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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    VALORANT First Strike: North America / Main Event - Quarterfinals / Day 2 / Live Discussion

    VALORANT First Strike: North America / Main Event - Quarterfinals / Day 2 / Live Discussion

    First Strike: North America / Main Event - Quarterfinals / Day 2 / Live Discussion

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:16 AM PST

    First Strike: North America - Riot Games

    Liquipedia | vlr.gg | thespike.gg | Juked.gg


    • Single Elimination bracket
    • All matches Bo3
    Grand Final
    • Bo5

    Quarterfinals #1

    1PM PST | 4PM EST | 10PM CET | 6AM KST
    Match Score
    Sentinels vs. FaZe Clan 0-2

    Quarterfinals #2

    3PM PST | 6PM EST | 12AM CET | 8AM KST
    Match Score
    100 Thieves vs. T1 0-0



    On-Air Team

    James "Dash" Dash
    Daniel "ddk" Kapadia
    Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez
    Rivington "Rivington" Bruce Bisland III
    Sean "sgares" Gares
    Alex "Vansilli" Nguyen
    Loviel "Velly" Cardwell
    Sue "Smix" Lee
    Heather "SapphiRe" Garozzo
    Victor "Vflight" Pothikan
    Justin "PythianLegume" Glasner


    submitted by /u/Pruvided
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    As a casual player can I have fun please?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:29 AM PST

    I'm bad and just trying to have fun, i'm bottom tier iron. I get in a match with other iron players telling to to die and stop playing this game. Dude what? You are iron too. I'm sorry i'm bad im down here with you in the same division as me, hmmmm............ I'm just trying to have fun. Why do people have to act like they are pro tier when they are just scrapping sand off the ocean off the mariana trench.

    submitted by /u/NateThePunk2
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    Concentrate, Sova. Fanart by me

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:47 AM PST

    Concentrate, Sova. Fanart by me


    Finished this a while ago but haven't gotten around to posting it here. I hope you guys enjoy it :)

    You can find more of my work on Instagram: Sgavrilles or on Artsation: Sgavrilles

    submitted by /u/spotteddragon
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    First Strike: Day 1 Highlights & Top Plays

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:27 PM PST

    Ask VALORANT - Dec 04

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:09 AM PST

    Get ready to BLAST. New skins teaser?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:04 AM PST

    How to play Raze like Flights - Guide

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:56 PM PST

    MONTHLY Gaming Health & Performance AMA - From medical professionals (1HP) working with pros

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Hellooooooo everyone! Last month we posted here to answer questions relating to health & performance. We plan on doing this every month to help EVERY esport community learn a little more about how they can be more mindful about health and address any concerns or questions about issues you might be dealing with.

    As a review...
    My name is Dr. Matthew Hwu and I'm a Doctorate of Physical Therapy who has worked with a few professional players in FPX, DIG, T1, COL to manage and prevent their injuries. I'm also a part of 1HP, a team of medical professionals who only have one mission: Help gamers play more and hurt less. We want gamers to be better and have created a home-base at 1-HP.org for gamers to learn everything they need to know about staying healthy. Over the past 5 years we have worked with professional esports players in almost every gaming title (pros from EG, 100T, CLG, IMT, DIG, COL, FPX, NIP, T1, NRG and more) to manage issues relating to their health and want to push our community to be more mindful of the pillars of health:

    1. Movement (Exercise, Injury Management, Posture)
    2. Environment (Ergonomics, Sleep, Habits)
    3. Nutrition (Noms)
    4. Mindset (Mental Performance, Social, Emotional, Psychological Wellbeing)

    We (Dr. Elliot Smithson, Dr. Caitlin Mcgee, Dr. Jon Chung DC) are here today to answer any possible questions you might have! So ask away :)

    For anyone interested our website can be found here. We post regularly on youtube and tiktok. A few examples of our most helpful content can be found here

    1. 7 Best Science-Based Wrist Exercises for gamers
    2. Stretching & Strengthening routines to address pain in different regions
    3. Posture and ergonomics guide
    4. Gaming ergonomics 101 YT series
    5. What everyone needs to know about gaming injuries

    PROOOOF: https://ibb.co/Y77H0s6

    submitted by /u/1HPMatt
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    How to Position Yourself Better in Valorant (In-Depth Guide to Positioning)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:52 AM PST

    Video Link if you're lazy to read

    Positioning is one of the most important skills in Valorant. Knowing which angles to play in certain situations can be the difference between winning and losing the round. Good positioning is what separates the lower and higher ranks, and will definitely get you far if you're trying to climb. In this post, I'm teaching you how to position yourself better in Valorant.

    The Basics

    First, let's discuss the philosophy behind good positioning:

    The goal is to maximize your value to the team, which means that you'll try to not give anything up for free. On Defense, that means making it hard for your opponents to take control of a site or even certain areas on the map. On Offense, it means trading kills, supporting with utility, and getting site control.

    To do that, you should play a position that gives you options.

    You should have room to make different choices with your position like being able to play around cover, gather info on where the enemy team is, synergize with your team, and relocate or retreat if possible. Also, you want to only open yourself up to one area so that you don't get shot from multiple angles, and you can isolate fights.

    It may seem like a lot, but positioning is one of the hardest things to break down because there are so many factors on what makes a position "good" or "bad." There are no inherently bad positions, only bad positions to play in certain scenarios. I'll try to dissect it as simply as possible, so please bear with me if I forget to mention anything.

    Factors to Good Positioning

    1. Gathering Information

    When you play a position, one of the most important things is being able to gather information. Having information in Valorant is key to making better decisions, and making better decisions leads to a higher rate of success. Playing the information game is crucial to not only positioning but also, improving game sense.

    For example, if you're playing in A Screens on Split, you might want to jiggle every now and then to get info on players crossing into A ramps. This will help your team gauge how many players need to rotate over to A site in order to support you. Compare this to playing site without trying to gather information. Not only do you leave your heaven player unprepared for a potential push, but the rest of your team will most likely be late on the rotate.

    This is a very simplified example but a good rule of thumb is to try to get as much information as possible without being punished.

    2. Being Able to Relocate

    The option of retreating or relocating to peek from another angle is crucial on defense. This allows you to keep the enemy guessing on where you'll pop out or even regroup with your team and play for a retake.

    Remember, on defense, you want your enemies to have a hard time pinning down your location. You should make it hard for them to find you, so positions with a lot of relocating options are great. But also, because they allow you to stay alive, run down time, and delay pushes.

    For example, let's look at U-haul on Bind. There's a lot of playability with this positions as you can do a couple of things: jiggle short for info, play inside or outside u-haul, relocate to truck, retreat to spawn, and many others with the use of utility.

    Either way, you need to give yourself options on how to play a position.

    Important Side Note:

    This is why playing one-and-done angles on Defense that leave you exposed, even if they're favorable sightlines, are bad for your team because the risk is too high compared to the reward. You have no other option but to frag out.

    For example, let's say you're the only one playing in A site on Ascent. You decide to play close to the entrance of A-Main (waaaay in front of the door switch - this is better illustrated in the video). This is a bad position, but let's think about the most favorable outcome.

    The best outcome is that the enemy team rushes A and you kill 3 or 4 people, and then get traded out. Okay great, you've almost single-handedly won the round. However, this outcome becomes more and more unlikely the higher your rank is. In higher ranks, you're probably going to be traded out after your first kill.

    If that happens, you give the enemy team control of site, a bomb plant, favorable post-plant positions, and you put your team in retake situation, all because you died.

    Whereas, if you stayed alive, peeked every now and then from different angles, enemies will still have to worry about you. Just being alive and asserting presence on a site (with and without utility) can deter enemies from pushing, especially if you're a sentinel. But more importantly, it gives your teammates time to rotate and support you.

    This is why you need to be able to relocate because it gives you options for multiple scenarios, whether you're trying to delay, retake, or frag out.

    3. The Importance of Teamplay

    This is arguably the most vital part of positioning because it doesn't matter how you position yourself if your team doesn't agree with you. Where you position yourself should be in relation to how your team wants to play.

    You should put yourself in situations where you can trade off a teammate. This applies to both offense and defense as, again, you don't want to give anything up for free.

    On defense, it's important that you give your enemy as many angles to look out for so that they have a harder time isolating and picking you off one by one. You can do this by setting up a crossfire, where you and your teammate will see an enemy at the same time. This will make the enemy choose between focusing on you or your teammate, giving the other the opportunity to secure the kill. You can also ask them to peek off your contact, which does the same thing as a crossfire but needs a bit more coordination to execute.

    If your teammate wants to push, then the best position is to push with him. There's no use playing in site as he's pushing because you're not going to be able to trade off him in any way. Remember, it's better to do something stupid together than to do the "right" thing alone.

    The same applies on offense. Being in a position to trade means that you're not too far behind your teammate, otherwise, the enemy will be able to relocate and your teammate would have died for free.

    4. Predictability

    Positions become worse over time the more you play them as enemies will expect you to be there and pre-aim that spot. This also applies to strong angles that are commonly played so you should be mixing up your positioning to keep enemies guessing.

    A lot of lower-ranked players will play the same spot over and over again, which makes them a lot easier to deal with. Also, this might be common sense but feel free to play the same position again if the enemy team has no knowledge that you played there before (like if they didn't visit your site).

    5. Utility Usage and Angle Advantage

    Lastly, your positioning needs to factor in utility usage and angle advantage. Certain spots are a lot stronger when combined with utility and it makes it really hard for the enemy to play against.

    For example, abusing One-Way smokes in A Short on Bind with Omen or on B Main/Garage on Split with Cypher. These are abilities that allow you to play powerful positions with almost no counter-play.

    Not to mention lineups with projectiles that can aid in post-plant situations. Killjoy, Sova, Brim, and Viper all have lineups that can prevent a defuse, so playing positions that are advantageous to your lineups will go a long way.

    Also, remember to use your abilities behind cover in most situations since you're left vulnerable when casting.

    Now, we're going to into the technical side of things with angle advantage. With the way line of sight works in Valorant, if you're farther from an angle, you're going to see the enemy first. This means that there are some spots where you're at a disadvantage because you're peeking closer to a wall or object.

    Keep this in mind when playing certain positions as they'll definitely be abused the higher up you go.

    Final Thoughts

    When I think of positioning, these are generally the factors that come to mind. I know that this guide won't be able to cover everything, but I hope that it does give you some sort of framework to think about when positioning in Valorant.

    There are so many factors that will affect your positioning that it's impossible to list them down, as different situations will call for different positions. Either way, I hope this has been helpful. If there's one thing you should remember from this, it's that you want to be maximizing your value to the team and playing off your teammates.

    If you have any questions, feel free to message on discord (Eggwick#7855) or join my server where I help people out: https://discord.gg/H2VjZqyEJe

    Good luck on the grind! :)

    submitted by /u/eggwickgg
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    Want to gift unused skins to friends

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:03 AM PST

    Would love to be able to instead of buying them that skin when I am not using it much. The game can have impressive skins that make old skins look meh to some people, but we have different tastes. It's nice if it's practical

    submitted by /u/Akay1500
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    There should be an early draw option to promote good sportsmanship in this game.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Imagine you are in a game with a cheater or a killjoy that's exploiting turret bug. Your team is hesitant to report the cheater because their rank is at stake. Moreover, if you call out the cheater, then he will probably just afk or troll the whole game. But if you co-operate with the cheater, you are an accomplice and might end up getting banned. It's a lose-lose situation for you.

    At a time like these, I wish we had an early draw option that requires 80% of the votes. If you are on the team opposite of the cheater, then you definitely want to draw. If you are on the team of the cheater, you will vote draw if you have good sportsmanship.

    Moreover, there are games where the enemy team have afks. I cannot help but feel sympathetic towards them. If my team agrees, I would gladly draw the game given that the leaver did not intentionally leave.

    I believe early draw option will keep a good sportsmanship in this game, either winning or losing should be well deserved. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/ColourlessJune
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    What Map Is Best?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:41 PM PST

    I just wanted to see what people's interest in maps is. For me, I basically enjoy every map except for Icebox...

    This is just a random poll I though of doing to see what happens.


    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Vodrek777
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    Sentinels vs FaZe Clan / First Strike: North America- Quarterfinals / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:48 PM PST


    First Strike | thespike.gg | vlr.gg | Eventvods

    Sentinels 2-0 FaZe Clan

    -Sentinels advance to semifinals

    -FaZe Clan is eliminated from First Strike:North America

    Sentinels | Liquipedia | VLR | Official Site | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

    FaZe Clan | Liquipedia | VLR | Official Site | Twitter | Youtube |Facebook

    Map 1: Bind

    Winner: Sentinels 13-8

    Sentinels ACS K D A
    ShahZaM Sova 283 20 12 5
    sinatraa Phoenix 243 20 14 4
    dapr Cypher 205 15 12 9
    SicK Raze 170 11 16 6
    zombs Omen 145 11 15 6

    FaZe Clan ACS K D A
    corey Raze 383 26 16 4
    ZachaREEE Cypher 249 19 16 5
    Marved Omen 199 19 16 5
    BABYBAY Jett 109 5 14 6
    Rawkus Sova 70 4 14 5

    Map 2: Split

    Winner: Sentinels 13-5

    Sentinels ACS K D A
    ShahZaM Jett 293 19 12 4
    SicK Skye 250 18 10 4
    zombs Omen 220 13 10 6
    sinatraa Raze 195 12 8 5
    dapr Cypher 177 11 10 4

    FaZe Clan ACS K D A
    BABYBAY Breach 301 18 12 8
    Marved Phoenix 200 11 16 3
    ZachaREEE Cypher 180 11 15 1
    corey Raze 178 9 16 2
    Rawkus Omen 31 1 14 5
    submitted by /u/Hobbadooba
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    We should get an extra surrender attempt when someone disconnects.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:16 PM PST

    Let's say 5 rounds into the half someone votes to surrender and it fails. Makes sense since 5 rounds into the match you still have a shot at a comeback. But 3 rounds later the person that initiated the surrender vote leaves because the vote failed and they dont want to play the match any more. Odds are that person isn't coming back and now you have to play a 5v4. The game should let us vote to surrender again regardless of the 1 surrender vote per half rule since the circumstances are different that time. Also, if you're voting to surrender because its 5v4 and you're on the team with 4 people, it should be based on majority decision and not on unanimous.

    submitted by /u/ShoeLace1291
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    Diamond 1 but always bottom fragging.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:13 AM PST

    I recently hit diamond 1 from being gold act 1 and 2.


    Ive been bottom fragging a lot in my games on the way up.

    My aim is mediocre at best as seen from my headshot % but ive been able to compensate for it by being very vocal and using cheese strats with killjoy moli lineups.

    One of the most important strat i use to win a decent amount of pistol rounds is to tell my teammates about what lineups i can do on the map we are playing, and playing off my lineup for pistol round. This results in pistol round win + 2nd round win.

    On pistol defense, i make sure to start on the site with the highest probability of getting rushed (this is from experience)

    Eg. Ascent A rush is popular on round 1 of pistol.

    I learned to bait my turret and moli to get pistol round wins on defense when they rush the site im on.

    I make sure i secure these rounds to give my team a solid 4 round advantage if i win both pistol rounds.

    There are other tips ive learned that i can share if anyone wants.

    Thanks for the read. Typed from mobile, sorry for typos.

    submitted by /u/dyoo93
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    The REAL issue with ranked

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Is that I can win 5 games in a row with a score line of 13-9 and such, then lose 0-13 to a radiant or immortal smurf and get DEMOTED. I can deal with smurfs in games, but when running into one had the power to completely invalidate 5 hours of climbing in one game it's not okay.

    submitted by /u/Oceanicshark
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    the marshal's frightening no scope accuracy. we've been using it wrong, its not a scout its a pump shotgun

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:32 PM PST

    who in their mama is playzilla

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:02 AM PST

    is it me or I don't know who playzilla is. They apparently sponsor first strike but I cannot find any piece of information on them can someone tell me who they are.

    submitted by /u/AeolousJett
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    How about a Quick Play mode?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:28 PM PST

    How about a Quick Play mode?

    I wonder why VALORANT doesn't have a Quick Play mode, like Overwatch for example. I know there's the "unrated" mode, but those matches go 30-40 minutes each. If you happen to want to play something that lasts less, you can only play arcade modes that don't follow the game's main rules of Spike defuse (Bo25) so it's not the same experience.

    What about a Quick Play mode with normal unrated/rated rules, abilities, economy, all that, but no side rotation? If I hop into a match on Defense, well, that will be all for that match. Just a maximum of 12 rounds. Maybe in the next match I get to be on Offense (or maybe Defense again, who knows?). The main idea is to make room for a casual mode that is not arcade and you can play without having to invest so much time in a match, letting rated as the FULL VALORANT experience.

    In my personal experience I can play many 15min matches, but after 1 or 2 30-40 matches I get bored or want to do something else (or HAVE to so something else)

    In Overwatch "Quick play" you play Attack or Defense. If you win or lose that's it, there's no side rotation. In ranked there's side rotation so each team has equal chances to win or lose, but of course, those matches tend to be twice as long as Quick Play, which makes sense and it's ok.

    What you think about this?

    What it could look like in the menu

    submitted by /u/HumbertoZero
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    How does a non-mobility character get onto the boxes outside of showers on Bind?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:09 PM PST

    I apologize if this is common knowledge or has been answered elsewhere but I could not find an answer to my question from a quick google search.

    I am watching the FAZE x Sentinels game and saw FAZE's ZachaREEE as Cypher on Bind defense holding A site outside of showers on top of those boxes in the corner next to bench. I know you can jump up to the lower box, but did not think you could jump up onto the highest box (which was where ZachaREEE was holding) without some mobility utility (eg updraft, shadow walk, blast pack jump) which Cypher does not have.

    Their team comp was Cypher, Omen, Sova, Jett, Raze so no Sage wall to boost him up either. Perhaps Corey's Raze used blast packs to boost him up there, but I didn't think you could move your own team with Raze blast packs either..? Anyway, how in the hell did ZachaREEE get up there? Is that just some normal jump thing you can do if you're good that I didn't know about because I suck mechanically? Some kind of tricky map geometry bug?

    tl;dr how did FAZE's cypher get onto the tallest box in the corner outside of Bind A showers?

    submitted by /u/brusselsprott
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    What if Haven had only two bomb sites?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:03 PM PST

    [Ascent] A Site Sova Drone Spotting

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 07:52 PM PST

    Small Viper Buff That Could Help a Lot

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:45 PM PST

    I'm not a viper main, but I though up an interesting idea. For viper's poison orb, it is a hassle to pick it up to move from place to place (at least when I played her). What if she had an ability similar to killjoy?

    What I mean is that, what if she was able to pull back your poison orb like killjoy can do to a turret? It could include a cool down, but I think this could help a lot and it is a pretty minuscule change.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Vodrek777
    [link] [comments]

    Jett coasters are finally finished! Raze up next

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:43 PM PST


    finished the Jett coasters today! putting them through autocad took a little longer this time but here they are! raze are all designed and just need to be cut, stay posted friends

    submitted by /u/RelaxImhiIarious
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