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    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    VALORANT Weapon Skin Concept : Slipstream Phantom

    VALORANT Weapon Skin Concept : Slipstream Phantom

    Weapon Skin Concept : Slipstream Phantom

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Weapon Skin Concept : Slipstream Phantom

    Hello everybody! Hope you are doing well

    This time, I decided to make a skin concept based upon Sports Cars. Behold, the Slipstream Phantom, slick n' smooth like a phantom should be. It features elements from cars like exhaust flaps or an engine, and also having car liveries as color schemes. This was supposed to be a competitor to Ion Phantom, but I think Ion's just too superior.

    This skin concept also features some inspiration from the Prime, Glitchpop, and some old iterations of the Ion skins (all credits to Riot artists) of the Phantom.

    This is also the first time I'm trying such a design. Please don't mind If it looks messy







    Variants (With special Valorant variant)


    Hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/RivalRudra
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    Can we talk about how the game feels off during peak hours?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    I was just watching some early beta videos of Valorant and everything felt so crisp, clean and smooth.

    That's something I get once every 5-10 games or so because I mostly play during the day.

    I've been trying to play during the off hours early in the morning and the game just responds so much better. It's a night and day difference, playing like a different game. Also the fps on my pc is from 190 average to 220. No Ferrari peeks, no players gliding when peeking, making shooting them near impossible, shots properly registering, no opponents seemingly shooting faster nor does it feel like playing half a second behind at times, making climbing up ranks much easier and enjoyable imo.

    I guess after the release(ive also heard people talking about the 0.5 patch causing many issues) either it was the huge influx of players, Riot's decision to cut down on server costs or a combination of both that caused the quality of the gameplay to plummet.

    It's not a matter of "git gud", i'm immortal and so many people have said the same thing. I have a good setup, i've talked with support for fix, they even admitted games during peak hours can have effect on the gameplay. During the day I have to play like a rat so much more often to cheese kills at times.

    We need to have a proper discussion with the game developers about this issue because I among of many would like to have smoother gameplay during the daytime and evenings. I read somewhere that there are 3 games played on a server's single thread, maybe that's the cause of overloads and desync? I don't know, i'm just guessing.

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_TIDDIES69
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    Ace Clutch with Notes

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:20 PM PDT

    I felt like the Agent screen was laking a bit, so i decided to rework it to be a little more simpler to use.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    I felt like the Agent screen was laking a bit, so i decided to rework it to be a little more simpler to use.

    I also added a video showcase of the skills, so you know how they works directly from the menu.

    Sorry for the crappy edit, it was done in 15 minutes.


    submitted by /u/Mun192
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    Just played my first game. Valorant is my first ever "economy" shooter. My first impressions:

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    So, I played Phoenix. Turns out he's someone that players consider a beginner-friendly character! Lucky me.

    I wasted all my ults. My favorite was when I ulted, rounded a corner, got popped by a Cypher, rezzed, and he popped me again while I was brushing off my collar. I laughed my ass off at that.

    I flashed myself three times, luckily it never killed me.

    I killed someone with my E once, so that was cool.

    The wall of fire, I used it a lot and never really did much with it.

    I found myself trending towards using the heavy machine guns a bit more than anything else, I think Odin? Whatever the one with the 100-round mag is. Got several kills with it, which made me a happy lad.

    I tried the snipers out over a couple of rounds and died horribly before I could get more than a single kill.

    Over the first couple of rounds, I liked using the silenced pistol. Seemed like a reliable close-mid range early game killer.

    Armor seems important, but it gets shredded FAST.

    TL;DR: Seems cool might play more.

    PS: Any recommendations for guns/agents that suit the playstyle of someone who prefers to play mid-range with a splash of utility?

    submitted by /u/xSubjectAlphax
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    Phoenix main question

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    I always flash people but they tend to be holding the angle I'm coming from and they just start blind spraying and end up killing me anyway. This happens A LOT.

    What are some tips for effective flashing and staying safe while making the most of my flashes.

    Just for context I am Silver 3

    submitted by /u/Warcrow999
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    I really can't believe how poorly optimized this game is now

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    It cannot be overstated how important game optimization is to me. I cannot stand when a game performs inconsistently, crashes, has bugs etc. and I know most of you probably feel the same. When I look at the games I've enjoyed the most over the past few years, they obviously were great games but they all also had great performance and optimization. Up until the last few months, Valorant was definitely in that class. I recommended the game to several of my friends, with one of the main selling points being how awesome the performance and dev support is for it. And while I believe the dev support is still excellent, and I know Riot is working to find solutions, the performance of the game is currently unacceptable. It crashes over half the time I open it, with several different error codes being the cause. My frame rate has dropped by 30-40 FPS in the past several months. It's flat out just a buggy, inconsistent game right now. I definitely have high confidence in Riot that these issues will be resolved, and I know that I'm being a bit of Karen, but I'm just a little disappointed that this game has fallen so far in this category. I hope fixing these is their main priority right now, have seen several other titles focus on new content rather than current issues. End rant

    submitted by /u/pac9383
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    Invisible boom bot??

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Agents like Kj

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    So me and my best friend both main as Killjoy and want to play together the thing is me and her find her the easiest (since she's our main) so i was just wondering if there was an agent that you consider to be similar to her - i used to main sage but for the last 3-4 weeks started playing kj and have noticed that i'm way worse at her compared to kj

    submitted by /u/Wilbyinnit
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    I can only use the spectre

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    Whenever I play with my friends they always tell me to buy a phantom or a vandal but whenever I have one in my hands I die a quick death.I can top frag with a Spectre and don't see a need to stop using it (I'm basically a noob) what should I do continue using the spectre or try and use one of the 'better guns' even if it means I take a considerable hit to my stats as I'm sure it will take me alot of deaths without kills to use it to the same ability I use the spectre.

    submitted by /u/TheRealChris0re
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    Valorant Rounds VOD and Friendly Aim Reminder :)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    idk if it has been posted before, but this is a good drill you can do in the range to practice those weird headshots.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    Do people hate losing that much or is the game just not fun when losing?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    In unrated, every second game is forfeited after just a few rounds. For me the game is still fun, even when losing, so I don't really understand why so people want to give up so fast. It's unrated so the only explanation I have is, that for others it's just that not fun playing the game, which would be the fault of the game, no? Anyone mind to explain?

    submitted by /u/BroChang
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    Is it my internet or is this game really missing something?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    Starting today I’m trying an experiment where I meditate for 5 minutes a day for 30 days straight and see how my gameplay improves

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    I hypothesize it'll make me more consistent, locked in, and focused on the present as opposed to self-expectations or toxicity getting under my skin. Perhaps my gamesense and ability to take in information improved as well!

    submitted by /u/ScrewLxgic
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    picture taken moments before epicness

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    In a valorant game very very near, that took place an hour ago, Sova, also known as SisigTofuSisig, brought a knife to a gunfight, and slit the throat of his enemy flawlessly. https://imgur.com/a/mhyhAY7

    submitted by /u/Visible_Water
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    How to outplay better players?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Im dia 2 demoted after a lose streak and im seriously frustrated with myself. When i win or lose im bottom fragging or mid frag and I can't seem to break to 2nd frag or top. I always lose the opening duels no matter what I do (hide in off angles or take a 1v1 peek). I always lose my spray fights as well. No matter how I decide to play my game it seems its always read by the opponent. Any tips for aiming in game and good game sense?

    submitted by /u/BuildingSubstantial6
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    Missing Ask Valorant Communication

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    The last Ask Valorant was May 31st - nearly two months ago. There are many long overdue questions (especially here on the subreddit) such as:

    • The planned replay system
    • The planned gifting system
    • Why can't we hide Account Level
    • Why were the pregame banners changed
    • When will the smurf investigation be published
    • Have the voice comm recording privacy changes started
    • The planned weapon downgrade system
    • The planned agent specific keybinds system
    • Will an extra rotating shop slot be added
    • Will AFK detection be changed to catch script/macro bots

    To be honest, they need an article just addressing things they've already promised. Its not the responsibility for devs to answer these in their free time on Reddit, but an article would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Lavenwar
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    I feel like I slowly get worst day by day.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    I have been playing Valorant almost daily since the start of Episode 2 and I used to play great in terms of my ELO but recently I just started playing really bad, most of the time, in the bottom 4 players in the leaderboard of the games I win. And it's not even my teammates fault, I just started to suck since last 3 days and don't seem to get better, what do I do? It feels weird, I start thinking that I don't deserve my rank. Here are my stats- Tracker.gg

    Also, does anyone know any discord server / community for getting better in valorant?

    Title edit: worse not worst

    submitted by /u/MilanTheMyth
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    Woah man, I've been playing BAD but I'm normally good. Other generic questions.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Like the title says, I've been having a lot of bad games lately. Is there something I'm doing wrong? How can I become a pro? Here is a long list of things that I know I'm doing wrong, but can one of you pros please confirm what I already know?

    I've noticed that I'm bronze but I should be playing like immortal. I used to hit my shots and now I don't. Am I thinking about it too much? I have seen tons of posts giving people advice about the same shit but I feel like I should make yet another post on this sub because I am special.

    Also, wow this community is so toxic that I have to leave games because I don't know that a mute function exists on almost every game. Words hurt my feelings. Also, apparently Bad people exist in this world and they all clearly play Valorant. I mean, I'm honestly so surprised that assholes exist. Who would have though that a competetive game has rude people in it?

    Also, what's the best agent? I won't bother playing anything but the best. I know there are lists that exists on Google and tons of reddit posts, but I thought I would ask again, just in case. I love to play KJ but my buddy plays KJ and we just haven't learned to play any other agents. Who should switch?

    Oh! Smurfs = bad, Odin spam = difficult to deal with.

    Wtf guys? Please help! I'm 5 hours into this game and I've noticed zero improvement? Any tips?

    submitted by /u/EhhRicky
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    I have fairly decent aim but keep dying to poor decision making. What are your thought processes when evaluating a potential play?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    One example was when I was pushing A ramp on split from attackers spawn as Yoru. I flashed around the corner as the enemy brimstone smoked the bottom area right in front of me. After the flash I peeked again to see if I could hit through the smoke and get a pick but ended up getting head-shotted. I realize that good aim is only half the battle and that tactical thinking and decision making play a huge role in a game as punishing as this. Would anyone mind telling me what I could do better in this situation and how to evaluate potential plays? I appreciate it, Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Shot_Advantage_7679
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    Best site for pro play agent pick rates?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    I'm wanting to find some info about pro play (agent selection in this case) and I'm finding it difficult to find up to date info with agent pick rates overall, by map, agent win rate etc. Can a kind soul help me out with some link or website suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/GuenzoAnoe
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