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    Saturday, June 13, 2020

    VALORANT Things we currently want in the game

    VALORANT Things we currently want in the game

    Things we currently want in the game

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    I like to scroll through this subreddit and this is what I gathered:

    Things I got from the comments:

    • Crosshair more optimization
    • Radionite points replaced with V points in the battle pass
    • Commands in customn game
    • Deathmatch
    • Seeing your legs when looking down (Mixed opinions)
    • Running and then headshotting someone is too common
    • Bots when someone leaves that you can take over.
    • Left handed character model for holding your weapons
    • Spectating your friends game
    • More datacenters in general
    • Agent and weapon presets, so for example having a different set sensitivity for the vandal and different bindings for another agent
    • Multiple people say the ability to votekick. Idk. There is high potential to grief in this game with abilities but I have played since early beta and I haven't seen a single troll.
    • Russian server
    • Middle East server (There are low amounts of players but they are suffering allot, atleast multiple datacenters in the middle east)
    • Better surround sound
    • Valorant coming to console (Mixed opinions)
    • Being able to change your view model
    • Change title option location change
    • Sudden death change (Idk personally tho I really don't want a tie in the game)
    • Immediately equip your main gun after planting or using an ability
    • Gunplay harder, so more recoil and spread etc.
    • When rank gets added, you should be able to see your friends rank in client
    • Buying a weapon for a teammate should not stop you from running
    • I think like League's eternals to Valorant, some type of stat tracker. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/gtx8iq/my_wish_is_that_in_the_future_well_have_very/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
    • Different skins for attack and defense
    • Extra missions for people with the battle pass
    • Killcam (Mixed opinions)
    • Leaving punishment lowered
    • Being able to switch servers
    • 1 Minute time out vote
    • Indian servers
    • Vanguard should only be on while the game is open.
    • ''View profile'' in client
    • Cross region play (Mixed opinions)
    • Map editor
    • Shuffle skins option

    Bug fixes, animations, maps and new agents obviously

    lol rip my inbox

    Tell me if I should remove/add something

    Note: I only agree with like 90% of this list, I only call out what the community is saying.

    submitted by /u/MaybeAFish_
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    $71 Skin Bundles Shouldn’t Be A Thing

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    The skins in this game look fantastic, but really $71 for 5 colored skins. You can get a brand new AAA game like Cyberpunk for example plus a season pass for a game with so much content or you know 5 recolors for guns...

    And that's all they practically are recolors except the knife, the only way to give them cool animations and sound/lighting effects is to throw even more money into the specific skins themselves, sooo much money for a few skins.

    Please Valorant so many people want to buy skins but not for over the price of a brand new AAA game.

    "It's a free game" isn't a valid argument in this case

    submitted by /u/JustGavinBennett
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    For the love of god, stop smoking your own team's approach

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    Maybe it's because the unrated matchmaking sucks, but I see this in so many games:

    Team is up from defending/attacking. Then, player with smokes (mostly Brimstone) decides to place smokes in the same place for the next 10 rounds, which coincidentally also cuts off the entire teams access to one of the sites, multiple people run in, die, and the round is done. Repeat for the next 10 rounds, and you just lost.

    Please, just stop. Don't deny your own team's vision/entryways, do it for your opponents.

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    If you're using colour blind purple, friendly Reyna's shouldn't also appear purple

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    ^ Basically thread. I've been playing with purple outlines because I find it easier to see, but I keep getting trolled when Reyna's on my team will give the same purple outline. I've lost fights trying to shoot my own team. Surely there is a work around where friendly Reyna's can appear a different colour if you choose purple

    submitted by /u/RedditUsername123456
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    My story of Valorant, loss, and new beginnings.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    I don't really know why I'm writing this here, maybe catharsis, or maybe so someone can hear the story of myself and my friend and take some joy in the people they still have in their life. I fully expect this wall of text ramble to get lost in the shuffle of more interesting shit but here goes. I had a friend, we'll call him S, who I met years ago through a random Reddit post. We started by playing Magic the Gathering and that quickly evolved into playing online games together as well. Over the years, we played so many games together, almost every night of the week, that the question of if one or the other would be on in a given night shifted mostly to when. S was the first (and I suspect last) friend I had who would stay up all night playing a game and then want to do the same thing every night of the week until we were sick of a game. No other friend I've ever had was so willing to blow off real life in order to hang out.

    For years this relationship grew. We'd take extended breaks from playing together for different reasons. Sometimes work was just too consuming, sometimes we'd be stuck on different games (for whatever reason I never could fathom S didn't like Path of Exile). But after weeks or months we'd be back at it, playing the same game, making stupid jokes, weird voices, and generally cracking each other up. And we collected a solid group of friends along the way as well. In particular, the last 6 months we had some of the most fun we'd ever had with Friday night game nights being 7 or 8 of us playing Gmod or some other party game. I knew how lucky I was to have such a group of online friends.

    But it wasn't all perfect. S had health problems (that I won't go into here) and didn't take very good care of himself. It caused unpredictable mood swings and he wound up in the hospital several times. The most recent episode, I ended up talking to him pretty bluntly about it. I told him that he knew, and I knew, that if he didn't take better care of himself he was going to die. And that we had too many more adventures to go on for that to happen anytime soon. S was always very stand-offish about these types of conversations. But somehow this time, it really got through to him. And this last year he was doing better than I'd ever seen him.

    Enter Valorant. We'd played League of Legends off and on for years and were very excited to try Riot's new shooter. When the beta dropped, we watched streams for 3 days to get a key. Our other friend R, got one after like 6 hours and taunted us relentlessly until we finally got in. For weeks we played Valorant, having some of the best nights we'd ever have playing an exciting and amazing new game. S was particularly fond of Sova, whom he dubbed "Arrow Man" and refused to call him any other name even over comms. Not wanting to get burnt out before the game actually launched, we decided to hit pause on Valorant, play the new Terraria update, and jump back in when the game officially launched. Global pandemic be damned, we were doing pretty alright. Myself, S, and R, could not wait to grind competitive Valorant for weeks and end up somewhere in high silver and have a good laugh about how much we suck.

    S died of an unexpected heart attack about 3 weeks ago. It was tangentially related to his conditions, but still very unexpected for someone in their late 20s. I hardly remember the few days after, it was like getting the breath knocked out of me emotionally. I couldn't feel anything and when I tried no emotions came except overwhelming, smothering sadness. It's felt like losing a limb, or a sense. Something you keep expecting to reach for only to find that thing no longer exists. Our group of friends has shattered, I never realized how much S was the hilarious glue that held everyone together. Most of them haven't been online in weeks and our Discord, once a lively place of memes and dumb screenshots, has been graveyard quiet. It's been one of the deepest pains I've ever felt in my life, and I doubt I'll ever really recover.

    But tonight, I installed Valorant, and jumped into my first game since we played in the beta. I was terrible and got like 2 kills the whole match. But no one on my team raged and two of the guys were cracking jokes and offering encouragement even as we lost. Weirdly enough, that one game, with those people who had fun with losing instead of raging, was like salve on a burn. It gave me the briefest illusion that I was back with my friends S and R, shooting people, and trying stupid things as we also lost. I doubt I'll ever really play this game again to the degree that I once wanted to. And I don't think I'll ever have the group of friends that we once had. But those two guys, who laughed and made dumb jokes tonight, you don't even know how much that meant to a random stranger on your team. So thank you. If you've read this far, thanks. And if you have an S in your life, tell them how much they mean to you. I never got the chance to say that.

    EDIT: Wow I am floored by all the kind words. Thanks everyone who dropped a line, I'll for sure reach out to some of you.

    submitted by /u/_Table_
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    Are you waiting for Ranked Mode?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    I am super excited about ranked and its system was more than good enough in Beta. I used to spend nights on it.

    But I am not even playing more than a game per day since release, if I play at all, because the game is just boring in its current state.

    Literally empty, repetitive and incredibly unpleasant to play right now due to completely random matchmaking (unbalanced teams, leavers, afk).

    This is giving a serious hit to the game's health and I am not even comfortable inviting my friends to test it out because it's such in a bad state compared to what an Official Game Public Release should be.

    submitted by /u/HugoLys
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    The Radianite system sucks

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Radianite is the currency to upgrade skins in Valorant. You get it through the battle pass, a lot of the free rewards are actually Radianite. The problem with the system is that not a single skin in the battle pass (paid and unpaid) can be upgraded with Radianite. In the entire pass you get around 200 Radianite points if paid but not a single skin to use them on. So by doing this Riot "punishes" you for buying the battle pass by giving you an utterly useless currency that encourages you to pay for their immensely overpriced weapon skins. Don't quote me on this, but the only skins I know about that can be upgraded are the collection skins that cost 70 bucks if you want a good deal on them. So please, Riot, either remove the Radianite system entirely and let us upgrade skins with Valorant points and give us some of those in the pass or give the skins in the pass upgrades. I am really disappointed in this system as I planned on getting the paid pass just to find out that none of the skins are upgradeable.

    submitted by /u/LiCo222
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    Valorant Report System is broken and needs to be fixed.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Valorant Report System is broken and needs to be fixed.

    Last night i played a match where a teammates names was "porchmonkey400." I typed in all chat and told everyone to report him. Turns out they were a 4 man, they called me the n-word repeatedly, they all reported me, and told the enemy team to report me as well. I didnt say anything in all chat except for "they keep calling me the n-word, please report them."

    I wake up this morning with a message in my chat that says "you have been restricted from using chat due to your behavior. You will be able to use chat again on June 16." And the same message saying i cant use team voice chat.

    It's unbelievable to me that the report system isnt based on any evidence and is instead based on a number of reports. It's unbelievable to me that a 4 stack of racists can team together, harass players, and get they banned because they have more people on their side.

    As a brown man in a terrible racial climate, i use Valorant and other videogames as an escapism. Im able to leave all the problems and fear calm down. But now i cant even solo q without the fear of getting punished for nothing.

    UPDATE: I put in a ticket with riot support and it instantly was marked as "solved." It tells me im at fault due to causing a disruption and "we ask that you treat others with dignity m and respect no matter the mission youre on." What a punch in the gut. This game promotes toxicity and racist behavior as long as your with a 4 stack.


    submitted by /u/SammyTings
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    Can we divide the Agents in the 'Agent Select' screen in their roles please? Nothing major but I think it would help newer players pick a balanced team composition and understand what role each Agent specialises in.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    If we had all the Duelists in a horizontal box with "Duelist" written above and "Controllers" in a box with Controller Agent types in there etc it would and should help newer players think about team compositions and tidy up the whole Agent select screen for easier navigation.

    As it stands it looks like there's all these Agents with nothing really to separate them from each other when the reality is they all serve a specific purpose in the game and within a team dynamic.

    Edit: adding this comment for further clarity

    You can't expect new players to have watched pro play and or top tier players first to understand how the game works at its core. If you divide the Agents into groups so they know the role of a Sentinel or an Initiator they can make informed decisions from the very first time playing.

    For the rest of us it would do nothing more than tidy up the UI but this post is intended to help newer players understand the game quicker which should result in those people having more fun through learning and would help player retention which also helps the higher tiers of play.

    I bet a fair chunk of new players don't even know their Agents have roles within a team structure and it shouldn't be exclusive to those that are time spent. A lot can be done to help new players navigate Valorant for a more seemless experience.

    submitted by /u/19Dan81
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    Drew the fanart of night himself

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Deathmatch should be a priority on launch. There is no actual way of warming up or practicing shooting mechanics

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    This the main reason mastering the guns at the moment is so hard. We have the proven concept from csgo: the best way to improve your aim is in a real game scenario with constant spawn like FFA deathmatch, not shooting some random bots in the range or hopping into an unrated were it's most of the times 1v1 and 8 avg/new players. Coming from csgo I have shooting mechanics that don't translate into this game and are bad habits atm. The best/fastest way of improving and mastering guns tapping/recoil is on ffa deathmatch. Even tho reaching valorant on ranked, for me deathmatch is the priority, not ranked.

    Edit: holy shit this sub is full of people who never played a competitive fps and think flicking at bots or kovacs is real practice. Those modes are solely for you to be familiar with your sense and developing muscle memory. Anyone whose been playing cs or any other comp fps is more than used to their sense. You don't flick most of the times in a real game if you have good crosshair placement. If you wanna have good practicing, playing vs real players and get the most amount of engagements per minute is the answer.

    submitted by /u/IvoAlbino
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    Has anyone seen or used this angle before?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Valorant Korea just dropped a music video

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    When Sage walls off your attack route

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    Knife skins inspect animation

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Why does the knife skins dont have cool weapon inspect like a flip or something at least With that prices 35€ for a knife it should have an unique animation for each skin. I bought the sovereign knife thinking it will have one but it only has defaul knife animation..

    If any dev see this would be nice to consider adding some cool animations to this 35€ knife skins cause i like the looks but feels kinda expensive if theres no animations. Id love to see an update for this knives skins

    submitted by /u/iGZiLaR
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    More time to say GG?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    I've tried several times to say GG or WP to the other team as a game closes but there's an INCREDIBLY small window to do that.

    Could we just increase that delay where it goes through the scoreboard too? Just a quality of life change.

    submitted by /u/eihcra_jo
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    Let prime skin users switch between old/new gun sounds

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I am already getting sick of the laser gun sounds I upgraded my prime guns to. I think it would be completely fair to let us revert back to a different level after upgrading a skin.

    submitted by /u/mlalssid
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    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Valorant at its finest

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Does anyone else feel that Radianite is way, way too expensive?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    I understand maybe the Skins being expensive, but does Radianite really need to be 4800 Valorant points for 80? 80 will upgrade 1 sovereign gun fully. And apparently, it has a 40% discount, so the real price is 6720?

    Correction thanks to /u/MaoFame /u/W00psiee /u/swim1929 The real price for Radianite points needed is 8000VP, which would be £80 again.

    So without the discount, to upgrade 1 Prime or Sovereign gun's VFX and Colours, it will cost £80? and on top of that the £80 for the weapon bundle.

    £80 Per weapon fully upgraded VFX seem's a little steep, weapon skin prices i can understand and feel that's expensive but fair but cmon.

    submitted by /u/Javaismycity
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    I'm pretty sure Raze has a secret voice line that says "Holy Shit"

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Guys, I swear to god, I was just playing and get a double kill with my grenade, after a brief pause, as clear as day, Raze said "Holy Shit." I can't find anything about the voice line online, and my friends don't believe me. I would have clipped it but I have no idea how to.

    submitted by /u/MessyNematoda
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    Unlock a weapon recolor shouldnt require to unlock previous recolours

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Before to unkock recolours you need to unlock animations, vfx, finishers..... i dont think thats fair but ok, lets say its a F2P game and they need to make money. At that point a player has spent 1700 VP (17 €) +10 radianite per level. I think it is extrenly unfair making players pay for recolours that they dont want just to unlock a recolor that they want.

    submitted by /u/c0nejit0
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    Best way to counter an operator?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    anyone else feel like the game is still in beta ?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    the game still feels clunky and pretty much like a beta, we discover new bugs everyday and some that make it unplayable, the game is in serious need of optimization the fps drops and the crashes are a nightmare, the matchmaking is broken and totally random plus the lack of competitive play you could argue that it is a downgrade from the experience we got in beta. spike rush is too short and random to have the least bit of fun or to warm up for "real" games like it was intended, just put a simple deathmatch mode like everyone is asking for. finally i don't know where the art direction is going with the skins but it's absolutely not doing it for me it's too goofy and flashy for my taste i like my skins to be unique but not straying further from the original product, i find the aristocrat, luxe, sovereign, and prime sets horrendous, and can we please stop trying to put gold on everything.

    submitted by /u/valorant-player
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    Scammed By Riot Games

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    I can't believe I gotta say this but we were all scammed by Valorant.

    Sucks that we all bought the Reaver bundle in the beta thinking in the full game we could buy it back, even with our 20% bonus maybe we can buy some RP to upgrade the guns and give them cool animations and sfx.

    Nope, just got leaked that it'll be $71 now for that bundle... Now they have your money in the game and you can't even buy the bundle you wanted or any bundle for that matter and you must put more than $71 into the game if you want the guns to go from recolors to cool animations and sfx.

    Totally not a scam...

    submitted by /u/JustGavinBennett
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