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    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    VALORANT T1 Harry 1v4 clutch Asia Invitational

    VALORANT T1 Harry 1v4 clutch Asia Invitational

    T1 Harry 1v4 clutch Asia Invitational

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    Sova Drone Ascent - See over mid and A-main

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Ice box is so confusing

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    I mean lots of angles to watch, verticality is so much in use , tight places , etc.

    I really don't like playing it, I wonder if it's just me or others feels like this

    submitted by /u/g0man98
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    New Jett Slingshot with ropes on Icebox

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Does anyone else keep lagging as they get shot/die

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Only really noticed it today and lastnight but it's really starting to piss me off. Everything works smoothly until I start getting shot, ping stays at 30, getting like 130fps. I've got no clue

    submitted by /u/marcopadda1
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    Everybody gangsta until all 3 brimstone smokes drop down on the site you're defending and you're the only one defending

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Like, I feel like with omen smokes I'm chill cuz they're hollow, but when brimstone drops his smoke? Nah nah nah, I'm giving up site cuz the sound of the smokes dropping, all the flashes, all the footsteps rushing in are hella scary, especially if you're the only one defending.

    submitted by /u/xXBumbleBee
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    Viper Icebox - Tips and tricks everyone should know

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    There should be Icebox Only Deathmath

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Similar to how in CS you can pick maps for deathmatch and there is Dust 2 only. I think it would be great if you could play icebox deathmatch to get a feel for the map and figure stuff out before it releases. It also feels a lot better to deathmatch on because of how big it is, compared to other maps.

    submitted by /u/LinuxF4n
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    A Few Sinister Discoveries on Icebox and a Nearly 100% Consistent Angle for A Site Genny Jump

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Why is this sub so obsessed with aim trainers?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    I always see posts on this subreddit about people trying to push rank while using aim trainers in ranks as low as bronze. I don't understand why everyone thinks having godlike aim by training for 30 minutes is going to be a better use of time then playing more games and developing your gamesense and positioning skills. The aim will come naturally but IMO gamesense is more important to improve. Coming from counter strike nobody ever used aim trainers, even the pros. I feel like people use it because they seen tenZ and wardell use it on stream and think that that's how they got good. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/heatdeath909
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    Valorant map devs leave a funny warning on one of the crates in Icebox.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    This game made my birthday so much better!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    So most of the day was going pretty dull cause online classes and cant go out to celebrate.. decided to play a few ranked matches and got matched with the best teammates and enemies I've played with yet! Coincidently it was someone else's birthday in the enemy team so to celebrate we decided to just knife out all the 26 rounds(14-12). It was hella entertaining and just wanna say not everyone in lower ELOs are pieces of crap.. Consider yourself fortunate if you match with better souls and try to be supportive as well

    submitted by /u/AnAnonymousIntrovert
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    Iron 1 Category has too much disparities

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    I was Silver 3 last act, but I've got ranked Iron 2 now, so I play with Iron 1 players often.
    Iron 1 is supposed to be the "worst" players, or a least the ones with the smallest "skills" so everyone can enjoy the game playing with ennemies of their level.
    However, I tried to introduce friends to Valorant, but they are obviously not good because it's their first shooter, and they're also Iron. Except that in the Iron category, there is players (like me) that were silver or even gold last act. It makes sense because the game is new and every player improved in a way, but the skill disparity in Iron1 is completely messed up, and my friends aren't enjoying playing the game at all because all the ennemies are so good, they can't get a sigle kill.
    I think we need a better way to sort the "low level" players, because Iron 1 is including too much disparities
    Also in the opposite way, there's not a big difference between a Bronze1 or Silver1 player at all, whereas a Silver3 and Gold3 are sooo different

    submitted by /u/Ori_Btrd
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    VALORANT Should add "Looking to play" option in-game.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    In CS:GO, there is a feature where you can put your status to "Looking to play" and then there is a tab where people can see you and your rank, and they can invite you to play with them. Similarly, I think Riot Games should implement this system, so people like us who don't want to solo queue but have to because none of our friends are online can queue up with other people. Furthermore, this would be a good option because it is really frustrating to get queued up with people who don't communicate at all. I do not mind that people don't have a microphone, but it gets really frustrating when people don't even bother to ping or type out enemy locations when they die. Implementing this looking to play feature will allow the person to check whether or not the people they queue with communicate, thus increasing the chances of winning much higher than if you just randomly queued up and got 4 randoms that don't communicate.

    submitted by /u/OtterCT
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    ShoT UP insane 3k with Sheriff

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    There Should Be Radiant Rewards Like Leauge Rewards Challanger

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    As the title says there should be rewards for hitting Radiant like there are in Leauge. In league you get a jacket or even a backpack along with a special recall animation. There should be something for Radiant other than bragging rights.

    submitted by /u/mrcubby1
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    SEA server in a nutshell

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    So many cheaters - It is extremely frustrating when you are facing a cheater they always headshot you while bunny hopping, full sprinting then headshots you, consistent headshots with an OP even if you're inside the smoke, always know where you are without you giving any anyformation to them, rushes site like a gorilla then kills you all with headshots and they have no recoil in any gun.

    Super toxic - if you did something wrong they just trahstalk you the whole game and the problem is most players fight back like wth just mute them then report them you're just adding fuel to the fire you're like shouting at each other while using a megaphone which irritates your other teammates. Mute them then focus on your own game it's not a rap battle in trashtalking.

    Every single game there is always a coach - The coach of the game, there is always a guy in your team that says all the things that you must do, always requesting gun because he does not know how to save and if you did not follow what he said he will cry like a baby then sit at your base like an effing fat gorilla or he may shout like godzilla then rush the enemy team like a brainless chihuahua then die.

    Always buys spectre or ares even though they have a lot of money - Please buy better guns because it will give the team a better chance to fight back to the enemy and win the round or game, remember you can't take the money with you in real life, are you saving for an effing house?

    Always going for the kill after planting the spike - After planting the spike they don't guard it they will find and rush the enemies like monkeys then die.

    Reverse way of thinking - They are scared to attack when they are at the offensive side but always go aggressive when they are at the defending site like wth.

    Racist -Here is the one where the Filipino players rises, they are so good at this one if they have teammates that are from other countries they will always tease them especially the Chinese people and the Indian people. They will speak unaudible words imitating the Chinese teammate, they will copy the pronunciation of the Indian teammate then asks them about their beliefs then disrespecting it, please be respectful.

    When there is a female teammate - There are three types of male players when there is a girl or girls in the team

    1st type (SIMPS) - This is the most common one they will give everything to the female player, always follows here all over the map then always follow the girls orders.You are not playing to win the game you are playing to win the girl's heart even though you don't know her and and that type of thing will never happen.

    2nd type ( H*rny players) - This is the most sickening type of players when there are female players on the team they will disrespect the girl then harasses them by words, always saying things that are so disrespectful.

    3rd type (The I don't give a sh*t players) - This is the most respectable players out there they will just play and talk to the female girl normally without them giving the female player any kind of special or bad treatment, they are the players who are playing to win the game.

    submitted by /u/PiggyWild
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    Whenever I play in Icebox, I get sound glitches. Anyone else?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Everything sounds squeaky which makes the map completely unplayable for me. It only happens in Icebox. I cannot hear any footsteps and the game completely freezes from time to time. Anyone else having the same issue? I hope they don't make us play in this map in ranked before any solutions.

    submitted by /u/tetsukocchi
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    Battlepass Gifting option

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I just thought of this since it would be a nice thing to do for your friends, and the option to do so should show whether the user you're gifting already has the battlepass. What do you guys think?

    It would also be pretty cool if it would notify them when they first open the game.

    submitted by /u/Marc_Hiz
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    No clue if this is a world record or not

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    https://twitter.com/kaamoz/status/1317388609570287616?s=21 Credit to @kaadoz and @dials Also idk if it is real too lmaooo

    submitted by /u/theyolocoolcow
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    You're probably wasting money on full shields - here's why

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Every game, people question why I don't buy full shields on opponent "full buy" rounds. This is a long time CSGO concept that translates to Valorant as well.

    Here are some reasons why you shouldn't buy full shields on opponent "full buy" rounds and exceptions.

    1. Buy full shields if you're playing at mid-low ranks

    Let's get the exceptions out of the way. At higher ranks, aim duels are won with headshots almost always. At lower ranks, you'll find people aiming center mass, missing sprays, and force buying weak weapons more often. In these games, you need full shields when you full buy. My experience comes from Plat-Dia but the definition of "high ranks" is obviously debatable.

    2. Buy full shields on any round where even one opponent has <$3300

    You should still buy full shields when an opponent might be on SMGs, Shotguns, Bulldog, etc. since it will make a huge difference against weaker weapons. Even if another teammate can buy them, they don't always do that, so play it safe and get full shields.

    3. Full vs. light shields won't make a difference in a huge majority of your deaths

    Now for the controversial stuff. Every time you die on an opponent "full buy" round, keep track of if your shield type would have mattered. You'll find that it wouldn't have, most of the time, because most of your deaths will be to Vandal headshots, Operator shots, or Phantom two taps that would have killed you anyway due to its high fire rate. Shield type also doesn't matter if you get shot in the back, get traded in a 2v1, die to certain abilities like by getting blinded, Raze ult, etc.

    4. Light shields save you $600

    Economy is an underrated part of the game and often ignored at lower ranks. In CSGO, the cost difference is only $350 and yet it is common practice to not buy helmets against a T-side full buy or CT-side that has AKs. In Valorant, the difference is $600, making this concept even more important.

    Saving $600 every time you make this decision is massive difference maker and quickly adds up. I'd roughly estimate that I save $7,000 - $8,000 extra money than most people every game because I don't buy full shields on opponent "full buy" rounds.

    submitted by /u/TAOxEaglex
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    I can't rank up from Iron 1??

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    High Silver/Low Gold nearly unplayable when new seasons start.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    How many game do i gotta play with an unranked reyna dropping 30 bombs? Smurfing makes this game nearly unplayable most of the time.

    submitted by /u/superbowl_LII_champs
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    jett ult

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    so when people like reyna sova pheonix use their ults on the player list thingy at the top they turn blue i think jett's should also do that because although it makes a sound some people may have trouble hearing idk i think it should just have the blue thingy saying their using there ults :)

    submitted by /u/Impossible-Umpire-70
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