utilized the practice range's training dummy set to a distance of 10m for most of my testing. This allows me to test brick and wood materials easily from the right side, and metal from underneath the track the target platform moves on. Using a ping, I can set the location of the dummy's head to then be lined up and aimed at through the wall. I then take hundreds of attempts with a weapon to move pixel by pixel to the lowest and greatest distances that the bullet can pass through the wall, checking the registered damage above the dummy's head, then returning to the last bullet hole I created on the wall.

    One Primary Testing Method In Action

    Damage ranges:

    Here is the juicy part, but it's going to come with a few asterisks.


    In Summary-

    Low penetration weapons:



    Spectre has a minimum headshot wall-bang of 19 damage which is the lowest it will consistently go before not piercing the wall at all, and a maximum of 62 damage when going through a wall by just the smallest amount. (The Spectre normally deals 78 damage on a headshot).

    Medium penetration weapons:



    Vandal has a minimum of 48 damage and a maximum of 159 damage (The Vandal normally deals 160 damage on a headshot)

    High penetration weapons:



    Sheriff has a minimum of 47 damage and a maximum of 159 damage (The Sheriff normally deals 159 damage on a headshot)

    The difference of 99% to 100% as the maximum damage between medium and high penetration weapons looks small here, but the important distinction is that high penetration weapons can pierce through a decent amount of wall while still maintaining 100% damage, while medium penetration weapons like the Vandal will lose damage immediately and dramatically through a wall-bang of any size.

    Shooting Through A Wall And Dealing Full Damage

    To best visualize how each weapon class is affected, here is a graph representing the approximate damage falloff curves for each based on my testing.


    To reiterate, this is based on the results of my own testing. I do not have access to the source code to confirm the exact formulas so this is based on experimentation. At this point you may be noticing on these graphs a weird tail at the end of each curve. This is intentional, and probably the strangest part of my testing results. While I listed a minimum damage range above, I have on several occasions gone lower than that (such as a Vandal hitting for 41 which could only happen with a headshot but is below the 48 damage it will almost always bottom out at) though the chance of getting a shot to do this would be maybe 2/100 attempts. There seems to be just the tiniest range that returns these outlier values (such as 9.99m-10.00m) as its extremely rare and only happens at the farthest tip.

    Further detail on my 5 main points ~

    #1 Every surface can be wall-banged if you try hard enough

    I have found no walled surfaces that cannot be shot through when using a slight enough angle. This includes any type of material, even the rims of a teleporter. The only "surface" I tested you cannot wall-bang is the teleporter field itself, as bullets simply pass through this normally.

    #2: Wall-bang damage is based around distance traveled through the wall

    While it has been said that angles decide the wall-bang, this is only partially true. The same 45-degree angle can deal much more damage when right on the corner than when further into the wall.

    Fun Fact: A bullet can also pass-through multiple surfaces if the walls are close enough together. The interesting thing about how this works is that it appears to treat the distance from when it first enters a wall to when it exits its last hole as one solid wall. This means the air between the two objects is counted together as part of one wall for deciding if it will pierce again for the second time.

    Shooting Through Two Objects With One Bullet

    #3: Different materials affect damage falloff by limiting the maximum distance a bullet can travel through it, with damage scaling in proportion

    Testing has shown that regardless of material, (be it wood, stone, or metal) I can reach the same maximum and minimum value at the furthest ranges of a successful wall-bang. I've found that as the density of the material goes up, it simply restricts the angle at which you can pierce the same wall.

    #4: Penetration levels of weapons work differently than materials, setting ranges that affect damage scaling

    High penetration weapons can pierce the wall while maintaining full damage. Medium penetration weapons will start to fall off gradually but starts right away, whereas low penetration weapons will immediately lose a fixed chunk of damage regardless of how little of a wall they pass through.

    #5: The resulting damage is wildly inconsistent, inconsistently

    This is one of the most frustrating parts about how wall-banging works (and how it hampers testing). This is partially due to bullet spread, as even standing still remains variance in where precisely the bullet will travel. This is only not the case with the scoped in Marshall or Operator.


    As well as this, the existence of outlier values to my main testing is definitely strange and leads me to forming the conclusions shared above that there exists a small range where a different formula is applied.

    If you're interested in seeing the full video I made on this with my additional footage, it is on my YouTube here: https://youtu.be/NG4_uCWCV10

    This exploration opened up more questions than expected, but I do understand the system more than at the start of these experiments. I'd still like to continue to learn more, so if you have any questions about my testing, suggestions, theories, or additional things I should follow up on, I'd welcome them.


    submitted by /u/SzigZag
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    Finally the "YES" line is back


    It's a small detail yet it made me happy for a moment when I heard it again. Felt a childhood nostalgic moment for a second. The okay and agree lines sucked tbh and I'm glad riot listened.

    submitted by /u/frominthesky
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    I found a Line up for Sova attacking market door on Ascent. Thanks for the feedback on the first video I posted here, this is much faster now.


    With a map pool of 5, having 50% of your games on one map shouldn't be a thing


    Simple really, in no reality should I be forced to play 23 out of 40 comp games on icebox. This is ridiculous, there needs to be some sort of weighting so as to prevent the same map over and over. At one point I was at a streak of 8 games of icebox in a fucking row. I honestly have no desire to play this game anymore, when I'm almost guaranteed to lose over 50% of my games because I haven't won a single game on icebox this act, and that won't start now.

    What do you guys think, do we need some sort of map weighting system to avoid repeat maps over and over?

    submitted by /u/LukeyNC
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    Viper's "Swoop Peek" still gives a 250 ms advantage when peeking


    TIP: Certain abilities on different agents have the same physics when deployed


    Found this out when testing lineups for Brimstone. Certain abilites for different characters use the same physics model, follow the same trajectory and land in the same spots. For example, Brimstone's molly, viper's snakebite and sage's slow orb all go the same speed and follow the same arc through the air. The lineups for these agents effectively transalte to each other (although keep in mind that the brim molly bounces a bit).

    Why this information is relevant now is that Viper's toxic cloud (smoke) and Killjoy's nanoswarm (that's her molly) follow the same path. Since the latest update you can see where the viper smoke will land on your minimap in a custom game with cheats. So now it's easier than ever to find clever lineups for KJ's mollies, since they land in the same spot as indicated on the minimap with viper's smoke.

    Whether it is to flush out opponents from positions, deny a plant or retake, or even ult-trap people, the KJ molly can be very impactful. This is one of the best ways to take your Killjoy game to the next level, putting your opponents into consistenly bad positions. I cannot stress how useful this new lineup tool is.

    submitted by /u/Ffritser
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    New Valorant Love April Fools Day Rank?


    My thoughts on Yoru after Patch 2.06


    I've seen a lot of people talking about how Yoru isn't a real duelist like the others, how his buffs didn't do enough to actually make him much better, and how he's just not the stealth agent Riot promised at all. Although I can understand and somewhat agree with some of these statements, I think that a lot of the community needs to see Yoru from a different perspective.

    I also want to discuss Yoru's buffs in 2.06, since they tie in with the other discussion points I want to make in this post. Let's start with the flash buffs.

    Obviously these flash buffs are huge for Yoru, especially since flashes are so good to have right now. Yoru's pop flashes can be even more unreactable, and they are actually quite punishing now (1.5s full flash duration). His flashes have been the most duelist-like ability for him, so a better flash opens up a lot more duelist potential for him. An avenue of this potential is the classic flash+TP combo, which works well in low ELO. But no one is disputing that.

    What I've seen people ARE disputing is the usefulness of his Gatecrash buff. 10 more seconds + the 35 second CD are incredibly useful, especially on defense. Before the update, Yoru's TP was a huge commitment, especially for being an ability that was already risky to throw out into enemy territory. You had only 20 seconds to make a play with the TP, and if that play was too unsafe to commit to, there goes your signature ability until you get 2 kills. If you DO get 2 kills to recharge it, more likely than not you would be in a position where a TP would not be as beneficial as just playing it out. If you are holding a site, you can send a TP to the other site and have 30 seconds for your team to determine which site the enemy is playing for. If the TP runs out, you get another to send out. The change makes it so Yoru is not forced to use his abilities in situations where they are not optimal (i.e. you would have to make an offensive play with the TP in order to get kills to recharge it). 30 seconds is a good length of time for Yoru, and the Gatecrash change allows for more flexibility in his kit. While having the Gatecrash become quieter is a buff I would love to see, I don't think it's super necessary right now with how Yoru can be played optimally (flash+TP or anchor TP vs sending a TP into enemy spawn), though it would definitely help with Yoru's original design that he has not completely fulfilled.

    Just a little tangent I have to say on the topic of Gatecrash, I think it's better utilized as an anchor point to return to if you overcommit rather than a tool to push (though it definitely can be used for either, it depends on the situation entirely). The obvious difference between the TP and Jett dash/Dismiss is that it's slower. Going in and using Gatecrash like that is not how it should be used, which should be obvious since Riot intended for Yoru to play differently from them. The payoff of it being slower is that it gives you the potential to fully reset and play with a different approach after causing a disruption in the enemy backlines. Yoru's TP doesn't let him run in guns ablazing and get out free like other duelists, but that doesn't mean it has no use. It just has a different use that many players overlook.

    This is where Yoru's ult has big potential. The main goal to achieve with Yoru's ult is to gather info and, based on that info, either fall back to safety and rotate or use your position and your flashes to your advantage during a team push and clear out one or two people sitting back while the rest of your team rushes in from the front. The anchor TP works great for plays like these (which is what makes the 2k refresh -> 35s CD even better, since you can anchor TP and get it back for later site executions if you are rotating).

    Staying on topic, the ult point drop is big for Yoru. His offensive ult plays can win rounds if played around properly. Being able to utilize it more is a big buff for him. The ability to TP whilst still in the ult also grants useful opportunities (for example, grabbing spike from an enemy guarding it and TPing directly onto site while having some time to clear the site during the ult, or sending a TP to use immediately after ulting to gain distance), and the shadow buff that lets him pull out his gun quicker is great if you manage to get around a corner against someone who is chasing you and shoot them before they expect it. (I think this will end up catching a whole lot of people offguard; it's honestly an insane buff.)

    Finally, I want to talk about the discussion of "Yoru can't be a stealth agent because his abilities are too loud". Honestly... I can agree with this. Yoru's abilities don't perform well in what people would consider stealth. You can't get behind someone just with his abilities alone without them knowing and then getting sneaky kills. Instead, you can get behind them with them knowing you're there and overwhelm them with your flashes and ability to reposition quickly. If it was almost any other agent, committing yourself to a position behind an enemy would be quite risky, but since Yoru has his Gatecrash, you don't have to stay there, which is what lets him safely capitalize off of getting in with his ult and getting kills. Even though Yoru was intended to be able to get past enemy sightlines and flank, his current kit clearly shows that he is not supposed to be stealthy about it. In fact, his buffed flashes allow him to make some loud plays and get impact kills. Maybe he isn't the silent lurker everyone wanted him to be, but he is definitely a duelist, especially with the buffs that enhance his positioning and dueling potential.

    Yoru is probably still the worst duelist in the game with what all of the other duelists can offer to a team and the fact that his footsteps are basically half of an ability, but he can still offer something incredibly unique and still useful. He's my favorite agent to play in the game (sorry Cypher) and I really enjoy his inclusion. These are all just my opinions and thoughts on Yoru right now, so I could just be completely wrong about everything, but I'd like to think I have an idea of what I'm talking about. I want to shout out Red (the Yoru god on YouTube); he definitely opened my eyes to Yoru's potential when I too thought he was barely a duelist. Go check out his YT (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJ1pr8iwWPeQjmeHnPhqvA) and his other socials.

    Anyways, patiently waiting to have functional decoys :)

    submitted by /u/NBound96
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    All Viper and Yoru changes in one video


    EU VALORANT is getting worse treatment than EU LCS and it's hurting the growth of the scene


    So let's start by saying Riot has been completely silent on this matter even when pros players , coachs and prominent people in the scene made many complaints ... the only time they responded is obviously "we missed the mark" comment from /u/RCrower and that was complete lie as we see it right now


    EU LCS History

    it's so sad that potentially the biggest region playerbase wise is getting shafted just because EU Riot has shown time and time again to be incompetent in 2 different Esports and for people that are wondering why is that all you have to do is look the EU LCS vs NA LCS history

    EU LCS was being treated as the stepchild , having worse schedule , worse and experimental formats for no reason (European love ties don't they) and here's a throwback thread when EU fans were constantly complaining how NA LCS is straight up a better product in every way.

    NA LCS viewership was crushing EU LCS' , it wasn't even close until 6 years from it's inception where we got a full rebrand and the coming of the franchise LEC and there's many factors why LEC is one of the most successful leagues in esports right now but the main change is that it simply got more attention than it did before and the product became better and the viewership came with it , surpassing LCS' by a large margin.




    For those that don't follow EU VALORANT (I don't blame there's almost nothing to follow) but the main complain since the beta is that EU compared to NA is getting way less events thus less orgs and thus less viewership and interest overall and it's ripple effect ... But I always had hope even if TOs like ESL/Blast aren't interested in running events (maybe scared Riot would do the same they did with LoL) , I thought it's fine once Riot start doing their own events and circuit it will be much better  



    First Strike

    We start with First Strike which is already a bad indicator of how Riot is handling the EU scene with inconsistent rules and ton of BO1 qualifiers and no streams and thus they received the first backlash from pros and community and that's where the comment i referenced earlier came from "We missed the mark" and there was hope for the 2021 circuit to be better cause it's gonna be fully under Riot with small involvement from TOs



    VCT Stage 1


    Challengers 1 :


    Come 2021 and it's simply a disaster from start to finish and just to give examples I'm gonna mainly compare EU to NA

    We start with qualifiers EU playing Bo1s , something that doesn't happened to NA and you can't even use the excuse "EU has more teams" cause NA start Bo3s at Round 128 while EU is Bo1s til Round 32

    But the problem at least for the fans isn't the Bo1s it's the broadcast for the Challenger 1 qualifier we got to watch a total of 0 Broadcasted games whatever be it Bo1s or Bo3s and you might ask how many games were Broadcasted for NA Challenger 1 Qualifier ? 35 Broadcasted Bo3s with seeding matches to have proper seeding for the main event (oh yeah forgot to mention EU had completely random seeding for this qualifier and Heretics First strike champions got knocked in a Bo1)

    After all who cares about the qualifiers all what matters is the main event of the tournament right ?

    Well EU finally got it's first Broadcasted games and it's just 4 Bo3s without reseeding or anything doubling down on the random seeding they started with ... but they worst thing we get no finals no proper tournament at all and it's months now in 2021 and EU hadn't had many if any finals to build storylines and know who the best teams are

    Meanwhile NA had a double elim properly seeded event with EVERY game broadcasted making it 14 Bo3s Broadcasted to 4 of EU's

    Again after this first Challenger 1 , many pros complained and we got "some" improvement


    Challengers 2 :


    Fun Fact : before the pros complained about this , the original format was even worse with Bo1s until Round of 8 for this qualifier but quickly fixed it to make it Bo3s from Round 128 like NA which's good

    But nothing changed for the fans as it's 8 Broadcasted Bo3s overall in EU compared to NA's 25 Broadcasted Bo3s

    And I mean at this point , it's not even debatable the interest in watching EU from fans is an all time low with no broadcasted games no storylines ... people don't even know how the teams rank up cause we hadn't had finals in months nor know the upcoming players when compared to NA people were talking about the 20th best NA team and their style etc meanwhile in EU there isn't enough vods to watch the best EU teams


    Challengers 3 :


    Same shit format 8 Bo3s Broadcasted compared to NA who's consistently changing and upgrading their product that did 62 Broadcasted Bo3s

    there isn't much to say really


    Masters 1 :


    You would hope by now at least the Masters will be the saving grace and it's the same format across all region

    But ofc not why would EU have the format fans wanted and it's the best format implemented so far in VALORANT which's just 8 team Double Elimination all Bo3s when you can keep experimenting with groups and single Elim bracket

    The worst part isn't the broadcasted games here (EU 13 to NA 14) but the fact that EU was ignored for so long that the viewership and interest is so low and people don't even know the teams nor their storylines like the team that won Masters , Acend was seen playing 2 Bo3s on broadcast before Masters compared to NA's Sentinels it's not even close and it was legit saved by an insane finals put up by both teams





    TL'DR : EU vs NA Stage 1


    Stage Region Peak Viewership Hours Watched Average Viewers Air Time Number of Bo3s Broadcasted
    Challengers 1 North America 62 270 579 328 23 890 24h 49
    Challengers 1 Europe 45 188 318 099 25 619 12h 4
    Challengers 2 North America 70 645 791 608 36 819 22h 25
    Challengers 2 Europe 42 413 260 422 26 262 10h 8
    Challengers 3 North America 160 182 2 231 605 94 294 24h 62
    Challengers 3 Europe 52 926 245 239 25 815 10h 8
    Masters 1 North America 363 101 5 388 468 147 293 37h 14
    Masters 1 Europe 142 875 1 572 065 41 829 38h 13



    it's just so sad to see for the region that potentially has the biggest playerbase to be treated this way , it really hampers the grow of the game and the scene



    Stage 2 isn't getting much better with the clusterfuck that Turkey/CIS have to play with EU for 2 spots for some reason when LATAM have their own spot and don't share with Brazil or Asian countries get their own spot meanwhile historic regions like EU , TR and CIS get all together 2 spots ... But at the same time TR/CIS don't play at the same qualifiers as EU so they have easier routes to Challengers Finals and the ruling around it is so confusing and weird like this for example where EU teams can play in Turkey qualifiers ????

    The formats changed so we finally have finals (they probably just did it cause they need the top 2) but we still don't get the Double Elim so if the 2 best teams run into each other unlucko gotta try all over again instead of having a second chance vs another opponent

    And the biggest topic for fans is still no broadcasted games at all until the "main event"

    And this is some of the tweets just from today where community members are constantly complaining about it and Riot is completely silent













    Why do orgs even invest in an EU VALORANT Esports if all the branding/exposure they gonna get is their name in a table in VLR ? like 90% if not more of their games will never be broadcasted


    And Fans can't follow any stories and don't care about the players and it's ripple effect and the viewership will keep going down and if Riot doesn't treat EU the same way they do to NA then this scene is gonna struggle and it's growth will be stunted for no reason just like EU LCS

    submitted by /u/Darkoplax
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    Astra should be able to pick up smokes in the buy phase


    Title. I understand that the enemy can actually see stars that you place over the buy walls, but it seems very weird to me that this is (after the KJ change) the only repositionable ability that you can't return during the buy phase. It's frustrating when you click slightly wrong and are forced to wait until the round starts and then have a star on cooldown, meaning it's like 10 seconds until you have access to a star

    submitted by /u/tbone603727
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    Cypher’s ulti


    this is just a theory, if anyone who didnt read the lore ill explain a bit. Cypher's home was bind, it was attacked by the kingdom found in year 2020 in search for radianite (the kingdoms's scientist was omen btw) anyways he lost his family and he really misses them, when sage ulti revives him you can hear him say "for a moment, i saw them" his daughter noora and his wife forgot her name.

    so cypher has started working as an information breaker, which he also leaked viper's birthday (march 20). now this is all lore no theory, my theory is that he trained gathering data from people's brains so that he can maybe find his dead family again...

    (ps when sage revives somebody, he says "wow, you can revive anybody? no constraints? thats cool"). this guy's backstory is sad

    submitted by /u/ramizod
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    does this confirm raze and killjoy dating???


    ya'll ever since i started playing valorant, i've always shipped raze and killjoy. i know there's a lot of speculation between the two dating. hearing them with lines about each other, like:

    killjoy: "drive them crazy raze, you're good at that." killjoy: "be safe, raze." killjoy (enemy raze killed): "sorry, little mouse." raze: "killjoy! you and me until the end."

    this may be an april fools thing (the whole valorant dating simulator) but wow. did cypher really just confirm that they're dating?


    submitted by /u/iced-honey-lemon
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    Greatest April Fools Joke ever! It's fucking stuck.


    Make sure you don't spam your 'Use' key on the envelope while running away or you'll be greeted with the greatest April Fools Joke of all time - blindness.


    submitted by /u/forceghostgmyoda
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