• Breaking News

    Friday, July 23, 2021

    VALORANT For you guys who like to make big brain clutches: You can get below the B Market door in time.

    VALORANT For you guys who like to make big brain clutches: You can get below the B Market door in time.

    For you guys who like to make big brain clutches: You can get below the B Market door in time.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    Some things about Sova ult

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    I am playing Sova regularly recently and while playing I noticed this fact. When you're ulting and if it travels in the line of a dead body, it highlights it and sometimes there's a visible confusion that I'm hitting a alive opponent...later realizing that my ult didn't hit anyone. It's actually hampering the gameplay in my case. Do anyone else having any problem with it?

    submitted by /u/LoserSimpLord69
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    Pokimane/ OTV smurfing on her 4th smurf account now in silver.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:14 PM PDT

    It's getting stupid now basically every top valorant streamer just full time smurfing and buying accounts. With over 200 smurf accounts being sold everyday on only ONE popular website it's time Riot actually did something about this.

    Pokimane on her 4th account silver 2 rank when her main is diamond and she has at least 2 other plat accounts. People shit on JasonR but Poki literally smurfing or getting boosted 90 percent of the time she plays valorant.

    Edit: To the people saying smurfing doesnt make you hardstuck, thats not the point. I dont play to get some stupid color badge. I have been within the gold 3 to plat 2 rank since season1 I dont care about climbing elo at all. The point is I just want fair games and having a smurf in your game on enemy or your own team makes the games really unfun and it happens too often. I only have time to play 5 or 6 games a week or so, and having one or two of those ruined by smurfs is just annoying.

    submitted by /u/lbs4lbs
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    i miss the old pre game player banners

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    changing the pregame lobby was stupid imho, they could have just had a larger boarder with the level under it and the old art system. anyone else feel this way? or am I completely alone?

    submitted by /u/shabutie8
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    Backseat gaming is the reason why your teammates throw.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    Backseat gaming is when someone is watching you play a game telling you what to do.

    This is not giving callouts or telling your teammate where you last saw the enemy. This is when you tell me how to play the entire game. "Go there" "Do this" "Go A" "Why didn't you do this".

    Congratulations you just got muted

    Congratulations now your teammates are throwing or trying to tk you

    Congratulations your teammate disconnect

    Congratulations your having a full blown argument with an ally

    Congratulations you lost the match and you are now a hardstuck [insert rank here]

    submitted by /u/_AuxCordGuru_
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    I have been collecting the skins, thought it was time to share my collection. Only missing some bp1 and agent skins. Fully upgraded

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    1v5 at 10-12 to keep the dream alive

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    The Killing Machine [ KAY/O fanart ]

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    The Killing Machine [ KAY/O fanart ]

    1440p Wallpaper

    and the animated version ( made in wallpaper engine )

    And that would make it 16th wallpaper from Valorant, this time more way more colorful, breaking the series. If you love it or you hate it, would love to hear some opinions

    submitted by /u/ExCharny
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    I added captions to some highlights from mine and Lothar's VCT EU stream yesterday

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    VALORANT Lore - Viper

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Theorizing has been kept to a minimum in this thread as I prefer to only talk about canonical lore. For those new to VALORANT Lore, I have added a glossary of any lore-specific terms used in the thread.

    Viper is Agent 02 of the VALORANT Protocol, meaning she was the second agent to join the organisation, after Agent 01, Brimstone. She is also one of the organisation's founders, alongside Brimstone. Her real name is Sabine, although she dislikes being called by it.

    Viper is a chemist from Alaska, USA. She uses an array of self-made poisonous chemical devices to control the battlefield, cripple the enemy's vision and wear them down, both physically and mentally. She thoroughly enjoys playing with her food, employing various mind games and observing their deterioration with great interest.
    Viper is a very sadistic person. She thrives on the enemy's suffering and prefers slow, painful methods to kill her prey by her poisons and toxins rather than simply killing them. She also displays multiple signs and symptoms of sociopathy, not caring for the safety of herself or others and showing no remorse for the harm she inflicts.

    Before becoming the VALORANT agent that she is today, Sabine was a normal chemist who used her research and skills to heal others rather than inflict pain like she does today. She is implied to have worked with or worked for the Kingdom Corporation, and researched Radianite and Radiants as part of her work. However, something significant happened to her that caused her to lose everything, and this event had a toll on her mental health, possibly being the cause of the sadistic and sociopathic nature she possesses in the present. As a result of losing everything, Sabine turned to a path of violence and revenge, using the Radianite technology she had closely been studying in the past to create poisonous chemical devices: gas emitters, chemical launchers and sprayers, all using her own potent toxins and gases. Viper's connection to the Kingdom Corporation and her new found path of revenge made her the perfect candidate for a founder of the VALORANT Protocol. Blaming the Earth 2 attackers for what happened to her in the past, Viper now takes extreme joy in taking part in VALORANT missions, protecting her home and simultaneously observing the suffering and pain of her opponents.

    Breach - Being one of the VALORANT Protocol's founders, Viper personally hired Breach to join the organisation, although Breach's induction was not a smooth affair. They have a mutual respect for each other, although their relationship isn't much more than two colleagues.
    Brimstone - Brimstone, being another founder of the VALORANT Protocol, works closely with Viper in matters regarding the organisation. Although Viper dislikes his moral approach to handling and leading missions, their relationship is definitely more complex than just colleagues. Like Viper, Brimstone also has a connection to Kingdom, so it's possible they knew each other before the VALORANT Protocol as well. In some cases, Brimstone also calls Viper by her real name, Sabine, which suggests they are friends, just with a very complicated relationship. Both know a lot of information they have not revealed to the other agents.
    Cypher - Viper is interested in the information Cypher collects about the Earth 2 attackers, and often approaches him regarding it. However, their relationship is strictly professional.
    Killjoy - Viper and Killjoy are the VALORANT Protocol's two scientists that we currently know of, and both run tests of some sort while on the battlefield. Viper refers to Killjoy as a "little mouse", implying she is condescending towards Killjoy as a scientist, being older and having more experience in the lab.
    Omen - Viper and Omen have definitely crossed paths in the past, and it is heavily implied that they have known each other since Omen was a normal human being. Voice lines also suggest they were close friends in the past, but something (possibly Omen becoming a Radiant) complicated that relationship, as both only consider each other as old friends. Despite this, they do seem to care about each other, even if they choose to hide it.
    Reyna - Before the VALORANT Protocol, Viper experimented on a little girl with a connection to Reyna (possibly Reyna's little sister), whether it was with good intentions or bad intentions, we don't know at the moment. However, the experiment was likely to have resulted in harm to or the death of the girl, and this may have caused animosity between Viper and Reyna. Viper notes that Reyna seems to be after her, although Reyna does not seem to possess extreme hate towards Viper, possibly because she does not know Viper's true identity.
    Sage - Viper and Sage have crossed paths in the past, and whatever happened, was not a smooth affair. Viper says that Sage "failed" her in the past, suggesting they worked together on something, but Sage was unable to do what she was expected to. Whatever happened, it has definitely stuck with Viper, and she is very bitter and resentful towards Sage about it.

    VALORANT Protocol - An organisation or protocol that brings agents from around the world to fight and defend Earth from attackers and radianite based events
    The Kingdom Corporation - A mega corporation that harnesses the energy from radianite to benefit humanity. Their radianite power program accounts for more than three quarters of the world's energy production. Their headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan at the map Split and extract radianite from landmarks and cities around the world, including the city of Bind in Morocco, and the monasteries located in Thimphu, Bhutan, near the site Haven. They are implied to have a connection to the founding and administration of the VALORANT Protocol, possibly being the main people behind it's foundation.
    Radianite - An element that was discovered after First Light, the cataclysmic event that impacted Earth years ago. Radianite is very powerful, and the Kingdom Corporation have found a way to produce power and energy out of it. It is also capable of turning humans into radiants if they come into contact with it.
    Radiant - A human or individual with supernatural powers as a result of contact with Radianite. Some of the VALORANT agents are Radiants, including Astra, Jett, Omen, Phoenix, Reyna, Sage, Skye and Yoru.
    Radianite technology - Advanced technology powered by Radianite. The non-radiant agents use this type of technology in combat to help them against the powers Radiants possess.
    Earth 2 - The other Earth from another reality. Both Earth 1 (our Earth) and Earth 2 are in conflict over Radianite, as both Earths need Radianite to power themselves. Earth 2 sends VALORANT strike teams to plant spikes at Kingdom worksites to steal radianite, whereas our Earth's VALORANT Protocol sends strike teams of agents to stop the detonation of the spike and protect our radianite.

    If there are any other members of the VALORANT Lore Community reading this, please let me know if I've missed anything and feel free to theorize about Viper's lore in the replies! As for anyone who isn't familiar with VALORANT Lore, feel free to ask questions and I or someone else from the Lore community will hopefully answer! I will make more Lore posts about the other agents as well so keep an eye out if you're interested.

    submitted by /u/CompleatBeet
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    Agent keybinds ETA?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    Hello, I wonder if there was any news about agent specific keybinds? I remember back in april devs were talking about this being one of priorities back then but they were quiet about this for now.

    submitted by /u/Frenzytune
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    This is a one clip ass this is probably my best ace so far, its not too impressive because its silver lobbies but all well

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    I made a Valorant Ability Tier Chart

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Hello, I was trying to use tier charts with friends and realized some were either out of date, or it was hard to quickly scan the tier chart to see who's ability is what.

    So I decided to make my own. I hope you guys will enjoy it as it took most of my workday!

    Here is what it looks like:


    Here is the link:



    submitted by /u/DrChooo
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    Are there any Twitch users amongst you guys?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:44 AM PDT


    I am currently working on a research project at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany) for my masters degree. My research group and I are desperately searching for research subjects, that would take part in our short online survey. We are particularly looking for Twitch users only since the subject of our research roughly revolves around Twitch usage (can't name the exact subject in order to prevent bias ;-)).
    It would be super nice if anybody on here, that is frequently watching streams on Twitch could take our survey. It would really support our research project.

    Your data will be treated confidentially and only for scientific purposes.

    Feel free to share the survey with family and friends - we are looking forward to as many participants as possible.

    Link: http://wiwigoettingen.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6DViiWMl9i0rswK

    Duration: 7-10 minutes

    Target group: Twitch users

    Thanks a lot and best regards!


    submitted by /u/mxms_blck
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    The playerbase got upset when Omen was the must-have pick every single game but Jett does not get the same treatment despite enjoying a near 100% pick rate in both teams. How come?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    There is rarely a game without Jett being picked in both teams nowadays and I'm curious why it's okay for Jett to be a permanent must-have pick but it wasn't okay when it came to Omen. No agent has a pick rate even close to Jett. People definitely had an issue with Omen being the must-have pick every single game and there being no diversity, but Jett somehow dodges both nerfs and community outrage despite enjoying a near 100% pick rate in both teams. I realize most teams use 1 controller and 2 duelists, but the sentiment remains the same.

    submitted by /u/Vitalytoly
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    If u had to add a new weapon. What would it be?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    I know valorant already has a great balance of weapons, but just as a thought. What weapon would u add? And why? Comment the Specs and look.

    submitted by /u/nobody_2014
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    Wallbangs are completely random.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:06 AM PDT

    Is it just me or there are random moments when all my shots are registered as wallbangs when the enemy is right out in the open and there's nothing in the way between the two of us. While in some other cases, the enemy is right behind the wall not even peeking or jigglepeeking and kills me with no wallbang whatsoever.

    submitted by /u/McNuggetRice
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    Stop talking shit about your bottom frag: sometimes they're just having a bad few rounds.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    I feel like this should be pretty obvious, but please don't talk shit about your bot frags or people who are having a bad game- it's not going to make them play any better unless they play better when they're mad at their team (unlikely), and it just ends up bringing down team morale.

    Case in point: Me, on Reyna, going 5-9, with my 3/4 of the rest of my team shidding on me, saying that I'm an embarrassment, I need to uninstall, fix my shit, and so on. 1 person (thank you kind stranger!) stood up for me a little bit and just that one act of someone being nice to the bot frag boosted my confidence infinitely. I ended up Team MVP by the end of the match (even though we lost 11-13).

    tl;dr: try to be nice to the bot frag. Lift their spirits, and they'll probably play better as a result.

    submitted by /u/Healthy-Worker
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    Is there a way to bind shoot and crouch to the same key?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I can swear that's how most people play in deathmatch :|

    So, now for the real question:

    Is it just me or players in deathmatch crouch a hell of a lot more than in competitive?

    Why is this?

    submitted by /u/rohnesLoraf
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    Why is remake such a useless command

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:30 AM PDT

    There are plenty of situations where you get an afk after the second round, or they haven't even despawned on second round so the fact remake can only be used on that second round is just, annoying and makes the command often never be used

    submitted by /u/harold_the_hamster
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    Glitchpop sheriff concept art!

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Glitchpop sheriff concept art!

    I made a skin concept for the sheriff using Blender 3D. It doesn't have the holographic image yet, but it will be visible when you reload the gun. The sheriff is my favorite gun and glitchpop my favorite bundle, so I had to make the skin!

    Glitchpop Sheriff


    submitted by /u/WS_games
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    Big tilt problem

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    first of all to me:

    Im a Diamond 1 player who would consider himself pretty good.

    Why pretty good? I had in faceit back in my csgo times 2.5k elo and played the beta on back then " Valorant " rank.

    I started playing valorant 1/1,5 months ago.

    I dominate most of the games, and get almost every game a match or team mvp.

    I just have one big problem thats holding me back, and thats me tilting and getting toxic.

    I know that i´m a really toxic player. I think it comes from me getting really frustrated on bad players or players that cant reach the same level as me or my teammates that do well.

    Although im still climbing pretty fast (In 100 games from silver to DIamond), i still get really toxic.

    If i could just become a "nice person" in that way, it would make me improve so much more. Do you have any advices?

    submitted by /u/Steven144
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