• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 18, 2021

    VALORANT Unpopular opinion - I think the only reason people are calling the Reyna change a "hard nerf" when in reality its more of a change is because now you can't go on a smurf account and 1v5 players way below your skill level

    VALORANT Unpopular opinion - I think the only reason people are calling the Reyna change a "hard nerf" when in reality its more of a change is because now you can't go on a smurf account and 1v5 players way below your skill level

    Unpopular opinion - I think the only reason people are calling the Reyna change a "hard nerf" when in reality its more of a change is because now you can't go on a smurf account and 1v5 players way below your skill level

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 04:32 AM PST

    Here are my reasons why.

    1. You never buy more then 3 souls at one time, so realistically you lose one soul.

    2. You now get an orb to drop on assists (which is a buff no matter how you look at it).

    3. Her ultimate works exactly the same.

    4. Just because an orb drops doesn't mean you have to use it.

    5. Further proving my point a Diamond Reyna would go into ranked and just kill everyone in iron and always have 150 HP which is extremely unfun for people stuck in low elo.

    6. When you are in your correct rank it is a lot less common to use 4 orbs lets be honest you only ever have 3 at one time anyways and when I watch scream I rarely see him use all 3 orbs.

    7. It forces you to be smarter about when using an ability instead of taking back to back aim duels and just going to full, which is healthier for the game.

    8. I think it will make her a lot more viable in competitive time will tell, which she already has a place but in many situations she seemed lack luster in fact unless you're Scream or Tenz the pick just looked bad.

    9. No other character can take 500 damage and still have HP left.

    10. I think reason 9 is enough of a reason to make this change.

    11. I have been still able to top frag and carry games and I haven't had a situation that one less orb is why I won or lost the game.

    submitted by /u/MLSpanky
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    Patch 2.03 Visualized

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:16 AM PST

    1v5 Ace against rude enemy team... (Story in comments

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:28 AM PST

    Winning Quickly With Opening Traps and Tricks in Valorant

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:20 AM PST

    You've seen many plays in higher ranks, but have you really seen what's going on in bronze?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:40 AM PST

    What happened to bind? It said Bind!!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 11:55 PM PST

    VALORANT Modes Team, AMA on Escalation and other game modes (10AM PT–11AM PT)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:55 AM PST

    Hello all!

    This is Lisa Ohanian, writing on behalf of the Modes team on VALORANT. You might know us from such hits as Spike Rush, Deathmatch, Snowball Fight, and now Escalation — which is what we're here to answer questions about today! This was one of our most highly-requested modes, so we're really excited for this one to go live to you.

    While we'll focus on Escalation today, questions about other modes (current or past) are fair game for this AMA. You're also welcome to ask about the future... but we reserve the right to keep a few surprises up our sleeve.

    This is your time to give us all your thoughts on Escalation so far - including first impressions, funny stories, and any questions about how the mode works or why we approached it the way we did. We'd also love to hear about other things you'd like to see from the Modes team, and what you love/hate most about our other modes... although please keep the hate minimal and team-oriented so I don't have to spend my day cheering up a sad dev team ;)

    We'll answer your questions from now until about 11am Pacific Time, and we will update this post to let you know when we're heading out.

    Here's the team for today:

    • CrushBreeze - David Baack (Engineering)
    • Darkhorse4Life - Jared Berbach (Production)
    • LastMinesweeper - Isaac Schaaf (Engineering)
    • ManWolfAxeBoss - Joe Lansford (Design)
    • RiotPwnieride - Lisa Ohanian (Production)
    • RiotRectifyer - Sebastian Dalby (Quality)
    • RiotTKDJoe - Joey Messick (Insights)
    • RiotWrekz - Jordan Anton (Design)
    • tehleach - Kyle Leach (Design & Engineering)
    • TraxCode - Paolo Trocchia (Quality)

    UPDATE: We're loving all the questions! Some of us have a hard out at 11am unfortunately, but a few of us (myself, Kyle, David, Sebastian) will be sticking around for another 30min- ish to continue answering questions.

    UPDATE 2: We're heading out for now, but a few of us will try to pop back in throughout the day to answer a few more of these. Thanks everyone, we had a great time and hope you did too!

    submitted by /u/RiotPwnieride
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    gotta love low elo

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Ace's are a dime a dozen here, but the Breach/Jett - Flash & Dash is just too clean.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Big REYGA Lore Spoiler

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:12 AM PST

    With the latest update, I think we got a big reveal about Reysa. If you look at the new Phantom Skin, we can see that the trigger is very conveniently sticking out. It has to mean something.

    Have you also noticed? I think that Reyja is a secret MAN in the Valorant Protocol Army. She is always wearing clothes, so I think she is hiding something. There must be one reason (or more) for this and I think we all know why.But we still need to answer why. That is the reason.

    Sorrry for perfect englisch


    submitted by /u/DDXIII
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    Bind teleporter on knife round equals madness

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:40 AM PST

    I realised a new easter egg for the new agent

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 05:45 AM PST

    Petition for us to have bullet volume slider. Shite is killing my ears.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:27 AM PST

    I know it's bound to footsteps but maybe just reduce it a little.
    My ears are pretty sensitive and all the gunning is killing me.

    submitted by /u/mink2018
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    aceu - Just have to kill 4 and I have ult

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:04 AM PST

    Remember when the Valorant BETA had no reg? heres an old clip of a headshot not registering. (BETA FOOTAGE)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:17 AM PST

    The REAL reason for the guardian to exist in the game and its advantages over the vandal.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:25 AM PST

    As many of you know, the guardian is probably one of the weapons with the lowest usage in valorant. This makes sense because it has a relatively high time to kill if you don't hit the headshot. Although its ability to one-tap at all ranges is nice, the vandal and the marshal can do the same thing. On top of that, the vandal has the option of spraying and the marshal costing way less. Even the sheriff, an 800 dollar pistol, can also three-tap kill in the body and one-tap at short to medium ranges.

    HOWEVER, one of the hidden reasons for the guardian to exist in valorant is concurrent with the fact that it never gets bought. During most gun rounds, most teams opt for FULL armor with rifles. However, imagine a scenario where one team buys HALF armor with vandals and another team buys FULL armor with vandals. Looking at the numbers, 3 vandal body shots do 120 damage while half armor gives you 125 HP. This means that for both teams the vandals would need to either hit a headshot or hit 4 body shots even though one team only bought HALF armor. Why would you ever buy full armor if this is the case? You might say it is because of the phantom, which is only part of the story. THE OTHER REASON IS THAT THE GUARDIAN EXIST AS A WEAPON TO STOP THIS. If a team decides only to buy HALF armor and vandal to save 600 dollars, then the other team can counter by buying guardian + Half armor to save 1000 dollars instead. Moreover, in this scenario, the guardian only needs TWO BODY SHOTS (130 dmg) to beat HALF armored players (125 HP) while the vandal still needs the four body shots like mentioned earlier.

    This effectiveness against HALF armored players extends to another scenario where I believe the weapon could prove effective. It is not uncommon for teams to force stingers with HALF armor in the current meta after losing the pistol round. This is when the winning team can take advantage of the situation and buy a guardian to two body shots those players with HALF armor. Additionally, the guardian can also serve as an effective weapon for the subsequent bonus rounds, in which you don't necessarily have to upgrade to a vandal.

    submitted by /u/ilikepudge
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    Cant start the game "a critical error has ocured and the process must be determinated"

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:26 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    this (title) is the message i get, when i try to start valorant from the launcher.

    Can someone help me solve this problem?

    submitted by /u/Cyphorah
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    The Escalation gamemode is truly a beauty

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 04:43 PM PST

    I uploaded the Most Disappointing 4k. Here's the most disappointing Ace. FROM THE SAME GAME >:(

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:09 AM PST

    Rapping while im clutching ep.4 - Valorant epic

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:54 AM PST

    AFKs are so demotivating

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:44 AM PST

    AFKs are so demotivating

    Both the Jett and Sage were AFK how is it even possible to win a 3v5???

    its basically near impossible please this is such a big issue I really feel like Players should get less RR removed from their elo if an allie AFKs before round 5 I played the best I could but its so hard to win these and this isn't just once in a blue moon occurrence GOLD elo I swear every 1 in 3 games one team will have an AFK and its not fun, the penalties for players AFKing feels like its basically nothing and the players who are left to struggle in a 4 or 3v5 don't even get a chance to come back 99% of the time.

    it almost feels like if you solo Q its just a random dice roll on if you will win or not. idk if its my personal bad luck or something but out of my last 20 games I've had a total of 8 of them having an AFK on my team it feels like you just cant win.


    If you don't believe me had this game 1 game later



    submitted by /u/Name-Mobile
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    Crazy spray and pray on split

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:41 AM PST

    Valorant crashing right after I try to open it

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:30 AM PST

    title says it all, It comes up with a windows error box saying "a critical error has occured and the process must be terminated"

    submitted by /u/InitiateChunk
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