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    Monday, July 26, 2021

    VALORANT Bucky But Synced

    VALORANT Bucky But Synced

    Bucky But Synced

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    I decided to redo the KAY/O intro in Blender. (rendered in Eevee)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    Why did they remove the banners?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 03:25 AM PDT

    Since patch 3.0 I kinda don't care that much for player cards because you only see a minimal profile picture of them when the match is loading and not the whole banner art. For example the yr1 card looks really cool in my opinion but the profile pic of it is just a cake, and because that I don't like it that much. I think they should bring back the old design because it looks better and the name and the title don't need that much space.

    submitted by /u/Cap_Rogers05
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    I made a program for you to see your performance in different positions on every map, Leetify-style! You can filter your performance by attacker/defender side as well

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Players intentionally throwing the game by being afk and inputting some commands to not get kicked.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    Today.. in competitive..a Raze player wasnt playing the game..he wasnt abandoning or being kicked for AFK..he was inputting little commands so that he wont be kicked..when we called him out and reported him he starting throwing nades on us and was body blocking as well..killed us with his own ult.. Does the Report function really help..what penalties do they suffer and how do we know if the reported player has been charged for the offense..?

    submitted by /u/carlos_the_dog
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    I'm new to the game so I'm sorry if this is well know but I found a cool viper lineup.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I just had a really great match. It felt so good

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    Mind you I was playing unrated. I am not even talking about my or team's aim or kills. Its just the sheer teamwork and coordination we had was out of this world. We all had never met each other before, but the way we played, it felt like we put in hours of practice together in strats and coordination. I had assumed role of IGL and man, the calls, the push, strats, it was all on point. No toxicity or people throwing at all. I just wish I had more of these matches in Competitive. (Most of u prolly wouldnt care, I just wanted to share this)

    submitted by /u/Demiurge-sama
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    Enlightening Discussion: Trading vs Baiting, high lvl players what's the difference?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Far too often at Iron-Gold do I see players not want to push on to site or swing together. Whoever is in front at the point of entry refuses to go in because their teammate is behind them and they just say "stop baiting me!". I notice this is definitely the case if no one has mics in so they take the most negative perspective of the situation, you don't have the coms to say "let's swing this together" so the player behind without a mic is basically going to try to trade you out the best way the know how. You also have many players that don't understand the concept of trading, I myself have said "Trade me out" and after I die nothing happens and a player will respond with "what does that mean"?

    So for the sake of discussion from both a high level and low-level point of view high-level and low-level players please explain in your mind the difference between baiting and trading. Is bating forgivable if they kill the person that killed you? Conceptually is it just the principle of the fact that you have to die first that bothers you when it's time to trade? Is it less of an issue when personal stats have no outcome on your ranking and Wins/Loss is all that matters?

    submitted by /u/heavylifted
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    Here’s a Deathmatch idea.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    Don't show us anything, who killed how many, who's on top, who's on bottom, victory, defeat, nothing. Just show us our KDA at the end, which can only be seen by us, no one else. People really see deathmatch from a competitive perspective, i think this would help, better warm up.

    submitted by /u/SheikhH527
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    Why make fun of people who try to speak English ?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    My English isn't excellent so I will use google translate. Sorry in advance for the mistakes :)

    I play on European servers where a lot of people with different languages ​​meet in-game.

    When I enter the game the first thing I look at is if my allies have voice chat enabled and I always say "hi".

    But often I don't have an answer.

    A lot of my friends also don't respond when someone tries to communicate in voice chat in their game.

    For me the game is easier with voice chat, so I asked them why they weren't using it.

    The main reason they gave me was that other players made fun of them when they tried to speak English.

    Yesterday I experienced this situation for the first time.

    I tried to give information and made a mistake. Two other players spent the next four rounds laughing at me for my mistake (the two remaining players never spoke during the game).

    My English is not excellent and I quickly corrected myself.

    But I didn't understand why it was necessary to make fun of someone who tries to speak a foreign language that he doesn't use every day.

    So my question is: how do you react to this kind of thing?

    I have also noticed that 80% of the time the comments about English come from people who don't have English as their mother tongue.

    submitted by /u/Hairox
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    The correct spelling is peeking

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:29 PM PDT

    I've seen this so many times already. People always spell peeking as peaking. I would understand how people can confuse angle with angel, but peak and peek are just very different. Peeking is originally from the word peek which is to have a quick look into something. Peak is like the top of a mountain, so when you say peaking, it is like your on top of a graph or something.

    Now before you guys call me out, please this has been a serious problem at some point because I had some friends that spelled "peaking" in their essays in the context of someone peeking through a hole. It is just so wrong that even my teacher laughed.

    We need everyone to know this. Please.

    submitted by /u/5thTy
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    epic jett dash bhop (kinda)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    Can't use the communication wheel witbout jumping.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    I have scroll wheel bind to jump which is needed to navigate the communication wheel. It would be nice if riot could make jump not work with the com wheel open so I can use it without giving up my position by jumping.

    submitted by /u/cloaked_rhombus
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    I made a new Valorant Icon for the next tournament!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:21 PM PDT


    I have spent a lot of time thinking through the most, no... best, anime vibe icon for the next Valorant tournament. I think it would really shed some light on what the community really wants next time. Do you think it's a good solution? (I am an omen main btw so yes some bias is in there sry).

    Here is the artwork that I want to discuss with you all:


    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/DrChooo
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    Why is Ranked non competitive

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    This act i started on Diamond 1, i reached imortal in 2 days, i was playing vs radiants, all games were fine, now i win 1 game lose 6, im d3 already, and i dont have any game that is competitive. Even when i win!

    normally my games are like these

    team that wins: has the guy that kills 30, doesnt have the guy who kills less then 5

    team that loses: doesnt have the guy who kills 30 have the guy who kills less then 5

    i have almost 100 wins this act, all of them in imortal, i just demoted now to diamond but 90% of my games this season were like these

    submitted by /u/SkailerProd
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    Killjoy Fanart.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:58 PM PDT

    Killjoy Fanart.

    An old drawing of Killjoy. From a contest that I entered a while ago, and I would like to show you now. I hope you like it as it took me quite a long time. I wanted to try the style that Valorant wears, but clearly Valorant's art is superior. I hope you like it. XOXO


    submitted by /u/Jazmimiunnt
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    Lots of arab and turkish players in EU servers?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Not complaining just wondering, because I get matched with a lot of players from that region now for some reason.

    submitted by /u/Cute_Bubble
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    Okay, solo queue is a "coin flip", but do you guys feel the same way for party queue?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    I've heard many people say that solo queuing is a huge coin flip. Sometimes they get good teammates, sometimes they don't, sometimes the enemy team is shit, sometimes the enemy team has Tenz on it. Considering the huge amount of random variables of solo queuing since you basically enter a match alone and you have to perform on your own to win, I agree with this.

    But do you guys feel the same about party queue? Sometimes your friends have a good day and play sick, but sometimes they can play bad too which forces you to perform. Even though all of the party lobby is cracked, what if we get a terrible solo queuer? Or we're matched against a team with Korean Jett? Don't these cases considered "coin flip" as well?

    Why am I asking this? Because I often get advice from my friends that I should always solo queue for a higher chance of winning. On the flip side, other people say that I should party queue more to reduce the randomness of the games we have, as I have explained in this post. Maybe both of these statements are true, but I think that I perform better when solo queueing because I can focus more on my own gameplay.

    submitted by /u/M4M4S
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    Competitive Mindset

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    I recently got into Valorant and have found the game to be incredibly toxic, with people scapegoating and screaming at or backseat gaming another player on their team. I just got out of a game where I was the target of this flame, and I had to mute chat because of it. This sucks because you miss out on information and callouts. I play Phoenix and I find that frequently when I'm not top frag (even if im not doing bad, say an even KD and middle of scoreboard) people will blame the loss on me saying i'm not clearing site enough or I should have a better KD than them because "I'm a fragger." This is generally true, fraggers tend to have higher KDs. But players have all different skill levels. As long as the fragger is entering site, clearing angles, and trying their best to make space for their team, they are doing their job to the best of their ability. Sometimes they might just have a bad game and lose a few gunfights, or sometimes they might die due to being peeked from multiple angles or any number of reasons. People can make good defensive plays and take out a fragger. My point is- there are many many factors at play in any game, and sometimes people's competence in playing their role or their contribution to the team may not be evident on the scoreboard. Even if someone isn't doing their job, blaming someone will only cause them to play much worse or to mute chat and miss out on info. It is important to keep in mind that people have bad games and sometimes the enemy team is just BETTER at gunfighting than you! And this is totally okay. As I said, there are so many factors at play and this is a team game. If you feel as if your fragger is losing gunfights or not clearing angles, try telling them "hey flash here and ill follow and trade you" or think of ways in which you can change things up so as to find a method to win the game. Many games my team has been down 0-7 but found our groove and a way to play that works and steamrolled for many rounds, because we stayed calm and didn't tear people and our team down with toxicity and blame. I know many reading this are not the problem, but I just have become very frustrated with this game and wanted to try to put some positivity out there, and hopefully someone who sees this will take it to heart. Even if someone is TERRIBLE and throwing the game- they can't magically double their skill level. Ask yourself if you could do something different- is your team buying and saving at the proper times? Are you pushing site together and using util? Could you try playing default or pushing slower? In a game with quick reaction time and quick thinking required, flaming someone will only get in their head and make them nervous and effect their ability to play. So be uplifting, and help your teammates who are struggling to succeed and be confident. I know this kind of post is probably frequent on this subreddit but I just wanted to put my thoughts out there and provide my perspective as someone who is new and trying to learn the game.

    submitted by /u/KittiesOnAcid
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    SUGGESTION: why doesn't RIOT add the option to practice with bots on actual maps?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    I usually use the range before getting on, and in between using the shooting range I go over to do the defusal and planting modes against the bots on hard. I feel like I've learned the positions they can spawn and where they can push and as such am pretty good at pre-aiming there. That said, it's fairly useless as it's just the range. What if RIOT made these bots and, again placed them in common spots but for every bombsite, on every map (along with maybe some scattered across mid as well)? Then as practice, you could queue in and shoot them in whichever angle they are in, as such helping you remember places to actually prefire on the map later on. In addition, this would help learn things like lineups and such without having to necessitate a friend standing there bored waiting for you to try it, and I don't know if RIOT are currently working on implementing this, but if not, why? Let me know what you think of this suggestion and if there are flaws in it since I just posted it as soon as I thought of it basically.

    submitted by /u/tocedor
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    Map selection only for DM

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Valorant keeps putting new maps and that's great I enjoy our a lot. What I wanted was that we could select maps for only DM coz I want to practice on a specific map for a while instead of getting it on comp like 5 times in a row making me more tilted than ever. I feel adding map selection only for DM would help players to improve on maps they know they usually can't play well on. Like for me it is breeze and bind so I would prefer playing this maps only in DM so I can like improve my corner clearing and peeking in these maps. Lemme know what u guys think.

    submitted by /u/Dull_Tangelo_6047
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